I was roaring in the three departed conference rooms.
When I think calmly, I honestly just have to frown.
I think we've got all the information we can pull out of them.
But I don't have the criteria to judge which is true and which is a lie.
I... roar with their claims in a note.
In common, demons get drops when they smoke.
Speaking of which, I forgot to explain something about demolition.
Well, as much as I understand it.
Weapon copies later. This seems to have been a difference between them and the game.
If you have a weapon of the same lineage that already exists, the weapon will be released and equipped.
Weapon will represent you in other creative skills such as formulation.
Until now, they were in agreement.
Later, let's take a look at each asserted enhancement method. I don't know the characteristics of my shield if it varies from weapon to weapon.
There are no games that have served as models, let alone what I was reading is an unfinished book.
... I think my peer development is going to stick to the power of the shield or something...
Proficiency increases power by using the same weapon
Energy Grant Infuses the energy gained by resetting the proficiency of a weapon that has been used to unlock the hidden power. Other items sucked into a weapon can be converted into energy.
Rarity Increase The rarity of that weapon can be increased by injecting energy. Improves overall ability.
Everything is determined by the weapon. Spirit enchants are everything, and the original strength of the weapon doesn't really matter. I need as much status as I can swing.
Refine A single piece of equipment can be enhanced using ore.
Spirit Enchant Grants special powers by granting Sucked Items to defeated demon soul shards and weapons.
Status Enchant status can be granted
The rarity of the weapon is all, and the grant is Omake.
Reinforcement Increases power by attaching certain ore to a weapon.
Item Enchant A chance to extract energy from an item that has been sucked by the weapon, granting a % increase in Attack, etc.
The status can be doped by giving the Job LV the power of the particular demon or item that made him suck.
This is the place.
That's splendidly fragmented.
It also suffers from energy enhancement, refinement, rarity and rarity.
There are three types of Enchants.
They think it's the world of games as a common thing in the first place, but it's a different game for each of them, right?
And even the genre is different.
VRMMO, regular MMO, consumer.
I don't know the VR well, but it can't be that the MMO and the consumer are the same system or something. You'd be a fan if there was one.
Somehow there are things in my world that have systems that resemble the games that each of us claims to play.
If you think about it that way...... I can also say that you claimed your knowledge of another game as a lie.
But...... what do you think?
I look at the shield.
The legendary weapon must not seem to be reflected in the mind of the owner.
Even the Curse series does.
The first time I looked for the tree, I couldn't find it, and the tree turned upside down with anger when I thought Firo was dead.
Right. Mind...... what the heck.
Maybe if I were denying it out of my head, I wouldn't get out.
Weapon copy...... this is not a lie because we were all in agreement.
So is the drop. But I didn't understand.
Open the weapon icon and find out.
... I still can't find it.
Is that a completely different category? Is it a different structure than their logic?
Legendary shield.
Denial...... right.
Somewhere in my mind I'm denying it.
So... can't they just breathe?
I told you to learn an objective point of view, but this just narrows your horizons.
There's a drop! I have a copy!
I recognize that there are three at the same time. There can't be.
Believe me... believe me. Imagine a screen with a drop list of demons you've defeated.
I push the shield system item.
Then a light noise was made and the item opened.
The items of demons and items that Zuller had made him suck without ever dismantling appeared.
"What the hell is this!
Believing also helps... are you narrowing your potential by being careful not to be fooled?
... Something, like opening an item box. Click on a demon to see the drop.
Oh, there's a herb out there that'll be the ingredient for magic water. Other soul healing water ingredients......
It comes out a lot. It's going to be awesome if I get it all out.
There's quite a bit of garbage else...... It also contains demonic organs and stuff.
Eyes on the ore of the tree.
Actually, he's buying ore. It also explained how to use this.
Then I'll have to believe it.
Exists. That's all I was angry about. You can't be lying.
So I push the shield icon.
... but it doesn't show.
This is being denied somewhere.
That lying puke couldn't have told the truth.
You don't have enough power and power to believe? It's a children's cartoon...
But... believe me.
"Lord Shield Brave?
Shadows speak. But I decided to believe in my life, and shield and glitter.
It's good to be fooled. This is a legendary shield. Believing also helps. I would never lose money.
Believe me!
There are tree enhancements. I have an item enchant.
Otherwise, we're just adventurers a little stronger than normal.
I believed the shield icon and pushed it.
Zaza... and for a moment only, the icon was rough.
The next moment.
Make a light noise and an enhancement item appears.
"All right!"
Let the shield suck the ore you received from Leesia to find the appropriate shield.
There it is.
Sharkbyte Shield 1/20
Ability Unlocked... Equipment Bonus, Aboard Combat Skill 1
Dedicated Effect Shark Fang
I tried to strengthen my sharkbyte shield.
I see, I can easily strengthen it, and the denominator is out with 20.
It seems close to how to enhance the game of hunting monsters everywhere in my world.
Well... there are many common denominators for avoidance.
It's not unnecessary. Many of them have blunt-footed shields... and when it comes to strong weapons, they are habitual and difficult to use. The combination of one-handed sword and shield was light and easy to move, but tough to defend and far from the strongest.
That game was handy when it came to bows. Maybe it's close to that. Well, I guess not because there's no magic or anything.
Then let's breathe some energy from the items we've smoked before.
... Sounds like it has a lot of effects.
Oh? I discovered that Blue Shark's gut reduces the damage it takes from aquatic monsters. Let's try.
The odds seem to be absolute success at first.
Sharkbyte Shield 1/20
Ability Unlocked... Equipment Bonus, Aboard Combat Skill 1
Dedicated Effect Shark Fang
Item Enchant LV1 Reduces damage taken from aquatic monsters by 2%
I still have a little bit to try again.
Oh, fail! It's zero. But keep going.
It became LV2.
Sharkbyte Shield 1/20
Ability Unlocked... Equipment Bonus, Aboard Combat Skill 1
Dedicated Effect Shark Fang
Item Enchant LV2 Reduces damage taken from aquatic monsters by 3%
and grant more and more and stop at 7. The success rate of 8 is considerably lower.
Sharkbyte Shield 1/20
Ability Unlocked... Equipment Bonus, Aboard Combat Skill 1
Dedicated Effect Shark Fang
16% Damage Reduction taken from Item Enchant LV7 Aquatic Monsters
... It's amazing because this is the only way I feel like I could fight an aquatic demon.
Was it JOBLv in the tree language, where another gauge exists anyway? It's a challenge for you too.
Defense Job LV1
Defensive gauge 0/5
High number of sucks, I try to pick the demon organ at demolition and hit it in a row.
The gauge rises slowly to 1, which also seems to use multiple items.
Defensive gauge 5/5
Gauge Up! 'Defense + 1'
Defensive Job LV2
And the defensive gauge was displayed as 0/6.
I tried to add more items, but cooltime is displayed.
Apparently, you need to put it up regularly.
It's so plain. But when you collect it, let's not be fools.
Anyway, maybe this hasn't been lied to by the others either.
First of all, you smell it.
Open the item as strongly as you did when you were a tree and play your favorite chimeric viper shield.
Chimera Viper Shield 0/30C
Ability Unleashed...... Equipment Bonus, Skill "Change Shield" Detoxification Formulation Improved Poison Resistance (Medium)
Dedicated Effect Snake Poison Tooth (Medium) Hook
Proficiency, 100.
Something's already gotten my status so high...
About a, like, five times? Defense alone would be considerable.
Sounds like a hundred caps.
Play with your fingers, then.
Reset proficiency?
A system message appeared that
Press "Yes" while lost.
Then the ability returns to the shield I know.
Gain Proficiency Energy 2000.
… Select Grant to Chimera Viper as is.
Oh, not enough...... I need 4,000.
Collect and convert and secure skill energy for shields you don't use for now.
I hear something injecting.
Chimera Viper Shield (Awakening) 0/30C
Ability Unleashed… Equipment Bonus, Skill "Change Shield" Detoxification Formulation Improved Poison Resistance (Large)
Dedicated Effect Snake Poison Tooth (Large) Long Hook
Proficiency 0
The underlying abilities have increased considerably.
Oh, my God, this!
Was that a rarity increase after that? C is short for Common.
I still don't have enough energy. Convert everything to secure it.
You fail!
Chimera Viper Shield (Awakening) 0/30 UC
Ability Unleashed… Equipment Bonus, Skill "Change Shield" Detoxification Formulation Improved Poison Resistance (Large)
Dedicated Effect Snake Poison Tooth (Large) Long Hook
Proficiency 0
UC...... Uncommon.
Or, the ability has increased about a factor of 1.2.
Then he tries a few times and raises it up to R, Rare. That alone was considerably more capable.
The amount of increase is also abnormal. Plus more proficiency in this... dude.
With further reference to Yuenkang's...... Believe me, open it. No longer, let's believe everything and come to greed.
Damn... Yuankang's doesn't have fortified ore.
So try Spirit Enchant.
There was a massive collection of soul fragments of this island's demon Magenta Frog, so grant!
Chimera Viper Shield (Awakening) 0/30R
Ability Unleashed… Equipment Bonus, Skill "Change Shield" Detoxification Formulation Improved Poison Resistance (Large)
Dedicated Effect Snake Poison Tooth (Large) Long Hook
Proficiency 0
Reduce attacks from Magenta Frog Spirit Poison Monsters by 15%
Then let's try the Status Enchant as well.
You do it with ingredients...... oh, the results are random.
The result was magic.
Chimera Viper Shield (Awakening) 0/30R
Ability Unleashed… Equipment Bonus, Skill "Change Shield" Detoxification Formulation Improved Poison Resistance (Large)
Dedicated Effect Snake Poison Tooth (Large) Long Hook
Proficiency 0
Reduce attacks from Magenta Frog Spirit Poison Monsters by 15%
Status Enchant Magic 20 +
Big! Magic Grant Rate Big!
Oh, I can reset it. But I'm a little low on ingredients, so let's not.
The shield became more visible and stronger than before.
The status is a little elusive and messy, but it's true it's a plus for me.
Especially the similarity between smelting and the rarity and rarity of the trees, but it was perplexing that they were separate frames.
I have to remember.
Then I glance at help.
It's all been added.
This... Okay, this momentum should also allow you to use the system of nostalgic online games that I know.
"Is that it?"
No matter how much you manipulate it, no matter how much you think about it, I won't even say yeah.
I won't complain because it has already been considerably enhanced, but I'm not convinced.
"Why not?
"Keep the other brave men informed. Everything you said was true. No one is lying. Tell them you can't do it unless you really believe them."
I can't believe this is happening. Speaking of which, the Queen used to say.
The Pope's artifacts only have a quarter of the power compared to the real thing.
That is also a convincing result. No, if you do poorly, you're above it.
You can be happy to get it out, but assuming this condition is what it is, it sucks...... no way.
I paid that much attention to the shadows and followed the room I was in for the meeting.