Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Combined ownership
"No, shield brave. What's wrong, sir? Hi."
"Do you have any idea what happened when you didn't gaze at me the other day?
Go to the slave trader and ask with your arms together.
I don't have any credibility, but I have to make the right complaint to the slave trader, one of the causes of the ex-health unrest.
"Not at all. Hi."
"... ha"
He's too busy being a merchant.
No, you know, you're blurry. This is...
"I'm thinking it's time to leave my foodie Phil Real with you."
"Oh, that's..."
"Of course, you have it all. I'm not gonna let you say no."
My power, too, but he's selling me slaves to make money.
There's no way a slave trader can detect me saying I'm going to harass you around.
"I get it. Hi, I'm the one who did provide the spear brave man with the filorial."
"Have you finally confessed?"
"He came into my tent calling out the names of the brave men of the shield, so let me offer them to experiment"
Speaking of which, the slave trader was proposing to me to explore the changing conditions of the Philological Queen.
But I refused because I was out of my control by myself, Philo, a foodie.
So, the next time I received Phyllo Real, I suppress it a long time later, with Phyllo managing it.
Is this... am I the cause too?
I don't like it.
I'm not responsible for not cooperating in the research.
In business terms, it was only the slave traders who offered the goods to those who wanted them.
I wonder what time it was at times.
I stopped looking at ex-health... was it around the time of the Keels' class up?
I just remembered the portal shield.
There were no slave traders then.
No, maybe he ran into Yuenkang because he misplaced it with me.
Don't you need to look that far?
"One thing I have to say to the brave man of the shield about that."
"The Spear Brave came this morning and returned, but since then, there has been no contract ink for the Shield Brave."
It's a pre-handed item in front of the village collecting survivors.
Slaves aren't free, and we can free them on this side, so there's nothing wrong with having a mix of impostors.
In the first place, there's no way anyone would do anything stupid to give a slave free of charge.
But if Yuen Kang took it, it's not the story.
"A few gold coins were placed in the place where the contract ink was kept, with signatures imitating spears and philoreals"
Speaking of which, I didn't say don't work evil.
What made Philo say to his mouth was honest, gentle and cheating.
Even though I left my money behind, I didn't say I shouldn't steal it...
Honesty was meant to get into it in me, but honesty was definitely about taking things seriously without private lust.
So Yuen Kang is honestly trying to grow a philoreal and treat it jointly with me?
I have no idea what that means at all, but the sole becomes honest in his...?
I hurry up and check the demon management screen.
...... more guys don't look familiar to me as much as I want!
That idiot! You fuckin 'signed a demon contract with my ink!
"I was stubbornly asking how to take ownership in a composite...... probably"
I forgot to tell you not to do anything unsolicited!
If we don't get the ex-con guy, the Philorial Queen will continue to be mass-produced.
She did get it from the queen and said she bought it from the slave trader.
We must hurry back to the village!
"Ownership can be destroyed by yourself, so no problem, but the Spear Brave said he would go to the Shield Brave."
He... the Queen also said, what are you going to do coming to my village.
Plus, with a ton of philoreal.
I'm not kidding. We need to take immediate action.
"Okay! I'll hurry back to the village! Bye."
"What shall we do with the subhuman slaves? Hi."
"Keep going, please"
"I get it. Hi."
Not there, I hurried out of the tent and flew on the portal.
Yeah, I forgot, but the queen told me that Yuan Kang's surroundings made him class up.
A quick glimpse of the village back on the portal.
All right. The ex-con guy's not here.
I think I need to figure out where that idiot went.
If you think about it, it will be Yuenkang who will take care of you. I'm not responsible.
Instead, they say they can only be covered to observe what they say will be managed jointly.
Of course, if they flip the anti-flag, there's no ex or kid, but I love Firo. Will Yunkang defy me?
No. Sure, I'd be in trouble if they did something unsolicited, but be careful when we meet... that's good!
"Hey Sang-wen. Are you listening?
When I realized it, smell was calling out to me.
"What's up?
"Nah. It's noisier outside the village, but I can't leave."
"Noisy outside?
"Oh, I can only see it from afar, but that... isn't ex-con?
What? I'm sorry.
I felt a nasty sweat coming from all over my body.
The female knight is also outside the village with the smelting...... pointing to the area where the philoreal building was built.
The slaves in the village seemed to be gathered that way.
I'm terribly close.
"Oh, brother - wow! You look amazing!
Keel looks at my outfit and pulls a little.
Speaking of which, you haven't worn barbarian armor since you started building this village.
Instead, this outfit used to be more natural.
"Never mind."
"No... I care. Brother, do you like that?
"It's subtle if you ask me if I like it or not, but it's made by someone who can make it better for me."
The topic of barbarian armor is good enough.
What's happening in the Philo Real Estate now?
"Dear Sentence,"
"I'm home now. What's the matter with you?
"Right after your brother went out? Was it before that? Looks like there was an intruder in the Phil."
"Oh well."
"We were all talking about kicking him out, but I don't have a brother, so I can't get out poorly..."
"Yes, Mr. Sadina isn't here, and when I sent Merti in town to report it, she pinched the waste that Firo didn't want to come."
I listen with a very bad feeling in my chest.
This means there's definitely an ex-health.
"What will you do?
"I'll see what I can do."
You should get through it if you talk.
I'm terrified, approaching the philoreal building and hanging my hands on the big door.
Something's going on inside.
Surely there must have been only one Filo subordinate. I was going to increase them eventually.
What? A nasty sweat erupts from all over your body.
Instinct whispers that this door must not be opened.
However, there is no way to solve the problem by sending it forward.
I opened the door courageously.
"Nah -!?"
It was dark in the building.
No... no. There were so many philoreals, it just seemed dark.
"Oh, beside Master Phylloreal...... Kunkanka"
At the end of his gaze is a diagram of Yuen Kang holding onto the Philorial Queen and smelling it.
In front of it is a massive flock of filorial queens.
Turn simultaneously to the sound of things.
Many of those eyes.
"" "Who?
"Uh, sure, Moto-kun said it was Goshjin Sama, sure."
"Right. I'm afraid of my eyes, but they seem nice."
"Yeah. I'm sure you do."
"I know. I know. Just watching something will cheer you up."
"Yeah, well, I'd rather be with you than Motopy. Makes me want to work hard."
I felt goosebumps all over my body.
"" "Goshzin Summer! Play!
I close the door and get away with it.
I don't even want to tell you the fact that in just a few seconds, I'm gonna open the door and a bunch of philoreals are gonna stick up against me.
"Yuen Kang Woo Woo! Get out of here. Yeah, yeah, yeah!
My heartless cry wooded.
By the way, I'll mention here that Filo has been rushing with courage to my crisis.
Let's just tell him that the damage was screwed up until Filo helped me.