Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
"So the tree was held down, and next time we go to the castle town just in case."
"Phyllo Nemui"
Demons are stretching out like they're sleeping.
"Sure, I'm getting tired, but this is the time to work hard."
Atra's putting in a drink, but the Fellows are calling out tired.
Well, I'm getting tired of fighting all the time, and it's way past my bedtime.
"Follow me because it's good, you guys"
Well, as for personnel, if you think about it well enough that you can fly up to seven people on the portal... smell and transfer swords can be used, so the actual number of people is higher?
Or maybe it would be better if I went back to town...
"Smelt, can you transfer to the castle township?
Oh well. He was under house arrest at my place, and it was only recently that he was able to get in and out freely.
Leesia and I are the only ones who can solve the brainwashing, so what's wrong?
"I also need a guy to keep an eye on the tree. Leesia, you're the key to solving this case, so if you don't work hard, I'm gonna stab the tree in the face."
"Think this is for the trees, too."
"I know."
"Well, for now... I'm going to the castle town where Vitch seems to be"
"Sentence, shall I keep an eye on the tree?
Smelt named the watch.
Not a bad hand, is it?
The castle town should have an ex-health, so it should be able to deal with it to some extent.
One would rather be left behind than all the brave men on their way.
Then there will be seven of us, including me... Me, Atra, Firo, Leesia, Gaelion, Tanako?
I woke up with the philoreals I was using as vehicles. Can you keep the trees down?
It's stopped in the second half of the LV because it hasn't been classed up yet.
I'm in trouble when they move weird... and that's why they're in danger of taking the tree.
I want to keep an eye on the high LV guy and the guy who can jam the transfer.
"Then smell, gaelion, Taniko, take the trees and the San-Yuuki people"
"Should I take this guy to the village?
"That's right. Since smelting has transfer skills, it will be okay to some extent. So, what's left..."
My eyes are glowing that the Philorials want me to choose.
It's good to be motivated, but don't stand there with your eyes waiting to confess.
"You guys."
"" Que!
It rings with joy.
Not at all.
"Is that good for now?"
This is how Me and Smelt split up second-hand and flew with transfer skills to the next location.
The transfer point for the Melromark Castle Town I'm registering is between the summonses that were initially registered.
It's in the castle, so it's in good shape in places.
But it still stinks of dust.
I peek out the door between summonses.
I hear a bum and a noise.
"Defeat the evil queen who discriminates!
Or words close to it. Don't hear them coming from the hallway.
I knew you'd come this way.
"Atra and Leesia. What do you say?"
Gently open the door and show Leesia.
"Yes, you're drifting from all over."
Well, I guess so.
"Speaking of which, Master Sang-wen"
"There seems to be a slight change in the nature of the gruesome mood"
"Change? How?
"What do you say? Would you say that losing to that Mr. Leesia has been going in a strange direction since he fell..."
Was it Justine Bow, Tree said?
After all, you should see that weapon had some effect.
I don't know, do we have to fight to make sure of this?
"All right, Leesia, unbrainwash and go around at the same time as you get out of here. With that weapon."
At the same time as the instructions, I opened the door and ran out.
"Hey, who are you!
Eight soldiers with strange eyes turn around and take a fighting stance.
But before he responds, he throws the weapon that Leesia has made Chakram and cleaves around each and every one of them.
Long-range weapon.
He flew right after I was ready to attack the enemy.
Well, it was originally a defensive shield, so it goes well with magic and bows from a distance.
"" "Gaha......" "
The soldier fell unconscious, like a doll with a broken thread, and immediately stood up.
"Is that it? Here... what?
"Did you notice that?
"The Shield Brave -"
"Are you a Three Braves? You guys."
"Yes, no... I just have a perception that I'm still on your side... the..."
Some soldiers have hostility towards me. Mixed.
At first, he was a soldier, and he had no complaints because of the queen's words, but he just said he would show hostility aggressively.
Sometimes I'm not convinced. It doesn't matter what you think with your heart.
The soldier answers, looking badly out of sight.
"You know what's going on?
"My memory is flying..."
"As far as possible. Speak."
This is what soldiers talk about.
Various people set up revolutionary movements in Castle Town this evening.
The reason is the annihilation of the queen who discriminates.
The soldiers headed for a crackdown on the disoriented uprising.
But after a while, the soldiers who were supposed to have been repressed also show up to participate in the riots and realize how unusual things are.
And when the sun also set.
The Revolutionary Army said it occupied the corner of the castle town and put up the banners of the nobles.
Just when we noticed something strange.
The representative of that revolution is Vitch.
The upper echelons of the country, who were planning an expedition to lure the nobles, had expected it, but they didn't even think about using such a hand.
I'm too scared to say anything.
No, well... I would use a weapon capable of brainwashing to deport royalty, what a prophet if I could predict.
Of course, there's shadow information and stuff, but I guess I couldn't find out because the research is so secret.
If you don't run into the spot, you won't know at first.
Don't you know that if you get slashed lightly, you've been brainwashed?
More importantly, even if such a strangely effective weapon existed, it would normally be the first to deny its existence.
Even if it was reported, it might not have been important.
Well, should I ask later?
Shadows seem to be doing a lot of research as a dark part of the country, but how much do you expect too much?
Apparently, there's been a considerable reduction in the number of people in one case of spiritual turtles, and I can't help it.
If you think about it, are there also shadows of the Sanyong sect?
I don't suppose they're after you for processing.
Besides, I don't think we're just monitoring the country, and we don't seem to be staffed enough.
... Is there any chance he's doing something to see where he hasn't been since the case started?
"So? Why were you brainwashed in here?
"If it was... gathering the safe and ready for repression... there would be those who would strike inside... I don't remember from there."
You're a typical outbreak guy.
When one person is infected with the virus, the building that stood up becomes, on the contrary, a cage with no escape place.
If you're just going to state the theory of results, that's a bad idea.
But there's a weapon to brainwash in a sudden situation, whoever thinks it is will be on the killer's side.
Even for the story of the Demon King that Melty was saying, the story is a story, and it's a little early to get to that conclusion right away.
Even if I recall, I would look into some more information before I come to a conclusion.
Then, given the circumstances, it should have been best to stay in the castle and wait for your side.
At least, at that point.
Or do you think it makes any sense to go to the castle?
The aim is to make the case that is currently happening... but it's impossible.
Even if we can eventually defeat the revolutionaries, we will still have a lot of problems, and we will show the gap that goes into foreign countries.
Even if the Queen was an enemy pretending to be on her side, that's an unlikely course of action to consider his position.
Insufficient information. Will you try to gather some more information?
"So Vitch says he's waiting for the castle to open?
I don't know if the castle is falling or not, so I have to take these guys with me.
But on the contrary, rather than us..., Leesia's presence can break the opponent's maneuver.
If we undo the brainwashed, we'll lose the power our enemies expected.
"All right, let's start with a complete understanding of the situation. Let's see if the queen is safe."
"Do you know where the queen is?
"Probably standing on the top floor of the castle,"
"Let's go"
Take the soldiers who solved the brainwashing. We went for the top floor of the castle where the queen would be.