Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 80: Hundreds of Million Investments

"You discounted Rui Shao's leg?"

Zhang Xiu'e found Tang Long and asked with staring eyes. At this time, Tang Long was talking about Dashan with a table of foreign tourists.

We greeted the tourists, took Zhang Xiu'e to the side, laughed twice, and asked in surprise, "How did you know?"

Zhang Xiu'e said helplessly: "How did I know? You said how did I know, now the Wen family wants to retaliate against us. You are so good, why did you discount their legs?"

I remember that Tang Long told her the last time, she just happily treated her as the other person, but she didn't expect... really beat someone!

"When did you fight?"

Tang Long said with a dry smile: "Didn't Magistrate Wu ask us to go to the county to find out the situation? Actually, I don't blame me for this. It was Rui Shao who asked someone to stop our car first!"

Zhang Xiu'e asked angrily: "You stopped your car and you discounted people's legs?"

Tang Long shrugged, there was nothing to explain about this, so he just hit him, what else could happen.

I haven't seen any reaction from that Rui Shao in the past two days, he thought it was over!

"Just now you said that the Wen family would retaliate against us?" Tang Long turned off the subject and asked curiously: "How do they want to retaliate?"

Zhang Xiu'e frowned and said with a straight face: "Qian Youwang called me just now and said that the Wen family spent 30 million to buy a piece of land in Donghe Town."

Spend 30 million to buy a piece of land from Donghe Town?

Tang Long smiled and asked, "Does it have anything to do with us?"

"You're still laughing!" Zhang Xiu'e reached out and pinched him around his waist, and said angrily: "Why it doesn't matter, then you will be on the'necessary road' to our Yutou Village!"

There is only one dirt road between Yutou Village and Donghe Town. It is still a broken dirt road with pits and bumps. It is not easy to walk in normal times. If it rains heavily, there is no way to walk.

Who will invest in Donghe Town well, and still invest in this remote place.

Therefore, there is only one goal for others, and that is to come to the'Yutou Village'!

"Wen Rui's legs are all discounted, so he still feels uneasy?" Tang Long asked in surprise, but this style of doing things seems to be different from that of Rui Shao.

Zhang Xiu'e hesitated and said, "I heard that Qian Youwang said that the young woman who came to Donghe Town to sign the contract was a young woman who came very suddenly. After arriving, she directly found the leader in charge to sign and pay the money.

Because the land approval procedures in the county have been passed, there is no reason for Donghe Town to stop people from coming and going, it only took more than ten minutes!"

Tang Long thought for a while, and calmly said softly: "Don't worry, I'll call and ask!"

While pulling Zhang Xiu'e to a remote place, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Feiyue's number.

If you have any issues, it is better to find Wu Zhengyao's secretary directly than to find his leader, especially for things like inquiring about such news.

After connecting to the phone, without waiting for Tang Long to speak, Wang Feiyue's voice came first: "My brother is just right, if you don't call me, I will call you too. There is something urgent on hand here, let's make a long story short.

You have discounted Wen Rui's legs. The Wen family has specified that they will not let it go, but they also have a good reputation and won't play hooligans with you and use some tricks, so you don't have to worry about this.

Wen Rui is the grandson of Wen Chengfu, the third generation of the Wen family. Although arrogant and domineering, no one dared to say that he would not give him a slight face on our three-cent acre of land.

The person who came today is a cousin of Wen Rui, named Wen Rui Chun. She has lived in Wen Rui's house since she was a child, so the relationship between the two brothers and sisters is very good.This time, people gritted their teeth and made trouble for you.

The piece of land they bought from Donghe Town is not small. It happens to be between your Yutou Village and Donghe Town. I heard that there seems to be some resort to be built.

County Mayor Wu can't speak for you too much, because Warm Spring is a nominal investment. No matter who you develop in the end, it will play a leading role in the economy of Taoyuan County, so this is a good thing."

Tang Long thanked him and hung up the phone, chanting the name of'Warm Spring' softly, frowning.

Zhang Xiu'e was aside, and asked eagerly: "How to say?"

Tang Long touched his nose and laughed dryly. If he wanted to say that the real sword came, whether it was a literary or a martial artist, his boss Tang didn't care, but now, they made it clear that they would not fight you out.

30 million yuan to buy land and build a resort, this "warm spring" is to hit the neck of Yutou Village directly and choke the tourism business of Yutou Village to death.

"Give me the phone number of Qian Youwang!" Tang Long's eyes flashed a little. Since people want to use commercial means to choke Yutou Village, it belongs to'Yangmou', this thing can't go wrong.

Yutou Village is not a bandit bully, and Tang Long is not a local ruffian!

Zhang Xiu'e told Tang Long of Qian Youwang's cell phone number, and Tang Long dialed directly.

"Mayor Qian, the road between Yutou Village and Donghe Town will not be sold?" Tang Long went straight to the subject without talking nonsense.

Qian Youwang smiled bitterly and said: "This is not enough, I really want to sell this road, how can you people from Yutou Village come out?"

Tang Long smiled and said, "That's good. Recently, our Yutou Village is preparing to establish a joint venture with people to start a'mineral water company' to collect mountain spring water. Repair the roads in He Town and Yutou Village."

"Building roads?" Qian Youwang was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help but stare at the boss.


Tang Long smiled and said: "And not only do we need to build roads, our Yutou Village is also planning to contract the five kilometers of mountains and forests around Yutou Village!"


Qian Youwang couldn't help but spit: "The mountains and forests in a radius of five kilometers are contracted? Xiao Tang, didn't you laugh with me."

Tang Long smiled and said, "Of course, the contracting business can't come in a hurry. Let's start step by step and build the road first. This will be on the agenda immediately!"

Qian Youwang smiled and said, "Building roads is a good thing. As long as you can come up with the money, the town and county will support you. Of course, you can put forward any requirements, and the town will try to satisfy you!"

Tang Long smiled and said: "Leader Qian, I am afraid you have misunderstood. It is not to satisfy us, but not to disappoint the businessmen who come to invest in the town. For example, someone wants to block the way we enter and exit Yutou Village. That is absolutely impossible.

This businessman wants to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to build a factory in our Yutou Village to produce bottled mineral water!Yes, you heard that right, this is an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars!"

Let alone Donghe Town, looking at the entire Taoyuan Village, how many projects have an investment of more than 100 million yuan?

This is placed in Donghe Town, it is definitely the scorpion pull Baba, only (poisonous).It is definitely more shocking than the 30 million Wen family buying land to build a resort.

The mineral water company is an industry!

"Wait first, I will report to the superiors now!" Qian Youwang realized something, after telling Tang Long, he hung up the phone in a hurry.