The next morning.

You were at the tree today.


Raftalia has a slightly sinister face.

I also say that there are three times that there have been two times, and I don't want anything to happen if I can.

It's a tree with a strong sense of justice. I hope it doesn't end up the same way as Yuankang and Smelting.

"Like I don't really care about tree justice. They have their reasons. It's only two days..."

Be careful just in case. I think it's somewhere that's possible.

I'm not asking you to get along. I wish I could raise the LV normally.

The bow would not just be a weapon that you could fight alone, like ex-health and smell.

Now I remember the fellow tree had an avant-garde with flashy armor.

"Yes. I'll try."

"Welcome aboard."

I left the room while something pulled my hair behind me.

"The exchange of friends of Lord Spear Brave is closed today."

"Is something wrong?

"Lukol's nuts, treating poisoning."

"I don't have that fruit..."

Your physique? I had no problem at all.

It's the same name as Japan, but it seems to be a separate world. Wouldn't it be surprising if there was a difference in body making?

Or do you think that Mengkang was mixed with poison just because he ate it?

And then... I'm poison tolerant thanks to my shield, and I don't know if I was okay.

Does Yuen Kang feel asleep all day today?

Because it's about him, it's a delicious event for both women to see.

Only one of the brave guys is a galgay party structure.

... I don't even feel like I'm bouncing subtly.

Therefore, tomorrow is not the only time to exchange Lord Brave Sword for Lord Brave Spear.


It's just right for Mengkang. The smell... doesn't make much difference, does it?

You don't have to hang out with the bitches for a day, so you'll do your best.

"I'll report later that Lord Shield Brave is unusually strong on booze."

"That fruit tasted so good. Did you pay for the tavern?"

"You paid properly."

"Lai Lai"

"It's getting rumored in the alley with the booze brave."

It comes with a strange rumor.

Even if I'm not drunk, I don't know what alcohol is.

"It's not me, is it? It's a title given to Yuen Kang."

"It's up to the shield brave lord. Instead, I wonder why you thought that."

Damn...... it's me. You either owe it to poison resistance, or you don't work as an alcohol for people in my world.

"How dare you get there while we're talking. This is where Lord Brave Bow's people are staying."

That said, the shadow hid itself.


Anxiously, I knock on the door of the room.

"Go ahead."

The reply came normally.

You don't have to worry about what's wrong with Yuen Kang.

I opened the door and went inside.

"Well done. Mr. Shield Brave."

When I enter the room, each of my fellow trees greets me in a relaxed position.

It's not as polite as a smelling place or as selfish as a place of former well-being. Exactly.

It's just... one way or the other.

"This is Shield's brave Iwatani Sumimoto, who will be in charge of the last personnel exchange. We will be acting together for the next two days. Regards."

While greeting, check with the fellow trees.

Uh... five? The guy with the standout armor looks great in his arms.

I have a bad feeling about it.

But the moment I stared, I stopped putting it together.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. Master Itsuki, watch the SS battle, brave shield."


Wow, the words came out.

Shit...... looks like a laugh. What the hell is he doing?

Bite the grin to death somehow.

"Yes, we, Master Itsuki, five SS..."

"Excuse me! I bought what you asked for!

The door behind me opened and someone ran in.

Looking back, there was one girl there, in charge of the tool bag.

"Oh - the brave man of the shield was already here?

How old... how old are you? Around fourteen? Kind of young.

He looks neat and well-groomed. If I were Genkang, I would be numbing you.

It's small. Doesn't look like a good fit for battle. Do you fight with magic or something?

This voice sounds familiar.

Sure, I think he was the one who explained it to me when I mastered Zweight Aura.

He may be brilliant in terms of knowledge to see where he came out immediately.

"It's late, Leesia! Look, join me in introducing myself."


"Dear Itsuki, Six Guards!

Didn't you just try to say five?

Were you just going to buy one or two?

I feel some disturbing air...

"Well, let's just get out of here."

"Right. The brave shield must be taught the battle."

"Oh, oh..."

I wonder what it is. This tension.

I'm starting to feel like I can't follow you.

I have no problem with the tools I need thanks to the girl who just bought me out.

Anxiety lingered but a party was organised and we set off.

As we passed the market, we witnessed a crowd at a fraudster's shop.

You seem to be doing a good job.

This is how I got on the boat...

Let me in. There are seven of us, so the ship is a little small.

Well, if it's dry tide, it'll be fine because it's also where you can walk.

The reef is beautiful......

"Leesia, pull over more end"

"Come on, if you stop by any more, you'll fall."

I wonder what.

Hi, Leesia. You say the kid's in a weak position...

Eventually I heard a big thing fall into the water.

"Gabo Gabo......"

Advice Leesia had fallen into the sea.

"I fell!

I'll grab a kid named Leesia and put him on the boat.

"Totally...... what does it mean to annoy the brave man of the shield!

"No, you're the ones who dropped it."

It's not a problem because she's small enough to pull over to the edge because she's small.

Honestly, the others are taking up too much space.

"Instead, armor, maybe I can't help it because of the gear, but you pack a little more"

Flashy big attitude armor takes the most space. What the hell is that?

"That's irresistible"

"What can I do..."

What the hell is this place?

In the meantime, Leesia gives a kid a cloth to wipe his body off.

"Oh, thank you!

"Don't catch a cold."


He looks like he's some kind of weak kid.

I got off the boat and arrived on the island.

Keep heading towards the hunting grounds.

I feel a lot when there are all seven of them.

"So, for now, the question is, what way do trees usually fight?

"Mr. Shield Brave. Can you do anything about the way Itsuki calls you?

Biggest attitude, flashy armor advances to me.

Is that him again?


"At least call me after you or something"

... what are you talking about?

Whatever I call a tree, it'll be on my own. What are you doing trying to make it right?

Maybe it's a high level of loyalty, but I want to tell you to pick someone.

"One word of caution, I am the brave man of a shield who is treated like one of your brave men. Why should I be instructed to do that?"

"No, the Shield Brave is less active than Master Itsuki, so the Shield Brave has to show respect to Master Itsuki."

What reasoning.

It's no longer an outrage. What brings him so far... Looking around seems to have the same opinion except for one.

Note that one of them is a child who was made into a parsley known as Leesia.

I don't know the truth, but I'm wandering about the problem.

"... I wonder what you're going to say"

The active side...... do you know what kind of perception that secret tree receives in the world?

I'm supposed to be on a mending journey, but it's not a rumor at all.

"Active? Do you have a reputation tree for being the most plain brave? I don't know where or how a bow brave man worked."

"You... have a criminal flair"

The moment I say that, a shadow appears behind my armor and sticks out my dagger.

"There is no sin in the brave lord of the shield. This is authorized by the Queen, and there will be no punishment for fooling the Shield's Brave Lord."

The guy with the armor looks stunned at the sudden event.

In the case of bitches, it's also involved letting them swim.

Are you saying that the curse is cautious?

"Especially if it's a felony to curse the brave lord of the shield. Don't forget that your actions will betray your trusted brave men."

Don't talk even if you think about it.

Do you still not believe in my innocence, fellow tree man?

The tree that seems to have twice as much justice. Is this how the narrowness of its horizons is shifting to its fellow citizens?


The armor stares at me abominably.

"Hey, I'm dying to leave him alone."

"Even if they say so, I don't think the awkward man is the brave man of the shield."


I can't even raise one of the LVs by myself.

I think you should go hunting for reference.

This perception of me = evil, can't you do something about it?

Perhaps he has been with the tree for a long time, so something is blowing in.

"Anyway, don't answer the questions properly!


After the armor tongued remorsefully, the shadow disappeared.

"Look, just talk to me"

"... Itsuki will always fight to protect us behind us."


Right, how to fight a bow.

I don't know if it's in this world, but it's just a long distance and it's advantageous.

Even during his escape life, he was troubled by tree attacks.

That's why I found a way to deal with long-range attacks, so I don't have a problem with it now.

"And in the meantime, let's go defeat the demons!

Something seemed narrow on her shoulder, a child named Leesia told her, and she walked out.

So, I encounter demons.

Flashy armor comes forward, and your buddies pop up to follow it.

"Come on! Mr. Shield Brave. Attack."

"You suddenly rely on me?

Is the tree pulling the bow here......

"Or use your head, it's my job."

Buy time by healing your allies for demonic attacks and damage to your armor.

In the meantime, other people were attacking the demons.

At first, we're working together, but if you add me, it's the wrong strategy.

You stay back.

Let me lower my armor and get out in front of the demon.

It's still a clutterfish. No pain or itching.


Something about the armor is crying out in regret.

You're so jealous of me for being flat?

As far as I'm concerned, I'm more jealous of the weapons you have.

"So, your tree stabs you with a bow."

"Oh, it helps me when the damage to us is going to be a little bit greater."

Well... that's the average way to fight.

It's just a way to fight like you're just building a human wall.

"Master Itsuki does not fly among us and is highly aggressive. Our role is to maximize that power."

Apart from armor, the warrior answers.

You can attack from a distance, so if you're not close, you can attack all you want.

In short, should trees be cautious by misfiring allies?

"All you have to do is recover and assist"

"What about magic cover?

There will be times when trees cannot deal with it alone.

"It depends on the time and the circumstances."

"Wow, me too!

Oh, right.

It's not as good as smelling, but the collaboration seems to be building.

… I can also say that it can be done there so much that smelling is not necessary.

"Then you with your armor and your sword, you fight more attack-oriented than defensive, because I have everything"

"Can you hold that much?

Armor speaks out in a provocative mood.

Is that him again?

Is this armor any resentment to me?

"Yes, I can, without getting hurt like you."

I don't know what to be wary of against this level of miscellaneous fish opponents.

Who do you think took all the Pope's attacks in the first place?

You know he was there, too.


Hi, this flashy armored guy, you have a lot of pride.

Every time I do something, I complain.

That said, the hunt progressed fine...... didn't go.

"You! What are you doing taking away our demons! You deserve to live."


Armor and other monsters whose adventurers were fighting with our faces stab Todome.

"Don't break the rules on the island! I'm sorry, he's a little confused."

Oh, I'm home early already!

Harder to do than a former health party.

I totally forgot I was lectured on my first day on this island.

It was cautioned that adventurers should not take away the demons they are fighting.

He seems to think we're special.

What kind of education does a tree give......

"My head is heavy..."

So, as I was fighting, I realized that a kid named Leesia, he fought in a way that didn't go either way.

I wonder if I poked my enemies with my sword, repeating magic away, healing magic when someone gets hurt.

of, but they're all behind.

It feels like I haven't been able to grasp my part. I can be careful...

"Leesia, come forward!

"Leesia, step back!

"Leesia, recover. Come on!"

"Reesia, cast your magic!


I stopped thinking it was bad when I said it because it had already been bummed out.