Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
feather decoration
"Yuen Kang, hold on!
My father-in-law was strangling me from behind when I realized it.
Why am I being held up by my stepfather?
"Yuen Kang, you're so much stronger than me, I'm in trouble when you lose your reason!
Somehow your stepfather feels nostalgic and grumpy.
"Oh? Why am I being held up by your stepfather?
"Didn't you jump toward Phylloreal, where Yuen Kang showed up? Quote:" Dear Big Philo Real! 'cuddled in an odd voice... "
"This is a lapse. But I can't stand it."
Your father-in-law's grown up. He's blindfolded me.
It's dark with your sight blocked.
But there are more signs of Master Filorial that I can feel from around me......
"Why does your father-in-law blindfold me?
"Yuen Kang, don't you remember? Once I thought I'd regained my reason, another big filo real... jumped at the legendary filo real."
"Damn...... Lord Kitamura weigh himself. So, Yuki, for what purpose have these people come together?
"He's here to sign us up for a fight."
"Hmm... do you want me to admit my strength or something? Lord Kitamura, you seem to know something, don't you?
"My future father-in-law was definitely talking. By acknowledging your strength, you qualify to succeed the great Philosopher."
"A ritual of generational change or something?
You're right, the big Philo Real Master is Philo Real in Philo Real.
If you say so, a being that can be put at the apex of philoreal.
If you take Phyllo Tanya and Yuki as the queens of Phyllo Real, you're a true queen.
Besides, it is not only status that is recognized by the great Master Philorial.
"At the same time, you'll be able to have a special class up."
"What? Then you can expect to gain strength. It's not a bad hand to try, is it?
"More than that, father-in-law, unblindfold me. I'd love to hug you to the big Phil Real soon!
"Uh... Yuen Kang, I'm sorry"
Oh? Your father-in-law blocked my ear.
I can't help it. I'll pick up a little noise you can hear.
"Thanks to Lord Ivatani's suppression of Lord Kitamura, the legendary Philorial didn't have to escape. Yuki, Koo, Sakura, each try a battle."
"I'll do my best to be recognized by Master Yuen Kang for being strong."
"Sounds interesting! Good luck!"
"I wish Sakura could protect everyone...?
"We have to be strong. We can't protect everyone, can we? Seems like you should let them recognize your strength, so good luck with that."
"Okay -"
Looks like your father-in-law convinced Sakura.
But now you don't see anything.
I want to blow this ex-health, reason, and dive into the big Philosopher.
"That's the order, then. Why don't you start with Yuki?
"Okay, I get it."
And after that, I didn't hear it very well.
Eventually, the sound of the air vibrating over and over again.
Your father-in-law told you, so I desperately put up with this ex-boyfriend, the urge to see it, and I've run out of time to feel it forever.
And...... when I was about to sleep with Utout, my father-in-law took my blindfold off.
There were no more Philloreals around.
Looking further at Kyoro Kyoro, Yuki and the others were falling in like a snag.
"That was amazing."
"Right, the Yuki and the others fought well too. Still, that legendary philosophy was too strong."
"I wonder who Yuen Kang-kun is, the person who tried to escape without waving his eyes..."
"Don't say it. I'll be vain."
I'll see what happens when you run to Yuki and the others.
Sounds like you don't need to hang your healing magic.
There's a crown feather on top of everyone's head.
"Sakura translated it for me, Mr. Phytoria from the legendary Filorial? admitting everyone because he's a candidate for succession, and then he's a well-stretched kid in there... and a well-intentioned kid is going to succeed him one day."
"Dear Big Philo Real..."
"Yuen Kang-kun likes a kid named Philo, doesn't he? No, you can't. Have an affair."
"But there's no comparison. Your future father-in-law said we could get along besides Filo Tan."
"I recommended cheating!?
"This ex-health, the presence that makes Master Filorial equally happy. It's not cheating or anything. The apex is Phyllo Tan. The next thing you know, it's the big Philosopher, and the other thing is the Philosopher."
"Don't call that cheating...... that's enough. I get tired when I deal with Lord Kitamura. Yuki, polish the woman so Lord Kitamura can shake her."
"Yes... Dear Eclair"
Stand up nice and Yuki nodded.
"Heck yeah, but it was hilarious!
Kou answers well and Sakura is resting.
"Ah... Sakura. You can't sleep in that position."
Your father-in-law rocked Sakura gently.
I'm very sorry, but the results were different from when this ex-health came out with the Cus.
Looks like Yuki and the others are getting better.
"Oh, Yuen Kang. Mr. Fitoria gave me this as a souvenir."
My father-in-law gave me the crown feather of a big filorial.
I don't get lost, I smell crown feathers.
"No... they don't, and when you put it in your weapon, they're gonna unlock the Filo Real series."
"Oh my God!"
That's a way to align the filo real series that my future father-in-law didn't tell me.
But how hateful.
If you put such a lavish treasure in your spear, you may never get it again.
Sure you can get it again by looping it... but you can't put this Yuenkang, this feather in a spear, etc.
"... you can't get in?
"Make it a treasure."
Smell it, then between the spear pattern and the mouthpiece... I'll put it as a feather ornament on the patterned tongue.
This will give me a sense of what it's like to be fighting with Master Filorial.
Most importantly, the feathers given to me by the great Master Filorial.
I'm sure you can help protect me, your father-in-law, and everyone else.
Besides, if your stepfather is getting it as a series, there's no point in me using it.
As a companion, Yuki and the others' growth will be corrected.
"Genkang-kun... I think many times, but a lot of things are amazing. I never thought I would."
Your father-in-law snorted at the words of Ecclair and Siltvert.
Did you do something strange?
Your father-in-law was impressed with the sigh.
That's how Yuki and the others got stronger. The wagon went and went for Siltvelt.
Around here, there are demons you've never put in a spear before.
"This is Shield Brave, Spear Brave"
We stopped by town and a lot of sub people picked us up.
"We are here to welcome the brave men from our Siltvelt. It would have been a harsh journey. Let's go to the country together."
Dozens of subhumans and beasts took us on our way.
Your father-in-law sees the Siltvelt army accompanying him from the carriage in an unsettling manner.
"Lord Ivatani, I know how you feel, but calm down."
"Oh, yeah. I wish I could get attacked by these numbers... right?
"Sure, I don't know how many raids I've had on this trip. Messenger, can you trust me?
"Yes. No problem. However, it is creepy that there is no contact from Sildfreeden..."
Vigilance is important.
But you can't go ahead with all the vigilance.
"If anything happens, this ex-con will kick everything in the ass."
This is how we joined the Siltvelt army and we were able to safely enter Siltvelt.
"Speaking of which, when's the wave coming?
"Was the Merlomarc wave -... about a week later?
"Heh... wasn't that pretty dangerous then? You'll be summoned to a wave place, won't you?
It certainly wasn't dangerous.
"There was one place in the country on the road. If you want to refer to Lord Kitamura's story, you should have registered there."
"There was? Then why don't you just stand up for Yuki and the rest of the class?
"Stopping by is a lot of danger. It's not like there hasn't been an assassin for a few minutes, and there's no denying that he was trapped."
"I see."
"Besides, there is also a ritual in the hourglass of dragon engraving that says LV reset. I don't know what would happen if I did a class up in a country I can't trust."
"Oh well... so? It's in Siltvelt, too, isn't it?
"That's what I hear, but I haven't been that familiar for minutes. The language is different, and I can handle it if it's about everyday conversation..."
Speaking of which, the Brave Man's weapon had a translation function, didn't it?
You can't read Siltveld's letters because you didn't learn them from your stepfather.
Daily conversations can be manageable, but it will be difficult to communicate in letters.
I'll look out the carriage unexpectedly.
Hmmm...... somehow dense woods and chinese style buildings will catch your eye.
A wild country, that's the perfect impression.
Looks like there are some sub-people who can fly in the sky, and there are definitely a lot of differences compared to Merlomarc.
"So when does the wave of Siltvelt happen?
"I hear the last wave was two weeks after the Merlomarc wave."
The Schiltveld messenger explained it.
Then there was a wave when we were summoned.
The messenger is talking to the subordinates outside the carriage.
Then you turned to your father-in-law.
"They're assuming the next wave in Siltvelt is three weeks from now."
"Three weeks from now... how strong can you be by then?"
"Yes, but Lord Ivatani may be asked to show his face on a variety of official duties?