Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Age difference
"How about me, stepfather?
"I don't think Motoyuki is very different from my time...."
"That's true.It was like manipulating a computer in front of you. "
"Well, Motoyuki and I don't have much difference in the world.Let's ask them first.Motoyuki seems to know more about the trees. "
"My stepfather said that the development of the game was a unique story."
"Hmm, what's the story?
"... there's nothing to reduce, so you can talk about it.Skip the story.After defeating the dragon, Vol. 1 was finished and the conversion element was used to play the game. "
The dragon was in the form of a tact dragon.
We're already saving the world... it's clear, so don't worry about it.
After all, knowledge was a trap.
"This is how Dimension Wave was developed to ignore that issue.In a sense, it was a revolution in the gaming industry... and the truth is, there's a lot of potential for traps from masterminds who tried to destroy us. "
"Why are you so stinky?
"Yeah, first we have to talk about the game.This is not the name Dimension Wave, but Dimension Wave would never have come out of the world without this game. "
"Yes, there is.Looking back, he said that all the games that followed would be based on that game. "
"In terms of categories, hacks and slashes.This game originated in my world about thirty years ago, and the experimental version called "Untitled," as well as the PC exclusive erotic peer-to-peer game with 2 TB, became a huge sensation. "
"The name hasn't been decided... that's an amazing title.Above all, 2TB... it's amazing how many there are just program files. "
"Isn't that great?
Here the smelter tilted his head.
"Well, smelting is the most science-based Japanese of us, so maybe 2TB is not a big number."
"This kind of place feels different from the times."
"... I see.I knew things were different in the same Japan, but there was a difference. "
"Yeah, well, I'm not as good as an alchemist.Even if you have different abilities. "
"Thirty years ago, there was a world of trees with hard drives that could hold two TBs.If it were the same world, the tree would literally call me and Motoyuki uncle and grandfather. "
Incidentally, in your father-in-law's world, it seems that 2TB is a normal range of hard drives in a typical home computer.
Of course, there are more hard drives than that.
"Let's go back to the game of trees.There was a rich man who bought everything and went missing, and the tree was talking about it. "
"Yes, it was very expensive and sold with sales rights.They said it was incredibly free and addictive at the trial stage. "
"What an amazing story.If I play there, I'll be able to play all the time. "
"I've seen a few videos online, too.It was very lively, and even though it was a trial version, the downloaded hard disk was traded for a lot of money. "
"I wonder if it's human nature to exchange anything for money... the author seems to be careful, but the existence that I created is too mysterious."
"I can't deny it.I still don't know who made it. "
"It seems like he was from another world.That's the first princess I've ever knocked down. "
That's true.
Even in the tree age, it must have been an auto-part game.
"Even though it was a trial version, it was updated regularly and eventually expanded to 10 TB.They said that the version was divided because they couldn't catch up.They said there were almost no hard drives that could be put into the final version, so there were many modifications that could be made to connect and put in the hard drives. "
"Wow... 10TB and so on... monsters are also a good place... it seems like it will take a while to download.If the line is poor, it's going to be hard to get it done. "
Given the speed of the line, it's even tough to download.
I don't know about smelting, but I've nodded many times when I told you to nod.
This is not the capacity of your time.
"So, the game I was playing, Dimension Wave, was created by analyzing experimental versions of games with undetermined names and imitating some of them."
"I don't know where the enemy came from, but it was a game made of strange things."
"Yeah... so how did you invent the alchemist's world VR game?
"Let's start with the tree.Originally, the equipment and programs used to educate soldiers in the war about 50 years ago started. "
"Ah... there are stories in my world that games were originally created using war-made computers for peaceful purposes, and after all, it's a huge technological revolution that comes from the struggle"
That's true.Inventions are often born in contention.
"From there, research began to bring people's consciousness into the online world.It was Bravestar Online that officially started as a dive game, but its predecessor was a deep-rooted match game.It was a substitute for fighting with a set avatar... but the avatar on the net is a substitute for diverting that basic system. "
"Is it different from the game...?Do you think Bravestar Online will log in with that avatar?
"No, Bravestar Online is a way to create your own character, apart from the avatars you use online."
"I don't know what the boundaries of the alchemist's world are."
"Is it like a game that was installed at the beginning of your computer?
He's a Lithuanian and a Ma 'in sweeper.
I feel like I'm throwing up!
"Ah... maybe that's how it feels.Speaking of games, it's a game, but I feel like shobo or something. "
"I do not deny it, but it is deeply rooted and large.The gameplay was wider… more people than Bravestar Online, a completely alien game.Strong players were given crown accessories, and to copy them, they needed to recognize their strength. "
The smelter explains how much handicap you have in the match and how many accessory serial numbers you have decided when you win.
I wonder what kind of accessory decoration you can get as a serious opponent.
Of course, they say the original is in the possession of a ranker.It seems there were two names, Four Heavenly Kings and Kings.
I think that's more fun.
"If it's a game that everyone who dives online has had from the beginning, I'm sure it is.It feels like a simple izz vest.So, what does that have to do with anything?
"Ah... when you move around the net, you can look like a robot or an animal other than a human.Children especially like animal avatars.... "
"I see. The smelting I've been playing inside the net since I was a kid doesn't make me feel too uncomfortable, even if I look like an Inuld."
"If you have already experienced it, is there no problem even if you change your appearance? That's a reason to be convinced.By the way, what was Alchemist's skill in the game?
Almost silenced the smelter.
I remember this flow!
"Ah, you were hit by a headshot!
"Shut up! Don't go with the monsters who can avoid such an attack in the rain!
"There was a monster to avoid.Well, there are people who are so good at games. "
It looks exactly like a picture star.The smelter is staring at your stepfather for some reason.
No... I'm staring at your stepfather's float shield just in case.
I'm not sure.