Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Egg Lottery
"You're gone. What are we gonna do? Specifically, I wish we were in business until the time came, but how do we run extraordinary income?
In the back alley, we'll discuss our next policy.
Nevertheless, it would be a good carriage to talk that deep.
"I'll look for Phyllo Tan."
"Again... well, I'm not complaining because I guess that's Yuen Kang's behavioral aim. So... looking for a kid named Phyllo?
"Right. Think about it at some point, my future father-in-law would have gotten a filotan with the money he got this time."
"Hmm... the question is where and how did you get it, right?
"That's right. Last time I bought it from a demon dealer, he wasn't there."
"You bought it... Yuen Kang has a great job to do. But I think it's a difficult problem. I wish there were some unusual traits that would mark..."
"The filorial form is almost the same shade as Sakura's. Queen form is the exact opposite."
"You look like Sakura?
I'll snort at Sakura's words.
The cherry blossoms are mixed with the white tone.
"Speaking of which, you were sketching when you were in the carriage."
"Angels look completely different. She looks very loving with her blonde blue eyes dressed like Yuki and the others."
"Sakura has blue eyes... but her hair is cherry blossom. But the shade of the angel is so different when he looks like it. That's a different trait. I remember Yuen Kang-kun drawing it."
Your father-in-law has the best opinion.
I think it was a pretty rare thing except for Phyllo Tan that the shades of what he looked like when he was a philosopher and what an angel looked like were so different so far.
But assuming Phyllo Tan is someone's thing, there's only one way to make sure he looks like Phyllo Real.
You won't find out what an angel looks like or queen form unless the brave man owns it.
It is true that the judgment criteria are difficult because of the shade of the phylloreal figure and the colour of the eyes...... and the smell.
"It seems that I in the future was rough with no one to help me...... I think I can only buy it from someone I can count on, someone I seem to trust. I'm pretty sure I bought it from a slave trader. Unless they buy impulses somewhere."
"Did your brother buy it from that slave trader?
"I know somehow. He's... honest with me about the money, or he's going to help me with what I mean by investing in the future."
That's just great.
I also know you say it was that demon dealer who supported your stepfather in the back.
I think you were also talking about saying that you were a demon dealer who brokered your sister, and you heard that you were committed to gathering your sister and the slaves of your hometown in the village reconstruction.
Besides, in the future, I think you were talking about your sister being unlocked from her slave prints.
But wasn't your sister a slave the next time it happened?
I haven't checked the details, but I don't feel like my sister told me.
Then the possibility of going to the demon store to re-hang the slave print cannot be discarded.
But we don't know what's ahead.
"I don't really want to go, but it's Yuen Kang's favor, and should I show my face?
"Thank you, father-in-law!
I'll spare you the hassle of finding Phyllo Tan.
We went to the Demon Shopper's tent on that leg.
Yuki and Koo hesitated to enter the demon merchant's tent.
Certainly there is some gloomy air, Master Philorial doesn't want to come all the way in.
We talked about waiting outside with Yuki and the others because lazy pigs smell like trouble.
"This is for the brave. What business are you on today?
Enter the Demon Shop tent and the Demon Shop will welcome you.
You're rubbing hands.
Don't lose. I'll rub my father-in-law and show him too.
"Yuen Kang, why are you hanging out?
"I don't know."
Come on, you want me to meet Phyllo Tan.
With that in mind, I'll be rubbing my hands all the time on your stepfather.
"Hey, I knew you were a spear brother..."
"Keel, it's pathetic to say the rest of it..."
"Okay, brother"
Somehow Keel sees me with a pathetic look, but I don't care.
Sakura looks through the tent blurry, doesn't she?
The demon dealer will stare at Keel and tilt his neck.
"Did you possess the ability to transform into a beast man? Hi. Then you should multiply the buyout amount."
"Yes!? You're selling me, brother!?
"I'm not selling it! Why are we suddenly talking about selling Keel-!
Your father-in-law forced you into Merchant Mode to stay out of Keel's sight.
"That's right, shield brave, you were choosing a slave to grow sturdy. It is a complete defeat to the wise eye of the brave. Hi."
Apparently, the demon dealer saw Keel grow and did an analysis.
"Right. I have all this luster and a slightly unreliable body, but I think it would add a good value if it was for fun. Hi."
The demon dealer is playing some kind of equipment.
Feels like I saw it. Is it Soroban?
"How about five gold coins for a light assessment? Price increases are still possible due to your appearance when you are a Subhuman. Twelve gold coins would be tough if their luster and appearance were growing well. Hi."
You're looking at it with the kind of philoreal that Keel sells.
Oh? Yuki and Koo, who got bored outside the tent, started singing.
Somehow, you associate that song with being taken to the market at one sunny afternoon.
"Those two... I want you to get some air, even by chance..."
My father-in-law, staring out with his tongue, answers with forgiveness for his tenacious keel.
"Wow, I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to sell a guy who's grown up enough to help."
"Really...... I'm so sorry. But......"
The demon merchant will stare at Keel.
"I thought you were more like me, but you missed your expectations."
You're hooked on your father-in-law looking worried about Keel.
Are you that scared?
"I will not let you live and kill you, and then I will answer that it is the true slave who will improve the quality..."
Your father-in-law will answer in merchant mode too.
Do you want to put this idea in my head?
Master Phyllorial is equally lovable.
Don't let him live and don't kill him...... improve quality?
Yes... like my child, we will raise our young and slow, our strong and weak, our smart and our stupid children equally and dearly.
There is no room to intervene here such as quality.
Every kid has a personality.
You don't have to compete.
I have no idea.
"I guess slaves you know are disposables. That's not productive. Don't you think that making slaves swear allegiance without a slave print and go to the dead end is a true slave?
But the demon dealer seems satisfied with your stepfather's response.
"... hehe. Well, I'm freaking out."
"To, brother?
Keel's bluishing his expression on your stepfather's words.
Something happened the day before...
Your father-in-law will look back at Keel and keep his index finger up and turn his gaze to the demon dealer.
Then Keel nodded cocklessly as if he understood.
"So, what brings you to me this time? Hi."
"Oh yeah... this time..."
Your father-in-law looked through the tent.
"I'm trying to grow a new demon. I want the power to fight."
"Did you! So what kind of demons do you want? At this time, what about Fei Long, etc.? A little high value, would you like to see it? Hi."
Quickly, the demon dealer will be stuffed by your stepfather.
Your father-in-law frowned, but you don't lose, you give it back with your eyesight.
"The dragon isn't bad either...... but I'd like it around the philoreal. Were the varieties familiar with Aria?
"You seem lost. So what about trying the Demon Egg Lottery? Hi."
"Demonic Egg Lottery......?
The demon dealer will direct you to a crate with eggs in the corner of the tent.
It's a challenge with a hundred pieces of silver coins, and it sounds like something you don't know what's in it.
"Oh, you don't think there's a hit in there? You're in a tough business."
"Holy shit! The brave guys think we're in such outrageous business!?
"I, in commerce, have pride. I like to deceive customers with falsehoods, but I don't like to deceive them about what they sell"
"I like to trick you, but I don't like the scam...... so, what's the hit?
"You must be a dragon rider to make it easy for the brave man to understand."
"Er... sure it's a dragon to replace a horse, like Phil Real?
"This time it's a flight type...... it's a flying dragon. Hi. It's popular so...... noble customers are going to try. Hi."
Your father-in-law roars.
What interests me here is that the rating goes down in terms of commerce.
Let's just say I watch it in silence, too.
"What if... If Yuen Kang-kun wasn't here and there was only one slave..."
Your father-in-law is whining about bumps.
I can tell you what you're thinking.