Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
"Wow... great early moves. Did it tickle you the way you saw it?
"You have weirder feathers than the average filorial. The skeleton seems quite different too... open your mouth..."
"Ya, I hope you don't!
Yuki pulled back and tried to put a light kick in the attending, but did the attending read Yuki's joint movement? Avoid it with a piece of paper and grab the beak forcefully to open it.
"You can't go wild."
And I stabbed a syringe in your mouth to flow and injected it with medicine.
Hey, what a sophisticated move?
Every time I think about it, the restraint technique for Master Philorial, who doesn't like to be examined, has great stuff.
If you're accustomed to it, you can suppress it without medicine.
My raised philoreal hated it at first, and it was held down by medication, but since the third time around, I have been bailing on joint moves without medication.
I also taught my assistant, and I remember he was tedious.
"Ah... also, Master Yuen Kang..."
Yuki wants my help.
I saw those eyes. There's only one thing I can do.
"I'm on my way!
Your father-in-law is watching you rigidly.
"No, you can't. Move. I can't diagnose it properly."
"Dear Genkang,"
I'll grab Yuki's wings and reassure her.
You must have thought I'd smash the attending around the competition or something.
Unfortunately, I'm not such a short-circuited man.
More importantly, you can trust a doctor.
"I won't forgive you if you use any more of my philoreals to paralyze me!
"Oh, yes, yes. Heh... here's what's happening. Take some feathers and blood to analyze the factor... hey"
The attending doctor palpated Yuki, who couldn't move with tequila, before diagnosing her with various things.
"Yuki, it's a little patience later. It'll get better soon."
"Wow, okay, wow!
About two minutes?
The medicine that was hanging on Yuki has expired.
"Master Yuen Kang!
Yuki hurried up and shielded me.
You put up well.
I'm gonna hug Yuki and stroke her head and lift her.
"Oh? That's faster than expected. Well, good, I'm done with the diagnosis. You're healthy enough."
The attending physician is looking for koo as his next prey.
"Oh? Where is Koo?
"You ran away, didn't you? And Sakura."
Your father-in-law is watching Koo and Sakura escape.
"Father-in-law, you can't let them get away with this. He's the attending, so he'll see you properly."
"You're scared! I feel like I can count on something, but I have a fear that I can't get my hands or feet out!
Your rival is hugging your father-in-law when he looks like a dragon.
You can't keep Sakura with your father-in-law.
"What is that attending? I'm an alchemist and a researcher for once?
"Uh, it's a complicated story, would Yuen Kang say that you're from the future"
Your father-in-law explained my history to the attending.
I don't know if you believe me.
"I mean, what? Another world of possibilities, where I've met brave men?
"It will. Yuen Kang-kun can't recognize a normal woman as a woman, but Ruto said that she recognized it was a special relationship."
"In the future, he was the attending physician of Philotane and a lot of Filorials."
I remember when you managed the monster that was in your assistant's and father-in-law's territory.
I'm surprised you're here.
The attending answers with no interest whatsoever.
"I got the story. Either way, you're gonna let me check on your dragon, right?
"Ah, yes. If you want to take a good look... if you can, please go in the direction of no medicine."
"If you're not gonna bust me, I'm gonna look up."
"Well, you're not gonna tell me you don't know until you get it apart, are you?
"What are you going to do with it..."
I remember your father-in-law saying that the attending looked crazy and commonsense.
So this is the lab where the attending doctor was.
That's a place you can trust.
"Then put your tongue out... yes, open your mouth wide"
Your rivals are opening their mouths wide and showing their tongues to the attending.
Your doctor will check your mouth and then grab your belly with your left hand and reach for the back of your throat with your right hand.
"Hey, yeah... yeah..."
Your father-in-law and assistant are looking anxiously at you.
"Um, not very impotent..."
"There's a composite attribute reaction in the brace bag, an unusual reaction to the magic organs. Is this because this is a demon raised by a brave man?
The attending shrugs and squeaks and pulls his hand out to check his rivals' eyes, cheeks, and horns.
Rivals are slightly reluctant to be touched, but I rub against my father-in-law for better than getting my hands stuck in my mouth and stand still.
"Well, is this the place? For once, no problem. There's been a lot of discoveries, but there's nothing particularly serious about it."
"Ah... is that right"
"Hmm... there's a strange flow of magic."
The attending took a piece of paper nearby and started writing things like medical records.
Sooner or later, I'm starting to want to be able to do my Phylloreal-san medical exam at any time.
"What? Do you have any strange symptoms with the gaelion?
My assistant is anxious to ask my attending.
The attending will then smile gently to reassure you.
"That's not what you're saying. It's only the observation phase for now. Phyllo Real is a similar thing."
"Hey... I want you to stroke me."
"Uh, yes, yes. You've been very patient."
Your father-in-law is gently stroking your rival.
"You put up with it! He's better than Sakura!
Oh? Sakura and the others are coming home and they're ringing in front of the door of the room dissatisfied.
But I want to say something.
Sakura and the others are just very good at avoiding crises.
"Um, so there's something wrong with Gaelion?
"I've seen a lot of things about dragons in the lab, but the first thing I want to talk about is the pureblood species called the Dragon Emperor, which has been reported in part, so I don't care."
"The changes in the vocal cords are within your imagination and, of course, the philosophical ones. Well, if you want to teach humanities, you can do it, and you don't have to worry about it."
However, the attending doctor is scratching his head with a pen.
"Here's the point. There's a strange reaction around the magic and the heart... as if two creatures were forceful -"
"Gaw, gaw, what is it!
The rivals rang loudly to suppress the attending physician's words.
The attending physician is disturbed and muddled.
"Sister, I need you to listen to me, and the gaelions are watching the demons outside."
"Huh? But..."
Your rival will desperately squeal in your stepfather's ear.
"Yeah, I'll listen, you can come because it's okay if it feels like you saw it. Imia, please."
"Oh, yes."
My assistant and a mole who had been quiet until then left the room with their rivals.
"Um, so?
"Keep talking, it's like forcing two creatures into a state of union in a state of consciousness... but no. Seems like a much stronger fit. I should say creatures that have been arranged to do so from the beginning."
Oh, my God, I knew you had good arms originally, but did you just judge by the palpation and the gut from your mouth without using any major equipment?
I think he's a genius.
"I also thought you were obsessed with parasitic demons, but they're a little different. It's just that there's definitely something in her. I suggest you remove it."
"Uh... I don't think that's a problem, so don't worry about it"
"Oh? I think you should ask if there's any point in a medical exam."
"Well... if you're talking about Yuen Kang, you seem to be trustworthy, so I'll tell you, some of those gaelions..."
Your father-in-law explained that your competitor is a dragon emperor and that your assistant's raising parents are in your competitor's body.
You're a guy called a pseudo-dual personality.