Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
244 Stories: Advantages They Don't Know
Around that time, Yi Liang, who had concluded talks with the Kyrens, had gathered in the conference room of the fort.
Lugro is also present, arm in arm, silently looking at Zirconia.
"Nalson, until the other messenger arrives, you don't need to do this."
A rugged-looking zirconia tells Narson.
"For this time, I cooperated with you. I've lived for this time."
"Jill, I'm sorry, but I can't promise. We carry the future of all the people of this country."
Narson looks painful and speaks to Zirconia.
"The number of enemies is more than double that of us if we do poorly. We can't let you build a position near the fort, and if you try to build a stone thrower, like the last time you were ambushed, you have to prevent it at all costs. Even the enemy troops who are trying to surround the sides of the fort..."
"I know that!!
Zirconia yells at Narson.
"Still! If we miss this opportunity, we may never find them again!
"Jill, think calmly. Even after winning this showdown and reconciling with them, we still have a chance to find the mastermind of the case. Aren't you in a hurry?"
"You don't know for sure! What if Kylen dies in battle in this fight!? If all the people who know the case are dead because of the fighting!? Interrogating the surviving senators isn't the end if they push through the unknown!
"Mr. Zirconia, please calm down"
Obviously, a good thing about Zirconia, which has blood on its head.
"Mr. Narson's right, it's impotent that you'll never take it out of here. I don't know what they're gonna do."
"Until you, Mr. Kazra......!
Angry gaze at Zirconia, Ichigo takes a breath all the time.
Never before have I ever been looked at like that by her.
"... Mr. Zirconia, this battle will never be allowed to lose. Please, be patient now."
"Don't be silly!!
Bang! and Zirconia slap the desk with both hands.
"If you're impatient, I've had enough! Even when I was fighting them in the last war! Even when I signed a truce with them five years ago! All this time, I've been patient! I think I can finally find my family's revenge!? Why do I have to endure this any longer!?
"Although Mr. Zirconia has not been the only one who has endured it!
She yelled at him and Zirconia shrugged her shoulders.
Until then, Barletta and Reese, who watched the exchange quietly, also make their shoulders jump up on that sword screen.
"I lost my family in the fight against Barbell, all the people have endured it! When the fort was ambushed, you watched the citizens go to their enemies until they disobeyed orders!?
Ichigo distorts his face to anger and spits out his words.
"Everyone died to protect this country for those who have died for this country and for those of us who live now! You're just going to prioritize your feelings until you ignore them!?
Zirconia clutches her mouth and drops her gaze to her desk.
"... I know. That's all I know."
Zirconia shivers her voice.
"How many of us have lost company so far. It was natural that the fellows we had dined with the day before were gone the next day. Everybody's not just for their own grudges. He died fighting for me and my people."
"But this could be our last chance."
Zirconia looks up and blocks a good word.
From those eyes, tears were spilling.
"It may be time to find the mastermind who killed his parents and sister. I might be able to slit the throats of the people who did it on my behalf with this hand."
To her words, close the mouth where Yi Liang was about to open.
My head, which was getting hot, was attacked by the feeling of cooling off as if I had been showered with cold water.
"I... what can I do? Give up all the thoughts of the people who entrusted everything to me and all the carelessness of my family... what's left of me?"
Leese takes her seat and walks over to Zirconia, where she sneezes and cries out.
When Reese put her hand on Zirconia's back, the door to the conference room opened.
"Dear Kazura! It's tough..."
Nina jumped in and stopped the words a little after watching the crying zirconia.
"What. Is that a rush report?
Narson speaks to Nina.
"Yes! In Gregoria, we have a radio call that Master Diaz has been executed!
Her words stained everyone's expression with amazement.
"Is that really Dear Diaz!?
"So every city is betraying you!?
As Ichigo rushed up to the rooftop of the quarters, the village daughters were turning toward the radio in a panic.
"Ah, Master Kazura!
The village daughters notice each other well and rush to the same place.
It was Ichigo, Narson, Barletta and Lugro who came up on the roof.
Reese is still in the conference room, accompanied by a crying zirconia.
"I've been contacted that Master Diaz has been executed!
"He said he got all his stomach out!
"It's like a lot of people keep getting killed right now!
"Oh, calm down!
Wow, I can forgive my daughters for making a scene like that.
"That radio is connected to Gregorn territory, right?
"Yes! From the roof of the inn, it's like watching the square! Hey, I'm replacing Master Kazura!
One of my daughters tells the radio and handles the radio uniquely.
"It's a kazla. What the hell happened? Go ahead."
Yiliang presses the receive button on the radio.
"Dear Kazura! This one is in big trouble, and a man named Nibel fanned the citizens and soldiers... ugh, ugh!?
The young man's hurried voice echoes along with the hustle and bustle of a large crowd.
At the same time, I could hear the rubbing sound of gasha and armor.
"What are you doing!
"What's that weird thing? Give it to me!
The voices of wild men and the noise of contention echo from the radio.
"What the hell! It doesn't matter!
"Don't touch it! Let go of me!
Don, and right after the sound of something kicking in, Gashan, and the sound of armor rolling down the ground.
"Become!? You guys!
"Run! Jump!
"This is the last four floors!?
"You're flying to the veranda of the building across the street! Come on! '
"Oh, already!
'Oh, hey! Wait!'
After the bumpy noise, the puzzled radio audio broke off.
Yiliang turns to the village daughters with the radio in his hand.
"… Gentlemen, tell us one thing at a time what they have heard from you"
Ichigo tells the village daughters who look anxious.
When they snorted, they were allowed to speak and listen to their radio interactions.
"Come here, no way. What is rebellion in Gregorn territory..."
I hear one story from Nina and the others, and Narson holds his forehead in a rugged face.
In the story of Nina and the others, Niebel spoke to the citizens that Istail territory had betrayed Arcadia in concert with Barbell and had just learned of a situation in which heavy towns, including Diaz, were being executed from one end to the other.
"Nibel or... I thought you were just a merchant, but I didn't expect you to do this"
"Mr. Narson, the Gregorn army is now packed into a fort on the coastline, isn't it?
To a good inquiry, Narson nods.
"It should. The fort's defense and wondering if the Navy is deploying to defend the coastline. Gregoria will only have a handful of defensemen left."
"What are the chances that those forces are headed for the recapture of Gregoria?
"I don't know. rebellion, which means those armies are also threatened with being flattered"
"... does that mean they could attack this way"
If Niebel had flexed all his armies, he could have pointed some of his troops toward the fort under the great name of destroying the Isthère army, which had joined hands with Barbell, and rescuing the Wang Du army and the Fleise army.
Barbell's army and hostility should continue, so emptying the coastline fortifications won't mean anything.
"Yes, but from what I've heard about the Ninas, it doesn't look like they betrayed Arcadia and turned back on Barbell"
"Hmm... it would be pointless if we persuaded the citizens and the general soldiers to join the royal family, even if we killed all the Gregorn leaders and incited the citizens to believe that Istail territory had betrayed them."
"Yes, it is possible that you will make a scene that my realm has betrayed you and try to make you confuse it with the Wang Du Army and the French realm. But that's not very realistic."
"Right. Then their aim is-"
"Empty Isteria, I guess."
To Narson's response, Ichigo puts a face to it.
"You mean a calculation stage where you occupy Isteria and wait for a fort that's been cut off from the supply route to fall?
"It will likely be. After that, the idea was to incite the citizens to surrender in front of the barber army that approached the city"
"Hmm. That's pretty strong, isn't it? Neither the public nor the general public will be convinced."
"Right. But if they tell you that if you defy them, you'll kill everyone on the pillow with the city, then your public opinion will lean toward surrender. If Nibel is connected to Barbell, we should also have a compromise proposal to tilt public opinion further into surrender."
"I see... in the meantime, Isteria needs to remand some troops. We have to protect the city."
"Yes. Send the second legion of my realm back to Isteria..."
"Mr. Narson, with that 'radio' thing, can't you get in touch with the Kingsville army?
Until then, Lugro, who kept his mouth shut, speaks to Narson.
"If we keep Gregoria on his way to the Kingsville army, if we're bad, he'll put us in a nickel, and we'll come together and attack Isteria."
"No, that's okay. The Legion Commander of the Wang Metropolitan Army on his way to Gregoria is watching a video of hell."
"Oh, speaking of which... but that could make it into a battle with the Gregorn Army. I'm not gonna get in touch with you. It's gonna be bad."
"That's true, but radio contact can't be done without the other person's radio, too. The only way to get in touch with those who spoke on the radio earlier is to have the Wang Du Army tell them, or we can give them a message here."
"Right... Kazla"
Lugro turns a good eye.
Ichigo guessed what it meant and immediately nodded.
"Yeah. Let's use the bike. Tell Mr. Barletta, Mr. Isaac and Mr. Havel to find the Wang Du Army by motorcycle as soon as possible to explain the situation. Don't forget the radio."
"Oh, wait!
Lugro stops Barletta from trying to get downstairs.
"Mr. Narson, let me come with you. After I join the King's army, I'll try to convince the Gregorians."
Everyone turns a surprised face to Lugro, who says something terrible.
"Your Highness, that shouldn't happen. In case anything happens to His Highness, I can't take it back."
"No, it's better to kill each other with the Gregorn army like this."
Lugro turns his rugged face to Narson.
"If I talk to him directly, I'll clear up the suspicion that Istel territory has betrayed him. If we don't move soon, it's too late."
Narson roars with a distressed look.
Lugro is the Commander-in-Chief of the Arcadia Army and his impact on the morale of the entire Army would be immense if he were killed.
Keeping the fort away before the showdown is a problem, and it is dangerous in the sense of the survival of the royal family.
"'Cause it's okay. If you could let me use that fast ride, it wouldn't be a big time difference if I took a big detour to the south so the Gregorn army wouldn't find me. There's nothing dangerous about it."
"... ok. Lord Kazra, may I use all the motorcycles in the fort to escort His Highness?
One good snorts immediately at Narson's suggestion.
"Of course it is. Let's also get out the bike we have in Isteria and rendezvous along the way. Contact the village of Grisea and give Isteria a a motorcycle."
Ichigo said that much, and I noticed it all the time.
Baretta looks like she noticed at the same time, and looks at each other with a good look.
"… the village of Gricea is on the path of Gregoria and Isteria. We need to get the villagers out of here."
"Mm-hmm, that's true... let's get in touch wirelessly, abandon the village and evacuate to Isteria with the defense team"
Good to Narson's words, he nodded and turned his attention to Barletta.
"Mr. Barletta, I need you to prepare the bike. Mr. Isaac and Mr. Havel, along with the villagers and good drivers, instruct the sidecar to board the Kingsguard and head to Isteria immediately."
"In Isteria, you pick up the rest of the bike, right?
"That's right. There's got to be some Mr. Roslu left in Isteria, so I'll tell them to cooperate."
"Okay! Dear Lugro, let's go!
Barletta, along with Lugro, ran out downstairs.