Taming Master

< 946 coins 4. Start of War >

- Tyring!

- You have completed the ‘Collect Golden Bee Honey Barrel (Hidden) (Association)' quest.

- You have earned 30,000 Reputation.

- Amity with Wind Demibeast ‘Harga’ is increased by 15.

- Summoner ‘Harley’ has gained a new unique ability ‘Storm Slash’.

…… shorthand…….

One more time checking the system messages in front of his eyes, Ian wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“Phew, it's been hard.... ”

A sudden pop up quest after completing an Epic Quest.

It was still unknown why the quest was created, but I had to spend the rest of my time in the source forest on it anyway.

Even the fact that ‘Harley’ could learn a great unique ability called 'Storm Slash’ meant that he had to spend all of the remaining time given by the bluffer.

As Ian looked at the mechanism of storm cleavage that Harga used, he had no other choice.

‘Immediate Movement Assault Skills…… are unique abilities that can't be acquired even with money. ’

So to conclude, Ian was able to close this breakthrough quest.

within 300 minutes of the courtesy of the ranger.

If there's one thing I regret, it's that I didn't even have time to talk to Harga.

‘Based on the quest, there seems to be a connection to the Perforated Forest as well... … I also had to ask about it. ’

However, Ian was forced to be sucked into subspace because he did not allow an additional second for Ian.

He was banished from the forest.

- By an unknown force, you are banished from the map.

- The conditions are not met.

- You can't step on the nebula.

- Forced to move to the spirit system dimension.


As such, the place where Ian returned was now a cradle of a very familiar land to him.


This is where Trowell first took the quest and went to the Forest of Origin, so he must have returned to the same coordinates.

“Hmm…… It's been less than a day, but it feels like a few days. ”

Ian then turned around reflexively.

I found Trowell, who was always here.

Thought I'd have to find him, even if I wanted to get my next matching quest.

But Trowell's gigantic figure is nowhere to be seen.

Well, what is it? In the meantime, did Trowell make a voyage? ’

The structure of the main quest story gives you a lot of guesswork.

At that time, there was a strange light in Ian's vision.

“Huh…? ”

As Trowell was asleep and recovering his strength, something small but intense Emerald flashed across his mind.

Ian makes his way there without hesitation, and reaches out as if he was drawn to something.

And in Ian's eyes.

- Tyring!

A new system message began to emerge.

- The conditions are met.

- Association quests are triggered.

- You received the quest 'Trowell's Support Request (Epic) (Hidden)’.

And in the appearance of the matching quest that he had been waiting for, Ian took a deep breath and began to check it out slowly.

* * *

- Tyring!

- A huge dimensional force is kicking in.

- "Dimensional cracks" are created throughout the Spirit System and the Racathrium.

- Due to the main episode, all ‘dimensional cracks’ are temporarily replaced with the 'battlefield of cracks’ map.

-All ‘Battlegrounds of Rift’ are divided into five grades in total. (S, A, B, C, D)

-The level of Contribution and Transcendence that the user contributed to each Dimensional System (Spirit System, Lacatorium) determines the level of the battlefield that can be entered.

…… shorthand…….

Every quest in Kailan is as dense and complex as spider silk.

And as the story of the quest gets closer to the main, epic scenario, the complexity of its relevance increases.

The main story of the episode means that more quests are intertwined.

Because of this, this dimensional war episode that started happening in the middle of the world was difficult to describe as an episode started by anyone.

Of course, it was Ian who triggered the most crucial trigger, but Ian alone could never open the main episode.

And as proof of that, Ian couldn't be here at the opening of the first battlefield of the Machine War.

Of course, most of the NPCs leading the battlefield are one-sided with Ian (?).

“This is our chance to rid the land of all those wicked machines..." ”

“Follow me, House Chatra! Help Trowell reclaim the glory of the past! ”

“Wow…! Prove the bravery of the Selamus Tribe! ”

“Sweep them all away! ”

The first battlefield of the Machine War was held at a class A rift.

Most users had to watch the battlefield through broadcast media, because very few users met the conditions here.

- Wow, crazy……! NPCs have a minimum level of transcendence in the 70s. There's no answer.

- Watching the equipment drop. Crazy. It looks like the only grade above the grade of transcendent equipment is pouring out....

Charles, who is the head of the machine civilization, and Trowell, who is the leader of the spirit system.

The battlefield became more intense under the leadership of the two, and as time went on, the atmosphere became more refined.

From the perspective of Kailan's fans, who know almost the basic story of the episode of the Spirit Realm, it is as exciting a scene as a dizzy blockbuster movie.

- Oh, I wish I had five more Transwaleps, I could join you there.

- Sir, stop lying. I heard even a friend with a transcendent level 65 couldn't enter... Is he even a ranker?

- I think he's lying.

- What's that?

- Do you have any level 65 friends?

- …….

The battlefield is much more sophisticated than in the past, so the eyes of the users can't help but be delighted.

The battle of NPCs close to transcendent 100 levels was also a struggle, but most of the spectator points were rankers' actions.

It seems that rankers who were the same user than NPCs were much better candidates for immersion.

- Yeah, those are rankers.

- Yeah, it's like you're running above the basic level of transcendence level 10, but you're fighting like a champ.

More than half of the rankers who fought in the Knight War were in this battlefield, so it was fun to look around the channel and choose your favorite rankers.

“Knights, maintain defensive formation at all costs! ”

“Don't greet them all! Get out of the way! ”

“What if there are dealers behind you, Master? ”

“Ha, that's frustrating. The dealers will get away with this! Can't a dealer avoid a knight class? ”

Guilds, such as Lotus, who are top tier and whose main stage is the spirit system, almost all of the guild's power was in this battlefield.

“Lemir, cover the sides! ”


“Cloban, Kawin. You're coming with me to the front. ”

“Got it, bro! ”

“I understand, Hers. ”

“Fioran needs your help with the slowness of the area. ”

“Yes, Master. ”

“We don't have enough deals anyway. ”

All the guilds participated were leading the Knights to achieve the best, and the battlefield has not lost its tension for a while.

But could it have been more than an hour?

- Uh, it's breached! It's breached!

- Where?

As the balance of power gradually began to tilt, the situation began to flow out more and more erratically.

As the right side of the Spirit Faction collapsed, the forces of the machine civilization began to push in.

“Kuhahaha! Weak spirits! I'll make you regret what you provoked! ”

With Charlie's rattling voice echoing louder on the battlefield, more powerful mechanical monsters began to rampage.

- Crazy...! It's a hole in the Pavlov Knights, right?

- No, it's not just Pablo.

- Oh, yeah?

- The Sovereign Knights were pushed backwards first.

Low understanding users first pointed at the broken lines of Pablo and the Sovereign Guild, but most users clearly knew it wasn't their fault.

- As expected, the episode has much higher spiritual power.

- It's a miracle you've survived this long.

- What happens now? I don't think it's a good idea to exterminate all rankers like this...

- What inflection point will appear on the episode...?

- That's funny.

It was too obvious in the beginning that the power of the Spirit System was weaker than that of a machine civilization.

- Hold on! Hold on! I have to show those filthy chunks of scrap metal the power of nature...!

Trowell's voice echoes through the battlefield, but apart from that, the spirit system is forced to push.

There was no way to recover the defensive line that began to spill once.

And about half an hour later,

- Damn it...! Retreat first!

Along with Trowell's angry voice, this first battlefield comes to a halt.


- Trowell, the Spirit of the Earth, used natural magic.

- The conditions are met.

-Everybody in the battlefield moves out of the battlefield of the rift.


Along with Trowell's magic, a large enchantment was drawn on the ground, and the spiritual force began to be drawn into the enchanted magic.

“Hahahaha! Weak spiritual creatures! Wipe them all out! ”

One by one, Trowell opens his mouth as if to chew again, watching the spiritual forces escaping the battlefield.

- Ack……! If only there were all the strength of the quadrant...!

Immediately, Trowell's roaring voice slowly continues, surrounded by an emerald aura.

And it was a clear voice for all the rankers on the battlefield, as well as for all the users watching.

- My representative will gather the power of Mother Nature...!

- Until ‘Ian the Great Forest Warrior’ brings reinforcements, we have to hold out...!

Then all those who heard his voice had to lift their eyes wide.


- I thought you said the Spirit King was Ian.

If you're Kylan's user, that's a name everyone knows now.

"Ian" was mentioned by Trowell himself.

Based on the acronym "Great Warrior of the Forest," is that another NPC's name?

- I don't think so. And then there was Ian on the battlefield.

- Oh, right...! Is that really Ian?

However, those who blamed the name Ian soon had to stop talking.


The moment the last man on the battlefield escapes the crack.

A new World Quest appeared before the eyes of all users.

- Tyring!

- The ‘Defender of Nature (Epic) (World)’ Quest has been triggered.

- The 'Incarnate of Destruction (Epic) (World)’ Quest has been triggered.

For users of Human Factions in the Spirit System, there is a war quest that tells them to defend against attacks from machine civilizations.

Machine Civilization's Horse Faction users are asked to break through the Spirit System's defense lines and win the war.

It was simultaneously triggered and revealed the true beginning of a new episode.