Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
red and black pig
"We can't lose, either! It's a chorus magic tornado!
Yuki relies on the magic of emergence of a tornado to make it a vacuum released by scum shadow warriors.
"It's okay, guys! Smelting, trees, and Yuen Kang Kun. We have to lift this state of affairs immediately, for the sake of this country, for the sake of the people! Seriously...... do it!
"Oh, my God!
"I will teach you the strength of a brave man who has grown up. Don't tell me you don't have to do anything wrong with fuel!
"I don't see how it's right to look at people's lives at the expense of the power they get. Saving only those who are convenient to themselves… is wrong as a religion"
You had your father-in-law's permission.
My body's been dull lately, so I'm in good shape.
I'll grab the spear and let go of my skills for real!
"God deceiving God, you enemy impostors! Eat it, Brewnak!
"It's not over yet!" Forever Enough Snowstorm of Reason!
The new Pope and scumbag fighters have unleashed their own attacks.
What is Brewnak?
Don't imitate me! That's right.
Let me show you some real power.
"Meteor Sword!
"Gatling Blaster"!
My spear will shine, transform it into a linear spear of light, and push the new Pope's unleashed Brewnak at his leisure.
At the same time, the light of the smelled meteor sword will be added to go.
You also added a series of ejected bullets from the tree, which became a running stream of light and flew to the new pope and scumbag shadow warriors.
"Hmm! No use! Do you think the attack will reach us?"
"Stupid... you don't understand that there is God's blessing"
You're creating a bond with purple light overflowing from the ground as if to protect scum shadow fighters and the new pope.
It's me. A large junction that feels similar to your father-in-law's meteor wall emerged as a protection, didn't it?
You have a strange pattern. Is that an octagonal wall?
"It's like I saw it in the cartoon... walls of mind? No, no."
Your father-in-law is answering the question.
But... did you think that such a paper-like junction would block our true intentions?
In ten seconds the walls evaporated.
"Nah - stupid -"
"God bless the eagles."
"It would be a big mistake to fight a brave man with so much power."
"Isn't the output of the attack itself pretty high? Sang-wen's shield is the most shocking thing I've ever done."
"Right. It must have hurt a lot if we hit it too."
"I don't know if it would hurt..."
It was almost simultaneous when your father-in-law put in the penetration, for example.
The new Pope and scum shadow fighters are going to blow big with our skills.
But you stepped on it.
You're tougher than I thought.
"Gu! Not yet. Ahhhhhhhh!
Looks like the new pope is twisting his powers from his copy weapon and trying to push it back in Brewnak.
"You can't lose. Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Shadow warriors of scum...... what is it?
You're unleashing magic in a motion that unleashes a flying tool, the special attack of the pig's love character who liked fighting games.
"You do it a lot! Okay, we'll put a little more effort into this!
We'll use more force to increase the output.
It's not refreshing not to get through the walls here.
"Okay. Tree, we can do more."
"Ku...... stupid! The eagles who dwell on the power of God lose...... so!?
"Ah, yes! Or, God!
Scum shadow fighters and the new pope blew away with our unleashed skills and transformed into extinguishing coal, disappearing.
It's a natural end for a fool.
"" Gwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... ""
Now you can dispose of the interrupters.
But I don't know what they'll do while they stop here.
"More pursuits! Aming Lancer *!"
"Hey! Genkang!
I will skewer all three brave men who ignore the infiltration of smell.
I won't do anything busy if I survive.
"Ah already..."
In an instant, the battle was settled.
Honestly, you were not a very strong opponent.
"Are you quite serious about letting go of your skills and finally... I thought I could take them down a little faster"
"Weren't you plain strong? It was an attack with maximum reinforcement."
"I don't know what you're talking about with a single blow..."
"No, no, that's just the kind of person you're taking power from, isn't it? We were just too strong to be a real threat."
"Well...... yes"
When we had that conversation, we heard the patsy patsy and applause.
We'll turn our attention to the red and black pig sitting between the thrones.
Were you still alive?
That's crazy. You must have missed it and sniped it with an Aming Lancer.
Hmm? Something's wrong.
I have confirmed to the red and black pigs that the scum shadow fighters and the power the new pope was living in will amass.
What does this mean?
Your father-in-law stares at the red and black pigs with a harsh look on his face.
The queen will respond with a frown there.
"Those who have already falsified Ortoclay, including the Pope, by the brave men, have been disposed of. I guess I was forced to sit down, but that seat was supposed to be mine...... could you give it up because I want it to be easy?
"Bububu...... Buhi"
I feel like I've been given a very angry response.
The red and black pig rang like he was answering us with a mockery.
"Bubbub, Buhibhi"
Eclair is holding the sword hard and staring at it.
With the Queen's orders, I guess you're going to cut it off immediately.
Of course, we'll respond to your father-in-law's orders immediately.
"You must have defeated the mastermind, but there is no sign that this phenomenon will ever be solved..."
Your father-in-law stares at the red and black pig.
Smelt, trees, rivals, and Master Philorial all stepped up their vigilance.
I can feel something on my spine, too.
"Bubble, bubble"
"… I see, are you willing to say that you are the mastermind of everything"
"Bubble Bubble Bubble Bubble"
You really have no idea what you're talking about.
It's a hassle, so you want to wipe him out fast.
"Father-in-law. What is he talking about?
"Oh... right. If the queen told you to give up your seat, what would you boast of to the extent that you beat the miscellaneous fish? Says."
Oh, my God, you're unknown beyond arrogance.
Is this the pig of the Queen's intimate muscles... that has been ruled by the Trivalianism to the core of her head?
But even the Pope is a miscellaneous fish... was he set on the throne for a short time and thought he was great?
This is why the pigs are unfamiliar.
"Then the laughter brings out how stupid you're thinking about getting this country back. I'm laughing."
"And as I answer Mr. Sue Wen's query, yeah, the heart of the ritual is me, everything in this country exists to serve me..."
What an arrogant guy you are.
It does seem a little strong, but you'll know the extent of that, too.
If you're serious, you're inferior to spiritual tortoises, such as his strength.
"Bubble, bubble"
"Hey, what!?
Your father-in-law is stunned.
That goes for the queen, the fiancée and Eclair, too.
I'm staring lightly at that.
Red and black pigs made wands appear out of nowhere and proclaimed something.
"What is it?
"Take a good look at the weapon that that kid has right now!
You tell me. I'll see the cane the red and black pigs have.
Looks like a scepter to me.
... I remember seeing something with a similar atmosphere somewhere.
Was it your father-in-law?
No, you're not. Your father-in-law used to have a cane, but that cane was shaped like a wolf.
It's just that there's a magic ball embedded in my spear that looks just like it.
And the shape of the wand itself is black, housing some evil signs.
"That kid just said it. Yes, the Seven Stars wand chose me and said I kept giving them strength."