Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
107 Stories: No touching
"Is that it, a soldier or squire who was stuck with the escort is the source of the rumors? Or a mansion servant."
"No, the source seems to be the servants who were working in the barn zone. I started harvesting a month late the other day, but the crops that survived were growing remarkably and were able to harvest roughly the same amount as last year's harvest. It looks like the rumors started spreading."
"Is it the same amount as last year? Then I can't help it if there are rumors..."
I diluted the sprinkled fertilizer to the normal fiftieth, but it still seemed to work quite well.
The majority of crops away from rivers and storage ponds on the north and west were withered, so they did not resurrect, but crops on the south and east are alive and well.
Significant damage has been done to the crop itself, but there appears to have been a considerable amount of harvest from surviving crops in the range sprinkled with fertilizer.
Besides, the harvest from the entire field is a big deal if it's the same as usual.
He briefly explained to his servants why he would sprinkle fertilizer, but he would never have dreamed of such a result.
It's natural to feel magical or miraculous.
"That doesn't seem to be the trigger. When Lord Kazra had previously given a description of his work in the barn zone, it seemed that one of his servants could barely speak the language of this country yet, and there were rumors from it. Rumors must have flared up in the wake of the recent harvest there."
"... hmm? What do you mean?
I don't know what the explanation means and Ichigo asks back.
"Because the speechless also heard and understood Lord Kazra's explanation, no way, it seems. I have also lost sight of finding out where my servant came from..."
"... hmm?
"What's wrong?
I didn't immediately know what the story meant, and Ichigo tilted his neck.
Seeing how it goes, Narson is also tilting his neck.
Either the story isn't meshing, or we don't seem to have the integrity of each other's thoughts.
Ichiyoshi thought for a little while and once again turned his attention to Narson.
"Uh, listen to me, because people who don't understand the language of this country also understood the story, so what the hell was that?
"Exactly. Was the earlier explanation difficult to understand? Sorry, sir."
"(... are you serious)"
Apparently, a good spoken word allows everyone to understand the content, even if they don't understand the language of this country.
Come to think of it, Ichigo used to understand all of it when he was spoken in multiple languages by Narson and Zirconia.
At that time, you should have expected an event as revealed this time to be possible.
"It just seems that so far only a handful of people think Lord Kazra is Master Gracior. At least the craftsmen see crop growth and the development of tools as the result of technical cooperation by allies. I don't know how anyone else feels."
"But there's going to be a rumor spread via those servants that I'm Gracior... even if you couldn't get to know me, it doesn't seem strange to spread the perception that there's a Gracior in the village of Gricea that brought out the fertilizer"
"Is it? Since the village of Gricea is a land where legend remains that Master Gracior originally appeared, it should be fine to circulate rumors from here that the surrounding forests have soil strongly equipped with the power of protection. It may not be necessary for us to spread rumors, but it may already be spread as rumors."
"Oh, is that something that works so well?
Half-heartedly, Narson nodded naturally.
"I was wondering if it would be normal to think so if rumors spread over the soil we have carried and the harvest increases and the origin of it is the village of Grisea. If Lady Graciole really showed up, you would normally think that crops from all over the country would come back to life on their own without doing so."
"I see..."
"Besides, Lord Kazura is like this... uh, how intimate or really humane..."
"Doesn't it look gracious?
When Ichigo said on behalf of Narson, who seemed to have difficulty saying it, everyone on the spot nodded.
I agree with you, 'I think so too'.
If you refer to someone working with a blue and white face while making a bear out of lack of sleep, and they say, 'That's God,' there won't be anyone else to believe it.
"Oh, that... I'm so sorry if I offended you..."
"No, that's okay. Never mind. Actually, this is it."
Nor did he seem particularly concerned. For one thing, Narson was relieved.
Narson is careful not to compromise his best mood as much as possible, and he tries not to say much about stepping in or anything that might bother him.
It does not matter whether Ichigo is a real Graciol or not, and it is important to ask him to continue the support he is currently providing.
God or devil, whatever it takes to help you run your territory.
Though I feel that Ichigo and I have become a lot closer together, it is forbidden to be alarmed.
"Nevertheless, when rumors spread that there is shelter in the forests around the village of Grisea, those who come for soil and food may appear. We already see the fortification going on in the village, but I hope we can garrison our defense forces near the village in case contacts show up from outside."
"Sure, is it safer to do that..."
Even though he had decided not to bother the village, he has gone in a direction that completely annoys him.
Though the barn zone was on the verge of total annihilation and there was no momentary respite, mass transport of fertilizers might have been too much.
But then I couldn't think of any other way, and even then, half the crop was dead.
I would have no choice when it comes to having the fertilizer bags made in the Isteria or brought into the Isteria in the middle of the night to keep them out of sight.
Ichigo sighed if he didn't let everyone in the village later.
"Let's do that, then. Isaac."
Isaac corrects his posture in response to Narson's call.
"Elect a few people you can trust. I entrust them with the command of the garrison."
"Do you mind if it's one of mine?
"Um, I'll make sure, too. Lord Kazura, may I?
"Fine. Don't worry if Mr. Isaac chose someone. Priority over combat technology, please."
"Ha! I'll take care of it!
Isaac answered bravely, leaving the room in a courtesy.
"I think the soldiers will use the reserve of the 1st legion's Kingsguard (Wabiki), who will take turns deploying 50 people at a time, separated by period. He's an old man and inferior to his strength, but he's a skilled and experienced soldier. I was wondering if this would be the perfect time."
"I'll take care of that area. Just tell them not to interfere with the village's internal affairs."
"Yes, sir."
The village of Gricea does not seem to garrison large numbers, either because it is not so far from Isteria.
There is also policing by the fact that there are military eyes, but the gatekeeping role vis-à-vis external contacts is probably significant.
"Is this what this is about rumor relationships? I have something else to report to you."
"Okay. When you're done, why don't we pack up the construction plan?"
"Right. Now, as for the report, there were the opening of the barn zone and the selection of new candidate sites, the progress of digging wells in the streets, the progress of building ice ponds, and the candidacy of planned ice room construction sites…"
"Mm, you have quite a few. I also have suggestions for improving the carriage and squeezing bean oil…"
After that, he spent time reporting to himself until lunch time.
The discussion came to a close when we went around 10: 00 at night.
Dismissed earlier, each taking a break or cleaning up another job.
The door to the room was knocked when Ichiyoshi was drinking coffee and reviewing the construction plan as it stood.
"It's Liese."
"Go ahead."
Speaking up, the door gently opened and Reese came in.
Usually it's time for Reese to sleep, but the outfit stays in the dress.
"Um, haven't you taken a bath yet? Enough work today...... what's wrong?
Somehow I realize Reese's expression is dark, and Ichigo speaks up.
"Yeah... I need to talk to you"
"Well. Just sit down."
Nod the leash to the table and remove the herbal tea left in the refrigerator.
Poured into a silver cup and gave it to Reese, and Ichiya sat in the chair.
"So, what's the consultation?
"Well... I mean the salt in Gregorn territory..."
Reese shut her mouth once she said that much and dropped her gaze on the table.
You seem reluctant to say anything about what you're about to talk about.
To that appearance, Ichigo opened his mouth instead.
"If you're talking about salt, it's probably okay? The price may spike temporarily, but give me a hand on the milling territory and I'll figure it out. I don't know if I can make anything as high quality as Gregorn salt."
"Yeah, I'm not."
I'll tell him you're worried about the salt melting. For the record, Leese shakes her head.
"I'm talking about a downsizing deal... maybe it's my fault"
"What do you mean?
For what is surprising, Reese turns an anxious eye.
"There's this fancy guy named Nibel Ferdinand who's always coming to see me, and he's the one who's been bullshitting all the salt deals in Gregorn territory. He's been selling me salt for two discounts against Istail territory since I started seeing him four years ago, but my attitude has been getting blatant lately..."
When Ichirano asked, Reese caught a slight tear.
"I've been touching my body and trying to get me out of here... until now I've managed to relay it, but I came here and suddenly talked about the deal shrinking, so I'm sure it's my fault... and it looks like the discount will be canceled and put back on the normal price"
"Wow, that's bad for them. I mean, you've been patient a lot..."
After a vivid confession of sexual harassment damage, Ichigo flashed his face.
Apparently, a luxury merchant named Nibel is trying to shield the salt deal and keep Reese at bay.
I also thought you didn't consult with the Narsons, but I guess Reese, who knows the financial situation in the territory, couldn't mention it.
A salt deal should have been a valuable source of income, as Narson said in the morning, 'Istell territory is going between Gregorn territory and Clayrats for wholesale'.
"When I met that guy two days ago, he said, 'I really don't want to do this, but if Master Reese is going to cooperate, I'll be ready to work on it, too,' and so on. I don't care what you think about this, do you? I clouded my response then, but I don't know what to do anymore."
"No, because you don't have to respond to threats like that. Funding will temporarily be raised with glass for now, as will crop yields and ore mining in the future. I'm glad I never see you again with such a rotten outer path."
"Eh, so, but that's just..."
"'Cause it's okay. If he does something too extreme, he will be blinded and bullied by the lord of his place instead of Istel territory. I might squeeze more salt deals, or the price might be hoisted up somewhat, but I'll figure it out on the milling territory by then."
When Ichigo ran out, Reese looked relieved.
I guess I've been anxious for the past two days and I can't help it.
"But is it also bullshit to say that the weather is irregular on Gregorn territory's coastline? It's all in his hands."
"If that's the case, it sucks, but I don't suppose you'd just lie so quickly. I'm sure it's possible that we're multiplying it by the weather."
"Well, you do. Ask another merchant or something, lord of Gregorn territory...... is that Diaz? Talk to him and you'll be ready."
Niebel seems like a pretty powerful man, but he wouldn't be stupid enough to lie about finding out about his lord.
For once, the mole seems to want to go in, but the story is hard to handle just the story.
Leese doesn't want the Narsons to know, so I guess this is how she's been sneaking up on us.
You shouldn't want to pee too much.
"You've spoken well. I'll take care of the salt deal, so don't worry. Is there anyone else out there who's gonna do something like that merchant?
"Everything else is fine. Because that's the only person who's obviously terrible."
"Oh well. Again, you don't have to see him anymore. If it's hard to say no from Reese, I'll tell Mr. Zirconia."
Yiliang said, Leese waved in haste in front of her chest.
"Oh, you don't have to go that far! From now on, I'll make sure we meet where people are."
"You don't want to see me, but you don't need to see me. They don't have to do that."
"Yeah, because if you refuse to see them too suddenly, you'll smash their faces. I'll do well with my other face up. I'll give you an escort. It's okay."
'Cause it's okay.
Reese smiled and tilted the glass to her mouth.
Very throaty, drinks up, gets up.
I stretched my back a long time and breathed deeply.
"Uh, I'm relieved. I'm sorry I talked to you abruptly."
"No, it's not a weird consultation. Keep talking to me about anything you need to know."
Follow Reese to the door of the room and take a seat.
When I came in front of the door, Kuru and Leese looked back and hugged me nicely.
"Duh, what's up!?
"... thanks"
Suddenly, Yi Liang was panicking, and Reese said she was poking with her face on Yi Liang's chest.
And immediately away, hands on the door knob.
"Good night."
Leese said that without looking back, he left as he was.
Ichirano used to stare at the door, but once he took a breath, he went back to work earlier.