"What's the lady going to do?
"I want two swords"
"Sakura also fights in duplicity."
In that respect, Sakura's style of combat is classified as heterogeneous.
I lower my sword to both hips, even in the philoreal queen form.
Sakura only fights with her father-in-law, but her father-in-law says she fights to dance with two swords.
They say it doesn't change what an angel looks like, or what a philosophical looks like.
Hmm, I'd like to see it soon.
"When it comes down to it, it's not going to cost money to get all the good stuff together."
"So far, it's connected by a sword taken from a bandit."
"What's Keelboy gonna do? I can order claws and fangs for demons, but can I put them on?
"I'm not a monster!
"Because you're an animal man and you're a beast. When it comes to weapons for people... I wonder what would be good. Honestly, a light weapon would do anything."
"Keel's got you using a dagger so far, right?"
"Yeah! It's shorter than Sakura, but it's duplicitous!
"Anne. That's a lot of trouble."
Are you saying that Sakura and Keel are using a total of four weapons?
You may be a little tight on the budget because you need to save money at Merlomarc.
At this point, if you're going to use two weapons, how about letting Keel have claws and fangs?
I've always been a puppy these days.
"It also stops at the budget amount, depending on the material. Anne and I aren't taking down that many demons, so there's a limit to strong gear."
Your father-in-law will roar.
But don't worry.
My dad at the weapons store has the material I gave him.
Your father-in-law himself would be amazing if you asked him to, and you could fake him for making good gear.
Your father will understand the area, too.
I'll give you a blueprint in silence.
"If you're a lady, process and make the material. Keelboy... I'll buy one, and I'll bless my inventory."
Look, your father winked and sent me a signal.
I answer with my thumbs up.
"You end up with Anne and Anne the Spear armor."
"I'd also like to give Yuen Kang some good gear..."
Silt Vert wears a drop of armor, but now it's the armor he took from the bandits.
We buy small hands and other accessories for cheap.
"First, I think your father-in-law's armor would be best."
"That's right! Anne and I have a lot of philoreals, so we can gather each feather and make good gear."
Hmmm... is that Master Philorial's armor?
I remember wearing it, too.
They wear armor decorated with everyone's feathers.
I feel very happy.
Plus, it'll be fun to run fresher in a carriage with feather-decorated head gear like Native American.
Must be such a great piece of equipment.
"Brother Spear. Don't make your eyes sparkle like this."
"You have eyes like Keel at dinner."
"Am I making my eyes shine so bright!?
"Yeah. I'm gonna make it because I look so happy. I'm gonna be so happy about this one."
"Er... I haven't sparkled this far"
Master Philorial armor.
Excellent, after all, this weapons dealer's father is a celebrity.
"Yunko-kun kept Yuki and the others' loose wings, so would you make them at this time?
Oh, speaking of which, your first father-in-law in the world possessed a dress figure that looked a lot like Phyllo Tan.
I feel like a mysterious pig was inside, but I want that gear.
Wearing an array might make me feel as happy as if I was wrapped up in Filo Tan.
I'm also dying to hear how you got the arr.
But there's no way your current father-in-law would even know.
If you get that gear......
"Hey. Yunkanku, huh? Are you listening? No. Go to your world and don't come back."
"... Anne is more so. This material will make barbarian armor and arrange it for me."
"Barbarians... that sounds wild"
"That sounds cool. Brother."
"Well... I'd also like to buy all of Keel and Sakura's protective gear..."
"I have a good heart, brother."
"Sakura is good because it's cramped"
"Really? Okay. Elena's got her own weapons and protective gear, so she's going to be okay for now... please"
"Every time, you seem to have enough money."
"You flew away quickly with the fruits of your business..."
Your father-in-law is mourning your wallet getting lighter.
If you're in that much trouble, would you advise me to raise the cost of a few more pills to sell?
My sweet father-in-law sells a little lower than the market.
Well, I think that will be resolved if the bioplant improvement research proceeds.
There's a deadline for the scumbags to hold onto the sky in the first place.
It's a month and a half later, so I think it would be okay if we could enjoy it until then.
Rather than...... you will be using forceful hands irrevocably at times when the second wave has passed, and if you are arranged for nomination, you should have the equipment you are keeping at Siltvelt on the portal.
"Well... to some extent, if we can get to a good place, we can make money..."
Your father-in-law has finished ordering your gear like you lost your strength.
"Anne, I'm glad you got a good buddy"
"You're really right..."
Your father-in-law smiled and nodded at your father's words.
That smile was very sunny.
"What do we do after this?
Your father-in-law asked me after you left the weapons store.
"Do you want to go towards the Hourglass of Dragon Engraving? Melromark's wave is coming, isn't it?
"It just seemed like in the first world you were here a day before the waves, right?
"Need to fit?
I remember what happened in the first world.
"We were able to meet again by chance with smelting and trees. Of course, so am I."
You were here to class up the Red Pigs then.
Trees and smells were similar.
Similar to the MMO law, it takes time to make Lv ups when you're weak, but not so long if the strong level power.
My father-in-law is already over LV40 thanks to Yuki and the others I raised.
Sometimes I was over forty at that time... but I'm pretty sure I'm making more money than that.
"Hmm... It's not like we're exchanging information in waves, but do we also have to meet for progress reports and collaboration? Wouldn't Yuen Kang be worried about smelting and the trees?
Before you assassinate Smoked, who was one of the trees, before you became one, you have a desire to see a change.
It would be a good opportunity to find out if your fellow trees are weird because of that smoking, or because of the trees themselves.
Above all, the tree should be accompanied by a red pig.
In the first world, it wouldn't hurt to know what happens when a red pig who was acting with me acts with a tree.
Find out with the effects of smoking.
Besides, the smelter is also anxious.
Compared to the first world, smelting seems distrustful of Merlomarc, and I don't see what difference it makes.
Of course, if there's no difference, that's fine, and if there is, you just have to deal with it.
Looks like it would be a good idea to go the day before the wave, even in the sense of gathering information.
"Right. Until the day before the waves, let's take our time doing business."
"Then you should study and learn to write."
And we got in the carriage and left.
The day before the waves.
When I went to my father at the weapons store, he raised his hand just to say he was waiting for me.
"Whoa! You're finally here, Anne and the others."
"What do you think? Did you finish what you asked for?
"Once and for all, Anne's armor is finished."
My dad at the weapons store seems to be processing a lot of things based on the equipment I gave him.
I recognize your father-in-law's gear, barbarian armor, but every piece of protective equipment I give you is used.
If you already have a foundation, you can order it quickly.
It looks like Keel's chest is based on the armor I gave him.
Weapons are also flying around the area.
You're doing an easy job.
Show it cheap, the sharpness has an exceptional sword in the hands of Sakura and Keel.
"Thank you"
"It's not that much of a burden. It's good. If I could... I'd ask for a full-fledged bespoke like Anne's armor this time."
"Yes...... I think you're going to need it naturally. That's when I think I'll ask for a good product, so thank you."
"Ha, don't hesitate to answer Anne's expectations. Uh. Good luck tomorrow because it looks like a wave."
"Good luck with that! The weapon I got is gonna blow the fire! Brother!"
I declare before Keel comes forward and your father-in-law says.
Isn't that good?
"Keel, stop barking here because it's dangerous."
"I know."
Sakura has a boisterous eye, staring at the sword body she has been given.
"Good cleavage...... is it?
"Take care of yourselves. 'Cause duplicity may cause your consciousness to become scattered and cut you off."
"Yeah, okay"
"It's all right, brother!
Sakura and Keel have responded well to their worried father-in-law.
But...... Keel has been looking like a dog lately.
Well, it's better than being a pig.
"Then let's go, Yuen Kang Kun"
"You got it."
"Come back, Anne."
"Of course, I will definitely come"
This is how we headed to the building with the dragon hour hourglass, as originally planned.