"Were you? We are all motivated to offer it at the right price. Hi."
"What do you think..."
This is your father-in-law's arm.
I know cheap places in other stores.
You're bluffing that this store is expensive compared to that.
The word that there are a lot of subhumans here has also turned out to be a dark telling that we have seen where humans sell them.
That's your father-in-law.
"But I am surprised that the brave are interested in slavery. Hi."
"Being a shield brave man, there's no way I'm gonna get company in this country, is there? We're going to use whatever's available."
Your father-in-law answered her temperament after she swallowed her spit.
"You can't be strong if you use it with the intention of crushing it."
When I answered that, the demon merchant's face began to sparkle.
Does this not feel like an effect or something, but excited?
"In some cases, I need help from my buddy, the Spear Brave... tell me if anyone wants me to turn it off. I'll turn it off cheap. Instead, cheaper slaves to sell."
"I get it. With your father's life, I will try to assassinate a merchant enemy."
"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu... when I first saw it, it didn't look like a very good customer, but people don't seem to stop by to see it. Hi. I'll change my mind. Hi."
Demon dealer in a good mood... I've never had this attitude before.
I remember always looking confused, but I wonder how it went.
That's right, father-in-law, you make a great headline when it comes to negotiating.
"Do? What kind of slave do you want? If I have a budget, I will be consulted. Hi."
Gently, your father-in-law whispers in my ear.
"What do we do? I'm not sure, but should I buy a slave at their recommendation? Or do you want a nomination?
Hmm...... right.
In the sense of being a seller, a slave with good love is good.
There's no point in buying weirdly lovable slaves.
This is better using knowledge of the future.
Looks like you don't have to make weird bets when you buy a slave who was in charge of trading in your stepfather's village.
Then who is it?
Let us remember the slaves who performed well in the trade that Dear Philorial and the others were doing.
Basically, you should have performed a certain amount under your father-in-law's guidance, but who was competent among them......
Sure... I think a puppy transforming into a pig like Keel was a good performing slave.
"Bye -"
I'll tell your father-in-law in confidence.
Surely Keel, like his sister, must have been a sub living in a village in the territory that your father-in-law would be pioneering.
Something about falling into slavery under the influence of the waves.
We've heard stories from Master Philorial and other slaves around here.
"Is there a slave here named Keel? You must be from a village that perished with waves."
A demon dealer took the list out of your stepfather's words and started browsing, didn't he?
Then after a while......
"It's not hateful. Hi."
Oh? I heard your father-in-law basically bought a slave with this demon dealer's good offices, but isn't it?
Does this mean it's not the right time, just like Filo Tan?
"What should we look for and pick up within our peers? Hi."
Your father-in-law will put his arms together and think.
"You're going to increase the fee anyway and offer a phony, aren't you? That's not going to happen."
"Oh, my God! We both sell credit. Hi. I think you can find it if you look in the newly-enslaved since the waves arrived in Merlomarc. Hi. Of course, the price goes up depending on how much you buy, but what do you want to do?
"Then silver coins......"
Your father-in-law answers after checking the money in the gold bag.
"Up to fifty. I don't intend to give a single sentence any more. It doesn't have to be Soytz... well, if you try to get it up at accounting... you know what I mean?
"I've been freaking out in the arms of a brave man trying to get anywhere worth it. Hi."
Your father-in-law stares sharply at the demon merchant who calculates the money with the patsy.
Your father-in-law still has great talent when it comes to money.
If you ever have a loop, take this talent in a direction that you will unfortunately demonstrate.
"Then come back to me tomorrow. I think you know how long it takes to get it back. Hi."
"Okay. Bye."
Hit me in the shoulder with a pound. Your father-in-law left the tent behind.
Then a while later I had my hand on my mouth in the corner of the back alley.
"I'm hungry and I can't stop nauseating... a place to buy and sell humans even though they're subhuman... I've seen them in creations, but the real thing has such a gloomy vibe"
"Are you okay?
"Yeah. I'm fine... but I'm going to lose my appetite for a while"
Yuki and the others were also threatening the atmosphere in the demon merchant's tent.
It's true that it's not a very good place.
"If it goes well, I might see a kid named Keel tomorrow."
"What do we do next...?
"If you're not feeling very well, will you rest?
"It's okay, I don't think I can make it out of here alive."
What a great mindset.
I think I got a glimpse of your father-in-law's strength.
"Well, we're going to have to hide what's getting stronger as we can. So, can you raise the LV or something? I think it's pretty hard."
"There's no problem there."
I'll keep talking to your father-in-law in private.
I don't know where they're eavesdropping on us.
"I think the best way to get your father-in-law's LV up is to ask Yuki and the others to get it up."
"I guess so..."
"You'll be fine. Spread the chase and surveillance on the portal, the transfer skills, and you won't be able to build it."
"Right. I think it's easy to escape. I don't know, but when I went to Siltvert, I was running away from the chaser. But in this case, the question is, can you suddenly disappear and bring in a powerful companion? It's also important to swim some surveillance. Let them make the wrong decision."
How your father-in-law thinks too.
Sure, I couldn't get my head around that much.
I was just thinking about getting strength so your father-in-law wouldn't get assassinated.
But that would be all there would be of persecution and forceful obstruction of your father-in-law if you became sharply stronger.
I see, there were more assassins in the previous world than in the first, because we were strong?
"How about this? Yuen Kang-kun just wanted to help me, but he didn't want to eat."
Your father-in-law offered you a proposal.
Well, if that's the way to go, it does mislead the eyes of surveillance.
"So, I'm going to be golden in Castle Town... and I'm going to steal a look at the herbs I use to prepare at the pharmacy, and then I'm going to go to the meadows. That demon over there is weak, so I think I'll be fine."
"I get it. So let's get started."
"Yeah...... good luck to Yuki and the others"
"" Pii!
Yuki and Koo rang fine on my shoulder.
"Thanks for everything, Yuen Kang! From now on, I'll be fine alone, so go ahead and save the country!
Your father-in-law talks out loud and pushes your back.
I'll wave to your father-in-law too.
"Goodbye, then -! I'll see you when I'm on the edge again!
Yes, they suspect me and your father-in-law because they're together.
So until the rendezvous time, my stepfather and I talked about doing something else that would ultimately contain the damage.
Of course there is a corresponding danger, but your father-in-law told you to tell him that if you loop.
Now, I'm worried about luck or vice, but we left your stepfather behind and we acted differently.