Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
Episode 277: What is apology?
That night.
Ichira was on the rooftop of the dormitory, watching the smoke rising from the square with Narsson.
The smoke that keeps rising is cremation of the dead.
The current season is summer, and if the corpses continue to be left unattended, there is a risk of spoilage and spread of the plague.
That's why we're cremating in a hurry as soon as we can identify ourselves.
The Barber side was also informed of the battlefield cleanup, and the messenger came earlier with an acknowledgement.
Tomorrow, they'll start retrieving the bodies.
In the meantime, we will not engage in any combat activities.
As a Barber army, it was just after a great deal of pain, and he needed time to get back on his feet.
"... I see. When combined with what Jill investigated in Nakando, Woodbell seems to be mistaken."
Narsson looks at the smoke and talks about Woodbell from Zirconia.
"Yes, it looks like you prevented the gunpowder from being taken out."
"But I didn't know there was a mix of people in the recruitment....."
After all, Narson sighs.
"Once again, we need to verify the identity of all soldiers. I don't think it's easy to burn out the others."
"Well, it's better than not... So, what about Melfi, what are you going to do?
"That's right, but it was difficult to handle, and I hurt my head...."
Melfi's father is a guard and in charge of ammunition depot management.
Her father, who was in a good position as a ranger, knew about the existence of motorcycles and radios and watched Hell's videos.
It is unlikely that he betrayed Arcadia and was not involved in the theft of the radio, according to Narson.
Nevertheless, if his daughter had committed such a heinous crime, there was no way that she would not be punished.
But if I punish you, someone else will suspect what you've done.
Naturally, fathers will also be jointly and severally liable, and rumors will spread about what kind of heinous crimes they have committed.
"Theft in the military is a felony. Nor is it permissible to steal a military secret radio, even if Woodbell didn't know it was a mess. Since cooperation with the undercover is the same as conspiracy, it would have been an execution, but this time Woodbell was undercover."
Woodbell's identity is not to be revealed, and he died of honor fighting the intruders.
To prevent Koltz from looking suspicious in the unlikely event that he did it on his own accord.
Zirconia's conversation with Sergeant Kintetsu in Narita was adopted as it was.
"Melfi was close to Woodbell, so if you punish her, people will say, 'What is it?' Woodbell must be treated as an honorable death, and to punish Merfi, he must be publicly known for stealing. But then...."
"If you think about him dying, it could be troublesome...."
"Yes, so Melfi will have to keep and kill her for the rest of her life."
"Her father, too, isn't he?
"That's what happens. So I want to show Melfi a video of Hell. When it comes to Woodbell, I'm going to tell you a story."
Worst of all, I thought Melphie was a slave or an executioner, so Narsson's proposal is very welcome.
If Merfi were executed, the impact on Cortz would be immeasurable.
Instead, if Koltz or Merfi asks me something, I need you to keep lying.
"I see. Are you going to point out to Melphie about the theft of the radio?
"Yes, I'll get Nina and the others to help me interrogate him, suggesting that there were other witnesses. After watching the video of hell, you'll be honest with yourself."
"I see... I see."
Ichira nods.
"Besides, I'm thinking of going back to Grisea Village tomorrow, but is it okay to take Zirconia with you?
"Jill, what is it? What can I do for you?
"Things have been tough for Zirconia lately, so I wish I could change my mind. If I could go with Lise, I'd be able to relax for a while."
"I see... I see. Please do so."
Narson smiles nicely.
"If Kazura seemed nice, could you be Jill's partner as much as possible? He feels most natural when he's with Lord Kazura."
"Ah, yes. Absolutely."
"Thank you very much. In my case, it seemed like there was a lack of power."
Narson puts his elbows on the stone fence and turns his eyes to the smoke in the square.
"When this battle is over, Jill is supposed to leave the Istail family."
"... yes. I heard that from Zirconia."
Narson nods to the best answer.
It seems to me that Kazuyoshi is listening to it.
"Jill has always been really hard to think about. After the war, I want you to be as happy as you've ever been."
"That's right... just what Lizzie says. I'm sure you'll miss me."
That's right. But he's an adult too. I'm sure you'll understand. "
Narson sees the best again.
"If only Kazura could do that, could you stay by Jill's side?
"Eh, oh, am I?
Surprisingly, Narson smiles thinly with his eyes on the smoke.
"Yes, I don't have to be alone and think about what I can't do. I think she needs something to live for."
"Uh-huh... Mr. Zirconia, I've heard stories about going to Celet's village after the war. Live in the village with her."
"Yes, but I thought there might be another way to live without having to imitate such a hidden life. Well, think about it."
"Ha, ha."
"Mr. Kazura"
While talking like that, a barretta came up the stairs.
The two of them look back at the barretta.
"Ah, Mr. Valletta. Did you make the medicine well?
"No, I've just injected Rata with blood from your arm. In about two weeks, rats won't be able to get antibodies."
After Cortz's arm was amputated, Valletta asked the doctor on the spot to take the blood out of the surgery into a bottle.
The blood was stored in the refrigerator in the perfect room and was collected and injected into rats earlier.
About two weeks later, the rat should have antibodies, so the blood should be taken again and the serum obtained after centrifugation.
"I need a blood collection tube with separator and a centrifuge, Mr. Kazura, please?
"Of course. Is it okay if it's for scientific experiments?
Yes, that's all right.
"You also need a light bottle for storage, right?
"That's right. Please do the same."
"Roger that. Would you like to buy another refrigerator for your serum?"
Ichira looks at Narsson.
Well then, I'm going back to my room.
"Yes, Kazura."
Narson turned around and lowered his head deeply.
"Thank you very much for all you do for us. I can't thank Kazura enough."
"No, no, half of it's for me."
Ichira smiles at Narsson.
"As I told you before, I'm getting a lot of attention from Narsson and the others. It's each other."
"Thank you very much. Thank you in the future."
So he broke up with Narsson, and Yuda and Barretta left the roof behind.
"Mr. Barretta, what is your body like?
As he went down the stairs, he asked Valletta.
"It's calming down. I am now resting in my room with my parents."
"Doesn't it hurt?
"No, it seems like it hurts sometimes. I gave Yuma essential oils and painkillers, so I think it's okay."
Corz didn't have a fever since then, and he settled down except for occasional complaints of pain.
Yuma was also upset about Corz who had lost her left arm at first, but she was kind to Corz when she heard about it and said, "Good work."
He praised Cornell, his father, for saying, "You're our pride."
Koltz was relieved by that, and his expression was as calm as it had been until now.
"I'm really glad I have antibiotics. Not only Colts, but I think a lot of wounded soldiers will be saved."
"That's right. But antibiotics also work for goldfish, right? I was half-crustrated."
"There was a case in the literature from Kazura that antibiotics for fish also worked for humans. I actually tried it on animals."
"After all, Valletta is amazing. Don't you think you can name it Vallettasior anymore?
"That's the wrong word for Theol."
While talking like that, they came in front of the perfect room.
"Well, is he here already?
Ichira opens the door and the two of us enter the room.
In a dark room, there was a black figure by the window.
"Good evening."
When the door slammed shut, a voice was heard.
Ichira and Valletta walk by.
The face of a black woman with a painful expression was illuminated by the moonlight.
"Good evening, thank you for coming."
When Ichira called out, the woman lay down a little.
"I'm sorry about him..."
"... was there no other way?
The woman who apologizes, Kazuyoshi says.
"Yes, without his sacrifice, the people of this country would have suffered enormously. I could see the future slightly."
A woman raises her face and looks at the best.
"His soul is my responsibility. If he's all right, I'm going to pick him up and put him next to us."
"Huh? You mean we're going to pick you up and take you to Cortz?
For a good question, a woman looks decent.
"What do you mean?
"What do you mean, it stays the same...."
Ichira glanced at the barretta.
Valletta also looked puzzled and glanced at him.
"Um, Mr. Olmasiol."
The woman answers Barretta's call.
It seems to be accepting what is called Olmasiol.
"Will you still forgive me for taking you to Cortz? At least after you've finished your life....."
"Is he alive?
The voice of Valletta echoes the voice of a woman with a surprised face.
After putting a beat, the woman's expression was relieved.
"... I see. What we talked about him seems to have led to a better future."
"Um, what's going on?
When Ichira heard, the woman smiled.
"In the future I saw, he would have been killed with a dagger in his neck."
Valletta opens her eyes.
I can't believe Colts was destined to die.
"But the fact that we talked about him here the other day seems to have changed the future a little. He's safe, isn't he?
"Yes, yes."
"So you're lucky to have lost your arm..."
A woman leans her head toward a good leak.
"Yes, Mr Cortz, I have a serious injury to my left arm after I fought a Barber spy named Woodbell. I had an infection, so I had surgery and amputated it during the day."
I see. Arms..... "
The woman lay her eyes down with a painful expression.
And then I saw the best again.
"I see. If it's my arm, I'll give him mine instead."
Valletta's surprised voice echoed.
"Is that how you can easily take it and stick it together?
"If it were mine. That's not all I'm allowed to say, but could you let me do it?
"Eh, uh...."
I don't know what to do with that face.
I appreciate Cortz's resurrection, but I don't think I'm free to respond here.
What would he think if he found out about her arm by switching it to Corz on his own?
When she saw Valletta, she felt the same way and looked puzzled.
"... I don't think it's a good idea for me to decide. Would you mind explaining this to Mr. Koltz?
"I see. Now, can you take me to him now?
Ichira nodded and headed for the door.
The woman and Valletta followed.
Kazura-sama, wait a minute.
Eh? Ah, yes.
When he put his hand on the door, he paused and looked back.
The woman closed her eyes for a moment and opened them again.
"It's okay now. Let's go."
Ichira opens the door and goes out into the hallway.
As the three of them were walking toward the room where Corz was sitting, the guard standing along the way was rowing the boat with his spear in his hand.
"Look, I'm sleeping...."
"You're asleep..."
"Right now."
Nodded by a woman, she enters the room.
In the dark room, Corz was sleeping with Yuma in the bed.
Cornell was not sleeping in bed, sitting on a chair next to the bed where Corz and the others were sleeping, arm in arm.
"Mr. Koltz, Mr. Koltz."
Ichira puts her hand on Corz's shoulder and shakes gently.
Koltz opened his eyes slightly and saw the best.
"Ah, it's a scratch... oneechan?
I noticed the woman behind Koltz, and she looked surprised.
Yuma seems to be asleep and doesn't move with a twitch.
"Good evening. Can you get up and come down here?
When Colts replied cheerfully, he got out of bed and ran over the woman.
"Oneechan, I did it! I kept my promise and helped!
Colts said with an extraordinarily bright smile.
Woodbell seems to be splitting up with him.
The woman smiled at Colts.
Gently stroke Koltz's head.
"Yes, well done. It was great. You are my proud apprentice."
Corz scratches his nose with his right hand as if it stinks.
I accidentally scratched where I was injured and said, "Whoa!" I pulled my hand in a hurry.
"My left arm, I'm really sorry. It hurt, didn't it?
"Yeah, but it's okay. There's nothing like an arm. It's a mess."
Koltz said with a smile without any clouds.
From a good point of view, it shouldn't be hard to talk about, but I can't see such feelings at all.
By then, it must have been a heavy burden for Corz to break his promise to her and his good deeds.
"... you're a really strong kid."
The woman stroked Koltz's head again, kneeling on the floor and gazing at him.
"But it's my fault you lost your arm. Instead, I'll give you my arm."
Corz has a neat face.
You understood the meaning of words in a flash, and you looked in a hurry.
"I'll give it to you, you mean stick oneechan's arm to me!?
When she answered, she looked exactly the same age as Corz.
They were completely unaware of when their appearance had changed, and the three groaned voices overlapped.
"If it's this big, it's just right. Now, give me your left arm."
That's how she pulls out her hip sword.
I wonder if I intend to literally cut it off and stick it together, and the expressions of the best ones twitched.
"Hey, I don't need it! Oneechan, stop!
"But I don't think it's going to be a problem as it is.
A woman in a girl's body looks at Koltz with a troubled face.
"I don't want it! I don't need one hand! You can eat, you can wear clothes alone!
"But you've lost your arm because of me... will you accept my apology?
"That's why I don't need it... ah, then!
Colts raised his voice as if he had thought of it.
Make up with Kazura-sama.
What do you mean, a woman leans her head.
"Yeah, you've been fighting with Kazura-sama, haven't you? Even though I called you in the village, you didn't go to see Kazura-sama."
Oh, is that it?
The woman laughs bitterly remembering one incident in the village of Grisea.
At that time, Colts suspected that she didn't answer the call because she had a fight with Kazuya.
She told me it was different, but she didn't believe it.
Ichira and Valletta looked like they didn't know what was going on.
"Yes, so apologize for making up with Kazura-sama. I don't need an arm."
"... I see. You're making up."
A woman stood up.
Once again, his appearance instantly returned to that of an adult, and the best ones were surprised.
A woman gives out her right hand.
Kazura-sama It's a handshake. "
"Ha, ha."
Ichira held her hand and shook it firmly.
Looking at it, Corz's face was relieved.
"Great. You can't fight anymore, can you?
"Yes, I understand."
The woman let go and turned back to Corz.
"And from now on, we'll take your place. I'll always be by your side."
"Huh? Will you stay with me?
"Yes, if not inconvenience."
"... yeah! It's not a nuisance!
Colts nodded with a smile.
The woman turned her face to the best.
"That's what this is all about, so can we take care of you here?
"Ah, yes."
Unexpectedly, Valletta's face turned gloomy.
"Thank you very much. We'll all go to the West Gate tomorrow morning. But you can't be anything but me. Arrange for people not to be surprised when others arrive."
"I see... the others!?
A good woman smiles when her face gets a little tight.
"Yes, it seems that our involvement will not necessarily change the future in the wrong direction."
The woman who said that looked good without heart or pleasure.
"Perhaps we can return to our old relationship once again... and forgive me for being a beast, because I can't maintain my appearance where there are a lot of people. Best Regards,"
When the woman said so, she walked towards the window.
Open the window, look back a bit, baptize well, and jump.
The gentle silence returned to the room.
"Ah, I'm surprised... Kazura-sama, I'm glad you made up with oneechan!
She looked back at Ichira from the window where she disappeared and said with a smiling smile.
"Oh, oh...? What is this development....."
"Hmm, something's gotten really awesome..."
Yuma opened her eyes when Valletta told her.
Cornell also woke up and looked at the barretta in the room and looked surprised.
"Nh... Corz, what's wrong... ah, Kazura-sama!
"Mm-hmm. Barretta, too. Is something wrong?
"Mom, Dad. Now, Master Olmasiol..."
Corz told his confused parents about what was going on.