Eventually it will be night and we will see how seriously we were taking our language acquisition by inviting smelting and ex-health to our homes.

For once, we make and test the official languages of this country as problems.

The question remains as to why I am a teacher who hates studying.

... Well, here's how it's been the last few days.

Yuen Kang has been here since today.

"Genkang, go home if you're just playing with philoreal!

As always, Yuen Kang looks at the problem as he triumphs over the surrounding philological.

"Oh no! Then how should I study in such a pig-smelling place!

"... ha"

Ex-Kang's reasoning says my village stinks of pigs and my nose bends.

So, you think you can finally stand being surrounded by philosophy?

Ignore Yuan Kang and grade the smelt.

"There's a misuse of grammar, but it looks like you're starting to be able to read and write for the most part"

"I don't know what to do because the script tells me this every night."

It took me a long time to remember.

Well, I understand it's quicker to have a quick look table or something than to translate it from scratch.

I only scored average grades for English classes. I was tough.

It's a big deal to learn a language you don't know.

Well, it was a must to live, so I can handle it for what it takes.

"So, Yuen Kang, what about you?

View Genkang's answers.

... dots better than I imagined unexpectedly.

Primary problem, but I was about 80% correct.

Originally, it was like a painted rear charm. Maybe you're smarter than me.

Well, the question remains as to why such a guy was hooked on online gaming, but it no longer seems possible to hear it from him, and I don't want to hear it.

"It's all Philotane, so I'm trying."

"... ahhh"

You remember that fast because it's the letter of the world where Phyllo is?

What a fool's thought.

Seems only motivated.

"Do you know why I'm trying to make you remember the letters of this world?

"... to help you with your business?

After a while of thinking, Smelt answered.

I was going to stop teaching when I said I was going to learn magic, but that makes sense.

In fact, it is necessary to remember magic, but if it has not fundamentally changed from what it was before, such as studying to become the strongest, I have said even one of the complaints.

"There's that too. I don't know if I mean it."

For once, let's just say it's good because they're going to do it under the will to say they really want to save the world.

I have a sense that I'm saying it great, too. But it was a problem they had to learn on their own.

I want you to just thank me for teaching for free.

"Ma, smelting has been busy lately with sword archery, so do you want to make your studies this much and go to bed early?

That's what I'm talking about.


I'm trying to say something to keep the smell from gazing at me.

"Something like a mantra to me too... would you do me a favor?

And you're conscious not to be suspected, you looked straight at me and said it out.

Thanks...... I think I'm just motivated.

I don't know where it is.

"I don't have a job in my hand... are you talking about conditioning?

"When I came to this village, I found out and heard that the script was doing a lot of things. Cooking, making accessories, and recently starting to learn alchemy. So do I. I want to remember something."

"I want to be a rancher raising philoreals"

"Yuen Kang, shut up!

Now... is the smelter starting to be interested in the manufacturing system?

Oh, is that why you're so serious about language?

Smelt is a brave man. Unleash the necessary skilled weapon and, like me, make something of good quality.

I'd like to leave it to you if you're willing to do it in person...

"I understand your enthusiasm, but are you a body that can make things?

Yes, I can't touch gold now because I unleashed my greedy curse skills, and the demon drops are bad.

Moreover, it has even been found that it carries the penalty of lowering the quality just by touching it.

Poor hands on the manufacturing system may have no prospect of success.

Ma, even when I say curse skills, I guess the curse lasts a short time because I let it go with a weapon that hasn't been very fortified.

About a month? I don't know because it is used in combination and it also releases bulimia.

Smelting has been coming to the village for about a week and a half. It would be far from fully healed.

"Oh yeah... looking at the kids in this village, I thought I had to do something too"


I don't even know what it feels like.

Most of the slaves in the village are clever enough to make commercial goods.

Can you also snort that I think it is because of the number of contacts?

"I'll leave the curse to you when it gets better"


... or if you think about it, there's a hot spring on Carmilla Island for cursing.

The problem is, I can't do anything else while I'm in therapy.

I remember my first curse, which they said would take a month to fully heal, was also much better.

After that, it got worse because I let it go.

If you have transfer skills, you might want to think about it.

Accommodation in tourist destinations only at night… I think it seems like fun even though the purpose of the treatment is something.

Can a portal fly another brave man?

Well, Carmilla is not that far away.

"Hey, you guys didn't use the portal on Carmilla Island."

"Hmm? Yeah, it's a place I've never been, and I couldn't use the transfer on my way home because of the activation."

"What about now?

"It's offseason, isn't it? You'll never know until you try."

Hmm, then maybe it's not a bad idea to go for hot spring purposes.

Let Noisy Yuen Kang head to Carmilla Island and wait for him to come back.

Note that this may be left to smell.

The question is, can we use transfer skills between brave men?

"The next question I'd like to ask you is, if you're one of us, can we transfer the brave men to each other?"

"There, I don't know because I haven't tried"

Hmm... is it best to experiment?

Let's see if we can transfer it later with Genkang.

"Are you still going to do this?

"That's right, Marin. I'm here to ask your father-in-law to forgive my engagement."


Pokapoka and Yuenkang have a blue philoreal punching the waster.

"" Ugh!

Red and green are equally wasting punches to go with it.

By the way, he's human because he's in the house.

I made him promise as much here and elsewhere as Firo did.

Naturally, if I break it, punishment awaits.


"Don't get involved. Smelting"

"No, I don't know it when I think about it. It's important we discuss this, isn't it? That's what I've been thinking lately."

Something from experience.

Think of it before, you must be learning to smell it, but think of the other guy.

It doesn't matter what you think, it's a mine. in a euphoric sense.

"Well done. You listened!

Yuen Kang, who sparkled his eyes at the question of smell, proclaims exaltedly.

Oh, fuck you, you fucking snake!

She began to tell stories she didn't even want to know about as a delight.

"First of all, the name of this kid in red is Coo, and the name comes from Crimson. The next blue one is Marine, and the name comes from Aquamarine. And this last kid is Midori. The name is green as it comes from."

"" "Nice to meet you!

Pepper and three bowed their heads.

You just see how different it is when you look at me and when you look at smell.

Koitsu et al.

The ex-con guy, he had three of them before, including Vitch, and being a pervert doesn't change the way he surrounds a woman.

Well, everyone seems to like Yuan Kang this time.

"Oh well."

"Is this what you think, Mr. Yasu?

Midori is graffitiing on the answer form she was doing.

When I looked closely, I almost got it right.

Canning, is it?

No, it shouldn't be because I was watching over Yuen Kang when he was writing about the problem.

"Midori is smart"

"" Mmm!

Red and blue leak their voices in envy.

Seems to have personality...... I don't even want to know.

"Eh heh..."

Well, the green guy sounds intelligent in these three.

"No, he doesn't fight like a demon."

"Yeah, because I say angels look better"


The other two look like demons, but I've never seen anything but green.


If you look closely, Yuan Kang's guy, he's ranked among the three...?

No, just a little red?

Is that your fault?

I hate red, too. I think of that woman.

I don't know, the red guy seems to feel strong, so he overlaps with that woman.

'Cause I'm not as ankle-tight as Cu and Marin.'


Is kicking or something based on the kind of philoreal you don't like?

I use Battle Axe, which looks heavy in human form, for that matter.

Do you want to find out later?

There are many kinds of philoreal.

"Instead, I'm good at discerning poisons and drugs. Midori."


"Goshzinsama is poorly noticed and has worse guidelines than Mr. Yasu, isn't he? But instead, I'll work hard."

"Oh my God!

I wonder what time Filo said he wanted to be able to spit out poison.

I didn't know he was going to throw up in many ways... let's not say.

"That's what the kid said. Please forgive me. Your stepfather."

"Forgive me. Kick him out! I'll tell you your mouth is the source of disaster."

"Really... sorry Midori, stay home"

"Oh, no! Mr. Yasu! Let me in! I'm still..."

Clams and Genkang kick the green guy out of the room.

Wow! Are my orders absolute?

You wouldn't ask me to kill you.

Well, either way, we need to make sure we know who's the boss.

"Again... what the hell?

Ask the smeller as he drops off that exchange with a subtle face.

Don't let the extra distract you.

"Oh, Midori cares about being the only boy among the first angels born."