Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
239 words: baked marshmallows
Afternoon in a few days.
Yiliang was at the south gate of the fort, looking at a line of friends who had gathered from all over.
A long line of four legions and servants and slaves who follow them from the Wang capital and the territory of milling stretches far beyond.
Is it like three or four kilometers away until the head reaches the fort?
"That's an amazing number of people... how many are there in all, this"
Yiliang speaks to Barletta, who stands next to him.
"Uh, there's about 5,000 men in one legion, so I was wondering if maybe 20,000 soldiers alone. If the rest of us go together, there's going to be 30,000 people lightly."
"Is that 30,000? Then, when you combine the reinforcements from Kreilatz with the people in the fort, there's going to be about 60,000 of them."
"Yes, it's like a whole big city is moving..."
Barletta also seems to be overwhelmed by the sight, with a flashing face.
To that appearance, Narson, who was beside him, nods yeah.
"It's a showdown with Barbell. I'm still a little uncomfortable with this, but we've been able to count the new weapons, and we'll figure it out."
"We've already prepared gunpowder and poison gas ammunition. If our enemies come together and attack us, that's what we have."
"Yeah. Especially since poison gas bullets sprinkle smoke extensively over a long period of time. Well, if it wasn't for the wind."
"Right. But there are more than twice as many catapults and scorpions as last time, so I'm sure you'll be fine."
To put it confidently, Reese smiles.
"Kazura and Baretta, you've been working very hard. I worked with craftsmen."
"Right. I think you've done the most serious job of your life. Thank you very much, Mr. Barletta. I couldn't have done this without Mr. Barretta."
"No, thanks to the artisans for their hard work. I was relieved to make a lot more than I expected."
Talking about that, I saw several horsemen coming from the side of the line as they rolled up the dust.
On the face I see, a good look breaks.
"Hey, Kazura!
"Mr. Lugro! It's a hiccup!
"Whoa! How you doing?
Lugro, who was running the lead, jumps down Rata and slaps his good shoulder with a smiling smile.
Wearing luxurious armor, he stood quite majestic.
"Thanks to you. Where's Mr. Lugro?
"You're in great shape. I've been in great shape ever since I got home from Isteria. Ruti and the kids are saying the same thing, and Kazra, did you do something to us?
"Just a little something rough that will cheer you up. I wish it had worked."
"Seriously. After all, those spellmen and Kazra don't have the same character. That's where they work."
"Really? What's the way?
"Uh, when I fell asleep with a cold, I didn't know much about the liquid in the little kettle."
"Oh, uh, Your Highness"
When Ichigo and Lugro approached him, an elderly man who was following him spoke to Lugro.
He is a heavy town in the King's capital's army.
There were several other elderly men in a twitchy manner, with their eyes glaring at Lugro.
They're all in armor.
"Oh? Well, wait a minute. I'll talk to you later."
"Hmm? Something urgent?
For one good question, Lugro makes a slightly troubled face.
"No, this guy does, too, but there's a lot of people out there who want to give Kazla a gift."
When Lugro said, the man became in a hurry.
"Yes, no, it's nothing else! Just what you rarely see!
"Dear Kazura! If you don't mind, could you please give us a moment after this!?
"Dear Kazura, I recently set up a new nursing home in Wangdu! I would love to borrow your wisdom once and for all about future policies!
I'm stuffed with men.
Everyone is desperate to make their treatment a little better after death.
That's the first time Ichigo noticed that the family crest of the dagger that was lowering to Lugro's waist and their family crest were the same thing.
Apparently, they're royal too.
"Ah, yes. Ok. Then, after this..."
One soldier ran from the fort when Ichirano tried to say so.
"Dear Mr. Narson. This is a report that a group of Barbell troops are approaching from the north. Legion leaving the city of Mudia."
Narson looks back at the soldier.
"Distance and number?
"We'll reach a visible position around sundown, just under one legion."
"Right. What about the other enemy forces?
"We're three days away from the arrival of the lead regiment."
"Mm-hmm. Let each team on the defensive wall and defensive tower know to stay on the dock after dinner. The task force outside may continue to build the camp as it is"
At Narson's direction, a soldier rushes back into the fort.
The faction-building work is carried out throughout the night, with no daytime or night relations.
Soldiers do it during the day, and citizens packing in fortifications at night take turns to continue their work.
"When it comes from the city of Mudia, is it the 6th and 10th legions?
"Yes. Looks like they'll be in this fight too"
To a good question, Narson answers.
The Sixth and Tenth Regiments are the Barbell armies that engaged during the last attack on the fort.
Almost destroyed in the field was the Sixth Regiment led by General Marquez.
Caged and engaged in the fort was the 10th legion led by General Kyren.
Both regiments are reported to have been stationed in a city called Mudia, a few days away from this fort.
Mudia is a large city that was used in the last war as a resupply for the Barbell army.
It is a rich city rare in Barbell, with a large barn zone.
"Hmm. They should be full of wounded soldiers, but you've marched a lot without waiting for your people. Are you going to attack me?
"No, I guess you're going to build a camp first. You shouldn't be so close."
Narson turns his attention to Lugro.
"Your Highness. I know you have some stories to pile up, but would you like to come to the quarters first?
"Right. I've been tired of marching for days, and shall I let you? Do you have a bath?
"Yes. Will you be in soon?
"Then I guess I'll be in before dinner. I'll bring the Ruthies, too, so have them ready."
"... is Her Royal Highness with you?
Lugro smiles bitterly at Nalson for blushing.
"Oh. It's dangerous to leave me in the king's capital and force me to chase you like before again, isn't it? That's why you invited me to come with you this time."
"I see, that's true......"
"The kids are with us. I'll tell you not to go outside the quarters so I don't bother you. Give him a break."
"Yes, I did. Tell Her Royal Highness to keep an eye on your son."
"Whoa, okay. Well, I'll be there. You guys, I need you to take orders from Mr. Narson first."
When Lugro offered to the men he was able to follow, he jumped on Rata and drove back to his unit with his escorts.
The men left see the good in a twitchy way.
To them like that, Narson turned his face.
"Let me first explain the situation of the fort in conjunction with the military debate. Ladies and gentlemen, this way."
Narson nods the men and returns to the fort.
"Um, Mr. Zirconia"
Ichigo whispered to Zirconia, who tried to follow them.
"Earlier, Mr. Lugro said, 'Even if you're forced to chase me like before,' you know what this is about?
"Yes, I know. Mr. Kazura, did you hear about the taming of Your Highness and the Queen?
"No, I didn't ask. Leese and Baretta told me that Rutina's home was a bakery."
"Was I? Well, I don't know the details either."
Let Zirconia speak and listen, remembering what it was then.
Says it happened 11 years ago now, when Lugro followed the soldiers as Legion Leader and came to the land.
A few days after Lugro came to the fort, one young daughter crossed over to the fort with a servant from the supply unit.
My daughter went into the fort and made a scene asking me to meet Lugro.
Naturally, his daughter was captured, but he was freed by Lugro, who rushed in, and after talking about something, he was sent back to the king's capital.
Then a few months later, doing the same again, my daughter came to the fort and made a fuss about letting Lugro see her again.
He was then sent back to the King's Capital again, and the fact that he would return again a few months after that continued several times, so that Lugro could take root and keep her at hand.
A while later, her daughter's pregnancy was discovered, and a wedding took place abruptly at the fort, a few months after which her daughter gave birth to twins.
and to this day.
"I don't know the details because I wasn't very interested, but this seems to be the place"
"I see. Did that happen? Is it a big romance?
"Right. Next time, ask Your Highness what happened. Because I'm interested, too."
As they were talking there, Narson looked back ahead.
"Hey, Jill. You're going to the military, too. Come on."
"Yes, sir. See you later, Mr. Kazra."
Zirconia smiles with a good grin and heads under Narson on a small run.
"... very unlikely to be the next king. It's not that crazy of a man to have children and marry a civilian on his own."
Blurry with faces like Reese's heartbroken.
"Well, it's not a compliment. Looks like it's working out as a result, and isn't this good enough?
Follow In a good way, Reese turns a disgruntled face.
"That's not just a theory of results. You can't possibly ignore blood muscles and stick with civilians. The next king's choice of daughter-in-law is about shaping the future of the country, isn't it?
"That's right..."
"I don't think there would ever be a rebel force out there if Kazra were here, but if not, the royal courtship would be rattled at the time of His Highness Lugro's reign. The minister can't trust a king who does what he wants."
"Yes, you are."
"Uh, I'm really angry. Why is he the next king?"
Barletta laughs bitterly at Reese, who is puffy and angry, listening to her.
"I can't choose where I'm born, and I can't help it. I'm sure you're in the most trouble."
"That's true, but then we should at least try to be the right person for that position"
"Right. You should try."
"Right? Oh, it's frustrating"
Barletta's care is empty, and Reese remains grumpy.
I don't know what to do, Barletta turns a good eye on something like that.
Taking it, Ichiyoshi laid his hands on Reese's head, Pong.
"Well, you're so angry. Do you want anything sweet to change your mood?
"Yeah, I eat. Whatever. I feel like eating."
"Dear Liese, how about a baked marshmallow or something?
"What, do marshmallows even bake and eat?
Barletta smiles at Reese, who looks surprised.
"Yes, it seems so. I just saw it in a camping magazine, and I've never eaten it either, so I thought I'd like to try it."
"Baked marshmallows? I miss you."
"Ah, Mr. Kazra has done it before, hasn't he?"
"Yeah. I only did it once while burning leaves in my father's field. I haven't eaten since then."
"That's right. What did it taste like?
"It's a delicious word. I stab it in the stick and cook it in the fire a little bit, but when it burns, the surface starts to creep, and it smells sweet and fragrant, and when I put it in my mouth, it's fluffy and thick, and it's sweet as it melts."
For a good explanation, Barletta and Liese throat.
"Kazura, I want grilled marshmallows! Make it!"
"Whoa. But it's still hot right now, and how about it's on the roof after the sun goes down? It'll give you the vibe."
"Yeah, fine. Then eat dinner on the roof!
"Okay, it's settled. Cook the sausage too and make a hot dog. I'm feeling a little outdoors."
"We also need to get out The Warcraft and Pickles. We need to bake some bread, too."
That's how the three of them went back to their quarters with a loud fuss.