Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
Story 227: Handling Precautions
"Ri, he said it was a disobedience!? Diaz, you!!
"Your Majesty, it is not! Wait!"
Narson grabs Elmia's arm, who stood up with the momentum to kick the chair.
"Lord Diaz has not betrayed us. I dared to pretend to be on the enemy's plot, and I was watching the opportunity."
"What a stupid thing to do! He told me he's been talking to me for five years now!? You think you can keep your mouth shut forever and believe such a statement!
Elmia floats a blue muscle on her forehead, staring at Narson.
"Master Gracior showed me how hell I am, so now I will have decided to confess! If you betray this country, you'll be sure to go to hell!
"So that's a misunderstanding. I also knew better than ever that Lord Diaz was being held off Barbell."
To Narson's words, he and everyone but Diaz made a slight face again.
"What!? Are you kidding me?
"Yes, I was consulted by Lord Diaz shortly after the conversation was held from Barbell."
"Then why have you been silent until now!?
"As I said earlier, at my suggestion, Lord Diaz dared to pretend to be on the enemy's plot. Barletta, bring your majesty's chair over here."
Barletta rushes over and puts Elmia's chair back in position facing the Narsons.
"Your Majesty, just have a seat"
"... um"
Sit back on the chair as Elmia breathes with her shoulders.
The burning head cooled slightly after a beat.
From the time she was yelled at by Elmia, Diaz has solidified with a tenacious look as she pushed her back against the back of the chair.
"We apologize for not reporting this until now. Until the instructions came from Barbell as to when we were actually going to break away, we were going to go ahead on our own."
Narson speaks to Elmia in a slow tone.
"... why did you want to do that"
"Because we decided that this information should not be enlightened by anyone. If you pretend to be in a rebellion and lure your enemies in, it is possible to annihilate the enemy's large forces in one piece. We were after it."
"... Hmm"
Elmia stares into Narson's eyes.
Narson says it sounds good that he was spying on the opportunity, etc., but that would be a lie no matter what he thinks.
Even if you think back to how Diaz looked yesterday, it's normal to think that Diaz confessed without any choice because he wanted to avoid going to hell.
Before Diaz confessed to the entire leadership, he confessed to Gracior and his close friend Nalson, Elmia thought.
For Elmia, Narson is a loyal minister who literally defended his country with his wife Zirconia during the war.
I also know that, even after the truce, I was working on building border fortifications and home affairs by cutting my own personal belongings to the point of criticism.
Looking at a series of recent battles, it is clear that Narson has not plotted betrayal.
More importantly, there is a God named Graciol attached to him.
Then what is Narson's intention in making a statement sheltering Diaz?
To use as effectively as possible the pawn named Diaz, which was through with Barbell, it would be a bad idea to strangle him down here and plead guilty.
That's what Narson thinks, isn't this how he defends the unscrupulous so that Diaz doesn't get branded as a backcutter?
Elmia rethought, for example, that this place seemed better suited to Narson's story.
"Fine. Narson, explain it in order."
"Yes, I did. Firstly, it was now five years ago that Lord Diaz was brought up with a story over Barbell. Right after the truce was signed."
"Did Nalson know from that point on?
"Yes, I was immediately approached by Lord Diaz to discuss' I need to fold in and talk to you 'and he was telling me everything"
"Well, what is the content of the 'consultation'?
"It's a consultation to see if we can use this rebellion to make a good calculation of how to fit Barbell into the plan."
"... ho"
Elmia glimpses Diaz.
Diaz snorted into small pieces with a strong expression.
"Even then, whenever the story was carried from Barbell to Lord Diaz, he shared information with me one by one. The only two people who know this are me and Lord Diaz, and our family and subordinates don't know who they are."
"So those guys were the only ones who kept their calculations inside, huh?
"Yes, this time I have decided to speak to everyone because, in the name of Lord Kazra, and under the name of Master Graciol, it has been decided to unite with the fame. I thought it was just the right time."
"Mm-hmm. In the future, we're going to be working with everyone on the" loss account ". I'm convinced of that."
Elmia turns her face to Diaz.
"Ha, ha!
Diaz replies in a dull manner.
My voice was completely up.
Haychelles sitting next to him hasn't uttered a word, but he's looking at Diaz with a face that says, "Is this guy serious?"
"I'm sorry I imitated you yelling earlier. It seemed like it was my first move."
"Yes, no! My apologies for not being able to report you right away!
"Mm-hmm. Well, it's because of the circumstances. Never mind."
Pekopeko and Redbe. Diaz bowing his head like this.
Elmia turns to Narson again.
"Well, it's Narson. We'll all need to discuss a way to get Barbell in. This is a great opportunity to lure your enemies to a blow."
"Yes, you're right"
"Hmm. I'll leave the summary of the discussion to you. Let's take it up as one of the items on the agenda after this military conference."
"Yes, I did. Lord Kazura."
Nalson turns a good face.
"I'm sorry I blocked the story on the way. Thank you for continuing your weapon description."
"Okay. Before you do, Your Majesty's seat..."
"Oh, I'm fine. I'll do it myself."
Elmia rises, carries the chair herself back to her original position, and sits back.
"Now, I'll explain one weapon at a time that I just showed you. Mr. Barletta, please put your crossbow photos and blueprints on the monitor."
"Yes, sir"
After that, he explained the new weapon as one, and once it was disbanded for lunch.