Tens of minutes later, Isaac, Habel, and dozens of nearby guards rushed in front of the gates.

Ichira, Valletta, and Reese climb up the gate and look at Lars.

"Jill, I think you know....."

"You don't have to say anything extra, do you? Don't tell me again."

Zirconia answers like, "Oh my God."

While waiting for Isaac and the others, Narsson and Ruglo persisted in telling Zirconia, "Never imitate provoking Lars."

Zirconia's face is too persistent.


Again, Lars' anger echoes from the outside.

This has been going on for more than 30 minutes since he came.

Did you get really tired? The voice rubbed and the frequency dropped a little.

"Still, it's been a long time. Am I losing so much morale, hostiles?

Liz lays her cheek on the fence with both hands and looks at Lars screaming.

Kayoshi nodded in agreement with it.

"I don't know. Well, I shot him with cannons and catapults, so the soldiers over there are scared.

"Last night's battle was amazing. Valletta, do you think you're gonna be okay stockpiling gunpowder or something?

Lizzie shook the barretta next to the best.

Valletta has been observing incoming enemy forces with binoculars for some time now.

"There are few flamethrowers, but we still have some room for gunpowder. However, we've consumed a lot of bombs, so we need to make a new one."

In last night's battle, I used all weapons except gas bullets against the incoming enemy forces.

The cavalry ran around the battlefield and repeatedly said they would retreat by dropping a hand-thrown bomb on enemy troops.

A bomb squad with the task of dropping a bomb, organized by gathering only the brave and powerful, was also put in place.

The enemy's front-line troops would have been hit by all the heavy weapons, including the falling arrows, the bombs thrown, and Scorpion and Catapult, which would have done a terrible disservice.

I see. Let's build a bomb together later. "

"Yes, Master Narson, General Kylen is coming this way."

Barretta says when she sees a red-haired man coming in on Rata from the incoming army.

Besides Kylen, there's a skinny-haired man and a blonde-haired three-knitted woman, Titis.

Narson sighed tirelessly when he heard that.

"Oh dear. If General Kylen is here, we might be able to convince him... open the gates."

Narson ordered the gates to open slowly and loudly.

"Oh, come on!

Luglo raised his mighty voice and spread his legs over the rat.

"Your Highness... are you still going?

"You're supposed to go. If they say something stupid, I'll do it."

"But... did you get permission from your wife?


Luglo strengthens his face.

Rutina should be in the dorm with the kids by now.

Children are not to be taken out until the battlefield is cleaned up.

Rutina knows that last night's battle went well and that Ruglo is helping recover the wounded on the battlefield, but she hasn't heard from the enemy generals yet.

"... no, I'll wait after all. Mr. Narsson, do something good."

"I understand. Shall we go, Kazura?


A group of good men descended from the castle gate and straddled Rata.

The best of us are here to stop Zirconia just in case.

The best is Zirconia's persuader, Valletta and Reese, and if they still can't, the two of them stop Zirconia with their own strength.

"Jill, listen, never..."

"Oh, no! I knew it!

Zirconia jumped onto the rat, shouting easily.

They sew between the soldiers lined up in their positions, and the best descend down the hill.

Everyone seemed nervous about what was going to happen and was dropping it off.

Um, you're arguing something.

Down the hill, Lars, Kyren, and the skinny-haired man were arguing.

Lars is pretty excited, yelling at Kylen and the others with angry faces.

"Bullshit! The anger echoed to us.

At about 200 meters behind Lars, their soldiers looked at us in a row.

"You seem very angry... Kazura-san, please stay behind me when you're over there."

Valletta looks at Lars and tells the best who runs next door.

"I see. But if anything happens, let's get the hell out of here."

"That's right. Master Narson, is that all right?

"Ah. Isaac, Habel, you and the Guards will take care of this in case anything happens. In the meantime, we'll run away."


"Ah. Why is this such a hassle... Oh?

When Zirconia blurred, I saw giant white and black-black uribows rushing under Lars' feet from the forest spreading to my left.

The rats behind them panicked and rampaged, shaking off the soldiers who grabbed the rope and fled to the people.

Other soldiers pulled out their swords and lined up to protect Lars.

The two bows stopped about 10 meters in front of each other and stared at Lars.

"Oh, I didn't know Olmasiol-san was coming... Did Lord Kazura call you?

Narson listens with a mixed voice of joy.

"Yes, no. I didn't call you. I think you came out worried."

Really? All right, let's talk from behind Master Olmasiol. Follow me, everybody. "

Narson kicks Rata's stomach and runs under Uribou.

The rats were apparently frightened about 100 meters from Uribau, so everyone stopped and got off the rat.

Leave Rata with a few guards and everyone will walk underneath Uribou.

"Zirconiaaa! Come on! I'll kill you!

When the best men approached about 10 meters behind Uribeau, Lars barked to Zirconia with his blue muscles on his forehead.

Kylen and a long-haired man on both sides hurriedly pressed Lars, who was trying to pull out the sword on his hips.

"You idiot! Stop it!"

"Brother! Calm down, please!

"Kyren, you shut up! Lucca, what the hell are you talking about?

Lars shouted angrily at Kylen and the long-haired man, Lucca, who was holding his arms from both sides.

"Shut up! Don't impersonate me!

"Niisama, calm down! Dangerous!"

"Ugh! What the hell is a uribow? I'll cut you up with Zirconia! Let go of me!

Looking at the noisy Lars, everyone walked right behind the Uribau.

White urine bows are as strong as adult cows, and look like giant wolves combined with a huge sense of intimidation.

Narsson looked scared and looked at Uribou's face from behind.

"... Mr. Ormasiol. Thank you for your help this time."

Narson whispered to the giant Uribo, and Uribo glanced at him.

Narson shrugged.

Uribou snorted his nose and turned his eyes to Lars again.

"Oh, may I ask, is it Olmasiol who obstructed the march of the Barber army towards the fort with fallen trees?


"Ah, you know?

Narson leaked a bewildered voice to Uribou, a giant body that did not respond.

"Uh, uh, Mr. Narsson. They don't seem to like talking much. Let's talk to Lars and the others."

"Mmm, was that so? I understand."

"Excuse me," Narson called out to the giant Uribou and lined up next to him.

Until then, the black urine bow next to the giant urine bow turned his back and came next to the best.

Lower your hips a little and look back at the best faces for a few seconds.

"Maybe you came out to protect me?

As soon as I listened with a low voice, the black urine bow turned to me again, loosened my eyes and raised my mouth slightly.

"... thank you. I'd like to talk to you about Cortz later. Can you come to my room tonight?

Black Uribou nodded slightly and turned his gaze back to Lars.

"General Lars"

Narson calls out to Lars as he tries to rip off Kylen and the others.

"I'm sorry, but please don't talk about the duel. If you're complaining, why don't we settle this in battle?


Lars immediately shouted at Narson with a loud, stupid voice.

They jump their shoulders unexpectedly and loudly.

Black Uribou glanced at her annoying face and leaned her ears behind her back.

It seems to be blocking my ears.

"How dare you kill Asha!? You're the only one I'll ever forgive!


For the first time, Narsson looked suspicious.

Lize stretched her expression and looked at Zirconia standing next to her.

Zirconia's face, which looked like a hassle to me just now, looked real.

"Hey, Lars!


Lars shook Kylen away from his shoulders and beat him to death in the cheek.

Gosh, a dull sound sounds, and Kylen blows blood out of her mouth and falls.


"You're in my way!


Lars also knocked out Lucca, who was holding the other arm.

Like Kylen, Racca flashballed and rolled over the ground.

Titis rushed to Kyren in a hurry and stared at Lars.

"Master Kyren! Mr. Lars, what are you doing?

"Shut up."

Lars stares at her and says in Doss's clever voice.

"Next, try your extra mouth. I'll break your arm. It's not a threat."


Regardless of Titis' expression, Lars turned to Zirconia.

"Answer me, Zirconia. Why did you kill Asha?

"... are you here to avenge that girl?

When Zirconia asked, Lars had blue muscles on his forehead.

"Oh, yeah. You killed him, didn't you?

"Yes, I did."

"Why!? Marquez must be the only one you wanted to kill! Why did you kill that unrelated guy!?

Titis, who was wiping Kyle's mouth blood with a handkerchief, said, "Huh?" he whispered.

"Ugh! Lars!

Kylen shouted at Lars in a hurry.

Lars looked at Zirconia with a careless look.

"Why? Because it's his family."

Zirconia stares straight at Lars and answers.

"For that reason, you're an old kid..."

"He killed my sister when she was 10?

Zirconia throws up in a boring way.

"What we did was on the shelf, a lot of selfish talk. Isn't that sweet?

"Oh, my goodness...?

"Jill, shut up!

Narsson panicked at Zirconia, who spoke a language that could be called provocation.

Zirconia turned to him like that.

"Narson, he came to avenge me. It won't fit like this."

"That's not the problem! What a stupid duel! Taunt me!

"... Zirconia is right."

Lars shook himself in anger and smiled brilliantly.

Oh, my goodness. That's true. But then, you won't even accept my offer. "

Lars put his hand on his hip sword and threw it out all at once.

It sounds like a thick sword that rips the air apart.

"I helped you take revenge last night. If you're going to say hello, it's your turn to cooperate now, right?

"... eh?

Titis leaked a stunned voice.

"Can you help me... Ka, Master Kyren?


Kylen bites her teeth tightly and stares at Lars silently.

The way he looked, Titis turned pale.

"That's right... then, last night's raid..."

"Don't listen to me, Mr. Zirconia. Please bear with me."

Meanwhile, Kazuyoshi looked back at Zirconia standing behind him and spoke in a small voice.

"If I accept his offer here, there will be no ex-child. I don't care if you call me a coward anymore, I have to say no."


Looking at Zirconia in trouble.

"I don't want Zirconia to be in danger anymore. You can't take a duel."

"... as it is, I repeat the same thing."


Zirconia smiles slightly lonely to make her look suspicious.

"I knew I had to finish here. It's okay, trust me."

"Believe in what?"

"Hey! What the fuck are you talking about!?

Lars yells at Zirconia.

It's a momentum that's just about to take a step forward.

A black urine bow next to one of the best raised his hips and gazed at Lars and raised his low roar.

The giant Uribou slightly bent over and raised his voice of roar.

"Okay. I'll accept your offer."


Narson looks back at Zirconia and yells.

Lise and Valletta stood ready to hold Zirconia back at any time.

"Mr. Zirconia!

Zirconia's eyes twinkled and controlled as she hurried to speak.

Cut it out! You always... "

Narson, this is the end of it.

Zirconia stares at Narsson and says quietly.

"It's what I started, so I have to finish it."


"When this is over, I'll do whatever you say. I will never imitate myself again. I promise."

Lars slapped his tongue with a sharp expression in the conversation.

"What do you mean, 'I'll take it'? That's what I originally promised."

"I'm sorry. There were a lot of things going on here."

Zirconia gives Lars a bitter smile.

"But isn't a duel between generals something you do in front of both armies? This isn't how you do things, is it?

"Ah? What do you want to say?

"After mourning the dead left on the battlefield, what do you think? Gather your soldiers and fight in front of everyone. What do you think?"

"... then you're going to have a fair duel?


Lars looks at his face and thinks a little.

A few seconds of silence flowed, and he opened his mouth.

"All right, all right. What about the date and time? Don't even think about postponing it.

"Narson, when do you want it?

Narsson roars as Zirconia waves.

I didn't mean for her to have a duel, but I nodded to myself that if I kept talking like this, I would be able to get through this.

Besides, the enemy will not attack until the duel is over.

Rest assured, you'll be able to focus on repairing your positions and replenishing supplies.

"... in 10 days. That will allow both sides to recover and bury all the bodies. There's still time to burn the corpse."

"Oh, yeah? Whatever."

"Huh... Lars, do it. We'll do it in 10 days."

Kylen stood up and threw up her bloody spit and told Lars.

Titis, whose face was pure white, trembled while supporting him.

Lars whispers his tongue.

"Okay, that's fine. Look, don't run away. Swear to your dead family now."

"... I swear."

Lars sheathed his sword when he heard Zirconia's reply.

"Don't forget. And next time, make sure you come out alone. Seriously, it's a one-on-one duel of hospitality."


Lars nodded and turned his heel and walked toward his army.

Kylen and Raccoon followed in silence.

The best of them were on the spot for a while as they left.