Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
69 Stories: Scheduled Harmonization
The next morning.
In a dining room in the Narson Mansion, several maids handily prepared breakfast.
Dishes such as silver plates and cups have already been served on a 150-cm-long table set in the center of the room.
Now the samurai are lining up on those dishes with soup, freshly baked bread, etc.
The usual four people - the Istails and Ichigo - sit in their seats, and Narson and Ichigo discuss the progress of the work they did yesterday as quickly as possible.
Some of the samurai who prepare breakfast are Marie, who has been living and working at the Narson Mansion since yesterday.
While Marie is slightly puzzled by the new environment, she is serving meals with tequila while being instructed by other samurai, including Ayla, who is working on meals with her.
Marie worked as a samurai at the Louson Mansion from an early age, so the job itself is familiar.
The menu for breakfast arranged on the table is slightly different from the rest for one person only.
It's the same dish type, but the ingredients used for it are completely different.
What is for one of them is a good one, and what is served on the plate is a can of soup and bread from the retort that Ichigo handed Marie this morning.
The soup is increased with a small amount of chopped vegetables found in the cooking area, but the bread remains removed from the can.
As the dishes lined up one after the other, Reese was similarly asking about the faces of the other members who were taking their seats.
"(... these people, I guess it's time to fall)"
All the members waiting for breakfast meals, just like Liese, had fatigue lingering on their faces, all making bears under their eyes.
Only Yi Liang still seems to have a little leeway, making a bear under his eyes and looking tired, yet exchanging words on his Narson opponent about yesterday's work in the barn zone at a frantic pace.
Ichigo was able to sleep for about six hours yesterday, so her body is in good shape there.
Also last night I cooled the ice cream chocolate mint bar, which melted the other day, reasonably well in the fridge and ingested three bottles as a hot sweet chocolate mint drink.
The fatigue recovery effect of sugar and the ability to consume preferences, albeit in an unfortunate way, makes it quite healthy.
In exchange, Zirconia looked out the window at the blue sky with a vain look as to whether her consciousness was jumping lightly.
I can hear quite a bit of fatigue and lack of sleep from the way it looks, and the complexion looks a little pale.
"Um, Mother..."
"(... empty)"
Reese talks to Zirconia, but Zirconia keeps looking at the sky without responding to it at all.
Reese's voice is not in my ear.
"Jill, Leese's calling."
"What!? Oh, I'm sorry. What is it?"
Named by Narson, Zirconia turned to Narson in a nagging manner.
"Are you all right? You look pretty tired..."
"It's okay. Don't worry about it."
Zirconia replies that way by fixing her expression, but doesn't look okay no matter how she sees it.
"Mr. Zirconia, why don't you take the day off? It looks pretty spicy..."
"No, I'm really fine. Besides, even though I've got a lot of work to do, there's no way I'm off right now..."
"... how long did you sleep yesterday?
"... about a half hour"
Ichiya and Narson looked at each other, to Zirconia, who whimpered awkwardly.
Half an hour is about an hour, and that kind of sleep can't be enough.
"Jill, rest today. In that condition, you're going to collapse."
"... then I'll just let you rest in the morning"
"No, you should take the afternoon off as well. Sleep properly."
You can't rest, like that, Zirconia returned her words to bitterness.
If it's true, I'd love to dive into bed and fall asleep right now, but I can't rest because I have too much work to accumulate.
In the past few days, Zirconia has been following Ichigo to the village of Grisea or working with Ichigo in the barn zone, so the administrative work in the territory that it has managed to do so far, as well as the processing of reports from martial and civilian officials, have been knocked down behind the house.
I have left the contents to other martial and civilian officials, but there is also a considerable amount of work that cannot be handled without Zirconia's position.
If Zirconia leaves the accumulated work alone forever, Zirconia cannot rest because subsequent work is delayed to the ball-piercing ceremony.
In addition to that, Zirconia has a head that says it cannot be left to others to do the work that comes with the manufacture of parts for a well-directed water wheel directly.
As a result, I'm running out of hands, so there's no other way to do this than to cut my sleep and handle other tasks.
"Mother, let me help you with something, too. Even if I can't handle the office, I can do it if I want to go out to the field and see how the work goes."
When Zirconia was distressed, Reese inadvertently offered to help.
To a dialogue we didn't expect, everyone said, "Huh?" I turn to Liese with a look like that.
"At the scene... you have other plans, don't you? What are we gonna do about the appointment?
"I'll put out the use and tell them to call it off this time. Work in the realm is more important."
"... who are you planning to meet today?
Reese turns a blind eye to Eira waiting on the wall.
"Dear Gunter-Branden, nobleman of Gregorn territory, similarly, the luxurious Nibel-Feldinant of Gregorn territory is scheduled to meet separately in the morning and afternoon. Both of you, two days in a row."
"Nibel... ah..."
"... is that it"
When Eira mentioned the names of the visitors, she gave the look that Zirconia and Narson were convinced of for some reason.
"Yes... oh, nothing, it's not because I don't like Master Niebel"
"(Ah, I'm calling you...)"
He called Nibel an alle, and Reese waved in front of his chest to hastily fix it looking good and nagging.
But I guess from how they look, the three of them don't have a very good impression of a person named Nibel.
Yiliang doesn't know, but Leese couldn't attend last night's dinner table because Nibel never returned from the Narson Mansion long after.
Reese had managed to cut the story and try to take it to the flow of ending the interview, but Nibel's lack of air reading was overwhelming.
In the end, Reese became the feather of dinner for two with Nibel, and it was a scattered day after turning around 8: 00 at night that she was released.
"... well, if you were seeing me yesterday, would it be all right if I said no today? Mr. Kazra, would you mind accompanying Liese on my behalf for today's work in the barn zone?
"I don't mind. But what I do is the same as yesterday. I don't care."
"No, that's not it... and I was just thinking about getting Liese involved in politics. I hope I will take the opportunity to study this a lot......"
"A lot..."
When Ichigo glanced at Leese as she wondered what was wrong, Leese turned to Ichigo with a serious look.
"We will do our utmost to help Master Kazura. Please, take me with you."
"Oh, you don't have to be so elbowed. It's not that hard to do, so take it easy."
Once Yiliang acknowledged, Leese smiled relieved.
"You'll be walking around outside until evening, so make sure your outfit is light. Lunch can also be done locally, so please prepare lunch or something. Prepare my share separately, in the form that I prepare it individually."
"Okay. Ella, can you get me ready?
"Yes, sir."
"Oh, Ayla, wait a minute"
Reese instructed me to stop Eira from leaving the room.
"I didn't tell her it was late last night, but I decided to put Marie and Ayla on as Mr. Kazra's squire. We're both going to be living in the mansion, so please let us know what happens next."
"" Huh!?
To Zirconia's dialogue, Liese and Eira raised their voices in surprise at the same time.
"You didn't tell Liese and Ella... sorry, I forgot"
"Oh, you know, Eira is my exclusive squire..."
Leese looked badly wolfed to see if Eira would be removed from her squire's duties.
Eira has been an exclusive Leese squire since Leese was three years old and for the past eleven years.
From an early age, there has always been Eira beside Liese, and for Liese there is no one else who can forgive her more than Eira.
It is also natural for Reese to wolf if such Eira is to be stripped from herself.
"Oh, I'm not asking you to quit your squire. I want Eira to serve as both Mr. Kazra and Liese's squire. Marie's not used to coming to the mansion yet, so she wants you to work as a squire while she coaches."
Hearing that his own squire would also work together, Reese looked just a little relieved, but still looks anxious.
Whatever Liese looked like that, Zirconia turned her face to Eira.
"Ella, I'll have your room in the mansion by the end of the day, so move out right away. I wouldn't mind using a mansion servant to move."
"Shh, dwelling..."
Eira pulled her face into the unquestioned living instruction.
Until now, Eira has been passing through every morning from her parents' homes throughout the city of Isteria, about half an hour's walk from the mansion.
Attendance times vary subtly depending on the season, but Eira basically went to work at the Narson Mansion around 6: 30, and it was routine to head straight to Reese, who was training early in the morning in the courtyard.
I guess that would mean that it would otherwise be impossible in terms of business content.
To that thought, Eira felt her mood come to an end.
However, Zirconia's instructions, as an employer, do not mean that Eira's home environment is impossible to live in.
The salary should also increase, so I decided to spoil it here and take the instructions.
Once you have come to the conclusion that it is practically impossible for you to work, you should consult Zirconia again at that time.
By the way, there are two days of samurai leave between ten days.
How the leave is obtained varies depending on the arrangement with the husband and the combination of work with other samurai.
Some of them are strong enough to offer themselves and work on holiday returns, subject to increased salaries.
"Salaries and other conditions change, so I'll give you a document with the details later."
"Yes, sir..."
When Ayla managed to reply to Zirconia's explanation, she left the room in a courtesy to do Reese's bidding to go out.
Leese looks a little anxious to drop off Eira's back as she leaves the room.
"Eira remains your squire as always, so you don't have to worry about anything. When something happens and you and Mr. Kazra act separately, Eira will follow you."
"(... that?
Feeling uncomfortable with the flow of Fuji's series of conversations, Yiliang tilted his neck.
Something, something feels subtly wrong, but soon I don't get the answer to what it is.
Within doing so, breakfast was also ready, and the four of them began to get their hands on the prepared meal.
When the four of them started eating, Eira was walking through the mansion toward the cooking area to secure ingredients for lunch.
"... that?
And when I came to the front of the cooking area, I leaned my neck when I stopped.
"(Earlier, I thought Master Zirconia said he was going to have my room in the mansion, but I guess I heard wrong?
Normally, servants who work in dwellings are usually housed in specially built servant buildings.
Even the Narson mansion. That is no exception, and houses for servants also exist on the mansion's premises.
Eira nodded that she must have heard wrong and went into the cooking area.