Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
Episode 185: Barbell 6th Legion Leader
About an hour later.
Led by Narson, Ichigo and Reese were going down the aisle of the military compartment.
Eira and Marie are also continuing later, both accompanying the Legion.
Ichigo told the two of them to leave a message, but "I'm going with you," Eira said harder to Marie originally, and eventually broke.
It is normal for two people who are squires to accompany them, so a good word becomes more selfish.
The radios and antennas have remained installed on the roof and have been left to Colts' parents.
Several other villagers from the village of Gricea remain in Isteria.
Colts insisted that he would follow the army, but his parents scolded him.
"Lord Kazura, I ask you not to leave beside Liese during the march. Others have decided that Lord Kazura is Leese's advisor."
"Are you an advisor? Instead, I think I'm just gonna ask Reese a lot... and the soldiers are gonna see me with weird eyes."
I say it like it's troublesome. At the same time, Reese, who goes next door, laughs dull.
"'Cause it's okay. Ichigo just needs to stand next to me."
"Yeah...... is that really okay? I'm sure he'll be suspicious."
"That's not true. Besides, if Kazura stays by my side, I can work as hard as I want. So don't go away."
smile nicely with the dust, says Reese.
They said such a dialogue too naturally, and Ichigo got stuck in words.
"Ooh. Okay."
"Is that it? Why is it turning red? Could it have lit up?
"Ugh, shut up! Don't make fun of me at a time like this!
Leese laughed a little, turning her face to Nalson, who was going forward.
"Father, I'm talking about Kazla."
"Hmm, what?
Walking, Narson asks back.
"If you are trying to publicize the presence of Mr. Gracior and use it to boost the war will of the citizens, don't do it."
Katsun, and Narson stopped.
Looking back, turn your rugged face to Reese.
Reese was also turning from a smile and pointing her sharp gaze at Narson.
"Did you still? I will never forgive you for that. If that's what you're gonna do, I'm gonna..."
I don't mind if I do.
To a good word, Reese turned to him with a surprised face.
Eira is staring at the good, and Marie has her eyes on the grate and everyone's face.
"Mr. Narson, that's why you said in your earlier speech, 'A hunter in the village of Grisea -'?
When Ichigo inquired, Narson sighed like he was tired.
"No. We won't do that."
"... Huh? Then why would you do that?
"The name of the village of Grisea was given a ride to rumours of the appearance of Lady Graciole flowing in the alley. But it's not the intention to celebrate Lord Kazra."
"But then why did you tell me to follow you? To make citizens recognize themselves as Gracioles..."
"I am sure that rumors are spreading somewhat that Lord Kazra is Master Gracior. But I'm not going to use that to do this. I 'm-"
"Father, don't lie to me. Now, what do you do to trick Kazura into using it!
Reese says it out in a tight tone to Narson.
Narson rubbed his jaw, for Christ's sake.
"Reese, think about it. Do that and give me something...... no, do you think there is a profit to be gained for the Isthère realm until we risk losing Lord Kazra?
"... there isn't. But I was wondering if it was too much reason to use it to boost the war spirit before the battle."
"I guess so. But then, like I said in my speech, it's enough to stir up a few rumors and then just leave them alone. Perhaps in the battle in a few days' time, there will be little turnover of civic soldiers after the third class. As long as there's no danger of panic and escape in battle, that's fine."
"So why did you ask me to follow Kazra?
"Reese, I asked for you."
"... Huh?
In my father's words, Reese wandered.
"Ahead, if anything happens to me or Jill, it will be your job to lead the army and lead the government. To do so, you must gain experience in action. But I also know it's still too heavy for you."
With that said, Narson turned his face in good stead.
"From now on, I want Lord Kazura to be the support of Liese. In others, you can't replace them. Regards, Daughter"
"Yes, sir"
When Ichiyoshi nodded unexpectedly, Narson smiled all the time.
"I was relieved to hear that reply. Reese."
"Ha, ha!
Reese replies with her spine stretched tightly.
"You're smart. Better than me. But it's just a matter of having a little bit of emotional swing. You'd better fix it so Lord Kazura doesn't give up his love."
"Mm-hmm. So, suppose we go? Until Jill and I rendezvous, the second legion deposits it with Reese. I'll put McGregor as my deputy, but it's your job to give directions. Do it tight."
Narson nodded in Reese's reply and walked out sounding the tip and the sound of his shoes.
Ichigo and Leese stare at its back as it leaves.
"... sounds like we overthought it"
Hilariously, Ichiyoshi turns his attention to Reese.
Reese has a bright red face, staring at her own father's back.
"HI, HI!?
Reese turned a good face and rushed away when her eyes met.
"Yes, let's go! I'll put him down!
Saying so to delude me, I ran after Narson.
"... Huh? Could that be how they took it just now?
Ichiyoshi looks back at Eira and Marie.
"Duh, what do you think? But I don't think what Mr. Narson meant..."
"Dear Liese, your face was bright red..."
Um, and the three roaring.
But if I can't help it here, I'm going after Reese and the others.
Around that time, on the walls of the border fort, was the figure of Titis, secretary of the 10th Legion.
Watch and sigh at the woods that the zirconia and the others have fled.
"Can't you find it yet? You're in trouble."
"You're here. I didn't know there was an underground passage in the warehouse... and I didn't expect to jump off this height and run away"
An old soldier who refrains next door shakes his head, for Christ's sake.
His name is Seiden.
I've been a deputy to Kyren since ancient times.
Among the legions, he is one of the oldest.
He was also the one who took care of Titis, who came to the legion after being picked up by Kyren.
"But how did you break in without even using the ladder... you have no idea"
"It's like jumping off this height and running away. Didn't you just climb up the wall and break in?
"... Hmm"
Seiden rides herself out and looks at the walls of the fence.
"Anyway, this will eat the big eyeballs when Master Kaylene returns."
"... right"
Titis nags with a dark face.
Kyren is currently being recalled to the Senate to go to the Barbell capital.
He went to explain that he broke the truce and attacked the fort arbitrarily.
Normally, it is such an outrage that it is not strange to be stripped of regimental command and condemned to death.
But Kylen said, "Absolutely fine" and left.
They have a plan, but Titis hasn't been told the details.
"If Master Kaylene's 'measures' were to take General Zirconia prisoner, that's pretty bad. Because of me, Master Kaylen..."
"What, it's not until 10 days later that the Senate will find out about it. We're not talking about what's gonna happen right now."
Unlike Titis, who worries about Kyren, Seiden doesn't look that serious.
"More important than that, it's coming. The fact that the enemy came to rescue her meant that they had no intention of negotiating from Hannah. They might come and take back the fort in a few days."
"... Exactly, it won't. It hasn't been a month since we attacked the fort, has it?
Titis turns his gaze to Seiden, who says a noisy prediction.
"There's no way the Arcadia side can have a tactical unit that fast. Intermittent reports say they just started conscripting 20 days ago"
"Yeah, you're right."
"Then it won't be possible to attack or anything in a few days. How many days does it take to move an army from one territory to another?
"That's true. But if you're only going to use Istell's army to attack, that's not the point."
"... only in the Istel Army?
Sayden nods at Titis tilting his neck.
"Yeah, that's right. We could gather as many soldiers as we can, and we could come this way."
"We only collected a few and attacked, and this one has a fort, even though they're all regular soldiers, right? Isn't that just suicide?"
"But otherwise I can't explain their intention to take Zirconia back and abandon the negotiations. Do you do this even though you're not sure you can win?
To Sayden's words, Titis conceives.
Would it be possible to challenge two fully armed regiments with fortifications with regiments of under-trained conscripts?
If you are in an enemy position, let the opponent attack you and intercept you in the interest of the land.
With that in mind, I heard a fierce hoof noise coming from inside the fort.
Titis turns her face over there, and, uh, sighs.
"Damn, that's what you do over and over again! I can't tell you anything!
The old general tells Titis from above Rata.
Titis put his hand on his chest and thanked him deeply.
He is Marquez, Commander of the Sixth Regiment of Valvere.
"Take the liberty of attacking the fort to break the truce! Unauthorised release of a large number of captured prisoners! At the end of the sentence, they take Zirconia back without even killing it! What the hell do you want to do!? Are you sure it's our friend army!?
Marquez jumped down Rata, twitching and scattering.
Leave the escort on the spot and come up the stairs.
"Let me hear it, Secretary Titis! Why did it happen so that the prisoner could escape!?
"... the basement of the warehouse that was capturing her led to the next barnacle hall. From there, they broke into the enemy, and they fled."
"What? Does that mean that the basement continues all the way outside the fort?
"No, they went out of the naked hall into the alley and jumped down to this fence."
Marquez peeks directly beneath the fence into Titis's description.
"... you jumped off this height?
"Yes, there are soldiers who have witnessed it, no doubt about it"
"Sure, he was a woman who fights like a demon... well, he wouldn't do it"
Marquez nodded as he was convinced, turning his gaze back to Titis.
"What's the break-in route?
"I don't know for sure, but I thought it was probably this place. I'm assuming one soldier has climbed the fence alone."
"... you're like a lizard. But it's not even an impossible story. Did you check the other routes?
"No, we're currently investigating"
"When will General Kyren be back?
"I thought it might be 10 days early."
"Right. Then the continuation of the investigation and the defense of the fort will be received by our Sixth Corps. All of you, move to the Legion Fortress we were using. The equipment may be used as is."
"Dear Marquez, it is!
"The only thing I've ever done is break the truce, but it's the limit. Let me do my job until Aoyagi returns so the situation doesn't get any worse."
distorted expression, says Marquez in a frustrating manner.
"That's all you've done. I'm not gonna say no."
Marquez tells me in Doss's dominant voice, and Titis pushes him to shut up.
Marquez glanced at Seiden standing next to Titis and glanced back at Titis again.
"Look, remember carefully. If he imitates me again..."
"... when you did?
"I'm going to make sure you're both not in the 10th Corps. Remember the liver."
"... what does that mean?
"I'm telling you to keep a good grip on that Qing Er Gen's reins. There's no value in being a deputy or secretary who can't stop the Legion Leader from rambling! The titles attached to you are not decorative!!
Marquez threw up, pissed off his shoulder and went down the stairs.
"... it doesn't even sound like a ghost."
"... you were right about this."
Oh, and two sighs.
Both Titis and Seiden have come this far believing in Kyren.
But Marquez has too much to say, and he's starting to look pathetic being swept away.
"Speaking of which, is Miss Phlexia still in the warehouse?
As I recall, Seiden asks Titis.
"Yes. I decided to dull off and wondered if you were glittering with that little thing in the warehouse. But what the hell is that... I have no idea..."
"Secretary Titis!
Marquez at the bottom of the stairs called when Titis was about to answer.
"Yes, what is it?
"Why didn't you kill Zirconia? If we kill him, we might have been able to cut Arcadia's wars in one piece."
"... because if we kept it alive, we had as much use as we could. And if I killed him, it could have stirred up the Arcadians' vengeance."
"... well. But if this were to happen, I should have just killed you."
With that said, Marquez jumped on Rata and left.