Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Good Games
"Mmm! Sister, be patient!
He said his assistant jumped toward the smell before his rival could stop him.
You think he grabbed it by the smell and pushed it down to the ground?
"Wow, do what!
"To you! Something to you!
To the fallen smell. The assistant became a horse rider, grabbed his fist and began to beat him with tears.
"Ugh! Gu! No, don't!
The smell will seriously hit you in the face and resist, but your assistant won't stop attacking you.
Right, left, right, left and punch are so powerful that they penetrate the face of smell that they are impatient… exactly like a furious dragon. The assistant continues to beat the face of smell in a row without any hesitation.
That's a sight that's not hard to imagine.
"You! If it wasn't for you, I would! I didn't have to think like this in my eyes!
"Yes, come on! Hand Red Sword!"
That smell also cuts backwards into the assistant's attack and releases his skills, but the assistant says he picked up the skill the smell released and then threw the cane he had at him and intercepted only the part of him that was about to stab himself.
"Don't be ridiculous! What a brave man! Don't be ridiculous! They're not a substitute for not attacking you!
"Guff! Ah! No, no, no, no, no, no. You guys, stop."
Smelting seems to have finally fainted into the impending assault of his aides and is completely immobilized.
Keel, Sakura and their rivals said they could only look at the situation with a stark look on their face.
At any rate, even the Calmerdog family, which should be emerging around, ends up breathing in the distance in fear of the anger unleashed by their assistants.
"Oh, sister! Come on, or the sword warrior dies!
He said the rival returned to me and finally pulled his assistant from behind, distancing him from the smell.
"Gaelion! Get off me! We need to make him understand more! To a guy like that! Your father was killed by a guy like that!? I can't stand it anymore!
"Windia, calm down!
"The sword man is boggling"
"Wow... this sucks! Sakura! Hurry back with your sword brother on your back!
"Let go! We need to make him understand more! I have to make you regret living to the point of not dying!
"Calm down! You can't do that! Your father must be satisfied that your sister broke the sword brave man! The gaelion guarantees it!
"Let go! Let go. Yeah, yeah, yeah!
And well, during the mayhem, Keel and the others rushed to the island's makeshift treatment center with a bumpy smell.
The story is that the smelting was seriously injured because of the beating with too much force and that advanced healing magic was to be applied on the island of the main island.
The story was also passed on to your father-in-law, who was called back to the main island hotel during the night.
Oh, my God, smelting seemed like a burden to my assistant in the future, so I didn't think we'd get along badly, but I didn't expect it to end like this.
"Fortunately, it matters to the smelter... well, it wasn't thanks to restorative magic. I'm not coming out of the hotel room."
"Do you have an assistant?
"No... it's better to smell"
Your father-in-law scratched his head so that he could feel bold.
In other words, the smell was drawn.
Was it the trauma that hurt to death, or are you frightened of the fear of death?
Either way, now you understand how vulnerable you are.
"I promised you to be patient... and then you thought you couldn't let me see your face, and Windia took Gaelion and ran away"
Well...... and your father-in-law looks out of the hotel with a distant eye like dusk.
"I asked my parents' enemies to calm down. I wonder if it was my fault... Windia, it's on me to put it together properly."
"I think there are a lot of problems with smelting itself."
"Yeah. Around there... you should be careful, right? I wonder what you think of your people. I didn't really understand the synopsis, but this is what happened."
I remember my future father-in-law saying that smell was like he was playing online games solo or something.
But in the first world, I remember fighting my assistants and Eclair without any problems.
I'm sure smelling went through something I don't know.
"Are you a junior development player who acts like an advanced player by making guilds? I want to hold an event that will be a lame death play and jump forward, show my juniors my awesomeness and get compliments..."
"Your father-in-law knows a lot about you."
"I have online gaming experience. I know my guild."
"Was it the third-largest leader on the server?
"Yeah. You don't have to tell me if you're Yuen Kang."
Yes, sir.
"But... smell and trees aren't going to change around there, are they? I thought the smell would be a little different."
"Isn't it the desire that's in gamers to get it?
I don't know that much about the games I play because they're all the stuff pigs recommend, but I can understand some of them.
I've played all the games in the game center.
Of course, it was a date.
By the way, the games I'm good at are rhythm games, dance games and crane games.
Why that genre?
I think you've been thinking about it because if you hold onto these three, you can get past your date without difficulty.
A lot of pigs are good at rhythm games, and dance games are in their range.
Crane games will please pigs if you take their stuffed animals.
After that, if you can sing in karaoke, you can complete your date.
That's a real waste of technology to think about now.
Why do I have to live to see the complexion of a pig?
In a way, it was destiny that moved to another world.
Yes... Philo, we meet, it was our destiny.
My father-in-law nodded at my words.
"Right. I'm not saying I don't have one either... it's just... you seem to be playing extreme, smelling and trees. I wonder if they played the game knowing they were human."
I know how your father-in-law feels and how you smell.
"I understand the difference. But I guess we can't break it."
I have a sense that we recognized our fellow brave men, the same Four Saints, as rivals.
I thought I'd get out of them and be strong, and at the bottom of my mind I was looking down at their people.
And I was more familiar with the world than my peers, and I never intended to admit my objections.
So I guess you've rebelled against the objections of keels, assistants, and rivals.
You bastards don't want to defy me as a superior.
... That must be the sentiment I had in mind for your father-in-law when we first met on this island.
Beginner up to monopolize cute girls looks great...... I thought back then.
"I wonder if anyone who plays like smell was smart enough to hire them with mercenaries. Most online games are shared roles by profession or something, so there are a lot of occasions when you can't help yourself. So even if the type like smell is wrong...... I don't think it's the type you can take to the difficult finest dungeons. Others will annoy you."
"Your ear hurts."
"How was the tree?
"Looks like you were expecting it."
"Sounds considerate... I wonder if we'll still be exchanging members after this"
Your father-in-law's sigh is deep.
At that time, an assistant was peeking softly at us at the entrance to the hotel.
"Sister, go apologize soon"
"So, but..."
"It's okay, I'm sure you won't scold me, but I won't threaten you like a koo."
Your father-in-law has asked for an assistant.
The assistant joins his hands with regret and walks over to his stepfather as he leans down.
"Well... you seem to be aware that you've done something wrong."
My assistant is out of sight even though he thinks it's bad.
That's a reaction like a kid who had a fight.
"I don't even know what it feels like. The smell was terrible, and there was no substitute for putting everyone's life at risk. But cleaning it up with violence... goes against this one, doesn't it? For the sake of friendship between brave men."
"I'm... not bad"
"No, I'm not. It was everyone's fault. I meant to look heavily at you and the smelting cause, and I actually looked lightly. I was bad, too, and the smelting behavior and response were bad. And Windia was bad, too."
"This is how Windia came to see me because she thinks I've done something wrong, right? Otherwise, I'd be proud to report it to me."
My assistant has a depressed look like I've never seen before.
"I don't scold you, but shall we reflect? Otherwise, you won't be able to fulfill your mission if you're in contention every time you meet smell."
"Really! I'm sure your father will forgive you for your sword's bravery this time. Gaelion guarantees it."
Your father-in-law will let you swim like he chooses the word.
Earlier dialogue is undoubtedly the parent of an assistant among the competitors.
"Anyway, stop imitating me like this. I'll tell the smell too, so I don't have to do it again."
"... yeah. I'm sorry."
"Yeah, it's good if you're trying to keep your failures alive the next time. I'm sorry, too. It wouldn't have happened if I'd understood Windia a little better."
"Nothing wrong with the brave man of the shield!
My assistant said that out loud when your father-in-law apologized.
Right. Your father-in-law is not bad at all.
I think it's generally bad smelling this time.
"Oh, yeah? Well, it's not all bad. I don't think Windia ever had a hand or a leg, so she'll realize the strength of smell, and it's not just the bad results, so try not to worry too much."
"You know what? I wouldn't have gotten angry if I'd reflected properly! Gaelion still believed in you."
"Gaelion... try to be a little more Windia's brake"
"You asked me to! Gaelion, hang in there!
The rival was sniffing hard and being his assistant.
"Nevertheless, you are considerate ahead... how to persuade smelting and trees..."
"You're anxious to get ahead."
And your father-in-law started walking toward the room with a tired face.