Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
163: To you at dusk
Leese, out of the quarters, looked around and rushed out to the north barrier to make sure Colts' father wasn't there.
Inside the fort, things were just like the extreme of confusion.
Citizens and servants in a state of panic turn right and left, and anger is echoing from everywhere.
"Dear Leese! Wait!"
Several escorts chase him to Reese, sounding the rubbing sound of his armor.
Reese looked back at them with only her face as she ran.
"Guide the citizens around here to the South Gate!
"No, we will protect Master Reese!
"Then just follow those two! The others guide the citizens, quickly!
Citizens head to the south gate, and Reese screams out loud and runs to the northern barrier.
Running for a while, Reese and the others were stunned when they finally saw the protective wall they were seeing.
As if he had been swung down a giant hammer, a great rift had been made in the stone walls.
I haven't been able to make enough gaps for people to get through.
Because the outer part of the stone wall, which was later stacked, was bonded with mortar and concrete, so it did not crush in one go even if it was hit directly by a stone bullet.
If this were the usual stone wall that just piled up stones, the wide range would have collapsed with just one landing.
Leese and the others don't know, but the fact that the flying stone bullets were relatively small also led to an extension of the life of the barrier.
"Five squadrons of enemy heavy infantry and one squadron of archers are approaching in three rows of sidelines! Ladder! Eight squadrons and about 200 cavalry waiting behind it!
A soldier on the fence yells out loud towards the fort.
Hundreds of soldiers had already assembled in front of the barrier under attack.
Most of them wear bronze armor helmets and have long spears and a circular shield of five meters.
He came together himself, and he was also seen by several citizens with weapons such as swords and short spears.
There was a squadron leader in a winged helmet in front of them, waving his fist up against them and uttering words of encouragement out loud.
"Stone Bullet, I'm coming!!
A few seconds after the soldiers on the fence screamed, the fence in front of the soldiers collapsed dramatically, along with a fierce collision sound.
At the same time, two defensive towers, a short distance from its wall section, made a rash noise and collapsed all the way around the center.
The frame of the tree inside the tower has also been broken, exposing it to an unbroken appearance.
"Dear Leese!
Zirconia and Isaac came on the lata from behind, along with the sound of hooves, as Reese blued her face and stood on a bar to too many sights.
The two are fully armed and carry dozens of escorts in iron armor for a new commander.
"How can you be here!? You stay with Mr. Kazra and the Narsons!
To her mother's appearance, Reese, who was standing still, turned back to her.
"There's one person in the village of Grisea, he's supposed to be here! We need to get him back!
"Of the village of Grisea...?
To Reese's words, Zirconia turned to the wall.
Stop moving as you might imagine to the figure of dozens of citizens who are crossing soldiers and holding weapons.
While doing so, soldiers and citizens were gathered from all over to this place.
"... ok. He'll tell him I'll look for him and go back to his quarters. You go back first."
"No, I'll take you home directly"
"No, you can't. It's not safe here. Go back."
"I don't like it. Unless you're with him..."
"Just go back!!
He was yelled at with a soggy sword screen, and Reese shrugged his shoulders unexpectedly.
Seeing it, Zirconia loosened her expression slightly in a stiff manner.
"... I'll take care of this place, and you go back and stay beside Mr. Kazra. All right?
"But, Mother..."
"Any reply?
"... I don't like it"
Reese glances at Zirconia in tears.
"I promised Kazura I'd bring him back! I can't go back alone!
Zirconia got off Rata and walked over to Liese.
Sit back slightly and grab both her arms.
"Don't say anything that doesn't make sense. Is this going to be a battlefield? In case anything happens to you, I can't face Narson."
"Mother, I am also a person of the Istell family. You can judge and act on things on your own. Do not treat half servings!
Zirconia glanced at her face, but immediately stared straight at Reese with serious eyes.
"Okay. If you're with him, you're going back, right?
"Isaac, go with Reese and find him and bring him back. Send them to Mr. Kazra."
"Enemy units shut down! Stone bullet, I'm coming!
Once again a soldier on the fence screamed, putting it down for a few seconds before a half-broken fence and a loud breaking noise sounded from the two defensive towers.
The walls that have so far managed to withstand have collapsed and partly turned into piles of rubble, creating enough space for a few people to pass through.
The defensive tower also began to collapse further from its feet, and if a few more rounds landed, the enemy would break through the rubble.
"Enemy avant-garde units, march back on! Archers, prepare to fire!
Dozens of soldiers who were deploying in a side-by-side row on the fence bow to an approaching enemy unit.
The enemy is six squadrons, about 1,800 men, with only units approaching.
In an archer with only dozens, it would be water on a burning stone.
"Leese, Isaac, hurry!
"Mother, if we find him, Mother, please come back with us! This is the instruction of Master Ixios!
"... ok. Find him quickly."
"Master Reese, get in!
Reese jumps behind Isaac and rushes to the fence.
Zirconia also jumped on Rata again, rushing under the soldiers in line, along with the escorts he was taking with him.
"Prepare for battle! Set up your shields!
At the same time, the squadron leader gave the soldiers loud instructions.
The heavily armed infantry of the allies are lined up and aligned across rows in such a way as to block the fallen barrier.
A soldier in the front row put a shield forward to build a shield wall, and the soldier in the back row stuck a spear out of between.
It looks like they're going to intercept enemy soldiers attempting to penetrate through the rubble, stuck between rifts in the fence, and annihilate them with attacks from the fence.
"Archers...... hey, throwing spears is still early! Stay!"
When Reese and Isaac reached the barrier.
One of the citizens who was on the wall swung a large throwing spear and threw it slightly upwards with a slight momentum.
Put it down for a few seconds and a twitch happened from the soldiers on the fence.
I don't know what's going on from Reese's position, but apparently the spear he threw even reached the enemy troops.
"Archers, don't be late! Shoot!"
"Mr. Cornell!
From above Rata, Reese screams out loud.
Colts' father, Cornell, who was about to throw a second spear, stopped his hand and looked back at Reese.
"Come down, please! Come on!"
"Huh? But..."
"Just hurry!!
Cornell, bewildered, rushed down the wallproof stairs to come under Reese.
"We're going down to the south gate! Follow me!
"What!? So, but soon, even enemy soldiers will break in!? We have to protect this place..."
"It's an order, follow me! Dear Isaac!"
To Reese's call, Isaac kicked Rata's belly and ran out.
Cornell, bewildered, runs out after Reese and the others.
Reese calls out loud to Zirconia, which is slightly behind the troops that line up.
"I found him! Mother, get over here!
"Go ahead! I'll catch up with you later!
"What!? So, but!
"Isaac, go!
"Master Isaac, stop!
Isaac did not slow down and ignored Reese's stop and ran Rata as he was.
"... gone"
Dropping off the leashes as they ran away, Zirconia breathed in relief.
Refresh your mind and look forward.
From the rift in the fence, the lateral formation of enemy soldiers is visible in the distance.
They lined up a rectangular large shield on the front and up, twitching as they prevented flying arrows.
"Squadron leader! Report the situation!
Zirconia cries out to the magnificent squadron leader who is in command at the far left end of the soldiers in his position.
He seemed to finally realize Zirconia existed with it, and came running under her.
"About half an army of one enemy is approaching toward this location. The defensive towers on both sides have been destroyed by attacks by stone bullets and have completely lost their function. The other towers are out of range, so shooting at approaching enemy units can only take place from the barrier. If the tower being attacked collapses completely, the rest of the enemy waiting in the rear will probably break in from it."
"What's going on with the defensive tower side guard?
"The second squadron divides the assembled soldiers in half, each attached to the placement. We haven't gathered a hundred people on one side yet. The second squadron commander and deputy commander are in charge."
Zirconia eats up his teeth too much and distorts his expression.
The defensive tower is half broken, but it still barely keeps its shape.
There will be a respite for a while before it completely collapses, but if we don't hit some kind of hand by then, the enemy will creep in.
"I was totally poked at the void. I didn't know such a weapon existed..."
"I thought there were two legions of enemies, but one legion for sure?
"Yes. So far."
Zirconia had heard that there were two legions in the enemy garrison, but somehow only one legion seems to be attacking them.
Nevertheless, there is no difference in hopelessness between the enemy and the number of fortified guards.
"... guard the rift in the fence. The Second Squadron will make their way to defend us here. I'll take care of the defensive tower."
"Yes, sir."
"Arrows are coming -!
When the squadron leader nodded, one of the soldiers on the fence screamed.
"Back row, raise your shield!
The lieutenant, who was in command instead of the squadron leader, shouted, and after the second row of heavily armed infantry that was queuing, the shield is raised overhead simultaneously.
The zirconia rushed to the shadow of the wall, which had not yet collapsed.
Little between it and it, an arrow released at the target of a tear in the collapsed fence or an archer on the fence, jumped into the fort with an air-cutting, deafening sound.
I'm returning to command of the unit.
"Okay. I'll take care of the soldiers we've gathered later."
Sewing the gap between attacks (Kankai), the Squadron Leader returns to battle.
"Forward! Block the rift!
The squadron leader's voice sounded and the troops advanced to completely block the rift in the wall with spear tips.
Zirconia kicked Rata's belly when she saw it and, along with the escorts, ran from the unit in front of the wall to a few dozen metres back.
Swirl around on the spot and look around.
From all over, I could see the citizens and soldiers gathering at this place.
Zirconia pulls out her sword and sticks it up over her head.
"Gather round."
"Huh! Danger!
Zirconia was grabbed by an escort who was next door, pulled by force and dragged down her half from Rata.
At that moment, a stone bullet, which flew over the barrier in large measure, struck directly at the rata on which Zirconia was riding.
Zirconia was slammed to the ground more and more, along with an escort who was grabbing his arm.
"Dear Zirconia!
The shock compresses the chest, stops breathing, and coughs hard.
But the escorts immediately woke him up and stood up.
"Dear Zirconia, are you okay!?
"Oh, ho... oh, I'm fine... thank you, thank you. I can't believe you're flying all the way here..."
Zirconia looked to where she had been until earlier.
I see the carcass of Rata crushed by a stone bullet and turned into a chunk of meat, and something cold runs on my spine.
"... Walk, use the soldiers that are gathering to bring about 10 wagons here"
"Carriage, is it?
A young guard with a spoken voice looks a lot sillier.
Zirconia looked up to the two defensive towers that were falling apart.
"That's right. Fill the carrier with wood, straw or anything that burns, oil it and line it up on either side of the defensive tower. At the same time as the enemy breaks in, push the wagon to block the entrance and set fire to it. For a while you can block and stop the way in with flames, and maybe some of you can roll it up and burn it to death."
"Huh! Yes!
He kicked Rata's belly and ran away.
Zirconia let go of his hand to the escort who was supporting both sides and turned his attention to the squadron in line.
"Until the enemy attacks the rest of the fence, let the way in over there strike like this without blocking it. Limit access to enemy battles with frontal and fenced attacks. All soldiers gathered later, let them go up to the fence. And..."
That's all I said, I turned my attention to the dozen guards around me.
All are volunteers of civilian origin, with varying ages and genders.
Some old stocks have followed the truce for years before it was signed.
There used to be a few people beside Zirconia from the time they decorated their first line, but now not a single one of the escorts is gone.
"... the citizens who can't fight are gathering. Rad, gather all the citizens around. Lena sends those who cannot fight to their quarters."
"Yes, sir."
"Once it's delivered, I'll be right back!
The two nominated immediately rush to gather the surrounding citizens.
Zirconia saw it and turned to the remaining escorts.
"I'll keep it here. Prepare yourselves."
To the words, the escorts looked at each other.
Put it down for a beat, couscous and laughter leak.
"... what. Why are you laughing?
"Dear Zirconia, you always say 'get ready' before a shitty battle, don't you? I thought you hadn't heard it in a long time."
"Uh... yeah. The guy who used to lead my unit used to say that, so I'm imitating it. Can you be like him?"
"Was it Master Zirconia's superior officer? Still in the army?
"Yeah. He passed away first. It's been ten years."
It's been a long time since I've remembered that time, and Zirconia smiles thinly and answers.
"It must have been extra bold to follow Master Zirconia."
"Like I missed you, like I'm glad I didn't see you..."
"What do you think I am..."
Zirconia laughs small so that everyone can follow her, even as she speaks in a laid back tone.
But soon, I tightened my face.
"We'll stop the enemy. Let the barbarians regret what they have attacked, who cannot keep the promises they have given themselves."