Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Blood in ink for slave registration, leaving the later to the slave traders.
"Don't mix weird things up with registration like this before, okay?
"Yes, I know."
This time, the slave item part is neatly organized and checked. If there's a mix of slaves that's different from the list of slaves I got earlier, I'll instantly file a complaint with you.
"Now, you'll be free during registration, so let's go watch the duel at the Coliseum above. Hi."
At the behest of the slave trader, the slave begins to guide him.
We'll follow.
Talking about slave traders, they're having a free colloquium today.
Join the Coliseum and win a prize.
So, it's a plain bet that the audience will bet which one wins.
Use the stairs from the basement to enter the ground coliseum venue.
"You're a pretty good audience."
It looks like the game hasn't started yet and the reception and all that is busy.
It has an atmosphere like a baseball field or a stadium.
"It's a job that's also a requirement of my uncle's business, so I can expect to attract customers. Hi."
"The gold circle seems good too..."
"How about brave men join us?
"What do you want me to do with it?"
What are you going to do with a game like this if you can only protect it?
"There are team fights, too. I thought if you were a brave man, you'd agree to be a popular player."
"That's a reward."
It may be good for the money maker...
With Raftalia and Phyllo, who can defeat the Spirit Turtle, I don't think we'll lose first.
"Another colloquium that I run together is also dedicated to demons. Hi, I was wondering if you might like to make a presentation of your brave philoreal."
Taniko and Lato are going to protest so much. I don't like to use demons like that.
Didn't you know that? It's not a bad idea to let Phyllo fight and make money.
"Think about it"
"I'm hoping for a good reply. Hi."
I'm on my way to a guest seat reserved for me at Conne the Slaver while I say something like that.
Look up at the athlete's holding room. There's just a partition, it looks like it's coming from high ground.
Heh... a lot of people don't look good, a lot of muscular guys.
- I witnessed incredible things there.
"Yes, tree!?
Even though it is naturally misplaced among the athletes, it was undoubtedly a tree that was there.
I'm going down the athlete's aisle.
"What is wrong with you? Hi?"
I explained to the slave trader that a tree, a bow brave man, was in this athlete's holding room.
"I don't think there's any chance that the brave people will be joining us because we can join those who don't know their qualities here. Hi."
"Don't you have a registration or something?
"You are free to register your athlete's name…"
"By the way, what about him?
I point to the number of the batch attached to the chest of the tree.
A resilient man with his face hidden in cloth brings a list to the slave trader.
"That number is Join Number 982 of the Day...... uh," Perfect-Hyde-Justice, "he says."
I thought I'd accidentally fall.
It's not a joke, people can fall.
Perfect-Hyde-Justice is a joke.
Kitchen Two is also about to escape naked. Direct ball.
He's an embarrassment. Unexpectedly embarrassed me.
"Can we talk?
"Yes, under my authority."
A slave trader gave instructions to his men, and we were led to the athlete's holding room.
"Hey. Long time no see."
Talk to the tree.
I could have called Leesia, but I can't even talk to her when the game starts.
You can look even then.
"I... yes... everyone..."
"Everyone wants me...... yeah. Everyone wants me..."
The tree keeps whispering and whispering and I can't really hear what you're saying.
The eyes are empty, and where are you looking?
"I'm not... inferior... I'm... actually..."
"Hey! Listen!
I grabbed the boom and the shoulder of the tree and rocked it, but never responded.
The coliseum hears the sound of a gorn and a copper clatter.
"I... am on the side of justice!
As if my words were not in my ear, the tree pushed the other players away and ran away.
"What the heck..."
It was as if there was no such thing as me.
"Er... I looked into the matter of the athletes earlier, but you seem to be walking through the coliseum in this country day after day. Hi."
"Yeah, it's a touch of a mysterious bowman, who's also becoming famous in this neighborhood. I think you're happy with the victory."
"... what happened?
I originally thought he was a strong craving for praise, but then he's a sick man.
What the hell drove the tree that far?
Well, I can easily imagine it's a bump that caused something wrong with a spirit turtle.
I'll call to see if I'm there for now.
"Why not?
... came out.
"The carriage of Lord Shield Brave isn't as comfortable as riding."
If you care, you lose. It's better not to deal with them.
"Why couldn't you find such a blatant tree?
"Because bow braves have a habit of hiding their identity, information alone is impossible to discern."
Well, yeah. You call yourself a brave man or you change your weapon and you are remembered for strength. I have to change my weapon to corny. Do they even think about it?
I use a bow, but haven't I changed it until I'm in battle?
"Should I catch that one?
"It was supposed to be an instruction from the queen to put her on hold because she's likely to escape, right?
"Well, yes... is it hard to put surveillance on it?"
"Don't be like that. There are fewer people in the Spiritual Turtle case, but we need backup."
"I asked. Oh, yeah."
I turn to Raftaria and ask.
"Raftalia, should we teach Leesia that?
"No! Never teach. If you see a bow brave man like that, you'll go crazy to Mr. Leesia."
"Well, yeah..."
It was like some sort of abolitionist, and I wanted to be praised, but it seemed to be out in the coliseum for it.
I didn't know what would happen if Leesia met a tree in that state.
No, I have such anticipation of persistently talking to the tree... does that make any difference?
Somehow, I think it will only turn out that it's not even Roku.
So, where did the crew go?
"Let's start the investigation."
"Oh, let me know when you find out more."
I'm sure you do.
"Well, what about Leesia?
"I will rendezvous with Mr. Leesia and keep her from seeing me, so please... keep it a secret"
"Okay. Then I asked for it."
Call the system to find Leesia's location. I don't know where you are, but I'm starting to understand.
Of course I don't seem to know who's missing the party or where, or who's too far away.
"Sounds like you're walking down the south square from here. Please, Raftalia."
"Okay. I will never let you near me."
Raftalia ran out as it was.
I don't know, he's kind of close.
"Totally...... what happened?
"Yes, we're talking about it, but we're hearing about it from soldiers who are survivors of the Spiritual Turtle Town."
Say it quickly.
"That said, you just tidied up what Lord Ivatani knows, didn't you? Apparently, the order in which the work of destroying the seal of the Spirit Turtle was carried out was the order of the Brave Lord of the Bow, the Brave Lord of the Spear, and the Brave Lord of the Sword."
I thought he said it was about smelting, destroying statues and fixing them...
"The bow braves caused the fastest problems, and they were taking notes from each other."
"What do you mean?
"... Half a day ago, the Brave Lord of the Bow destroyed the seal of the Spirit Turtle, and then a noise-bound treasure hunter robbed the neighborhood's heritage, the information was complicated, multiplied by its confusion, and the Brave Man of the Spear destroyed the seal, almost at the same time or slightly later, and the Brave Man of the Sword seemed to be..."
"The trees were about to be taken as criminals or something?
"Looks like you were close, huh? And the spirit tortoise is resurrected as testified by the Lord Brave of the Bow... The Lord Brave of the Bow goes out on a crusade..."
He said he was missing.
Something happened with the time lag that unsealed the spirit turtle.
Because it was a hunk of justice, him, etc.
Did a tree of faith take problematic action and also do it in terms of justice?
The smell and Elena's testimony did not stabilize the security because the information was complicated at the end?
I see the battle of the trees in the coliseum where the game begins.
I thought it might be cowardly in proximity and distance, but it's on the rules or the battle range is narrow. It's only big enough to pack the distance in no time. You're more of a bow disadvantage.
But the tree wins with clams.
You're strong with people.
It just doesn't make sense. Whenever I cheer, I bark with my hands up happy.
Is that the tree?
The tree I know is a little more important, or he was a hypocrite pretending to be a personable person.
It's a mystery because he doesn't tell you what happened.
I'm even suspicious if I can talk before that.
Is it useless to just deal with them?