Take a Primitive Planet with You

Chapter 137 Target Moz

Exclusive as a vast energy of the martial arts, the understanding of the martial arts is never Ye Wen to match, in the hill only uses a short time, relying on Yewen's guidance, the eight-pole battle law will be introduced, of course other The graded battle law is definitely not such a good understanding, the other advantage of the eight poles, the threshold is low and revealed.

The next day, the fight continues.

Ye Wen is the first to play. Since the eight-pole eight is very empty, the people who have already learned, the people in the cooker have already been hidden. In the following mids, constantly use the eight-pointer to the enemy, From the head to the end, it is very surprising from all the opponents of Yewen. It is not good. In the end, what is the war, the battery life is so powerful.

Therefore, Ye Wen also became the existence of the BUG level in the game player.

boom! It is also an eight-pointed one, the battle is over, although the opponent has risen to the fourth order of the military, but the moment of war is an increase in outbreak, or the opponent has no resilience.

"The last game, the mountain rain department is quite Ye Yusheng! I announced that the four meeting's championship is a lotion! Let us cheer for him!"

At the end of the game, the host said in a timely manner.

"Exclusive, really didn't have to discuss?" At this time, the four elements did not cast a small championship, but the discussion of Yewen homemade is the eight-pole eight.

"I didn't say it? I want to fight the law, I am not greedy, you have three days together to change." Exclusive

"The graded warfare is so good, although the battle of your research is abnormal in this competition, but I don't think it is comparable to a gradish battle." The talents of the sky said

"Is it? Then what is your discussion of your life?"

"Of course, for the low-level langies in our tribes, I see that the main value of this warfare is that its battery life can make low-level children's strength to increase a group."

"Hey! The frog in the well! Just this, I will let you get the gradish battle to change? You can think about if we can use it again?"

"This is impossible! So horrible growth, if it is me, I dare to go to a person to challenge a nine-tailed magic!"

"I have this means!" Exquisite

"What! Exclusive, don't joking, the nine-tailed Mo people are not a small fish squid, let's not be a single opponent, you can don't mess!" Some people advised

"This is the self-confidence that the strength gives me. We should go out will take these Mozi, and their recent actions are increasingly.

Some time, the Qing Dynasty carved with black gold just hit a nine-tailed magic. I thought I will stop a few days. I didn't expect the Tak Mountains to stand in the near future. The Overlord of the Tak Mountains, but the Mozu did not expect that the few beast members will all gise with me, hid into the combo, how to find it.

If they have the low-level mart of the Tak Mountains, now we need to wrap the Tak Mountains. "Special empty angry

"What is the way, the skill is not as good, we have no rooms at all, this is the sorrow of the weak!" Sanshan Tribal

"So this time I have to take the initiative! Scan the Mozu of the Tak Mountains, you can be interested?"

"You are crazy! That is three nine-tailed magicity, it is often deal with us, you want to send it, we will not give you a funeral!" Chiangyang

"Well, since you don't want to go, I don't barely, I have some way to deal with them."

The three tribes looked at each other, and there was no more empty words.

Ye Wen won the champion, naturally let the soldiers of the mountains are excited. Although there are several people who have also lost Ye Wen, but they are not a red burning meat, if there is, then two meals, Ye Da boss is worthy of money, anyway, a sheep is catching, a group is also rushing.

Ye Wen took the high platform to start the first prize, the prize also gave Ye Wenzhi's big surprise, and a big medicine is a large drug, which is used in the growth of blood.

Premievance will be awarded the prize to Yewen's hands, and the two sighs silent exchange, double-double exposed smile.

Ye Wen stepped down, pretty kids began to summarize the success of this family of four people.

However, after the summary, it didn't look at it, but continue to say: "The people of the mountain, so long ago, we have been occupied by the magic sons in the Tak Mountains. That is our Lai Places where survival is well known, food is equal to survival, and we are now facing a serious survival crisis.

So I decided, we can't get rid of this again, I want to lead you to take the initiative, take our hunting ground, so that the Mozu knows that we are not muddy.

Of course, there is courage to rebellion to send dead, high-level magicity, I will find ways to deal with it, and the low-level magicity is dealt with, and it is a hundred years of retreat. I think the blood of our mountains should not be sowed! "

"Hey!" A voice of a wolf came out of the population of each mountain raining department, and they did not use the language to answer the family, but the wild screams to represent their support for their respective experts.

"The family is long, the people are available!" Qing Siza is full.

Blooming nodded: "Tomorrow morning, all the warriors set, ready to go!"

"Idea for the long name!" All the people's voice

Ye Wen is also a tide. It always heard the horror of the Mozu. This time, there is finally an opportunity to play with the Moz.

"Ye Xiaozi, tomorrow's actions, don't you participate! I will show you a genius, you are genius, your brilliant should be in the future, if there is any accident, it will make us suffer heavy." Way

"The instructor, I have never put myself as an outsider or a genius, I am only a member of the mountain, the tribe is difficult, I should contribute my own strength, and the flowers of the greenhouse are growing, please let Let me go! "

Looking at Ye Wen's eyes, the iron knew that he didn't persuade, and I sighed: "Well, I agree with you, but you have to always be next to me, I will take care of you."

Listening to the words of the iron gate, Ye Wen's heart is warm, and some nodded.

"I have to go!" Rain in a kit

"Oh, you still stay at home! You a spiritual martial arts practitioner, in this battlefield of this kind of fellow, you can't play a role, you are waiting for us at home!" Ye Wen Touched the small head of the rain, laugh