I am sorry to interrupt you at the treatment hospital in Zeltburgh.

It seems that there is also a treatment hospital specializing in subcultures because this place is really a place of race.

I paid a little in advance and admitted your friend to the hospital.

For the time being, I feel safe.

My sister also saw it.

After confirming that the sisters were resting well in the hospital room, your father-in-law asked me in a separate room.

"But it was a terrible thing to say."

That's right.

"So... what kind of relationship do they have with us?"

"She was the right-handed sister of your first world father-in-law."

"Are you such a dependable child?" even though you're so young..... "

Your father-in-law's doubts are also valid.

I only knew the size of your sister from the beginning.

"I hope you've grown up well, but it looks like you're going to have a hard time doing that." Your friend passed away, too.

After that despair, I will meet your father-in-law and grow up. "

"It's no wonder that if you're so weak, you'll die." I'm glad I was able to help you in advance. ”

”However... your parents have already died due to the waves, and the surviving villagers have been slave hunted and are now in their current position.”

"That's terrible... maybe"

Your father-in-law stared at your sisters and shouted.

"I'm glad you were able to save your friend who was supposed to die from future knowledge."

“Well, it's a good idea to prioritize treatment first.”

Then... oneechan comes out of the room and bows her head to us.

"Ah, um... thank you"

Raphtalia-chan, are you okay?

"I'm still fine..."

The father-in-law gently took her sister into the hospital room and went to talk to her friend.

I went after that today.

In the meantime, I have secured the eggs of Yuki-chan and Sakura-chan.

Of course, I also met with the Filorials who were waiting for me at the Melromarc inn.

It appears that the Syltveld Envoy was in contact with someone he knew.

It's the next day.

“Raphtalia, I'm surprised you started screaming at night.”

"The night crying is terrible." It's a mental problem, so it takes time to treat it. "

Your father-in-law and I have decided to talk.

”So, I was able to help Raphtalia and the others... but I don't know what to do now”

Hmm... I see.

Something in my head came up telling me to do something different.

If you're going to be safe, it would be a good idea to propose a merchant to your father-in-law here and stay safe until the Queen returns.

The tree is very dirty, but that will solve it.

There is also a chance to take down the red pigs badly.

But then, there is no big difference from before.

Corner, is there anything you can do because you came back to the first world you looped around?

"I... I'd like to help you as soon as I can if there's a weak child like Rifan-chan who's dying anyway..."

"As expected, I don't remember the whereabouts of all your friends." It seems that slaves have been bought and sold in various places.

I asked the monster merchants and countries to gather Keel and her friends.

However, it is also very difficult in the current situation.

I'm not going anywhere without saying so.

"Buying and selling as a slave... I wonder if it's too early to beg a slave trader?" When I asked Motoyasu-kun about slavery, I thought it was ridiculous, but did I try my best in the first world to help them? "

As a result, that's what happens.

Your father-in-law ended up helping your sister's village people.

"Then maybe buying a slave... might not be a bad thing."

Is it slave trading......?

Here comes the Syltveld messenger.

It's not a very good way for the Shield Hero to collect slaves, but it might be good for the current situation.

Yeah. According to Motoyasu, even if you go to Syltveldt, you may have trouble, and it might be good to be brave to help Raphtalia and the others.

Got it.

Huh? It looks like your father-in-law is going to take her off for your sisters.

“So is it better for us to provide financial support?”

”Hmmm... it might be nice if Motoyasu-kun could help me, but I might be caught by Melromarc with a remittance of unknown origin”

"By the way, your father-in-law in the loop, like your father-in-law in the first world, did too much good, and there was a revolution in Melromarc."

It was a bitter experience.

"... it doesn't seem like a good way for pedestrians to do too much good deeds."

I hope you can avoid pedestrians.

I want you to do something you've never done before.

"Hmm... is there a good way?"

"This is it." You can see the mochi in the mochi shop or the monster merchant. "

"Can you tell me that easily?" It seems like it's cheating.

"There was a monster trader who could help me in any loop, so it was good to talk to him." However, your father-in-law acted so that you wouldn't be licked. "

”Acting... well, let's go have a little talk then”

I got it.

"I will accompany you."

"Where are you going?" Chloe, too. "

"Kuro-chan is coming too, isn't she?" Well then, let's go. "

So we asked our sisters to answer the phone and go to the monster dealer in Merromark.

I came to the monster merchant's tent.

Is this where the slaves are sold?

I see. We're selling monsters as well.

Your father-in-law is swallowing his spit and clenching his fist.

You've heard of this slaver's union.

It appears to be a well-known merchant known to the envoys of Syltveld.

Well, according to the story, there are pipes in various places, so you can trust them.

Well then, let's go in.


I'll take the lead and go with my father-in-laws and Kuro-chan.

"Is this, is this a new customer? Hi"

"Philo, I already know that"


Oops, I tried to buy Philo Tongue because of my habit.

I've already secured Sakura-chan's eggs, which will become Ferro Tongue.

”That look... I'm sure you're the hero of spears and shields when you look at the weapons you have?”

"..... ahh"

Lady Brave?

Syltveld's envoy will check on your father-in-law.

You don't know your father-in-law very well.

"From what we've heard, we heard that Syltveld is heading towards us, but how did you come to our store?"

"Fufu, you have ears early." It's not fun to go to Syltveld and retaliate against this country like a confession. I pretended to be out of the country to harass the country. "

"Oh! So what's the purpose? Hi"

"You can't be honest with me." I heard that this is a slave shop. What do you think? "

"Hi! Our shop is dealing with slaves. Hi."

Well, can you show me a little bit of the product?

"I understand." Hi! Please take a look at our product. Hi. "

As I said, the monster dealer will start to guide us.

The unique smell in the monster merchant's tent stuck in my nose.

The cage is packed with slaves.