Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
Story 209: Eat real
"Mr. Kazra, can I serve all the food?
Barletta brings the box into the living room and opens the lid.
I looked at the Chinese hors d 'oeuvres that were inside and raised my voice "ooh".
I've seen something similar in a cookbook, but when I saw the real thing, I couldn't help but roar at its performance.
The vessels separated by dividers contain seven types of dishes.
Shrimp chili in the center, to surround it, and dishes such as shumai, chinjao roast, pork braised in horns, and whicolate fit.
From them, which are still warm, they smell good and look very tasty.
"Of the box that says' dessert ', don't let it out yet. Because cakes and shoe creams come with refrigerant."
"Dear Kazura, what do you make your drink?
Eira takes off her shoes, goes up to the living room, and prepares the cup she was bringing.
Ichiyoshi took the paper bag out of the bag and offered it to her.
"Use this. I bought you a sailor's tea."
"Wow, thank you!
"Will you also prepare a movie? Mr. Marie, can you come over here and help me?
"Yes, sir."
Ask Marie to help and bring in pull-up screens and portable DVD players from the rear car.
The screen was placed at the corner of the living room and the knob was pulled up to secure the screen.
"Wow, that's amazing. It's wrapped in a cylinder."
Reese rounds her eyes on the big screen that quickly emerged.
"Yeah. With this, I can use projectors anywhere. I mean, I should have bought it sooner."
Put the battery in the portable DVD to connect with the mobile projector and set the DVD.
The light shined on the screen and the video began to play.
I was projecting on the wall at the Narson Mansion, but naturally it's definitely easier to see it on screen.
"'Planet Animal'... is that an animal movie?
Valletta reads out the displayed title.
In the first volume of a documentary series chasing the lives of different animals, now one female penguin living in Antarctica is the protagonist.
"Yeah. I was wondering if you could enjoy just the video as much as possible. This is an animal-life documentary."
"You have that, too. Oh, and proper subtitles...... Huh!?
"Yikes! What a creature! I'm so cute!!
"Wow, that's cute!
"I'm also doing this......!
Reese makes a scene with her eyes shining in the footage of a baby penguin wrapped in fluffy feathers.
Barletta also kept her mouth half-open and was seen as its loving figure.
Eira and Marie, too, nailed it to the screen.
"Oh, that's cute. Mr. Kazura, what kind of creature is this... Ah, it's called a penguin"
Read the subtitles displayed along with the audio as Zirconia takes the dish out of the box.
Except for Marie, Hiragana and Katakana can read it somehow.
"Kazura! I want a penguin! Buy it!
Reese grabs a good arm.
I mean my eyes.
"No, I can't because penguins can only live in cold places. I can't live in the heat."
"Uh, yeah... I'd like to hug a giu"
"I'll buy you a stuffed animal next time, so bear with me"
"Ka, Mr. Kazra, I want one too!
Yes, and Valletta raises her hand.
When I saw it, Eira and Marie also looked like they wanted it.
"Well, I'll buy them all for you"
"Look, everybody move your hands. I have time for a bath."
Zirconia cooks out of the box.
Everyone's hands are going to stop when I'm running DVD, so I decided to stop the screening and eat before watching.
"Well, would you like one? I bought a lot too much, so please feel free to eat."
Cuisines such as sushi, BLT, Chinese hors d 'oeuvres, grilled chicken, tonkatsu, cut steak and caesar salad were arranged.
Arrange dishes beside the furnace and surround them all.
With the wet tissue I've prepared, I'll cover my hands with a mess.
"Hey, Kazura. Isn't this fish raw? What kind of food is that?
Seeing Reese's grip of big trout, sea bream and car shrimp split into her plate, with a strange face.
I've only bought three servings, so each of the stories handed out is different.
By the way, it's all rusty.
"Yeah, it's raw. It's a dish called sushi, and it's a dish with raw fish fillets on rice mixed with vinegar."
"Oh yeah... can I eat..."
"If you're worried, you should just give it a whirl. And when you eat, put on some soy sauce and eat it."
"Yeah...... can I stab you with a fork and eat this?
"No, I actually eat with chopsticks... can I use them? I got it for once."
Break the chopsticks from Yiliang and distribute them to everyone.
"This is how you use it. Chopsticks on the upper side with thumbs, index fingers and middle fingers like this -"
Reese looked at her good hand and held a chopstick with an imitation of her appearance.
He cleverly opens and closes the chopsticks, imitating Ichiyoshi moves slowly.
"Like this?"
"Wow, you're ready to use it now"
"Yeah. It's not that hard. Barletta's working on it."
Like Reese, Barletta cleverly opens and closes the chopsticks.
Instead, he looks smaller and more accustomed than Reese.
"Seriously. Mr. Barletta, that's amazing. Isn't that perfect?"
"Eh heh. Because I used to practice using pencils instead of chopsticks."
"Oh, was I? Mr. Zirconia... yes, it looks good."
Zirconia was messing with her face, but she managed to open and close it with a trick.
There is a slight pull on hand.
"... I see. My hands are going to cramp, but I think I can use them somehow."
"If it doesn't look good, use a fork.... Eira and Marie don't have to."
Ella and Marie shivering their fingers and manipulating their chopsticks.
Both of them, chopsticks crossed and x.
"No, I'll do my best!
"Wow, I'll do my best too!
"Oh, really? Well, shall we eat?"
"Yeah. Well, let's try this pink one"
Reese grabbed the large trout's nigiri with chopsticks, put it on soy sauce and stirred it half.
Chew the mosquito and stop the movement perfectly.
"Sorry, I can't do this"
Hide your mouth with your hands and look good.
"Well, that didn't work. Don't push it. You can spit it out."
"Yeah, I'm so sorry..."
"No, no, he said he had no choice but to be bad at it."
"Dear Liese, to this..."
Reese turned around and spit it out on the handkerchief given to Eira.
"Me, this is okay! It's so delicious!
Everyone sees Barletta in that voice.
He was moving his mouth and his eyes glowing.
Looks like I ate a whole big troll.
"Yeah... something like this, doesn't it smell unique? Tastes good... I don't think it's bad."
"Really? It tastes good, it's mellow, sweet, and it's delicious."
"I don't know... Ugh, I feel like I've lost something really bad"
"Everyone has a preference, so there's no choice. Everyone else, please."
For a good recommendation, Zirconia and Marie have a medium troll.
Eira put the shrimp in her mouth.
Ugh, and Zirconia blushes.
"Wow, I can't do this either..."
"I'm fine. It's refreshing and delicious. How's Marie?
Chew Momogu and Eira sees Marie.
"Sooo delicious!!
I guess it depends on the stuff I ate, but sushi seems like a dish that divides my tastes considerably.
How much did Barletta and Marie like it, and she also speaks of squid and bird shellfish when it looks very tasty.
The vinegar rice doesn't seem to be a problem either.
Regardless of the raw fish, I was quite surprised because Icura thought it might just not be possible.
"Ugh... Kazura, even beginners can't eat delicious?
"I think shrimp would be fine. The one Mr. Eira was eating earlier."
Leese takes a glimpse of Barletta chewing sushi next door.
Okay, and when I breathed, I grabbed the shrimp grip with chopsticks, put soy sauce on it and threw it into my mouth.
Meditate your eyes, swell and chew your cheeks as you mow.
"... what do you say?
Very well, sigh down.
"... yeah, this would be fine. I can eat."
"How do you feel about the flavor?
"... Fair enough, I guess. Rice is full, but I'm fine."
"Fair enough...... how about Mr. Marie?
Ichigo talks to Marie, who was just eating shrimp.
Marie snorted.
"It's the best!!
"Ugh, that's good... I wanted to eat it delicious too..."
"Hmmm...... oh, maybe we'll be fine over here. It's called salad rolls."
Yiliang divides the salad rolls into small plates of lease into slices.
Tuna, vegetables, and mayonnaise are the base seaweed rolls, so they should be easier to eat than raw fish.
"No raw fish in there?
"I'm not in there. The one who boiled the fish, because it only contains roasted eggs and vegetables"
"Then I guess I'll be fine..."
Leese roughly wraps the salad roll in half.
I chewed it a few times, and it made me look like whoa.
"I'm fine with this! Delicious!"
Reese cheeks the rest of the way.
Apparently, you liked it.
"Wow, this yellow is delicious!
Barletta cheeks the Unni warship and has a melting look.
That's what the onions seem to split likes and dislikes, but it seemed like a big win for Barletta's taste.
"Oh, are you okay with the onions? It's a luxury ingredient, but there are so many people who don't like it."
"Really? It's like an arcadian bug to be a fancy ingredient. Why don't you eat, Master Reese, too? It's delicious!
"Wow, I'll stop. Something, because it looks like it might not work."
"Well, it sounds like Reese should keep it for other dishes. I think if it was BLT, it would be delicious."
"BLT? What's that?
"It's a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Delicious."
See, Ichigo splits one BLT into the lease.
"Thanks.... really, that's delicious! It tastes like a salad roll!
"Good. Reese likes mayonnaise."
"Reese, the red one over here, it's delicious. It's a little hard, though."
Zirconia is cheeky with shrimp chili, taking this and Chinese dishes to the plate.
He seemed to like Chinese food quite a bit and was carrying it to his mouth one after the other.
"That's a dish called shrimp chili. Is Mr. Zirconia a Chinese cook?"
"Right, I prefer something with a solid fire through it"
"How's Mr. Eira?
"Hmm, I like this salad, don't I? Refreshing and delicious."
We all continued to eat afterwards and ended up flattening the dish by about half.
Barletta and Marie even kept eating sushi, so we didn't have to be feathers like carrying raw fish over the next day.
The remaining dish was returned to a box of styrofoam and I decided to add the refrigerant I had been using for the cake.
This will last long enough until tomorrow morning.