Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Portal Shield
"I know Vitch grew up spoiled, but what about Melty?
"That kid was raised with a dedicated teacher attached. Try not to get too involved with that guy."
So is it decent compared to my sister?
Only, compared to my sister.
Melty's emotional side stands out.
I was angry when I first met him, and I was hysterical before this.
"Oh, yes, Mr. Ivatani is apparently changing the way he calls her, so I officially changed her name"
"It's pretty much the same, but you know better."
"The shadow report is in my ear, too."
"Do you want to know where the name came from?
"I guess there are elements of Master Ivatani's world. Perhaps... witchcraft and demons... witches and other words around it?
"Mm, you're right."
But what about that word coming out when you associate your own daughter?
Well, that's what it looks like when it comes to Vitch.
"We'll leave it up to Merti later, but what do we do with the tax rates in the territory?
Tax rate?
If you think about it, would it have been a virtue for nobility to do nothing but land management?
Well, I don't know if that's the case in other worlds.
"High tax rates are also being rebuilt..."
It is at times like this that the power of the people is shaped.
I also feel like everything will go bankrupt when people demand taxes within the bounds of my life.
Japan, where I lived, is painfully familiar.
If you raise your tax rate even though it's a recession, you'll accelerate. The recession.
Referring to history and the neighborhood, taxes have to be lowered as much as in times of recession.
If you are lively, you can expect to earn money.
... Well, I've heard about it.
"In the meantime, I think we should lower things related to reconstruction and life, and boost preferences and stuff..."
"May I see Lord Ivatani's arm?"
"I hope you don't expect me to."
I don't know what to say, I'm not that good.
I'm doing something with the power of a shield.
If you think about it, it's time to be able to manufacture medicines with bioplant herbs.
It may be a buyout, and my own asset management is going to work out.
I can sell medicine for no reason.
"The report made an interesting building, didn't it? I'm talking about plants that make it easy to build?
... you're asking me about Lato all the way.
Do you feel like you want to be careful as a country like I'm on guard?
"Yes, it was made jointly with the alchemist who caused the problem at Forbray"
I give the camping plant seeds to the queen.
It's a prototype.
"Because I also use this for business?
"I think it would be dangerous to distribute it too much because of the mutability problem"
For once, we don't have a problem yet, but we don't know when or what happens.
The problem is that the danger could flare up, especially if even weird mating is allowed.
"If you were doing management work, it wouldn't be a wave station, whether or not you'd use it for demonstrations."
In order to make them look like they're using this technology at my place, I'm going to focus on selling drugs and stuff.
"So what do you say we sell it to the nobles? If you can do magic so that you can't mate, you could sell it at a disposable price."
"That's a hand too..."
You can't do it without a plant modification. We can do something with the value of fertility as the lowest value.
Might as well be the aristocrats.
"I don't accept complaints, is that good?
"I thought it might be the current momentum to complain about the work of the brave shield."
"That's what I'm worried about..."
Either way, territorial management is hard. I'm in the name of teaching Melty or something, but I think I can teach you.
It's painful to say I bow my head to that short-tempered mertie.
"Think about it, what about the nobility in the country? It's practically the Queen's discretion to treat me as a shield brave, isn't it?
"For once, no problem. It's rather too quiet and creepy."
"Is there anything I can do?
"... Yes. I'm sorry I can't help you."
There is no conclusive evidence, but is there a feeling that something might happen? When you hit something like this, the market is set.
Neither do I, who originally ran a subhuman village in the land of human supremacy, but is the Queen also the Queen who carried the subhuman God and the brave man of the shield that is worshipped?
"Regarding the alchemist who caused the problem, as far as the report goes, you seem to be familiar with Mr. Ivatani."
"Oh, amazingly clammy. What really happened in Forbray?
"You're right about your testimony in person. Apparently, he was banished because of a technical clash with what the Seven Star Braves at Fawbray were studying. It's better than a religious problem."
He's got skills. So, banishment?
I don't know what Forbray is researching...
Somehow the atmosphere smells like a commercial war fought between Japan and Kunikuni over the import of cars. You know, you got kicked out of power, something like that.
Well, sooner or later, a new weapon from Fawbray might come out.
If this makes waves and life easier, it's a good thing. I can't even count on you. I also need to assist Lato.
Is this where the report came in?
"Looks like we're looking forward to seeing you again."
The queen bows her head and tries to walk away.
"Yes, I kept the ore excavated from the spirit tortoise in the castle warehouse, so please pick it up at any time"
"Oh, turn that material over to the weapons store where I'm going."
Because I want to help my father. I want to turn it around as a matter of priority.
Finishing up like that, we had a LV reset of Sadina and Fowl on the hourglass of the dragon engraving.
At that time, give way to the sand of the hourglass of the dragon engraving and let the shield suck it.
The conditions of the Dragon Engraved Sand Shield have been freed.
Dragon Engraved Sand Shield 0/60C
Ability Unreleased...... Equipment Bonus, Skill 'Portal Shield'
Proficiency 0
I suddenly wake up and see... no extra skills in particular. That's not very high performance either.
"Portal Shield!"
An icon appeared in Pawn's and mine 'sight.
[]/(n) (comp) transfer point memory/
Where's the initial transfer position?
Be aware of transfers.
During the Melromarc summons.
Yeah, that's the first room I was in. It doesn't look like anything else.
Do you want to fly?
Then the range was conscious.
Can you also designate a companion who can be transferred? It seems we can also avoid flying intentionally.
And that's pretty broad. Don't you even have to touch it?
You're also a guy with emergency escape skills.
"Okay, we're gonna use transfer skills for experiments."
"Oh, that sounds fun."
"Do you do it?
Fowl is frightened and grabbed by Sadina. Sadina also had a foul.
Phyllo is......
"That's right, Philo. Try a little further away."
"Hmm? Okay -"
The human-shaped Firo walks away from me with Tokotoko.
It's like this.
I am aware of the transfer.
Then the scenery I was looking at changed, and I flew to an altar that smelled like dirt, and looked like a jerk.
Speaking of which, this was the place.
Is it obvious because nobody seems to be here, and they're not performing rituals?
"You really flew. Funny."
Sadina laughing with a mess. You laugh all the time.
Fowl is patting his eyes.
Phyllo... stood near me even though he was away.
Convenient skills......
What's cool time like?
"Portal Shield!"
Re-use time, an hour time counter appeared.
That's a long thought.
Can it be used even in combat if it is short?
"Well, let's go home"
This is how we ended our experiment and went back to the village.
By the way, the portal shield's transferable transfer-point memory is apparently basically impossible in caves and buildings. Seems like an initial point during the summons.
So, if it can be transferred in a place that cannot be remembered, it is possible to fly apart from it.
Besides, the fact is, even if you don't scream, it came when you can just move your mouth and fly.
I suppressed my mouth with my own hands and just said portal shield and the icon came out.
Plus, you can select and transfer any allies around you, including party members.
This means it can be used even if an ally is captured by an enemy.
You can't fly a hostile opponent.
In short, demons, braves, viches, etc. are not on your side, so you can't be forced to take them.
This is a pain in the ass...
Oh, yeah, yeah. Speaking of restrictions, apparently it's impossible to carry a carriage or something too big.
So all the other brave men didn't use carriages?