Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
[]/(n, vs) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk)
Now that Yuki and the others have finished their transformation, I will pay the innkeeper extra to take Yuki and the others to their room.
It costs a little money, but it's not sneaky to put Yuki and the others to bed in the stable.
"Do you understand?
"Of course."
Pretend you slept and activate the portal the same way.
You've already understood Yuki and the others because they've done it several times.
Then we went into bed and pretended we slept together.
Just a little bit, don't get out of bed.
"Damn, if you kow... Look, wake up"
I'll wake you up shaking the koo so Yuki can be scared.
I used the portal to fly to Siltvert after I did the work that made it look like I was asleep in bed.
In a flash of sight, you'll be transformed into the castle town of Siltvelt.
Syltwert is the land of the sub-people, and not many sub-people are nocturnal.
So there's less to say about a store that's closed at night than you think, like Merlomarc.
Of course, some stores will only do it during the day, but that's less than Merlomarc.
I'm looking for a store in Siltvelt that deals in clothes, and I'm in a store with equipment that turns magic into thread.
"I want you to turn these kids' magic into a thread."
"Ha ha..."
"Nice to meet you"
He was a sub with a strange eye when he saw that I had brought Yuki and the others, but he looked and answered them looking good.
The clerk seemed somewhat surprised when he turned to look like Mr. Bohun and Mr. Philorial, but no problem.
After all, only the real world has made the yarning of magic cheap.
All you have to do is make this into fabric.
I'm not your father-in-law, but find a buyout merchant and keep your road bank sourced.
... Think about it, can you raise gold if you pretend to be a normal adventurer in the Adventurer's Guild in Siltvelt?
Right. It's not a bad idea to do it at last.
But this time, the procurement of Yuki and the others' clothes is prerequisite.
I'll have you put it through the fabric at the same time you get the yarn.
It won't take that long, but it will be in the morning because I make it into clothes from fabric......
Well, there's plenty of time.
Some operations I'm thinking about while I'm in business, so I guess I'll do it then.
With the fabric foot we got, we're back at the village inn in Merlomarc.
"Wow... koo sleepy"
"Sleep tight."
"Won't Genkang sleep? Huh..."
"I'm going to bed. But before I do, I want to make Yuki and her clothes to the pause stage."
"Then can I look at it?
"That's good."
As I sewed my ticks and Yuki's clothes, Yuki and Koo started to sleep quietly in bed.
You're a little tired of hunting day after day.
Sewing clothes is a familiar task, but do you want to cut it up and sleep in time?
I'll show the sleeping Yuki to match the clothes I made from the temporary stop.
Yeah. That's perfect for Yuki and the others.
You can see at a glance the size of this ex-health, Master Philorial.
I slept in the same bed as Yuki and the others, thinking, etc.
The dream of the day was a pleasant dream to reunite with Filo Tan.
Your father-in-law is smiling at me nicely, too.
If it's for you and your father-in-law, Philo, I'll take you anywhere in the water in the fire.
I felt a little uncomfortable with reality, but it was a very pleasant dream.
The next day.
I'm not planning on meeting your stepfather today.
But if you think about it, it's time for Sakura to be an angel...
Are you okay?
Well, it's about your father-in-law, so I don't think there's a problem.
"Master Yuen Kang, what shall we do today?
I'm hunting at night, but here's the thing... You're a little stressed out about your moves.
It's because you can't show what you see when this force is strong.
Come on, scum and red pigs, and you want to smash the Pope to death.
Assassination, like that smoke, is also a good means, but then it makes a difference from the first world in many ways.
... what can you do with this stress?
"I'll do it."
"Kitamura, what are you talking about?
"You mean down the mountain road?
Kou is tilting his neck.
That's the same for Yuki.
You're semantically right about Yuki.
But it means something different than what I say.
"Lady Phil Real is going to race on the mountain road."
"Wow... can I run as much as I want!?
"Of course you are."
Your eyes will shine.
Yuki is softening while showing her attitude as if to say that she must attach importance to the product.
Master Philorial likes to run all the time.
It's going to be a very good stress relief.
Most importantly, you can exercise to maintain a healthy body.
Also, in my case, the stress is blown just by playing with Master Filorial's back.
"With any luck, you might meet a bandit or something. In return, if you get it in a carriage in Azito, it's two birds a stone."
"Bandits are delicious?
"You can't eat that."
Your father-in-law said no.
As far as I'm concerned, criminals and other bird burial places can do it.
Well, I personally don't want Master Philorial to eat weird things, so I wouldn't feed them to bandits or anything.
"Koo... I thought Keel's tail looked delicious because he was pretending in front of me."
Koo will squeal with a tranced look.
Hmm...... are you interested in that dog's tail?
Speaking of which, Phyllo, you used to follow your sister's tail with your eyes.
When your stepfather wasn't around, he said, 'I've been thinking about it for a long time, but Raftalia, your sister's tail looks round and tasty, doesn't it? Can I eat?' When I heard her smiling and intimidating sister replied, 'You can eat it, but instead you'll have Master Naofumi cook the wings of Phyllo' and said, 'Ya!' You were raising your voice.
My fiancée was watching that exchange so she could sneak up on me.
"I'm sure your father-in-law will be pissed off if you do that."
"Oh well... too bad"
"I'll stretch my feathers today -!
I'm not searching for Phyllo Tan... but I've got my clothes ready. I'm almost done with what I have to do.
That's about as good as sourcing that seed that seems to be available for trade.
The next morning.
After finishing the attack on a certain kind of dungeon, I headed to your father-in-law on that leg.
Your father-in-law used to take an inn in the village of Riyut.
My father-in-law called me out of the inn window as I walked to find my father-in-law in Reuto village.
"Hey, Yuen Kang! That was just great! Come here."
Your father-in-law tells you to go into the inn and get to your father-in-law's room.
"Yesterday I did a bunch of stuff with Keel and Sakura about collecting herbs and exorcising demons around here... I was resting in the barn thinking Sakura was going to be rusty"
You don't get the gist of your stepfather's story.
"Boo boo!"
As far as keel goes, I still use pig language and I don't understand it.
"You've become an angel!
"As it turns out, yes! Is it possible Yuki is behind Yunkan-kun!? I was listening... you're young."
"You're young?
Yuki and the others are almost identically dressed as Phyllo Tan.
Well, I know Master Filorial is mostly around here tall when he looks like an angel.
But was Sakura different the way your stepfather said it?
"Sakura! Come here."
"Hmm? What's the matter with you?
I look in the direction of Stasta and Sakura's voice.
Then in that direction stood an angel with cherry blossom hair, feathers on his back around seventeen years old… a slightly loose-faced face.