Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
"Ha... trees are really a straight line, or if you think you're right, you don't listen to people."
"It's just that in the future, at this time, they were investigating San-Yung Church in an attempt to find out the truth with smelting."
"I don't think they'll ask if they assume it's evil. Isn't that because there was smell then? Later, you won't realize it's not even an attack by Sanyoku. We're not... I'm sure they're brainwashed even if they bring Melty here."
That's for sure.
"I guess it's the tree that's pure or arrogant in a different way from Yuen Kang Kun"
"Am I arrogant?
"Do you call it arrogance... a straight line? When it comes to Yuen Kang-kun, Yuen Kang-kun doesn't give way to hard faith in his people. So the bitch princess kept fooling me, but the tree wouldn't give up the justice she believed in. Even if there are some strange points there... I think that even evil will solve everything"
I see, you're strong when you say you're willing in that sense.
It takes courage, in a way, to push the path you believe in.
"Perhaps it is your qualities as a brave man to be able to act... It's just that no matter how many times you go around it, it's empty."
Second, your father-in-law has a far eye.
"We... I wonder why we can't understand each other so much. I'm... I'm sure I'm much stronger than I am now. I can't believe I can tell from a tree like this or a smell I only see to the best of my knowledge... I think I'm gonna give up"
"What are you saying? Your stepfather is a fine man."
"That's right, brother! This is how the revolution is going because we've all been saved because of your brother. I think if we all talk, they'll listen."
Keel encouraged your father-in-law well.
I agree.
"Yes... I'd like to..."
For some reason my father-in-law groaned like he was very tired.
You can see the coal on your back.
Oh, haven't I been able to support your father-in-law?
I want to help your stepfather somehow.
"I'd like to believe the smelter is safe. In the meantime... trees are unlikely to release badly. We're going to have to imprison him until this whole mess is over."
Your father-in-law groaned in a tired voice.
"What? Torture?"
"Let me confess something?
Your assistant and rival will ask you to match your stepfather.
Hmm, you come up with a medium good idea when it comes to dragon blood muscles.
It's not a bad hand to torture a tree, brainwash it exactly, and draw it into your side.
"I won't!
"You don't make me look like a koo? Threatening you?
"I'd like to ask Gaelion why you thought I was threatening you."
"'Cause, you know, you're good at shiatsu. I think Eri is cool. It's effective against bow braves."
You rival!
I'm laughing because I remember when your father-in-law cheated on you!
Do you want me to tail you now?
"Gah! Scary to dismantle!
Koo screamed outside the room.
I'll hurry out of the room and forgive the koo.
For how many minutes, I'm stressed because I'm sanctifying dragons......
"Torture is. I have someone who works and someone who doesn't. I reflect that Koo didn't want to die or do anything wrong, but in the case of trees, it doesn't work because he thinks it's more irrational than reflection, more justice than life, more torture than adversity."
"Wow... it doesn't take chopsticks or sticks. This feeling bad, little brother."
"Little, adorable Keel doesn't convince me, though."
Hmm, your father-in-law's words are good too.
But as far as I'm concerned, I think the tree would fall without holding it for a few days if I tortured him.
"You can't get a collision of ideas like that. That's the only way to convince her to see the queen punish the scum or be trapped by the Trinity."
"Is it okay for you to imitate me like that?
"You can't let me... well, if me and Yuen Kang accompany you and get into the San-Yung Church... you might believe me. They think you can do whatever it takes to defeat me, so it's easy to cut off the tree you lost to Yuen Kang."
"That's a good idea! Let's do that!
Keel is lucky enough to say this.
"If you imitate that, the momentum that crushed San-Yung will accelerate the revolution! Be Melty."
"Uh... right. So, brother... wow, that's tough."
"Right. If we go this far, Yuen Kang's knowledge of the future won't help either..."
That's how our days of incarcerating trees went by.
A day has passed since I incarcerated the tree.
If he dies of debilitation, he will loop, so I decide to feed him.
Tree, it's time for dinner.
"I won't take evil doings or anything!
"Eat up!
I screwed your father-in-law's cooking into my mouth.
And hang water on trees that are about to suffer, and also provide moisture.
You've got an assistant and a rival saying something.
These two are on guard.
It's someone who can wipe out the magic of the tree and disrupt the transfer.
"Ho ho! You think you can forgive me for doing this?
"Because you honestly don't eat it. Instead, feel as grateful as you can get me a meal! Yes, sir."
"If you don't want to eat, I want it next time."
"I won't do it. My father-in-law's gonna piss me off."
"Who are you guys...!
Oh, my God, it feels like time is running out.
By the way, the tree didn't believe my fiancée's story.
Looks like he's cleaning everything up with brainwashing.
Instead, my fiancée said the bow brave man seemed more brainwashed.
I'm sorry, but I think so, too.
At that time, your father-in-law had a subtle look on his face.
And it's been four days since I incarcerated a tree.
The Sanyoku assassins have not come to Ajito so far.
Even if you come, you can return the favor.
Tree watches are with me, my assistant, and my rivals.
Dear Philorials, we are taking turns keeping an eye on the outside.
Is it time to end Merlomarc's revolutionary movement?
Come on, why don't you let the Pope cut the paralysis and strike this one by surprise?
Your father-in-law did it on the portal from Siltvert who thinks, for example.
You look like you've been persecuted in some way.
"What is it?
"Oh my god! I figured out why Siltveld was so quiet!
Your stepfather's expression has never been more hurried.
"Have you been occupied with the country by tact? That's not like the future."
"No, no! Quiet besides your thoughts, though!
"So what happened?
"The Siltvelt guys, they took it personally that I was trying to overthrow the country, and they've been moving the army! It's rattling. Towards Merlomarc!
"Oh my God!"
That's why the castle town of Siltvelt was quiet, I suppose.
Scum...... Wise King Xian's glory is sumptuous, and the country is accelerating its move to believe in shield braves.
I guess your father-in-law, the brave man of the shield, just started marching without wasting the live path he cut open.
"When I was walking down the castle town thinking I was crazy too, a faction came into contact to build a friendship between Siltvert and Merlomarc. Even in the country, they secretly organized a unit to help the brave men of the shield."
"That's a tough situation. What should I do...?
That doesn't change the fact that we started the invasion of Merromarc in the wake of the Revolutionary Movement.
The story is that many people in Merromark have already converted shield brave men to shield religion.
Maybe you'll be happy to accept Siltveld's reign.
What if this is the reason the queen can't return?
"So what should I do? Should this former Kang make the Siltvert army incapable of combat?
"I think that brings the trivalent sect of Merromarc on board, which I saw as a good opportunity. When that happens, the war won't stop."
Your father-in-law frowned like he was in trouble and put him down for a breath.
"I'm already... in a situation where the war has already opened. Anyway, I think we're left with minimal damage."
"What is happening to Faubray and the surrounding countries?
"Half of us are seeing things through, half agree with one country or another... the percentages are biased toward Siltveld"
"Merlomarc is devastated."
But isn't it good?
It's bad for my fiancée, but I don't think it would be a bad hand if a country like this were to have a bloodless castle opening in Siltvelt.
Most of the people are already on your father-in-law's side.
"After Siltvelt occupies the country, you might have no problem declaring that your father-in-law won't tolerate discrimination between subnationals and humans and saying Siltvelt human-protected countries or anything. Put the queen and her fiancée there and we'll figure it out."
"That's not my hand either. Melty and I made a promise... that the country would keep us friendly. I don't think it's until we get through here that Merlomarc and Siltvert can really see it fairly."
Oh, my God, your father-in-law is choosing a rugged path that both countries will understand instead of one winning.
I can't stop crying in gratitude for this ex-health, your father-in-law's strength of will for peace.
"I'm going to be careful to make the Siltvelt Army stop marching. Probably will stop...... I just don't have time. I'm talking about the Sirtwert army arriving at the Merromark border soon. So..."
That's the time.
An arrow was stabbed in front of Ajito.