Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Evidence of the absence of the killer.
The tree half-eyed into my words.
What is it? Power is justice, isn't it?
"... it's my fault you got the wrong person to talk to so far. Yes, Yuen Kang was a man who could solve anything with his strength."
Oh? Have you failed to persuade me?
"but...... some people may not be able to help unless they are someone like Yuen Kang"
The tree stroked Koo's throat before smiling.
I guess so.
I've told you many times, power is justice.
I say trees are fair, helping weaknesses and frustrating evil is justice, but my justice is different.
The right thing to do is to be Philorial, and your stepfather.
At the time you became your father-in-law's enemy, that's evil.
I am on your father-in-law's side, and I will destroy all your father-in-law's enemies.
In other words, it is just and honest to keep fighting on the side of those who believe.
"Fighting occurs when both parties cannot concede or when unreasonable demands are made that they are unwilling to pull. Last time, Mr. Sue Wen, no, the reason Yuen Kang has failed to convince us in the world she's been through is because she didn't have the ears to listen because we're not willing to make concessions."
"I guess so."
"No matter how many concessions you make to someone you don't want to hear from the beginning, you can't convince them."
"That's why we shared and fought."
"Yes... if you decide they're evil from the start, you don't have any ears to ask."
And the tree had nodded many times as it had learned.
You look like your possession has fallen, unlike any tree you've ever seen.
"I'm convinced. I asked Yuen Kang how selfish I am... because I didn't even want to believe it."
"You've fought trees many times."
You fought last time and last time.
They were all mutton fish.
Well, I haven't been able to practice the enhancement method.
"If we don't assume that the other person can't be completely evil, like a creation, I'll be doing my own justice."
Many times in the first world, you collided with your father-in-law.
When I heard your stepfather kidnapped your fiancée, too, I was deciding from the head that your stepfather was evil.
Well, I felt similar at the time, but I guess trees don't like getting out of this thought.
"Look, you're detective in a reasoning novel."
"Are you a detective?"
"Yeah, I only saw it about drama and cartoons, but, you know, detectives in the genre are like hunters hunting down killers."
"I'm a hunter of love!
"... it's starting to sound silly, but you keep going. Here, the detective in that hand says, 'This is the man who did this. But there's no proof of that, is there? Then let's find evidence to hunt' em down."
"You look like that if you ask me."
"I'm not going to deny you anything else. It's just that as for me from now on, 'This man is not the killer. But the killer exists. Let's gather all the evidence. I want to find evidence not only of this guy, but of the absence of the killer in this,' so I want to find out... well, maybe it's a dream story."
Hmm, you're thinking a lot of trouble.
I don't know what you're talking about, though.
I saw it on the news and so on before I came to this world.
If that's how the people on the catching side think about it, maybe it'll be a better world.
Well, it must be as difficult as the tree says.
"It may be a shortcut to treat those we shelter not only as innocent, but also as innocent. I guess it's only right to move when the charges are consolidated and the innocent material is gone."
You think of trees as different things.
It's a difficult personality.
Though I think it would be easy to throw up if you threatened him with this spear, such as whether the killer was white or black.
It would be easier if you didn't have to give in to your powers to hallucinate.
"This time the tree will believe my story strangely."
"Thanks to Yuen Kang for telling us the unquestionable facts. Sometimes it was before I gained certainty."
Your father-in-law would say, "Strike the iron while it's hot."
"You're absolutely right...... in that sense, it must have made sense to the loop so far. Besides, I know you're not a bad person on your previous journey."
Trees have long eyes, don't they?
Did you get something?
"Don't let the evil that wears the skin of the weak fool you... I want to believe you all to go"
The back of the tree that said that looked strange and clean.
"Oh? Is that..."
I took a light look around town and came back to the Alliance.
Then there were your father-in-law waiting for you.
You already have smelt and yuki.
"Welcome back, Genkang-kun, Tree"
"We're home now!
"How'd it go?
"That sounded like a peaceful town."
"I don't mean to guide the town, but there was some kind of vigilante stuffing... ignoring adventurers asking for help"
The tree pointed across the boulevard from the guild to the building on the other side.
"The tree's stepping out or it's flirting."
Well, if it pops up, I'll do something about it.
I don't think it would be a problem if we hit paralysis.
"Sure, I personally don't want to ignore it..."
You said your father-in-law and your smell were rotten everywhere.
"Asked what had happened, she even got her purse on a sleigh"
"Wow... it's going to be hard to identify the killer"
"Yes, there seemed to be nothing we could do about it, so I sympathized... where is Mr. Koo?
I asked Koo to track down the killer based on the smell.
Yes, Koo came back at the same time I told him.
You're making a lot of noise.
"I'm home!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Ko grabbed the killer's collar with a beak from behind and brought him here.
"Hey, what a talking demon! You guys!?
"Yeah, you're a prick, aren't you?
The tree will do a body check, take out multiple wallets, and ask questions.
"Chi, no! This is my purse!
Well, tell the same thing to the vigilantes in the jail.
"What the hell are you saying to me about demons!
"... that's true. Mr. Kow, how did you know it was this way?
"Smell, if I followed this guy's smell, it was this guy. That's why I caught him."
The pronunciation of the koo is slightly creepy.
Well, I'm grabbing it with my beak, so I can't help it.
"Aren't you still asking questions at the vigilante's?
With that leg pointing to the vigilante's stuffing, the sleigh has begun to rumble.
"We need to make sure it doesn't get too noisy. Yuen Kang tells me I'm a good liar, but this place is troublesome. We're about to get slaughtered, and we're gonna stick it out."
Take the koo and the tree will go to the vigilante's quarters.
Eventually, the tree came back with a sleigh sticking out of its jar.
"That was one shot with evidence. The victim's adventurer was also surprised to find his wallet. The killer was trying to make us the real killers, but he was the victim."
"Isn't it nice to be able to arrest the killer for once?
"Yuen Kang tells me that Tree lied a lot, but depending on the circumstances, we can't help it."
"But... if you did this to breathe, you could certainly throw up all the lies."
"Well, it's dangerous to declare that we're going to catch thieves in the name of the brave ones."
"Right. Worst case scenario, it could put the people of this town in danger."
"... yes, but I would like to go with caution. If I keep doing this, I might not be able to tell the truth."
"Trees are serious."
"... I'm not serious. I think I have a strong sense of justice and I don't see my feet. Because if it's convenient, you'll want to lie."
You're not responding to the trees before.
"I will try to discipline myself not to deceive all of you who are my people."
"Isn't it good now? You succeeded in catching the killer. If you look at the results, there's someone who helped. You just have to be honest with me."
I'll say it while the smell is arming up.
Sounds great.
"Wouldn't it be nice if I got a thank-you for the adventurer?
"Seems like a hard thing to think about, but was that adventurer lying?
"... No, if we don't catch the sleigh in that condition, no one will be able to deliver his wallet. I think it would have been suspicious if there had been an adventurer in the jar since we caught him..."
"That's the thing. I'm glad I helped you."
"... Yes"
Looking back, the tree was waving gently at the adventurer who lowered his head deeply.
Hmm, no matter what the hard story is, you've done a good thing.
I've made all kinds of promises, too, Philo, so I'll stick with you for true peace!
We have to make sure the trees don't beat us.
"If... if I didn't find proof, I might have thought of something that would force me to throw up."