Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
78 words: perfectionist
The next morning.
Once Ichigo finished breakfast with the Narsons, as usual, he went out to the Mansion square with Reese and Eira, and Marie.
Isaac and Havel are already waiting in front of the carriage in the square, and it looks like there are 30 soldiers on the escort.
The servants seem to be accompanied by about 20 people, and empty carriages are also available for carrying cargo with luggage for camping and goods that Ichirana procures from Japan.
This is a march in a small unit with a total of 50 men.
"Five or six days...... maybe it'll take a little longer, but I'll come back with a bunch of stuff. While I'm away, I'll leave the installation of the water wheel in the barn zone to Mr. Reese, please."
"Yes, I'll do my best. Master Kazura, please take care of yourself... and take this."
When Reese said so, she gave him a good little cloth bag that she had in her hand.
"Hmm, is this... a bracelet?
When Ichigo opened the cloth bag, there was a blue cloth bracelet inside with a silver clasp.
The bracelet, seen as hand knitted, is beautifully embroidered with red thread.
"Yes, I couldn't make it very well..."
That's what Reese says, smiling lightly.
He says he couldn't make it well, but he seemed pretty well knitted to a good eye.
"Thank you. I'll take care of it."
Ichigo smiled and thanked him, wrapping his bracelet around his left wrist.
Seeing that, Reese dyed her cheeks a little and smiled happily.
"Okay, I'll go. Marie, come here."
Ichigo called Marie, who had refrained behind him, and boarded the carriage with him.
When Isaac closes the carriage door, he salutes Reese before moving in front of the carriage.
And with Isaac's decree signaling, the troops began moving towards the village of Grisea.
Dropping off the good guys walking out of the castle gate, Reese breathed like he had finished his job.
"Well, shall we go and install the water wheel? I'd also like to shop on my way home, so let's cut it up a little early today.... Hmm, what's wrong?
Eira stares at the castle gate where the good men have left.
"Dear Leese, then Isaac is too..."
"Oh, my God, I can't help it."
I perceive what Eira is trying to say, and Reese argues with her face.
"I really don't care, so you're being rude the other way around for being weird. I think it's nicer than letting hope linger."
"But it's just as good to give Kazura the 'dear bracelet' in front of Isaac..."
The bracelet Leese handed over just now is mainly given to women when communicating their preferences to men.
The colour of the fabric of the bracelet is not particularly determined, but the colour of the thread being embroidered changes the meaning of the favor.
White yarn means' I want you back early before the yarn is colored '.
It's a gift for someone who travels far away, or a lover who travels.
It is sometimes used as a parting confession when it comes to separation.
Black thread means' I'm waiting for you tonight '.
This is an adult bracelet that is used in a direct ballistic sense response when your passion is burning in response to a confession, or snuck up on you if you are a little murky but embarrassed to say it, etc.
And the red thread means' I'm in your favor '.
This is literally a bracelet used to convey favors and make confessions.
There is a wide range of expressions to mean, from the 'I like it' as it is, to subtle expressions such as' I like it for you '.
For that reason, just because I received this, I suddenly said, "Rablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla! Caution should be exercised with regard to the way in which it is taken, as it can be overwhelmed."
"That being said, isn't it still better than saying 'I can't live up to your feelings' face to face even though you weren't confessed? I was thinking about not crushing Isaac or your father's face."
Leese had already locked on Ichiyoshi as a candidate for marriage.
I still don't know the identity in detail, so I'm still not going to take the means to do the color trick, make a fait accompli, and take it to marriage in a disintegrating way.
But Zirconia was definitely a pretty good property at a time when they were pushing hard, so they decided that it would be okay to stay in the good company from now on.
As she continued her work in the barn zone over the past few days, Reese had been able to talk to Ichigo quite intimately.
In addition, Yiliang even felt a response to Leese, as she was beginning to acknowledge not only her appearance but also her personality.
I thought it was time to put in a little exploration of the qualities, but before I did, I reconsidered going one step further.
At this point in time, if you put in an exploration, and even if it makes you feel uncomfortable and make a bad impression, it is also possible that what you have piled up in the last few days will become meaningless.
Reese had decided that he should act after taking all possible safety measures, as the outer moat would not be too buried.
Better than the original, I don't see any opponents around a good one that would make Leese a rival, so one of the reasons Leese is acting cautiously is that he thinks there's no need to rush.
"That's true... but I would love to have Master Isaac..."
Reese unwittingly pushed silently to Eira, who was also pointing her pitiful gaze towards the castle gate.
Leese just says she can't see Isaac as a married person, which doesn't mean she hates him specially.
Objectively, Isaac's character is serious and he's a worker, and he's an impeccable young man with a good upper house pattern and a good face.
As a soldier, I can respect you, and Leese knows you're desperately trying to help Narson.
So when Eira tells me that, it hurts me a lot like she's being told she's a terrible woman.
"Ah! But I'm sorry! You didn't mean to say that!?
When Eyla noticed Reese looking a little grumpy, she panicked and apologized, realizing what she meant by the dialogue she had issued.
"It's okay, nothing. Look, it's time to get to work. Will you be ready?
Eyla bowed her head deeply to Reese, who gave her instructions with that pointing at her, and ran to the mansion to get ready for work.
The next night.
Arriving at the entrance to the village of Grisea and getting off the carriage with the Boston bag in one hand, Ichiya was stunned by the sight that had jumped into her eyes.
Isaac, next to Ichigo, is also roaring at the sight of the village.
"It's like an army garrison... I didn't know it would change this much in just 10 days..."
The village of Gricea had changed from a state of affairs such as the cold village in the countryside as it had been before, to a construction as if it were a field position.
Around the village stands the fence of the pointed thick tree ahead, as if it were a spear, and furthermore around it is dug up to a steep gradient moat.
The four corners of the fence are made of wooden yakura like a watchtower, and this one still looks unfinished.
At the side of the village entrance, a pile of marutai, which is seen as having just recently been cut.
Previously, Barletta said he would install a bouncing bridge at the entrance to the village, so I guess this Marutai will be used for it.
When Ichigo and Isaac were overwhelmed by the state of the village, Barletta walked by herself from the village entrance.
When Valletta meets Ichigo, she smiles happily and rushes to Ichigo.
"Welcome back, Mr. Kazra"
"It's just now. Um, this has been a lot awesome. I've heard an overview of the construction before, but I didn't know we were going to make it this far..."
I had been briefed by Valletta about the outline of the construction about 10 days ago, but I never thought I would be able to carry out such a full-scale construction in this short period of time.
At best, the perimeter of the village was surrounded by a fence made of plates, and the moat was treading that it would be enough if it was dug to an extent of sorrow.
But the fence that is actually installed is genuine with sharp sharpened tips, as seen in medieval war films.
The moat has an angle of 60 degrees on the slope and appears to be nearly two metres deep.
Looking sweetly at Barletta's personality, Ichiya thought.
This girl is the type of girl who would do it thoroughly.
"I really wanted to go ahead with the construction sooner, but there were a few ingredients that were less laborious and lacking than I thought... you know, I said I'd do something myself great before, can I ask you to procure some ingredients and tools?
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll prepare anything, just rely on it more and more"
When Ichiyoshi answered with a smile, Baretta smiled happily.
"Thank you. Um, next thing you know, at home..."
"Right, let's do that"
When Ichiya nodded to Barletta, who offered a little reluctantly, he ordered Isaac to wait a few days to enter the village.
Yiliang, who returned to the Balin mansion a long time ago, had been bickering around the enclosure with Barletta and Balin for dinner.
The meals prepared were cooked rice mixed with chopped potatoes picked in the village and dongle-like nuts, fried vegetables with canned chicken, skewered arcadian worms, and peach cans.
"I see Isteria is in so much trouble..."
"Yeah, everything was in critical condition, and it could have been a big deal if the time to start supporting was even six months later. We could install a water truck for now, so what's next? Expansion of agricultural land and sanitation?"
Balin nods with a serious look at the content of the support provided in Isteria.
Baretta also asks while hammering, but from time to time she had her eyes on a bracelet wrapped around her shiny left wrist.
"Hmm, is it a hygiene issue? I wish I could always use fresh water like this village, because with all that mess in the city, I can't pull waterways to all areas..."
Balin said so emotionally, stirring the cooked rice that had been served in the
"... Well, I'm going to go around the night. It's dawn to go back, so rest first."
"What, looking around, from now on? Isaac's troops are at the entrance to the village, and you can rest today..."
"No, no, I don't know what's going to happen in the world. Okay, I'm going to go."
I didn't mind being surprised and speaking up, and Balin left the mansion as it was.
"(Something's been going on with this pattern a lot lately... so I guess they're paying attention. Whatever you think)"
The same was true the night before the last time we headed from the village of Grisea to Isteria, but thank goodness Balin seemed concerned to leave Valletta alone.
The last time I had that good vibe, I noticed Barletta's favor for just fine, and I prefer Barletta.
However, Barletta was a young man in junior high school when it came to 15 and Japan, and Ichigo was on two feet because he was too old to be apart.
I can't deny it, to be honest, if they tell me it would be a hectic gut that I simply can't take a step for a reason.
When Ichigo turned his attention to Barletta, Barletta stared at Ichigo with a slightly anxious look.
"Mr. Kazra, that bracelet..."
"Hmm, is this it? When I left Isteria, Mr. Reese... Mr. Narson's daughter gave it to me."
To Barletta, who inquired about the mistress, Ichigo took off the bracelet he was wearing and handed it to Barletta.
"Master Reese... take this..."
Barletta stares at it when she receives her bracelet.
"It seems Mr. Reese is only 14 years old, but he helps me work hard for the realm. Seems pretty popular with the public, too, and the efficiency of her work has jumped since she started helping. I'm impressed you're still young."
"Oh, yeah..."
Praising Reese, Valletta replies to squeeze out her bracelet staring.
"Besides, he seems to treat everyone with full kindness, and this is how he even gave me a hand-knitted bracelet. It's popular with citizens because of the fine attention they can give it this way, and I guess there are a lot of nobles out there who are going to propose. After all, when you're the daughter of a lord, you seem to think about it and act on it."
Speaking impressively, Barletta said, "Is that it?" and looked up with a look like that.
"It's horrible that you're wearing all that virgin art looking to the future at that age. As much as I want to apprentice..."
"Oh, you know, did Master Reese say anything when he gave this bracelet to Mr. Kazla?
"Hmm? Nothing... Oh, you said you were careful with your body. Could that be like a health amulet?
"Oh, yes, that's the way it is. Good luck and good luck... like"
Yiliang nodded, "Did you?" to the information of the lie that came out of Barletta's mouth.
Barletta squeezes the bracelet in her hand all the time and drops her eyes at it again with a seemingly cut look.
"... Mr. Barletta?
"Shit," Ichiyoshi said to Barletta, who had somehow changed the atmosphere.
The daily work of Reese and popularity from the public kept me talking about Reese.
Soon, however, when Barletta looked up, she put a really serious look on her face.
"... Mr. Kazra, I need a favor"
"Mm, please?
Inquire with a decent look. For the best, Barletta nods.
"When I get back to Japan, I want you to buy me some more books. I want to read history books and specialty books, if possible."
"Are you a specialist in history books? What field would you like to read? There are all kinds of history books... and is the specialty book architectural engineering or something? Even what I'm buying right now, I think I have a pretty good book."
"I remember everything about the book in the house. It doesn't matter if it's architecture, medical or military, whatever. I'd like to read more books about something I haven't seen yet. I'm glad to see that history books are, if possible, from times similar to ours."
"What, military too? Or are you serious that you remember all the books in the house..."
Ichiyoshi overheard Barletta's remark that he or she could not believe that he or she remembered all the contents of the book.
There are dozens of good books in this house.
I can't really imitate the contents of all the books in this short period of time.
"Yes, the application may not be advantageous yet, but I remember everything about it. But it's still not enough. More things, I want to read... me, really..."
Barletta put it that far, dropping her eyes on her lap so that she could indulge in something.
But as soon as he looks up, he gives a good look like a crying laugh.
"Please, can you?
"Yeah, of course. I'll buy you a pile."
Without being able to read Barletta's intentions, Ichiya smiles and nods.
Barletta thanked him nicely in a slightly relieved manner and resumed the meal as he chatted again.
"I want to be beside you."
It only took a little more time for Barletta to say this one.