Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
202 Stories: Project Inferno
"... video?
As if working together, Barletta and Reese go on to say:
I don't know what it is, that kind of look.
"Yes, it's a hell of a video. Even so, I thought I'd show you the horrible, intense one."
"Ka, Mr. Kazra, tell us a little more about it. No way, real hell footage exists?
Zirconia asks questions with a face like that.
Seeing it, Ichiyoshi grinned.
"Yes, it exists. I'll shoot it the next time I get back to the world over there. If I go to hell, I'm going to see something like this, and I'm going to do a video with subtitles... because I'm going to shoot it."
"Eh, but, Kazura. Heaven and hell when I talked to Master Ormachiol during this time...... oh, nothing. Go on."
Under a good blindfold, Reese immediately perceived its meaning and shut her mouth.
Barletta also guesses with it and breathes relieved that that is the case.
Zirconia seemed vegan and believing, with an uneasy look on her face.
Fear, Narson opens his mouth in such a way.
"Lord Kazra... do you mean to show everyone that 'footage of hell' and threaten to go to hell if you betray me?
"It's like that. Because after death, there is no king or nobility, and it's not a question of how we can do this with power. I was wondering if the threat would be effective."
"Oh yeah... that would be outstanding..."
"Oh, yeah!
Reese raised her voice when Narson nodded really anxiously.
"Why don't you show them that, too, to the senators in Barbell? If you turn your back, you threaten to go to hell, it won't be a war, I'm sure."
"Yeah, I thought about that, too. Maybe I can't."
I'm sorry to hear that.
As I agree, Narson snorts deeply, too.
"Reese, that's bad. It's not just a war, it's going to be a ruinous battle to eradicate each other."
I don't know what that means, like, Reese leaning her little neck.
"Eradicating... how much, if you show real hell footage, you'll change your mind? If you know it will happen when you die, I'm sure they will, too."
"Dear Reese, the problem is that the faithful gods are different."
Valletta, who understood the meaning earlier, explains it to Liese.
"If they show you something like that, the people of Barbell won't be able to go back. We have no choice but to believe in the God we believe in."
"Uhm. After all of a sudden you've waged a war of aggression and you've scattered this soldier, it's too late to think about it. I would assume that I would go to hell without a question if I obeyed their god."
In Barbell and Arcadia, the faithful God is different.
For example, in Arcadia, Graciol is believed as a God of mercy and abundance, but in Barbell, a spirit named 'King Harrell' hits it.
King Harrell is a spirit called the King of the Harvest, and all crops, animals and catches are considered graces given by King Harrell.
Other gods and spirits separate from Arcadia are also believed when it comes to battle, commerce, etc.
"Right. I also think that even if a non-believing God threatens me with 'I'm sending you to hell', I'm just kidding. On the contrary, I thought we might have to eradicate them from every god."
"Well... even if I convert now, there's nothing good about it..."
"Yeah. I also thought about putting a God of Faith in Barbell on video, but I knew you couldn't. I don't think there will be a lot of consequences at the point where we can talk about it from here."
When Ichigo said that, Narson looked a little surprised.
"The other god......? Does Lord Kazra also know the Spirits and Gods of Barbell?
"Oh, no..."
Yi Liang mumbled to Narson, who was completely out of faith that Yi Liang was a real God, whether he should tell the truth.
Ichiyoshi trusts Narson, but he also has the idea that if he thinks he's a real God, he won't have to worry about the extra ploy.
Around the time I get to that idea, if you say I'm not completely trustworthy, you're right.
I found out in the interaction I had with Reese before the launch that I was not willing to use Ichigo to do this, but I was disappointed that I had made suggestions such as owning an injured uribow.
As things stand, it seems more convenient to have yourself believed as a god than to dare to tell the truth.
When the war was over, I decided to tell the truth and apologize, and now I snorted inside to leave it like this.
"It's not like I know you. You've never even met him."
"Hmm, did I? Same goes for Master Ormachiol, but is there not much interaction between God and the Spirit?
"Right. Everybody, there's no place around here."
"It's a shame. I wanted to see you once, too, Mr. Guyelsior and Mr. Swipssior."
"Ha. Well, when I get a chance, I mean..."
Leese looks down and keeps her mouth shut to see if a good word has gotten into her bumps.
Barletta looks a little relieved if she agrees with the response to Narson that Ichigo took.
'- Master Narson, is it time to finish the conversation? Go ahead.'
Timely, the voice of Ixios echoed from the radio.
Narson remembers that he kept him waiting and pushes the send button.
"Sorry to keep you waiting. Uh... that was about the Clayrats vote. Go ahead."
'Yes. Depending on the results of the vote, we will be put in a predicament. We should step up our defence of the border with Kreilatz. Go ahead.'
"Uhm. Let's send troops to the city near the border. I need you to start conscripting around the reserve. Go ahead. '
'Yes, I did. We will begin training tomorrow by converting the crossbow we are letting Isteria's defense team have for the new unit. Go ahead.'
"Do that. And back to Clayratz, can't we see anyone trying to fan public opinion? Go ahead."
'There is no such person because speech is forbidden. But a messenger has come from Barbell, saying, "I will not choose the path of doom. Give in to us." There seems to be a call. "
I have no idea what the outcome will be, and Narson roars.
Then again, the voice of Ixios sounded from the radio.
'The fact that Barbell was in contact with Clayratz is sure to mean that he was also in contact with the two remaining allies, the Kingdom of Protia and the Kingdom of Ertile. Go ahead.'
"Mm-hmm. Those two countries could turn to the enemy, too. Should we also send blueprints and physical items of new weapons to Wang Du, Gregorn and milling territories..."
If all allies could even turn to their enemies, this is no longer the case, for example, with domestic advantages.
Even if the Isthère territory holds up, if the Gregorn or milling territory is crushed, it will be sandwiched.
That way, no matter how many new weapons you had, you are very likely to be overwhelmed by numbers and become jilli poor.
"I'll be back there as soon as I can. Let's talk about the details then. Go ahead."
'Yes, I did. And this is a personal matter...... how is Isaac doing? Go ahead.'
To the words, Narson loosened his cheeks.
Zirconia and Reese, who were listening in silence, look unexpected.
During his work, he asks about his son because this was the first time he'd ever heard of him as far as the two of us know.
There is no Isaac on this occasion now, and he follows the Second Cavalry and hits the perimeter alert of the fort.
If he had been here, what would he have looked like?
"I'm fine. He lived up to expectations and worked fine. You have a good son. Go ahead."
'... Was I? Looks like it helped. Above all. We look forward to seeing you back, then. Go ahead.'
The voice of Ixios echoes somewhere relieved.
"Mm-hmm. For a while now, please, Isteria. End of Communication"
Turn off the radio and Nalson turns his face in good stead.
"Lord Kazura, I'm going to leave for Isteria the day after tomorrow, okay?
"Hmm... No, I'm going directly to the village of Grisea tomorrow. We need to get a video in a hurry."
"Mm, is that right? How long is it going to take?
"Hmmm...... I just don't get it. You might be able to do it soon, and it could take a month or two."
I have never been involved in the production of videos, etc., so I have no idea how long it would take to ask a vendor.
It's a situation that needs to be looked into after even returning to Japan, so even if the cost is good, the duration of the production is completely unknown.
But if what you ask for isn't solidified, we won't talk about it.
Before you request it, you will need to create an image of a rough video.
"Hmmm...... I need to tell you in advance that when it comes to collecting royal and other lords of the realm. I'd like you to let me know when you have a purpose."
"Okay. I'll get back to you on the radio as soon as I know how many days it will take to prepare, so call the royal family or something along with that."
"Yes, I did. Now, I'm going to send a messenger to each territory beforehand with a radio and a letter of call. As a correspondent, I'd like to escort the messenger to the village of Grisea."
"Yes, that's okay. Tell the civilian what's going on around Graciol. During the screening, they will also be asked to watch the video"
"Okay. Don't worry, we'll use something you can trust in particular."
"Please. Mr. Barletta, that's why I need you to come with me?
Barletta nods happily.
I was worried they might tell me to work on the Isteria, so I was glad to hear from you.
From the original, we now have almost zero stockpiles of gunpowder, and refining is only carried out in the village of Gricea.
Barletta is the only one who can do the refining work, so while we wait for the best in the village, we have to make as much gunpowder as possible.
"... Kazra, can't you come back to Isteria for a while?
Reese turns her anxious glance to good.
"No, that's not true. I think I'll be going and going for a little while."
"Oh well... yeah, I get it"
Reese replies in an unwell voice.
"I'm sorry. 'Cause I'll try to get back there as soon as I can."
"... Mr. Kazura, why don't you ask Master Leese to follow you too"
Reese looked surprised at the unexpected suggestion from Barletta.
"I don't have time to get my hands on other tasks because I get into gunpowder related tasks. Instead, there's something I'd like you to take the lead and make with everyone in the village."
"Something you want me to make? What do you make?
It's a hand-throated bomb.
"What, a bomb?
It's a good idea to raise your voice a little.
The Reese don't know what they're talking about, they're puzzled faces.
"Yes, I will use that to build a bomb because the empty can of cans is kept in large quantities in the village. At the next battle, I'm sure it'll help."
"I see... so maybe you've been collecting empty cans for that?
Quite a while ago, I had asked Barletta if I should collect the empty cans and other garbage in the village.
At that time, Barletta said, "I keep it all together in an empty house in the village, so it's okay. Plus, there's a lot of uses for it," he said.
I left it at that time, "Okay then," but the real purpose seemed to be this.
"Yes. I was wondering if it would be okay if I had a hand cannon or cannon cannon, but I still felt I needed a bomb as well. Now, I want to make as much as I can."
"I see...... yeah, that's true"
"Lord Kazra, what kind of weapon is that called 'Bakudan'?
Narson pinches his mouth.
Except for Ichigo and Barletta, they're in a complete state of conundrum.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I took the liberty of talking to you. A bomb is a weapon thrown with gunpowder. It's a pot or an empty can filled with gunpowder that can start flying in a certain amount of time and do a lot of damage around it."
"A weapon like that... makes Leese build it, right?
"Uh... yes. It can be a rather dangerous task."
"I'll do it. I'll do anything."
Liese to make an immediate and good declaration.
But his father, Narson, seems rather anxious.
Look at that, Barletta pinches his mouth.
"We'll take care of the work, so it's okay. Don't worry, I'll take a good look."
"But even if Reese doesn't do anything..."
Even though Barletta would look at it, as a Narson, I was worried and had no choice.
I fully understand the explosive power of gunpowder as Narson.
If there's been an accident, it shouldn't be an injury.
"Father, please. Let me go."
Narson sighed at Reese as she turned her begging eyes.
We know, of course, that Barletta cared about Liese and suggested accompanying him to the village of Grisea.
Leese is totally willing to go, too, so I'm worried, but I'll have to let her go.
"... ok. But listen carefully to Barretta and do the work."
Reese replies with pleasure.
Oh, boy, and Narson turned a good face.
"Now I will go into checking the damage to the fort and developing a defense plan. I'll be in the conference room if anything happens."
"Copy that. I'm in an empty room around here, aren't I? I need to think about the composition of the video."
"Mr. Kazra, I'll help you too"
"Me too. It sounds kind of fun."
Jill, let's go.
"Yeah, yeah."
"What's wrong?
"... yeah, it's nothing. Let's go."
Zirconia looked like she had said something, but she left with Narson.