Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
After that, Glass became the representative to negotiate peacefully with the small nations of the Glass world.
The new inhabitants of this world were confused and seemed to have no choice but to accept the invisible situation ahead.
"Now let's go hand in hand to hand to protect the world from the waves"
Scumbags shook hands with Glass on behalf of him, and the negotiations ended inconclusively.
Well, I'm suspicious we can get along that well because we have language issues, but does that not change the world over here either?
That cleared the issue of peace.
"No, don't. Whoa, whoa, whoa!
The day after the peace negotiations, there will be a public execution of Takt and his flavor, the brave man of the phony who privatized the world and plotted to conquer the world.
Exactly with the prestige of the brave men, the Four Saints became the feathers to watch the executions with the brave men of the family apparatus on their feet.
It was decided by the coalition and the nations to say that the Dark Alliance of Zeltbull, knowledgeable as a spectacle around here, produces a great deal of executions…
This execution will take place in a manner proposed by Zeltbull and accepted by the States.
I'm looking at what it's all about.
The scumbag... he looked like he was crying about his daughter being executed.
Loosen the fist I was gripping hard where I tried to be careful and nod again and again.
"Lord Ivatani...... no worries. I won't let you stop executing me at my discretion."
It seemed pitiful to me that he was blue-faced and assured me that he would remain silent when it came to his daughter's end.
Well, it's about that execution...
Tact was first sentenced to LV reset on the hourglass before he regained consciousness after I defeated him.
Including, of course, all the women around them.
It seems that some of the women ravaged around here, but they were suppressed by smell, sadina, and phyllo.
As a result, the people who were the lowest LV250 are finally in a situation where they say that they will see it and end up with the LV1 Legion.
Well, some of the samurai women were there, and it seemed they could move.
Otherwise -... the broiling of the women who are involved with Tact in the Fawbray is over.
Fawbray defeated in the war!
Before the information arrives, the victorious, so the Harlem of Tact gather together where the assembly and the false transmitter declare to Merromark.
They also caught a young girl named White Coat, who was a competitor of Lato.
How many would have gathered?
Yuen Kang was being driven out by the captivity of the women around him.
"You have a lot of pigs. Dirty."
What did he say?
Seeing as a woman makes a difference from when anyone was speaking up.
So, what kind of execution did Zeltbull propose...
The tact is only allowed to walk with its neck and wrist sandwiched on a single board, and shackles are also hung in mind so that it cannot move further.
Exactly, just watching.
I know it's tough, but as much as you possess weird abilities, you need to be careful.
It is said to show off various executions, each and every one of them, in front of an immobile tact.
Beginning with a burning, he blames the water, hangs, guillotines, Faralis bulls, shoots, kills them with carriages, spins.
Magic sentences due to various magic, letting them take poison, letting demons bite them to death, this sight has been going on all morning.
Sadina's electric magic sentence was amazing.
It felt familiar to me, I didn't let him live and kill him, and I made critical boundaries into a woman who was a sinner.
Zeltbull's executioner roared.
Speaking of Atra and the Queen's revenge, it was refreshing at first, but I feel somewhat complicated over time.
The sins of Tact are very heavy because the country is more muddy than the former, to the prestige of the Church, to the mythology of the brave.
Among other things, the people were throwing stones at the tact.
In summary, break Tact's heart to the extreme before executing him.
This is the case.
Well, he tried to conquer the world, killed brave men, and proved to be a phony with a legendary weapon.
In this world of brave faith flourishing, anger can also snort.
I wish I knew who I had ever believed was a phony......
Tact stood desperately in helplessness, screaming the names of every woman who was killed and was going.
There was blood all over the neck, wrists, feet and restraints.
"Gu... no more, no more! If you're gonna kill me, I should be the only one! Why do you have to kill them?"
I leak a few melancholy sighs.
"How many times do I have to tell you! Your promise is that your sins will not be tolerated just by death!
An executioner suppressing tact declares toward tact.
And after punching Tact in the face with this stick, hang the healing magic.
It's a different world's own way of torturing people with healing magic so they don't die.
Yeah, I know I'm the one who said that.
"... that's not a very good sight for your eyes"
A glass speaks to me sitting in a chair set up in the execution yard.
I know how you feel.
No matter how much Atra's revenge, someone else is executing him too brutally, it's going to calm him down when he sees it from behind.
I thought about this before, during the coup d 'état that Sanyoku had.
I guess I'm a modern person after all.
I can't see the execution scene as entertainment, and that's kind of sweet.
"Well... you just can't put the blame for toying with the world on one guy."
Tact's parents, in this case the mother, will be executed, all blood relatives will be executed.
Your father wasn't there, was he?
I don't know him very well, but he's already dead.
Sure, your sister was executed earlier.
"Help me. Stay here."
That was a skewer sentence.
I can't watch it, and I'd feel bad if I was listening to the Terminator.
I don't understand how to make such a spectacle, but there are times in my world when they did something similar, so I can't blame them.
More importantly, I don't have the right to help them.
"I understand with my head. I also destroyed other worlds to protect my world. But......"
"If I had accepted such a sight as a matter of course, that would be the realm of madmen. You're normal. Besides, if you think too much about it and it affects later fights, you'll have trouble."
"... right"
By the way, Glass is also cooperating on executions.
We'll soon find out what you're working with.
The tact guy, he turns to me for the dozens of murders today.
I stand up and approach the tact.
"You think prisoners should be treated politely or something?
"Naturally! There's no way a brave man would let this happen! You phonies who stole weapons from me!
"Think of what you're going to say... you don't know? The greatest of the guys you've killed is the queen of Merlomarc. I mean, Merlomarc was in a snowflake fight."
"What are you talking about, you?
The tact guy leans his neck and looks at me like I made a fool of myself.
You can choose your words......
Well, that would be good. Why don't we teach the pathetic reincarnator?
"You and your surroundings hate your enemies, it's normal to execute your enemies miserably, isn't it? It doesn't matter if you're brave. Not to mention you're not a prisoner, are you?
Blah, there's no way they did this so far and didn't kill the representatives and officials of the losing country.
Merlomarc is not a republic, it is a kingdom.
It has a pyramidal organizational structure.
I killed that pinnacle.
It would be easy to imagine what would happen if we lost a war with such a country.
"Was the world supposed to be liberated by my activism? How many human blood did you dye in that hand on your own? I don't care what I do if I'm satisfied. I think it's coming around, and it's easy to conquer the world."
"Kill! Even if it's just your neck! Even if it's just my soul, I'll remember you and I'll kill you!
"... I'll give you the words of a detective who comes out in my creation of the world. 'The only person you can shoot is the one who's ready to be shot' How many people have you killed with that hand? Did you kill him with a firearm made with that hand? I'm not just prepared to take the human grudge you got involved in and killed, so what do I get out of it?
Even if I lost, I'm sure Raftaria would have lost everything, more than she did.
Well, it's about this fake brave guy, so let the good looking woman live in the village... I may have brainwashed her or something since I offended her, but right now, there's got to be a kill that looks exactly like what's going on.
I fully understood that, and I'm ready to be killed.
More importantly, I swore to Atra... to the villages that scattered.
Always take revenge.
That's why I came here with the intention of doing anything cowardly and inferior.
I don't know if they want this, but I'm not gonna stop.
I'm so arrogant... but I'm not here alone.
If this brutal execution is my sin, I'll go to hell or anything after I die.
At least you shouldn't be in heaven...
Or you sell fights to people who glorify God.
You don't have heaven or shit.
"The sin of selfishness just caught you. Accept. If you win, the government, if you lose, the bandits."
"I'm kidding. Awwwwwww!
"Shut up!"
An executioner blocks Tact's mouth with a cloth.
Tact's eyes are cloudy. I think I'll be crying blood soon enough.
No, the tears are already starting to stain red. Your tear glands are freaking out.
Do humans live with strange eyes without breaking this far?
Like, think.
Ma, I'm also annoyed to hear the tall screams I hear back there.
"Ah... oh..."
Oh? It's a white girl. It does look like it, your child's white coat.
Blah, blah, blah. I just look like a doctor.
They're bringing him in... what? That next door culture tank.
A staircase is provided and forced over it.
"Ya, stop -"
After Don and I were thrust, the white girl fell into the incubator.
It's so foamy.
Dive into a sulphuric acid bath?
Don't pull.
Seems Zeltbull made the sentencing suggestion... but I don't really want to get involved.
I guess it's a country that makes money showing off things like this shit.
The call for tact is noisy.
Yeah. Better not talk about this.
Creature end if you dare.
"Well, what's next…"
When I got sick and tired of it, the show opened up that interests me.
I mean, what's it like?
Vitch and a few women walked in.