Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
LV supremacy
My fiancée said she got some free time from the queen and went down the street in front of the carriage where we parked in order to get some rice for the Philosophers in the Philosophical Building.
"Haha - over here - over here!
"I'll catch up with you soon."
Sakura and I were playing there, and she said she had eyes and a voice.
At first glance, it is the natural dishes that will become so.
"Wow... Could it be Philo Real? He's talking words!
"Hmm? Who?"
I hear your fiancée got along quickly with the Sacraments with those skillful hands.
I didn't expect to get along at the same time as the encounter... that would mean Firo Tan's fiancée.
"Wait, wait, wait."
At first, I was chasing Sakura and the others, but for how many minutes... the carriage is narrow.
Sakura and the others, who really wanted to play, are in the carriage. They decided to call me and then play in the courtyard.
I hear your fiancée named her nickname Mel in her introduction.
That's why Koo became the right name for Mae.
And you decided to set a range in the courtyard and then hide out?
Sakura became a ghost with a whale, and they said we all hid.
Sakura said she walked around the maze courtyard after counting the numbers and found her fiancée hiding in the bush.
"Merchant Mickey"
"They found me."
My fiancée came out of the bush.
I don't care what you think.
Then I'll find Yuki and Koo.
I tried to find Yuki and Koo as I was. Arrow tip.
"Oh? Isn't that Boko there?
She said her fiancée looked back with no expression on her voice.
I hear it was your fiancée and a girl dressed up close.
Sakura said, of blonde twin tails...... it doesn't matter, such a guy.
You must be an ugly little pig.
... It's rude to call a stranger a pig.
Let's just say you're a fucking kid.
Anyway, he said the fucking kid approached his fiancée and Sakura with a high-pressure attitude.
But there's something that bothers me.
What is' Bowco '?
When you ask me how I read it, I hear it reads' Dead Son '.
It must be some kind of construct, but you don't know what it means.
"What's a foolish bloodthirsty son like you dodging?"
My fiancée was just quiet...... staring at that opponent with completely cold eyes.
I don't despise you, I'm not interested.
In disguise of indifference, that's a hassle, so they were just quietly listening to whatever they wanted, which is an adult response.
My fiancée is the sister of a red pig.
You must be used to the beatings I've been getting from my sister.
Nevertheless, because it is the courtyard of Faubray, soldiers and those in the castle sometimes pass by.
At first, they thought it was a child's twist, so they were watching it from afar.
Sakura said she fingered the rude fucking kid and asked her fiancée.
"You don't have to know, Sakura. Eh... that guy is as great as a cloud... so let's see. Sorry to bother you, but I'm busy with this girl and her friends."
He said to his fiancé, who tries to meet him gently and then walk away, that the fucking kid took a step forward with his discomfort fully open.
"Oh? Dead kids are stupid kids without thinking about their country."
Contrary to her fiancée who tried to sassy flush and walk away, Sakura said she looked back uncomfortably and said it back.
"Mmm! Don't speak ill of Mel!
My fiancée tried to make Sakura stop me and walk away, but she said the fucking kid had an extra grin just lucky for this.
You're just getting frustrated to hear it.
Sakura is a good friend.
"Heh... LV40, you have more than I thought"
And he said he cast the magic of analysis on Sakura.
"Are you saying you're going against me to that extent? My LV is 92! Low LV guys like you are so easy to get back at!
"It's not like that! I'm not going to tolerate Mel speaking ill of you!
"Oh, why would an unfamiliar country girl be here?
Here my fiancée also frowned uncomfortably and objected.
"Is it something a great thing to watch people's LVs on their own? He's like a snoopy little peeper."
"What the hell!?
"Is it not? Peeping LV without the consent of others is not a compliment. If you don't behave shamelessly, you won't be able to boast with noble people, will you?
"Well... I wouldn't be too busy with a low-LV scumbag."
I got a look like Sakura convinced me of that word.
"Mel, I know Sakura"
"Hey, what? Sakura."
"Naofumi and the others were saying. There are a lot of good people in this world, but there are a lot of bad people, so we have to be careful. But you have to be especially careful who tries to disparage or fool others with their appearance or position."
Hmm, speaking of which, I think we talked about that.
My father-in-law was at one point unbelievable about the red pig and scum.
Not to mention that I was looking at the dark side of Merlomarc a while ago, so don't unconditionally believe in strangers to the Sacraments, you were talking like that.
"Are you going to tell me that's me!?
"That's right -! Sakura doesn't know anything!
Yeah! Sakura said her fiancée blocked me from trying to tell her.
Sakura managed to hold her mouth with a mogomogo or something.
Sounds like my fiancée said it would be deluded eventually.
"You're scared to have someone like that. But you're not, are you?
"Yes! I'm giving wisdom to the lowlife."
"... Really?"
"I'll tell you too. There are people in this world who are chosen and those who are not. The strong are forgiven for whatever they do. On the contrary, the weak... weakness is sin in itself, and you are both weak, so you are making fun of me. You know?"
"That's an old idea of LV supremacy... expensive is a good thing..."
My fiancée directed a shitty look at the kid that could also be taken as contempt.
You're right about my fiancée all this time.
No matter how much LV you raise, LV alone doesn't make sense.
In that regard, Sakura and the others who have been doing this at forty are competent.
Speaking of which, smell said it in the first world and earlier loops.
This world will largely work out if you turn up the LV, something like that.
That's why I was failing.
To see this smell, it's still nothing just expensive.
Sakura said you were scared and your fiancée lost her power.
"Well, but Naofumi and the others said that LV alone can't measure strength."
"That's an excuse for the weak. It's a weak fish that barks a lot. You and your opponents are weak."
Sakura is right.
Without technology no matter how much LV you put up 100 or 200, everything would be pointless.
I know my first father-in-law in the world.
For example, our father-in-law learned energy boost by himself and was able to handle it freely.
It was a very nasty technology that returns to me when I use poor jumping tools.
Sure, your father-in-law called you 'chi'.
And how can you fool a stranger that far?
My father-in-law said he was involved with Tact, but there's nothing I can do about it.
"Mmm! Naofumi is not weak!
"Don't worry about that, Sakura. Let's hide and seek. I'm waiting for Kou-kun and Yuki to find Sakura."
She was a giggling fiancée trying to forgive Sakura, but that's what she didn't care about the fucking kid.
She glared at her fiancées dissatisfied and said.
"If you have a complaint, beat me and then say it! Let the battle begin!
They say the fucking kid pulled his little sword out of the sheath that was wrapped around his hips as he started his magic chant and approached him.
"I can't believe it's a duel without an agreement!?
She said her fiancée opened her eyes to surprise.
That's not a duel, isn't that what you call a raid?
"Mel, it's dangerous!
"I'll deal with you with your good attributes! Zweight Aquashots!"
Fast, chanted magic flew towards my fiancée and Sakura.
Sakura said she instantly transformed into a filorial form and kicked the magic out of you.
"What do you do all of a sudden!
"What is this creature? I'm like a kid from your brother's... but I can't forgive you for interrupting my magic!
He said the fucking kid has attacked Sakura by waving a bumble and a little sword.
They said it was just the LV92 and it looked very quick for a low-LV fiancée.
By the way, I remember hearing around somewhere that my fiancée has a low LV to learn ideas that I can't go through with a high LV.
You think that's why you dare lower your LV and learn to be creative?
I hear you're not saying this to avoid unnecessary strife.
My fiancée can do a high standard of magic for LV.
You'll certainly see painful eyes when you fool around with low LV.
Besides, even in the first world, I remember being competent in combat for my talent.
From the use of magic to the ingenuity of battle in the last round, you're actually plain competent.
I'm still just a fiancée to Phyllo Tan.
"... come on"
She said her fiancée took the magic stance with a contempt eye.
That's who you're going to be chosen by Firo Tan's fiancée.
"I can still stand it if I'm the only one, and I can deviate, but don't even get involved with Sakura!