Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
"What do you want to do now?
"Shouldn't we go help clean after the waves? I left him yesterday, and the castle soldiers and all that... it's not like he's gonna clean up, is it?
"I don't know you very well. But that's what your father-in-law said, so I think it's a good idea to go check it out."
"That's settled. Nevertheless, I have no plans to go back to Castle Town for a while, so shall I show my face to your father before I leave? I want to thank you for your weapon."
"I get it. Then let's all go."
We made a face through the back alley to the weapons store.
Your father-in-law opens the shop door gently and says hello.
We're waiting for your father-in-law outside the store.
"Whoa! That's Anne! I heard you did a lot of things."
"Sort of. Thanks to your father, I was able to help."
"I'm glad they say that. What brings you here today?
"I don't know if I'm just going to show my face... it would be nice to have a weapon built for once because I got the aid"
"So far, I don't think it's enough material to build a new weapon. I think you should turn up Ann's buddy's LV. You can do something with your current gear."
"I guess. Well... I think I'll be back on my face in a while, thank you then"
"Ouch! Anne, wait a minute."
Your weapon shop father stopped your father-in-law trying to walk away.
Oh? Is there anything else I can do for you?
"Hmm? What's going on?
"I know someone who wants to thank Anne for her work yesterday. I want you to just show me your face."
"Oh no... you don't have to worry"
"The people in Reuto Village thought Anne didn't have to do much damage. If you don't thank me, I don't feel comfortable doing business."
"I see... because I'm a little reluctant to owe you one. Okay... but it makes sense that I owe my father something like this."
"Anne and I have no problem. It's about money, isn't it? I'm just offering you what you asked for."
"I think you're selling me good stuff for cheap."
"I'm happy that I can do a good job, too. Don't be shy."
"Oh well...... yeah. Okay, I get it."
Your father-in-law and father are nodding at each other to make sure they're friendships.
You're certainly a generous man.
And even your future father-in-law seemed to trust you.
"So, where do you want to thank us?
"Oh, a pharmacist and a magician. Anne and the others have been there, haven't they?
"The pharmacist... I went to that store a few times before I started doing business... The magician made the ingredients for Sakura's clothes. I'll go."
We put our faces on the pharmacy with those legs.
"Uh... my father at the weapons store told me to go here."
And my father-in-law spoke to the pharmacist's seemingly uneasy shopkeeper.
He seemed reluctant because he's been taking care of you a few times.
However, your expression is kind.
You look unusual.
"Oh, have you heard from the weapons store? That's a quick story, then. Come and tell me that your relatives in the village of Riyut have helped you. They're asking me to help if I can."
"Oh...... I see"
As a representative, your stepfather went to talk to you, but apparently he gave you a recipe for the formula.
My father-in-law, who is learning letters, said he could read them if only a little.
As far as the recipe I was given looked through lightly, it was a fairly detailed description of the formula ratios and herbal differences that I would use depending on the elements and uses that are important for making my own.
"I'll give it to you at last, besides intermediate recipes"
"Oh no, this... isn't it a lot of value or something secret?
"You say it's thanks to a line of shields and spear braves that there's almost no damage to the village. Let me do that."
"Besides... there seems to be a fair amount of sales to steal and make, and it's a good opportunity to learn officially"
My father-in-law said something to me.
Oh, your father-in-law saw which grass is the herb here, and then we'll see how it goes. You remembered it with a look.
So, the father of the arms dealer told me your stepfather was in business, and he figured out what he was doing and so on.
"If a bad guy formulates and sells drugs without knowing it well, it involves credibility. Learn now."
"Yes. I will make sure that there are no problems."
"Well, as far as the rumors go, I'm sure it'll be fine."
I'll create it with my weapon skills. You won't have a problem first.
But it is also true that making your own makes a difference in quality, which may be good for the boring time of the carriage.
Well, I do a lot of LV lifting in Silt Vert, so I can count on my skills.
Your father-in-law is coarse, so you might brush your arms with the recipe you got.
"I hate koo because the medicine is bitter."
"All right, well, if you paint the pills on your body, Koo won't be after me."
"Keel and Koo, don't do anything weird, okay?
Your father-in-law will note that you and Kung Kun were both smelling the medicine.
Yuki smells herbs around her refined perfume, and Sakura looks sleepy.
"That's a noble scent."
"You're also dealing with perfume"
"That's part of it. It's in the recipe, so if you're interested, do it."
"Yes. Good luck."
"Did you show your face to the magician?
"Not yet. I'm thinking about going."
"Right. I don't know what that moneyguard's gonna give you, but be careful."
"You looked like a good aunt, though."
"That's his M.O. For a long time, he had such a good point."
Business is your stepfather's exclusive patent.
It may be easy to use.
Sure... I think it was that magician who taught the slaves magic in the village of the future.
Well, we opened a bigger magician in a town near the village than we are now.
I remember letting my father-in-law's slave, whom I made my apprentice, do the store number.
The procedure is certainly very good in that sense.
But is anyone losing money?
Your father-in-law seems to have accepted it, so there's no problem.
On the other hand, didn't the pharmacist force you to open a store in your stepfather's territory?
I don't know the details, either.
Dear Philorials liked the rumors, so that's just what I heard from you.
So, when I went to the magician, the magician seemed to be talking to your stepfather.
"Boo boo!"
I have no idea what you're talking about.
You're an extremely troublesome pig with business talent.
It doesn't make sense.
Are you sure you have business talent?
You just look like you're making a scene with Buhibhi.
"Thank you very much when making Sakura's clothes. So, what can I do for you?
"Oh, is it magical qualities?
You have a magician watching Keel.
"Oh, he wants to see Keel's qualities"
"Me? Can I use magic, too?
Your father-in-law lifted the keel and stared at the crystal ball so the magician could divine it.
And then your father-in-law saw me.
"Hey Yuen Kang, Yuen Kang needs to learn magic?
"You can already use it."
I can only use it for brave men. I can even use it for liberation class.
You don't have to have it here.
"Huh? Do you want me to show you the magic? Genkang-kun. Can't you use powerful magic without power or something?
"I get it. Let's use it to show you."
My qualities are fire and healing magic.
You can't use the magic of recovery that your father-in-law specializes in, but you can cast the magic of recovery that is powerful.
"Liberation Fire Heels!"
The magician fell backwards in surprise at the magic of my activated liberation class.
"So, are you okay!?
Speak to the magician your father-in-law falls.
Then the magician got up and shook his head over and over again, and he looked like he was putting his arms around you.
"Wonderful magic is complimented by Yuen Kang."
"Not as good as your stepfather."
Well, if it's attack magic, you can't lose.
And healing magic that hasn't been enhanced.
We still have a long way to go.
But if you're surprised to this extent, do you need to show it?
"Yes, Yuen Kang-kun and Elena can use magic, and you don't need to remember anything new."
Speaking of which, a lazy pig has been following me since earlier.
You look troublesome.
The magician will point the finger at the Philosophers.
"Yuen Kang, do Sakura and the others need to teach magic?
"I don't need it right now because I instinctively remember it."
Dryfa Class also remembers nature and Master Phylloreal.
They need to tell me depending on the situation, but I've never felt inconvenient.
"Yes. It's just me and Keel, isn't it? What's that?
The magician will give your father-in-law some books.
"This... sure wasn't what you wanted me to buy before this...?
"Ah, yes. Thank you."
My father-in-law told me later that he was grateful for protecting the village of Reuto.
So, finally, the magician gave his father-in-law some ore shards.
Pickling ore is glowing and your father-in-law is blinking.
"What's that...? I felt something strange..."
"Oh... besides, did you give me a piece of magic balls? It helps me to learn magic… thank you for everything."
The magician will pound your stepfather's back in a good mood.
You have a very soft attitude.
"Well, excuse me, then."
We left the magician behind. Your father-in-law will put down the books he got for the carriage and wipe the sweat.
"You were all good people!
"Right. Little by little, you get the feeling that you're getting credit. I feel good when I help people in need... but I feel bad when you make me so much better."
"You just have to thank me."
"Right. Then go and thank the people of Reuto Village, and we'll get back to business."
"Whoa! You're selling drugs again to help people in need, aren't you?
Keel smiled and agreed to your father-in-law.
"Yeah, you will. Good luck so that we can all get along in this way, like I said to the smelters and the Siltverts, so that we can change the country from the inside out!
"" "Ooh!
We got in the parked carriage and we left.
Everything is going well.
I know there's a difference in detail, but I'm sure you're headed for the better.
As your father-in-law said, you'll save a lot of people by the next wave!