Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
Episode 320: Mr. Umbrella Jill
“Hmm. You stopped, but you noticed that this flag belongs to our country.”
Next to Zirconia, Carnelian looks up at the flag.
The city has a travel ban, and all its citizens are being forced into their homes.
There are a number of Kreilatz soldiers on the ground, ready to be attacked at any time.
“I see. I stopped before I called.”
Well, let's see how they move in a stupid state.
"Master Zirconia, that's amazing!" Your voice has grown louder! "
Philexia gazes at Zirconia's loudspeakers and makes her eyes shine.
It's convenient. As long as you have this, you don't have to practice vocalizing.
With that, Zirconia peered into her binoculars.
To become a Troop Commander, the volume is also a requirement.
In the battlefield, we have to raise our voices and give instructions, so we can't have a commander with a small voice.
Zirconia is also practicing vocalizing, and she can make appropriate loud noises.
Women's voices resound, so the soldiers' reputation is excellent.
"Kaylen and the others are too surprised to harden." Fufu, nice expression. "
Zirconia put a loudspeaker back into the dazed faces of Kylen.
Zirconia-sama, it's morning.
"Thank you so much!"
Carnelian gazed at Kaylen and the others with a bitter smile, wondering what the call would be like.
The surrounding Kreilatz soldiers were amused by the interaction between the two, and giggled and heard laughter.
Your precious Mudia has been captured by the Kreilatz army!
Zirconia screamed through her binoculars, revealing how far-flung the Balvair soldiers were.
I could see Lacca, who was next to Kaylen, shouting out some kind of instruction.
Shortly thereafter, the cavalry, thought to be scouts, rushed north towards the Arcadia Clayratz Allied defenses.
They're going to come close and see if it's an Arcadian army.
"The armies you see on your left are the Arcadia and Clairatz legions!" The city is also overcrowded with soldiers! "
Zirconia loudly and joyfully raised her voice.
It was fun and unavoidable that the enemy forces that had been struggling so far were upset.
"You can't run away anymore!" You're in such a hurry to march, you're in a lot of trouble, aren't you? There's barely any food left, is there? Can you fight us in such a state? "
"Gee, Zirconia, you shouldn't make too much of an incitement."
Carnelian looked impatient.
"It's okay. It's easier to upset those soldiers, and it's just enough to stir them up."
"However, even though we are going to negotiate now, I'm going to say that I made a fool of myself..."
“Well, I'll take care of it.”
"Master Zirconia, I need to name myself!" And me too! "
Philexia points out that Zirconia leaks, “Oh, that's right.”
"I'm a zirconia stall!" Philexia is coming with you now! "
There you are!
Philexia continued like a match.
Sounds like fun.
"If I fight now, there will be terrible damage!" A lot of people are going to die! Why don't we talk about it around here once? "
While Zirconia is uttering her words, Kaylen and I seem to be yelling at each other.
Behind them, soldiers are rushing into battle formation, and successively, they are coming out of the woods.
"Of course I'm not saying it's free!" I'll give you back Philexia! "
Zirconia says that Philexia waved her hands at the Kylens.
It's pretty far, but I'm sure you'll understand.
"Now, shall we go?" Philexia, let's go. "
Zirconia and Philexia rush down the stairs.
Zirconia straddled the motorcycle, and Felixia got into the sidecar.
The reason for using a motorcycle is that with Ormasior and Uribow together, Rata is too frightened to use it.
Carnelian calls out to the soldier down the stairs to open the gate.
Master Zirconia, thank you very much.
“I'll take care of it. Let the soldiers get ready for combat.”
As Zirconia started the motorcycle, Ormasior, who was sitting down, raised his hips.
They're hard to come by, aren't they?
Zirconia, about 300 meters from the castle gate, gazes at the Barber army.
They're still forming a battle formation, and Kaylen is having some kind of conversation with Raccoon and Lars.
Ormasior sits in front of a motorcycle with three uribows.
The rest of the Uribows are in front of the castle gate.
Zirconia-sama, I want you to use the tools that make my voice louder.
“Yes, that's fine. Will you call on me to hurry up?"
Philexia picks up the loudspeaker.
“Talk to me while you press that button there. Because the voice gets louder."
Got it!
Fylexia pushed the button in with an excited face.
And I took a big inhale.
Master Kaylen! It's Philexia! Come over here! "
Philexia's voice echoed around the area.
Then Kaylen ran towards us.
Rakka and Lars, who were next door, rushed after them.
"Oh, I'm here. I'm here. Well done."
Zirconia strokes Philexia's head with a pompous stroke.
I was asked to return the loudspeaker and put it on my mouth.
"Yes, please stop there."
Zirconia says the Kylens are approaching a distance of about 20 meters.
They obeyed and stopped Rata.
Rather than that, the rata that was frightened by the figure of Ormasior stopped on its own.
Kaylen and the others exclaimed in a hurry that they were about to go berserk.
"Hey, hey! Calm down!"
"Oh, shit! Hey, let Uribows go!"
Ormasior turns to Zirconia in response to Lars' roar.
When she nodded, the Ormasiols stepped back a little.
Finally, we stop Rata from violating, and Kylen and the others turn to Zirconia.
"Hey, why are you here!? What are those troops!?"
Looking furious, Kaylen yelled.
I just came out of the fort?
Zirconia answers with a gentle expression.
I was full of incitement.
"Don't be ridiculous! I promise I won't stand in the way of your retreat!"
"That's why you didn't bother me." I promised you that it would be "retreat from the fort", right? "
That's what I call a rational asshole!
“General Zirconia, when did you capture Mudia?”
Unlike Kaylen, Lacca asked in a sober voice.
”Hmm... maybe about seven days ago”
"It can't be that. Half a day ago, we sent a message to Mutiya. At that time, nothing--"
"I just wanted to make sure nothing happened to Mudia's soldiers." If you think about it a little bit, I think you'll understand? "
"Hey, Zirconia-sama! Say it softer!"
Philexia was ashamed of the way she looked.
"Oh, I'm sorry. When I think about all this, I want to be mean."
"Hey, Fee-chan, what are you talking about, Kola?"
Lars looked irritated and stared at Felixia.
“Mr. Lars, I know there's a lot going on here, but first we need to talk. Zirconia-sama is trying to talk about peace.”
Huh? Is it peace?
Lars frowns and looks at Zirconia.
"Yes, that's right. Frankly speaking, you must be ruined by a great offensive from the barbarians of the North."
Kaylen opens their eyes to Zirconia's words.
"Currently, you're being held up by us and the barbarians, right?" The North Guard is retreating completely, Mutiya is falling, and Protia and El Tile have begun to move their forces on our side. Isn't that pretty bad? "
Protia and El Tile?
I sweat on my forehead and tell Kylen to squeeze out.
“Yeah, I got a call the other day. Looks like Barber decided it was no good anymore. I don't really care if you lower your nails anymore.
Ah, I'm telling you, Titis and Philexia don't want to talk about the barbarians, do they?
"Well, then how did you know?"
"They came to see me."
Zirconia looks at the Ormasiols behind them.
"Don't be ridiculous! That monster can speak people's language!"
I think I can talk to you.
Suddenly, the voices echoed in their heads and their intense drowsiness caused Kylen and the others to stagger loudly.
Fylexia quickly lost consciousness and began to sleep as she sat in the sidecar.
"What... was that..."
"Ah, there's a voice in my head..."
Kaylen and Lacca fluttered, but they still stood there.
Lars focused his strength on his broken right hand with an angry expression and awakened his consciousness with the pain.
I grabbed the big sword I was carrying with my left hand and pulled it out with a breath.
At the same time, I laid my hanging right arm against my mouth.
Zirconia smashes Felixia's head and wakes her up.
"Kylen, it's poison!" Let's get out of here! "
Huh? Are you stupid?
Lars yells at Zirconia with a dazed look on her face.
"How are you going to poison only you in such a wide range of places?" Just use your head for a second. "
"Mr. Lars! That big uribow is a god!" It's Omasior-sama! "
Philexia said that the three of them had a stunned face.
"Philexia, you..."
"I can't believe you're brainwashing me... what on earth did you do to her?"
Kaylen, stunned, and Lacca, staring at Zirconia with a hateful gaze.
Zirconia scratched her head, "Oh, no."
"Just listen to me." I'm here to propose peace to you. "
"What a harmony!" You, I won't let you do anything to Titis! "
That's why she said she didn't do anything.
Kai-ren-sama, look at this!
Philexia removes the Psyllium from her pocket.
"Really, God has appeared!" This is a tool that contains the power of the Light Spirit inside! "
Philexia bends the psyllium.
The broken part glowed red with a pounding sound, and it shook vigorously.
Kylen rounds her eyes as she sees a psyllium emitting a strong light.
"I met with Lord Graciol!" The vehicle we boarded was also what he gave us! I had a bunch of other incredible weapons! ”
"... don't be ridiculous. It's just a tool with some kind of trick. God, in this world--"
“It's true! Believe me!"
Kaylen's words were interrupted, and Philexia exclaimed.
“If we stay like this, our country will be destroyed in one night! I'll show you the evidence, so please come with me!”
Lars spit out his spit at Felixia, who was in a desperate state.
"If you think about what you're going to say, why don't you come with me?" You're going to kill us like that, aren't you? "
"Mr. Lars, it's true!" Believe me! "
"Hey, Kylen. I can't take Fee anymore." This is just a waste of time. ”
Mr. Lars!
How can you trust me then?
Zirconia says with a troubled face.
"Think about your situation right now. Food is scarce and cannot be replenished. The soldiers are exhausted by the impossible march. Mudia is occupied, and a large legion of hostiles are waiting for her in the north. If you fight, it will definitely be annihilated."
Kaylen is silent.
The scouts are going to check on the northern armies, but I don't think Zirconia is bluffing.
Evidence of Mudia's capture.
Tens of thousands of troops are in the north, if only by sight.
Even if it was a lie that we outrun ourselves from the fort and the Kreilatz soldiers were there, the fighting would be a terrible disaster.
This situation is completely bogged down.
"Can't you show the evidence here?"
Instead of Kylen, Rakka asks.
”Hmmm... it's fine, but it's a little hard to see.”
Hard to see, what is it?
"Stay with me. All three of you, come here."
Zirconia with a little gesture.
Of course, nobody moves.
"I'm not doing anything. Here."
Zirconia draws a long and a dagger from her waist and throws it backwards.
Ormasior caught the longsword in his mouth, and one of the bowls caught the dagger in his mouth.
Master Ormasior, please return to Mudia with the Uribows.
... be careful.
Ormasior said, and ran back with Uribo and the others.
Kylen and the others are staggered by the intense drowsiness that hit them again.
Grunts, Felixia's head, which had fallen asleep, was smashed again by Zirconia.
"Here, let's do this, shall we?" Put down your weapons and come here. "
"... you guys, let's go"
"Hey, hey!"
"Brother, let's go."
Kaylen pulls out her sword, puts it on the ground, and walks up to Zirconia.
Lars puts his sword on the ground and follows Lacca.
Zirconia took her smartphone out of her pocket.
"Uh, pressing this flower-like mark,"
“What is that? What are you doing?"
Zirconia, which operates a pouch and a smartphone, walks up to Kairen.
"Well, this is a tool called a smartphone." Can you take a look at this? "
Zirconia turns the screen of the smartphone towards Kylen and the others.
There was a clip of the movie that Titis and Philexia showed a few days ago.