Taming Master

< (2). War Base -1 >

The flag of the Aucklan guild fluttering in the middle of the desert.

And more than a hundred users and hundreds of guild soldiers were entering the central continent under that flag.

“Phew, this is definitely a different level of monster than the rest of the world. I thought we were all set... but we're already outnumbered by more than ten people. ”

According to the female knight user leading the line, Lim Long nodded quietly and replied.

“Yes, Mr. Lichna. The monster level itself is so high compared to other hunting grounds. ”

Rihina was a guild leader, one of the founding members of the Auckland Guild and a ranker.

And she was responsible for the entire first expedition of the Central Continent.

Lim Long was to assist her.

“Lim Long is definitely different from other assassin class users, by the way. There was a reason the Master trusted you. ”

“Hehe... What's the point? ”

“It's already proven that assassin class users don't perform well in PVE. There are very few attacks in the area, and the proximity classes are so paper bodies... ”

Like she said, assassin class was the most excluded class in PVE. The opposition was the fact that many assassin classes were excluded from the Central Continent expedition.

Lim Long smiled and said.

“It's all part of the plan. There are disadvantages, but there are ways to overcome them. ”

But while they were having these conversations, a scout ran back from a distance.

“Chung! Mr. Lihina. I returned from reconnaissance. ”

Lihina nods and replies.

“Good work. Report. ”

The soldier takes a short breath.

“The Scorpion Queen's Nest lies about 10 minutes ahead. The monster's average level is 160. Your chances of winning against them are high, but the Scorpion Queen's level is not well determined and is dangerous. ”

“If so, the damage will be great even if you win. ”

The soldier nods at Rihina's words.

“Yes, Mr. Lichna. I think it's better to go around and move forward. ”

Lim Long stood next to me.

“The dungeon's first discovery reward is unfortunate, but now is the time to save as much power as possible and take over the Node first. ”

Lichina agreed with him.

“I think so, too. ”

Her gaze returns to the soldier.

“Other than Scorpion Nest, you can proceed without a large swarm to your destination, right? ”

“That's right.”

“What is the estimated time of arrival if you go around and go back? ”

“It will take about half a day. ”


After the scout's report, Aucklan's forces begin to move again.

The destination was the front-most node I had seen before.

* * *

I thought we had a deal. ’

Ian was checking the information of the summoner "The Beady" who had obtained a tremor. He was smiling with a single smile, unable to hide either side of his mouth that was drying up.

He would be, too, because he was a legendary summoner.


- (Golden Earring) -

Level: 150

Classification: Legendary number

Rank: Legend

Personality: Cautious

Not Evolvable

AP: 2730

DP: 3825

Agility: 1575

Intelligence: 2355

HP: 183300/183300

High Ability

* Protector of the Desert (Passive)

It creates a protective film made of sand once a minute to absorb damage.

The shield absorbs 30% of the damage of its maximum health and lasts for 20 seconds.

* Absolute Defense (2 minutes cooldown)

Becomes invincible for 10 seconds.

When you are ‘invincible’, you are not harmed, and you are ‘immune’ to all conditions.

However, you cannot do anything while the Absolute Defense lasts.

* Earrings' Blessing (10 minutes cooldown)

Take damage from the designated target for 2 minutes.

The dragon takes 150% of its original damage that the target should have taken. When the dragon's health falls below 10%, the skill will be automatically released.

* Dragon Roar (2 min cooldown)

Taunt a wide range of enemies, allowing them to attack Earrings. The Taunt stat lasts for 30 seconds and slows the target's movement by 40%.

(Reduces the effectiveness by half against the user.)

An ancient Demibeast who has been protecting artifacts from the tomb of ruins for a long time.

It has enormous power.


Just like Lina Finn, she has an overwhelming ability.

The only thing that was sad was that it was "not evolvable."

‘If it were evolvable in legendary grade, I would have been able to create mythological grade once.... ’

In Rye's case, the title was' complete ’.

There are no wolf summoners that can evolve to a higher level than Rye.

On the other hand, if you think about it, there may be individuals who can evolve to a higher level in the case of noble dragons or griffins.

That's why it was a waste.

‘Anyway, I was feeling a little low on tanks on the cake stand, and it was really good. ’

Defensive power of 1,800,000, reaching 4,000 HP.

Given its high level of 150, it was also an overwhelming stat.

“Wow, congratulations, my lord. You're so tight! ”

Approaching his head, Seria rubs the side of the giant shell with a sparkle in her eyes.

Ian replied with a satisfied expression.

“Thank you, Seria. ”

And Hun, who was watching him from behind, grumbled.

“Lucky bastard. I was lucky to grow up so fast. ”

Ian shrugged his shoulders, despite Hun's ridicule.

“Luck is good, kid. ”


And there was a tortoise with an unworthy look on its face.


Lots of people stare at me with jealous expressions.

Now, no matter how much I dieted, I realized that I was becoming more handsome than a tight-lipped agent, and it was a very sad look.

When Ian saw that, he stroked the head of many people with a bloody smile.

“Cute guy. ”


Many hurled themselves into the shell, and Ian slowly approached the bald hair.

But there was one problem.

‘By the way, I can't summon all the summoners in battle from now on. ’

Temperance and Hidden Statistics had finally pushed it beyond its limit.

The feather ornaments on the Dragon Tamer make it unlimited in summoning power, so there was no problem in obtaining it, but it was impossible to summon.

Ian starts rolling his head hard.

‘I don't think I can cover it by robbing money and shattering the whole thing... ’

Then, in Ian's eyes, Seria, who was having a joyful conversation with him, came in.

‘Oh, if it's Seria...! ’

Ian calls for Seria.


“Yep, my lord! ”

“Do you have time for a little leadership? ”

Ian's thoughts were simple. I was going to hand one of the summons over to Seria.

Since Seria was Ian's mistress anyway, she should be able to manage all the summons.

‘Since the Seria level is now approaching 130... I'm sure it will remain a leader. The only summoner that Seria operates is Blue Wyvern. ’

And Seria nods, as if meeting Ian's expectations.

“Yes, my lord. That's a lot of leadership. What's the matter?”

Ian smiles brightly and says to Seria,

“So, Seria, can you take care of the table now? I thought you could count on it. ”

After handing the bread crumbs over to Seria, it seemed that it would be possible to change only a few pieces of equipment and operate all the summoners to increase their leadership.

And of course, Seria nods excitedly.

“Great, my lord! Thank you so much!”

Seria stares at the cake stand with a happy expression.

Ian, who handed the cake to Seria, began to move again after finishing the repairs.

It was time to start a pre-work to conquer the Node.

* * *

“Solyn, you've done something so reckless. ”

In Irahan's words, Solin shakes his head and replies with a bold tone.

“Sorry, Master. I didn't know they were an imperial task force. ”

Irahan shakes his head.

Her judgment was not incomprehensible, but it was too damaging.

Slaughtered dozens of elite guild members.

Not only did their power leave a gap during the day, but the levels dropped one by one as a whole, so this was a tremendous damage.

Moreover, I was furious that I couldn't kill every single knight.

“Phew... I can't help it now. I have to stay alert now. ”

Irahan had a headache from the beginning when the plan was disrupted.

‘I tried to take at least three Nodes and start... If I do this, I'll be able to manage up to two. ’

The rival guild has already succeeded in capturing two Node Sites, and it was even more painful because it received information that it added one more Node Site.

‘At least the Ruspel Imperial guilds haven't settled down yet...' That's comforting. ’

Until then, crazy Irahan kicked his tongue.

Splander, Auckland, the guild leader of the Rusfel Empire. And the Valiant Guild.

They were proud to be one of the five guilds in their own way, but Iran had never thought of them as competitors.

Their judgments were always one step behind and their objective power was greatly diminished.

I had never met him at the Arena because my country was different, but I thought the result would be obvious if I fought.

Territory wars were not easy to win because of the defensive guild's advantages, but I was now confident that I could destroy them all in the battle of the Central Continent.

Looking at Irahan with his eyes closed, he opens his mouth with a cautious voice.

“By the way, Master. ”

Irahan replied with his eyes closed.

“Tell me.”

“I was on my way here after hours of inaccessibility, and I found a place of interest. ”

Irahan's eyes opened slightly.

“Interesting place? ”

“Yes, it is. I haven't been able to get inside because of the Titan Guild crowds around, but it was definitely a structure that looked like something was there. ”

Irahan's face slightly changed.

“Oh, a structure.... Did you see his name? ”

Solin nods.

“Yes, I confirmed my name. called the Tower of War. ”

And as soon as he heard that, Irahan woke up.

“Oh, shit! ”

As he bursts into old age, the flinchy solin asks.

“Why do you do it...? ”

Irahan glanced.

‘This Shark, he doesn't even share information anymore...'? ’

The Titan and Darkness guilds were the rival provinces' guilds, and of course, they have been repelling each other until now.

However, because the invasion into the Central Continent was a battle between empires, the guild masters had agreed beforehand to share information, and Shakran had violated it.

Irahan looks back at Solyn.


“Yes, Master. ”

“We need to move now. Get ready."

Since he knew where he was going, Solyn nodded and replied.

“Yes, I understand. Master.”

Irahan added a word as he moved his steps.

“Assemble all the top brass. We're all in this together. ”

* * *

< (2). War Base -1 > End