Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Round the Circuit, Las Boss.
"Hehe hehe... evil blood? No. This is the divine power that brought down the divine power. Don't you understand this divine figure of ours!
The new Pope said I care about red and black pigs.
Is that divine?
What's going on with your eyes?
"Divine? I don't care what you think, it just looks evil..."
"Russ boss... you don't. It looks like a medium boss."
"Right. No matter how well you quote it, Yunkan-san, the lass boss around will be the limit."
What analogy is that?
These people, it's up to you to look like a mutton fish.
"That's because you are the Dark Beings! That's why I can't properly recognize us, who lived in this holy power! This is more than anything else!
"What! Sometimes demons twist their powers and make them recognize! That's why they must look holy in their eyes!
I see.
Perhaps they even look like angel feathers?
Ha! Angels refer to the Philosophers.
Wrong doesn't look like him, etc.
"The soldiers of the castle only gave themselves as offerings to pour out the power to summon God... yes, it takes a lot of strength to summon a true God, and it takes sacrifice"
"Hey... I don't think we're talking better than tact..."
"You're even getting hit in the brain."
"Let's make it easier for you."
With that kind of conversation in the room, you look like some kind of chunk of power has moved on to scum with the new pope.
The new pope and scum took a step forward by getting Aura up.
"The ritual of summoning the brave is still in the midst of what our Christians are doing. It takes a painful sacrifice to save the world… it's precisely to keep the big bugs alive that we have to kill the little bugs"
"Only those who believe in the right God can survive, and those who have the wrong faith will be sacrificed. You have to cut off the extra branches to keep the world alive."
The new Pope and scumbag fighters seem to believe that they are doing the right thing.
So their reasoning is that they're doing it with the rationale that sacrifice was actually necessary to summon the right Four Holy Braves?
"To keep the big bugs alive...? If that big bug were a pest, it would only be a completely pointless sacrifice."
"Yeah, the tree itself will decay and perish if you don't remove the rotten parts before cutting off the extra branches."
Smelt and trees stink. Cut off the logic of the new pope and scum shadow warriors.
"Phew... I'll leave it out, but good. The land of the eagles is already covering the country with scattered Christians. Yes... the ritual formation is spreading!
"Every minute, every second, the people continue to unite to supply the power to defeat you!
Your father-in-law turned his awareness to those outside the castle.
You can feel some kind of magical flow.
"If the current word is true, do you mean that the dangerous Satanic Summoning ritual exploits power from the people when it is ongoing and expands in scope...?
"... apparently we don't have time. Let us stop the ritual as soon as possible!
We snorted at the queen's words.
"Sakura. Gaelion. Windia, identify where this nagging ritual is taking place!
"You don't have to."
"Yeah, I know where Sakura is."
"Yeah, I know, I know."
Before your father-in-law begged you, your rivals and your fellow philosophers seem to know where the ritual originated.
"Over there, they're automatically activated into the medium."
The rivals pointed to both the new Popes and said:
Apparently, the same perceptions have been made by the Philosophers.
"He's using the human body to perform rituals and gather power."
"In other words, when they themselves gather strength as a surgical ceremony..."
"What! I'm sure we're absorbing even the power of the dragon pulse in our own realm and pushing our limits as humans."
"EXP is to enclose the power of the dragon vein... is that it? Do you mean to say that you continue to supply your experience with flesh that has reached its limits on an even more continuous basis…?
"I'm not sure."
I don't know what you're trying to say. I'm not talking about rivals with your father-in-law at all.
"Dear Genkang, I mean, they keep pushing past the LV limits. And in that state they serve and enclose the devil's kind."
I pinned it with Yuki's description.
You're as smart as ever.
"In short, you're saying that the LV is well over a hundred, right?
You're in a hell of a strong way.
If you imitate like that, you're going to die soon.
If you look closely, you feel blue muscles floating and mucky.
"You finally understand... anyway, you're apparently forcefully creating a state like the women of tact"
"And the area that supplies power in the range of every minute and second is expanding and doing it. What we saw before we got here was that the territory was expanding."
"By the way, once you've gained strength, they're going to summon something to call you a brave man."
It must be Las Bosses coming out.
I will defeat him with a single blow, such as a lass boss summoned by him.
"Phew... I would ask the right brave men to dispose of you, but why don't you annoy the brave men who save the world"
"That's right. To open a new world, to summon true brave men, to offer the false in front of us as offerings is the ritual we need!
The new Pope and scumbag fighters have taken out their weapons.
When I glanced at them, the enemy icon appeared and the demon reacted.
I'm not sure what the demon name is. Does that mean it's not appraisable?
However, it feels like you have the power of LV to the same extent as tact.
By the way, I was wondering what the red and black pigs sitting on the throne at the rear are doing?
You're just sitting on the throne great.
You're like a lazy pig.
However, everything is different from lazy pigs.
"It is good that we receive the magic of the congregation of the Christians!" Divine Thunder! '' Empty!
Almost unchanging, a scum shadow warrior has wielded a scepter to unleash magic.
Sounds like three brave men are showing up around instantly to help cover the magic.
Your father-in-law will stand forward and protect us by showing up multiple shields at the same time.
"Airst Shield." Second shield! Air One Way Shield: Second Two Way Shield:
Was it almost simultaneous with that?
I felt a thicker thunder pouring toward us than 'Judgment' and the oxygen running out around us.
When the tree pulled the trigger vigorously as it puckered its mouth, there was plenty of air around.
"Airbrit...... I thought it was a story skill, but I didn't think it would help in this place"
"You had that skill?
"It's inherently a cover skill. I think it will improve your power if you match the magic of Yuen Kang's flames."
"Oh, air-supply to make the flames burn better?
"I think there is a breadth of application. Attribute arrow… it's a bullet because it's a gun"
"Well...... it doesn't have to be funny"
You're about to unleash a purple brewnak just when the new pope is ready.
The output certainly doesn't seem to be the same as before.
"A magical skill unbeatable to the wise king... even if you are a phony, you admire its strength"
The queen will respond with a magical chant with her fiancée.
"What the hell are they doing?!? What speed!
Eclair is responding to three brave men attacking the Queen.
You do move fast.
You can see that they have the same protection as the scumbags.
"Sister! The gaelions do it too! At least if you don't respond to ritual magic with choral magic, you'll still be on the defensive side!
"I won't lose, either! Look, Koo, Sakura! Let's do some choral magic together!
Each of our competitors and Master Philo Real has entered a magical chant.
Of course, we are sweeping away the three brave men who attack us while chanting and the demons who emerge from the shadows.
"Choral magic!" Snowstorm! ""
The queen and her fiancée chanted choral magic toward scum shadow fighters and their surroundings.
"I hereby guide the power of the gaelion and hope to embody it. It's a ground vein. Give me strength."
The mole's in on the assistant chant, too.
"The roots of power are sufficient. I command. Join forces in the flames that are spinning!
"You made this one, too! Choral Magic: Magma D-Brace!
You fired a volcanic bullet at the same time as your rival entered battle form.
Isn't that a pretty high density magma?
Besides, it looks like there are variations hanging from the transformation of the rivals, or the rocks and the fire.
You seem somewhere stiff and strong.