Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
mastermind suspicion
"But I can't believe you're talking about Yuen Kang coming from the future."
Smelt said in the usual manner.
Well, it's rarer for the smell and the tree to believe my words.
"Why is that?
"I've done too much extra. A national conspiracy? Then why did you act so fast without leaving the country? There would have been more to do. You will uncover a national conspiracy, you will be displaced to another country before you make an extra jump fire, or your hands will rot."
"You talked about that before, too. Because if you do, you'll be at war. Merlomarc was on track to get a brave man other than your stepfather."
"Yuen Kang said it badly and you two are wrong, but Yuen Kang is a loop...... I've been through this world a few times"
Hmm... you annoyed your stepfather's hand because of my poor explanation.
Then let's say I mimic your father-in-law and tell him everything he asked me.
"That's right. I've looped many times already, and I'm here."
"So, it seems so complicated and difficult, and I don't have the knowledge I have. In fact, I didn't know where I was staying the first day of my adventure."
"You asked me, too."
"I haven't been asked, have I? Does that mean Yuen Kang doesn't care about me?
"You certainly haven't heard from the tree. I want you to tell me just fine."
"I don't like it!
I was turned down.
But you should know that information.
But I don't think the tree right now can honestly tell you.
I can't help it. Let's give up.
"Well, let's just say if there's any next time we stalk a tree and find out where we stayed,"
"Ugh... please don't. Disgusting!"
"If you have nothing else to feel guilty about, you can tell me. Sounds like you're assuming that."
"Ha... you can't help it"
That's what the tree told me where she was staying.
But trees are good at lying. I might have mentioned the Inn of Lies.
Let's stalk the trees in the next loop.
If you don't make contact with your father-in-law for the first two days, you'll be relatively free to act.
The stalking skills you've learned from all the pigs who killed me will help!
"In the first place, we know what information a single human could have known. He's not even a god. If the three of you were here, you'd have about the information you didn't know. I don't think I'll be able to stand up if I put up that way. What a loop."
"Hmm, I wonder. That's what Pettens usually say."
"I don't think you have the talent to insist on looping..."
I'm not fooled when I say things are going well.
Apparently, neither smell nor tree believe my story.
But Tree, isn't there now because Sanyoku tricked me into saying things that are doing well?
... I can tell you that the last time a tree was killed by a buddy of mine looped here, but there's a good chance we won't be able to believe it or talk about it.
Try not to tell that story because it's troublesome.
"So, Daita, you're going to say something like that because you practiced the enhancement methods Sang-wen explained before, right? As I said before, I can't do mine with all the different specifications of a brave man's weapon."
"Does that mean that the weapon of smelting is a much weaker degradation than I am?
"What!? My weapon will be determined to be the strongest! It's actually the most powerful weapon in Bravestar Online, the game on which this world is based!
"What are you talking about! The original game is Dimension Wave! The bow is determined to be stronger than a miscellaneous fish weapon with no advantages other than being equipped with a shield!
"The bow is the strongest? Ha! Not even magic."
"Isn't it the most powerful weapon that supports penetration, second damage, and flight attributes?"
"What are you talking about? The damage to the sword is higher, and versatility is far higher. The bow will have a fire power problem. Dodge and attack speed drop when equipped with a shield in the first place. I don't know what that means."
Smelting and trees have begun the strongest rigging.
Well, being brave, we can't equip ourselves with anything but certain weapons, so smelting can't shield us.
This must be about the game you were playing yourself.
Oh? Your father-in-law looks strange.
"Hey, don't you have a problem with your game knowledge?
Did your father-in-law notice that?
No, we talked about it before.
You believed spears were the strongest weapon in the first world, too.
Attack ranges, attack speeds, power, versatility, etc. were superior in everything.
Emerald Online, where you can make special weapons, works great with you.
Well, that was a mistake.
"So I've been telling you from earlier that the specifications vary from game to game! That's reflected in the weapon!
"I see, I mean, Yuen Kang's weapon was cheat performance from the start! You coward! I can't believe you're from the future either! You were the mastermind of it all!
"You know what? Sure, if Yuen Kang is behind all this, I can explain everything."
"Relax! What do you gain by cheating on smells and trees?"
Your father-in-law tells you to forgive the smell and the tree.
And did I come with the mastermind?
If so, it would be a lot easier.
As your father-in-law put it, deceiving trees and smelling won't do you any good.
These guys overestimate themselves.
I'm just stronger than people under the influence of enhanced LV and weapons.
"Sentence, if you're blind because you got Yunkang to help you too, you'll see painful eyes. In fact, one of the brave men is trying to let the brave man who is grateful in all his masterminds rule the world in his place... what a possibility!
"Yuen Kang-kun?
Your father-in-law will stare at me.
I laughed back at Nico.
"Here! I showed you one scale!
That's crazy.
I smiled and showed that it was different, but I was convinced.
"No, you don't... this is a face I'm not totally thinking about. Do you know what the usual Yunkan-kun does? You know, when I'm not doing you a favor, Yuki and the others, they're just hanging out with Phil Real the whole time, right?
"That's the act! And you're going to kill Mr. Sumimoto just because you're here."
"I don't think so. Instead, it's harder to hold Yuen Kang-kun's reins... and it's unnatural for the mastermind to do such a nasty thing."
"I know the ex-health is somewhat strong either way from rumors, but you can see the extent of that too"
Speaking of which, I've never shown it directly to smelting.
Well, the tree destroyed the party in an instant, or made it bumpy, so you understand.
"I'm sure he's strong as a monster! I didn't have any hands or feet!
"That's a tree, you're weak. You can't beat a shield script."
"I'm not weak! What is it! Are you going to make fun of me until you smell me!
"I just told the truth. Tree, you're weak."
"What the hell! I'm not weak! Isn't Smelter the only one with a mouth who loses to a girl weak?
"Would you even try a duel!
"Brave sword, brave bow, fall on it!
My fiancée is trying to stop me from smelling and trees that are seriously trying to fight.
I can't help it.
If smell wants to know me, let me actually show you.
"So will you let me put it into practice?
"Yuen Kang, what are you doing?
"Well, I want you to watch."
We're gonna get up and open the window in the room.
The sea at night overlooks a hotel like a castle.
I'll concentrate my consciousness there and spin magic.
"I, the hunter of love, command the heavens, command the earth, cut off reason, connect, let pus spit out. The power of the dragon vein. Together with the power of my magic and my brave men, the hunter of love, who has the roots of his power, commands. Decrypt Morula once now and create a false sun!
"Liberation Prominence"!
A ball of flame was generated over my hand.
And I throw it out the window.
The balls of flame I threw flew straight to the tip of the island... beyond the coast to the tip of the sea and burst like fireworks.
I created another sun on the horizon.
"Hey... Oh, no..."
"How about this?
"Well, it's certainly the quickest way to put it into practice and show it"
I looked out at the sky with only a sharp look at the smell and the trees.
My father-in-law and fiancée have seen the magic of liberation.
Brilliantly a new sun will continue to appear on the horizon for a few minutes.
You can tell from the window that the inhabitants of the island noticed what was going on out there and started making a scene on purpose.
"Think of me as ex-Cong-kun's charming magic. You know enough to know what happens when you get serious, don't you?
Didn't this tell you how strong I was?
If you think about it, I only used plain skills in front of smelting and trees.
It was for the reason that it might not be as historic when you get bad attention, but you won't even have to be on guard anymore.
Instead, we have to make sure it doesn't follow history.
"Well, even if you listen half the time, is that why ex-health is unnaturally strong..."
"Because you're from the future. Not only do we know how to smell and fortify trees, but we know all the weapons."
"Hmm. That's why you're saying you can't share me or how to fortify a tree. You are unnaturally strong there...... I'm telling you I was just chosen as a freaky weapon! You coward!
Aren't you trying to convince yourself of the smelting and the trees?
It was like this in the first world, including mine, but you can't talk to me enough to make me wonder if you're the same person.
"So what about me?
Your father-in-law will point to you and say it.
"Sentence? Well, you're a good fighter, but you're a pushover in LV. There's no reason for a strong shield position."
Your father-in-law looks tired.
You can't help but smell and trees getting tired of this.
"No, the enhancement method was made by a guy taught by Yuen Kang, who gained a tough defense..."
"It does seem stiff, but does that tie to strength? You can't just protect it. I will try to break through the defense immediately. No, you don't need defense or anything from the start! Don't you know there's a defensive penetration attack?
What are you talking about contradictory dialogue?
I'm sure your father-in-law is strong.
It must be hard for me to break through your father-in-law's defense right now.
In the first place, your father-in-law is also trying to master countermeasures for penetrating attacks.
My future father-in-law was totally mastering this and disabling it.
It's an energy boost application around here.
Note that your future father-in-law had mastered deactivation without correction of the energy boost.
You said somehow it was a genre application.
If you do poorly, the penetrating attack will bounce back as it is.
But I guess it's sad.
All your father-in-law's combat abilities are assigned to defense, so he doesn't have the means to attack.
Even a shield with the ability to fight back is difficult to make an opponent instantly incapable of combat.
Sure, you burned me once with a curse series shield, but the curse series carries a corresponding risk.
Your father-in-law has now suffered several serious death injuries, and your father-in-law now does not possess the Curse Series.
Yes, you're going to have to endure proving your stepfather's strength.
This is definitely hard to prove for the visible strength.
Unless you come out with a monster that you don't think smells or trees will ever win in front of you.
"Doesn't it mean I can't smell and trees? Listen to me first. Yuen Kang-kun told me how to strengthen the tree..."
and your father-in-law desperately went to explain how to fortify the trees and smell them.
You're trying to make me more credible that I'm from the future by knowing how to reinforce what you're hiding without telling me.
but you haven't made the smell and the tree microscopic.
"The method of strengthening Yuankang just encloses all the ways of strengthening it. No, there's not even a way to enhance Sang-wen that can't be used."
"It can't be. I've heard that the weapons of the Four Holy Braves are in the same position, although in different directions. And you realize that."
My father-in-law has practiced all the enhancements I know, and now I don't think I can defeat my father-in-law.