Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
263: You'll get it.
Two days later in the evening.
The fort had turned away from the relaxed atmosphere it had until then and was surrounded by an ambient atmosphere.
Barbell's legions left the Legion Fortress and began forming positions.
In a good room in the quarters, Ichigo had Ayla, Marie, and Zirconia helping him put on his armor.
Zirconia apparently changed as soon as she got the news, and she's already in armor.
"Yes, that's it. You look great."
Zirconia pounds a good back dressed in solid armor.
Each of them got up to speed and were told by the North Gate to assemble and Narson. Ichiyoshi was in charge with the Eira and the others in his room, and Zirconia came and said she would help.
"Thank you. I knew it sounded kind of weird because I wasn't used to it."
Ichigo laughs bitterly when he sees himself in armor in the mirror.
"That's not true. I look good enough to fall in love. Hey, Eira?
"Yes. Rin and very good looking"
"I wonder... after all, compared to Isaac and Habel, I can't deny the feeling they're wearing armor..."
Ichigo says so and looks on the table.
A brand new iron helmet was placed.
It has a large cheeky surface and a heavy iron helmet that covers almost everything but the eyes and mouth on the front of the face.
There is even more area to cover your face than what the heavily armed infantry will be wearing.
"Speaking of which, did Mr. Zirconia have such a helmet?
"Since I came to the fort, I let them make it on special order. I'm scared if anything happens, so think I'm not wearing something disappointing. Sometimes an arrow flies while you're in command."
"Hmm...... ah, if you think you've seen it somewhere, it looks just like an ancient Spartan army helmet"
"Spartan army? Is that the Japanese army?
Zirconia tips her neck to the name of an army she has never heard of.
"No, it's another country. A long time ago, it was an army in a country that had fostered a hell of a strong soldier. Sure, there was a movie DVD."
Ichigo fishes the cardboard box on the wall and takes out the DVD.
"There was. It looks just like the people on the back cover."
"Oh really...... why are all these people naked?
On the back cover of the package were pictures of Mukimki's macho men wearing only helmets and capes with a cloak of pants and some screaming swords and circular shields in their hands.
Eira and Marie, who were peeking into the package together, are blushing and staring at the picture.
"Well, this is a movie. Weren't they made for physical beauty in battle or for impact? Actually, it looks like he was wearing heavy armor."
"I see. I thought it was normal in Mr. Kazra's world to fight naked"
"Exactly that would keep you dead...... oh yeah"
Ichigo heads to the edge of the room again.
The suitcase was opened, the blade-proof vest was removed from the inside and handed to Zirconia.
"Mr. Zirconia, please wear this"
"What? This?"
"A blade proof vest is a garment that is highly durable on the blade. Even if an arrow flies in and pierces your armor, you can rest assured of this."
"That's amazing. It's so light... and it's so long."
"Right. Well, this isn't my choice. If you like."
"Thank you. Let me wear it, shall I? Eira, let me take my armor off."
"Yes, sir."
Zirconia gets Ayla to help and take off her armor.
"Uh... Dear Kazla, how is this what you wear?
"Oh, shall I do it? This is a velcro tape on your shoulder..."
Ichigo wears a blade-proof vest on the zirconia.
Zirconia looked in the mirror and roared, Hmm.
"I see. But wearing armor from this top is going to make you a little breathless"
"Ah. You're so thick under that armor. Body protection will be adequate with armor and vest, and the one you're wearing right now will you take it off and wear my T-shirt? And I have armor to put on my arm, so put it on."
"Well, thank you. I will."
Zirconia removes the blade-proof vest and unbuttons it to take it off under the armor.
Its bright white complexion peeked and Ichigo turned back in a panic.
"Mr. Eira, please get your long-sleeved shirt out of the tans. Would you like black?"
"Yes, sir."
As Eira was removing the black long-sleeved shirt from the tans, Conconn, and the door to the room were knocked.
"It's Barletta."
"Go ahead."
Instead of a good one, Zirconia replies.
Barletta and Liese came in.
"Ah, Master Zirconia"
"... Mother. Why are you taking it off?
Zirconia smiles at Reese as she turns her eyes to explore.
Zirconia is naked now.
The only salvation is that of Ayla and Marie on this occasion.
"Mr. Kazura told me to take it off."
"I said... I said something different!
Ichigo instantly puts the penetration in.
"I'm getting dressed because I'm supposed to wear a blade-proof vest under my armor."
"That's the one in the suitcase."
Barletta turns her attention to the blade-proof vest Marie is holding.
Barletta wears a blade-proof vest to the fold of the Zirconia rescue operation, so it looks like she's got a point.
"Yes, Mr. Zirconia is close to me and my back, so I can wear it."
"I see. Oh, that sounds perfect"
To Barletta's words, Ichigo turns around.
Zirconia, wearing a perfectly blade-proof vest, watched herself in the mirror.
Quite so.
"It feels so close to your body. It's amazing how protected you are."
"Are you going to be able to wear armor?
"You'll be fine with this. He's free to go around his neck, and he's easy to move. Eira, Marie, the armor."
"Yes, sir."
Eira and Marie help me, and Zirconia starts wearing armor.
Barletta opened her mouth as she watched how it was.
"Uh, Master Narson has instructed me to assemble them all at the North Gate. Looks like General Kyren is coming down the hill and we're having another discussion."
As Barletta said, Zirconia turned away from her previous flamboyant expression and turned into a serious face.
"Okay. Let's go now."
We waited for Zirconia to finish wearing armor and we all headed to the North Gate.
When Yiliang arrived at the South Gate, the Narsons had already assembled.
The gates are open, and soldiers are beginning to take up positions in defensive positions built outside the fort.
Narson has his binoculars in his eyes and looks at Barbell's position far ahead.
It was raining a little until a while ago, like a lie, and the heat has been raging the last few days.
It was still so beautiful today, the air was so dry and dry.
The sky is getting a little dim, with a refreshing breeze blowing about.
"Nalson, I'm here. What are you looking at?
Zirconia jumps off Rata and walks over to Narson.
"I'm checking the enemy's faction. Apparently, it's arranged as per the letter sent."
Nalson hands me my binoculars and Zirconia puts them in my eyes.
Legion flags showing legions of senators, which were written in the letter, were flickered in the central rear.
The placement of the soldiers has not yet been completed, a situation which is gradually moving from the rear Legion Fortress side.
Given the size of the position, it would be quite a number of troops.
"Right. There's a lot of senator-like people out there."
"Mm-hmm. Barletta, from here to there, can you get the cannon cannon rounds?
"It will arrive"
Barletta answers Narson's question instantly.
"It's about 2.5 kilometers away, so the accuracy drops somewhat, but if you simultaneously simultaneously fire all the cannons, it could hit some people. If it's true that there are nearly 200 senators, I think it's a good idea to aim where we've assembled."
"Right. Let's take a look at the fold and shoot him in the face."
"Nalson, in time, the enemy may be planning a night battle. We need to be very vigilant."
"Probably so. The last shooting weapon I ate, it seems I've enjoyed it."
"Mr. Barletta, yes. Go ahead."
Take the binoculars out of the bag Yiliang was wearing on his shoulder and hand them to Barletta "
"Oh, excuse me. Thank you."
Barletta receives it and looks over at the enemy formation.
I watched carefully to lick the whole thing, noticed something and stopped moving.
"Mr. Kazra, we have a barista in the enemy line."
"What, barista? Twisted spring's?
"Yes. Given the structure and size, is the range such as 350 to 400 meters? You have four to five units in each regimental position."
Ichiyoshi receives binoculars from Valletta and peeks in.
A fairly large barista could be seen deployed everywhere.
It has wheels and seems to be able to travel.
"Seriously... I didn't think you were developing that stuff"
"Yes, it's just that that one looks pretty big, so the shooting speed seems slow. The power seems to soften."
"Barletta, what's a barista?
Reese pinches her mouth to the two of us.
"It's a large version of Scorpion. Using the torsional spring as the power, eject a giant arrow. It's impossible to prevent it with an infantry shield."
"That's right... did you mimic this scorpion over here?
"If that's the case, there must be some pretty clever people over there. It would have been very difficult to make that one in this short period of time."
"Are you from the woman in the meantime? of white and long hair."
"Maybe...... and there's a moving barrier near that front that seems to be anti-cannon fire protection"
Ichigo moves his binoculars.
At first, I overlooked it because I thought it was something, but when I looked closely, it looked like a barrier that had been tied up and assembled with a large amount of round-tails.
The lower part has a wheel, which also seems to be able to travel again.
They've also made a lot of preparations there and there from the lessons of the last fight.
"Dear Mr. Narson. At the same time as the battle begins, you should destroy all the baristas with cannon cannons. Don't let them near this position."
"Um, okay. I'll leave the command of the artillery unit to Barletta."
"Yes, I did. Before we fire, we'll report sequentially on what we're going to target."
"Do that. Hold on, please."
"Yes, and in preparation for the night raid, I asked each cannon holder to have the villagers at night too. Observation methods have been taught."
"We'll do it. That's great."
"... I knew you could count on Barletta"
Reese says softly and nicely.
Even Barletta's ear had slightly arrived.
"When the war is over, I think I'll recommend Barletta to the military officer. So I asked him to be vice president of the Isthail Regiment."
"Ugh, um... well, I guess I should just think about that after all"
"What? Isn't Ichiyoshi against it?
"No, I mean no... Mr. Barletta feels like he's been working too much. You'd better relax."
"Narson, it's time to go. They seem tired of waiting."
To the voice of Zirconia, everyone shifts their gaze to the end of the hill.
The same faces as the last time we had talks, including Kyren, were looking at us.
Just like last time, Philexia is with me in the wrong piece.
Phlexia seems to have noticed that everyone has turned their eyes and is probably waving loudly.
Titis, who was next door, immediately grabbed that arm and made it stop.
"All right, let's go. Don't be alarmed."
Narson puts his foot on the hook and crosses the lata.
They all crossed Rata and ran out beneath them.