Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Carmilla Island Jinx/Epidemic Edition
I was talking to the Raftarians because I came back after noon, but it's still early in the evening.
It's good to study medicine and magic... but it's good to play on the beach as well as before.
And, while I think about it, I stroll the market for a change of mood.
"Does Raftalia need anything?
"You don't have one at the moment."
"Feelo, I'm hungry"
"Yes, sir."
Give Filo a light meal at the stall and when you stroll, you encounter a crowd.
"Wait. Don't push because we still have enough in stock, line up!
This voice... you're a fraud.
You're making money. Selling in Jinx seems like a huge success.
I see eye to eye with a con man who had instructed me to line up from a high scaffold.
The scammer comes down from the scaffold and scratches the crowd and runs towards me.
"Master Shield Brave!
I don't remember naming him a brave man... well, it would be a well-known fact that there are brave men coming to the island, and have you guessed that the atmosphere is somewhat different?
So, if you're a brave man equipped with a shield, you don't have to know.
"It seems to be thriving."
"Yes! It's all thanks to the brave man of the shield!
"Did you do something?
Listen as Raftalia and Firo tilt their necks.
"Oh, actually -"
I told Raftalia and Filo what happened on my first day on this island.
Raftaria nods as convinced when she hears the evil deeds of the grey line I went to.
"Oh, so Moto... you were closed when you came with the Spear Brave"
Have you stopped even putting on the master?
Well, can't you help it?
I guess I'm coming into Raftaria where I don't deserve respect for being brave.
For once, I'm reflecting. I guess I'm not convinced.
Will I be called at the call, too?
... Something seems uncomfortable.
"Call me as always."
We have to do our best to keep getting called in.
Restart talking to scammers with left-handed raftaria.
"So? What does it look like to me? If you just want to thank me, I'll sell you more than one, and I'll tell you when it's closing time."
"Chi, no. Please come to the store."
I want to thank you for everything.
It would be good to be rich because I am making money, and can I expect a little gratitude?
Maybe my mind is floating on a transient money-making story. Get what you can get early.
Whatever you say later, do you want to choose the words so that there is no problem?
The scammer led me to the store when I nodded.
... was a decent stone shop, not a temporary tent before.
Already moved? How much money do you make?
There is a line of people in front of the store. Jinx Commercial Law Don't be afraid.
"This way."
Turn to the back of the store and enter the store through the back entrance. Inside, a merchant who is a seller moves dizzily to sell tequila and example accessories.
In the workplace behind it, it looks like the artisans who process it from ore to accessories are making it alternately.
... Isn't that too lucrative? In an instant, I get anxious not to quench the fire.
Or what is the total population of adventurers coming to the island?
When I think about it, I don't know.
"In the near future, we will be able to open stores on the altar where we will celebrate the gods of the island."
It is no longer a tourist specialty and an amulet for shrines.
"So, what's gratitude?
"This is it."
That said, it was the bracelet that was given to me. It is native to Carmilla Island......
Miraca Bracelet (Small XP Up)
Quality Finest
Red... with beautiful gems like blood on it.
Works pretty well too. The quality is also high.
"Oh, it really works when you get more experience."
"This is the highest quality bracelet made of Miraka ore native to this island. I was definitely ready to thank you. Oh, it's a coincidence, so it's not in another accessory."
Well, you do. If it really came with it, it wouldn't be a jinx sale.
Or what kind of accessory with an EXP boost system actually existed, which is more surprising.
Miraka Ore.
I was finally eyeing the ore that was in the workplace.
None of them are of good quality. It's kind of full of scum stones.
It will be difficult to find any help in the battle so far.
"Isn't it pretty expensive? I feel like I've seen it and it's going to be hard to maintain good quality so far."
"Do you still get it...... yes. Miraka Ore is the biggest disadvantage of poor quality."
"When it comes to being comparable to gems..."
"Is it good to get such a rare thing?
"Yes, I let the shield brave learn something far better than the unit cost of this"
"What do you mean?
If I were to do business, I would have just cautioned them to be happy to give me money.
"I have always thought that business is about taking hold of their weaknesses. But I tried to practice the business practices of the brave shield. Oh, he said this is real business."
Until then, scammers thought it was selling things like plundering from customers.
But after doing what I was told to do, customers start paying big bucks like lies, and then they all smile and buy products.
He said he had never known that he didn't buy grudges and had such a pleasant business.
"I don't know... the epidemic is obsolete, so watch out for the possibility of going back to your previous life"
"We've already turned our hands there. Rest assured."
"Oh? What are you doing?
"You had a little collaborator."
and the scammer points to the collaborator by hand.
... the accessory dealer was waving at me with a smile.
Were you on the island, too?
"That's right, shield brave, you've created such an interesting new business method in such a remote place."
"Sponsored by this store and fellow merchants"
Are you sensitive to the smell of gold? Well, I'm sure you do.
A merchant is such a thing, but I don't like it when it's like a meeting of the Golden Deceased.
"Carmilla Island accessories are now the momentum for climbing the eel. Ha ha."
"Well, on time."
It doesn't actually work.
Worst case scenario, would you consider what to do if you get too well and the damage comes here?
"Yeah, but. Numerous people have succeeded in such rumors. Who will pursue the truth? This one's not advertising, is it?
Both merchants laugh as they serve a belly-black aura.
I don't like your face.
Don't even get shaved to the bone marrow. This island.
"All you have to do is add color to the rumors."
"... what are you going to do?
"I'm looking forward to that."
"Don't shield braves own stores, too? I can help you with as much as I want. Why don't you be the manager of my shop?
"I'm not going to succeed you"
I know.
The pharmacist told me that he wanted me to succeed him as a business guild or something.
"Really? I'll be waiting for you any minute, so come visit me at my store."
"... if you go, you can come home. Give me a break because I don't seem to have it"
"Let's see what's good for you too."
"Oh, you're fat."
"Yeah...... because I'm overweight and I'm about to burst into money!
The scammer is with the accessory dealer on his face that he can't stop laughing.
That's the face being drunk on the dark side of business.
Don't be afraid, business.
I didn't know there were dark sides that people hated and dark sides that people would love...... let's remember.
Eventually, Raftalia and Filo also received Miraka series accessories, respectively.
Raftalia is a strap that attaches to the pattern of the sword. Filo was a shoelace strap.
Miraca Strap (Stamina Recovery, Medium)
Quality Finest
Miraca Strap (Magic Enhancement, Medium)
Quality Finest
"Something's wrong"
"Seems like you don't have to worry about it, and I'll take it."
Let's not realize they feel like their shadows are laughing.
There is a way of life for him, etc.
I don't know if there's a riot later that they grabbed the fake.
Even if I'm incriminated, I'd better show you this accessory and face the victim, too.
"For once, it's not our fault if something goes wrong."
"I know. The brave man of the shield is worrying, isn't he? Well, you're right there as a merchant."
"I made a good promise. You know what happens to you guys when you try to rub the blame on me later, right?
"" Yeah, I'm ready ""
I said "hamo."
Damn...... do you really understand?