Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)

Personality changes

"So, Mr. Laurick. Talk to us. What's it about?

"Yeah, that's the thing..."

Here's what Laurick and I are talking about.

They say this Rollick has a lord to serve, or a princess in the last seat who's been entrusted with escorts.

Sounds like you have little inheritance rights and one parent says you're a rich lady.

In a nutshell, my mouth is bad, I can't be honest, I'm prone to misunderstandings.

But when I see people in need, I help them in the shadows.

They say the roots are very sweet, even if it's a little hard on your personality.

So, Laurick and I have about two other people who have become the same knights, but you think each of them grew up together because of childhood training?

They say they were all good understanders of her.


"Do we need to talk about ourselves?

"Well, I didn't think we'd be able to talk without you knowing first..."

"So what happened?

"Was it about four months ago now..."

While I was enjoying my horseback riding, I heard that suddenly the young lady had fallen.

You don't know if it's a falling horse from standing, or if you happen to fall out of balance, it's Laurick's story.

"Then for about three days she was unconscious and wandered the frontier of life and death"

"Did you wake up three days later?

"Yes...... but -"

Let's get back to Laurick.

When she woke up, she said she was better at using words, more honest, more diplomatic.

"Personality changes?

"Yes, I will. It's just... sometimes the eyes that look at us are different from the ones she's had before... and they feel different."

"Isn't it possible if you have multiple personalities or something?

"Right. I was shocked when I hit my head... what a story I've seen on TV."

I have one, too.

It was essential to create a topic for both pigs to see through the drama.

I watched TV a lot at night because of that.

"That's not all. I'm trying to keep my distance from women who are trying to get along."

"Looks like you've become someone else completely."

"Yes, it just started with your parents and everyone around you is very happy. Recently, however, we said that we wanted to try the adventurer business… we know that she didn't like to kill before, and that she was a child tamer."

"Isn't that a personality change that comes from symptomatic amnesia or something?

"And... even the things I don't remember talking about have tempted me to just know everything... it's just... it's wrong. With my parents and brothers? There were too many things that bothered me to do with the cloudiness of my memories... and the other two told me that I felt similar discomfort."

Hmmm...... you're not coming with a pin.

Your father-in-law will moan too.

"What is it after all?

I asked Laurick as the smell irritated me.

I'm not sure. It's a request.

"I recently heard that the Four Holy Braves are capturing unidentified adventurers and aristocratic sons with a strong appetite for birth. The reason is the disaster caused by the waves and…"

I see. You're here to talk to me about whether or not your escort's under arrest.

"For once, you are narrowed down to the noble son who, although not a brave man, appears to have come from different worlds and who, since childhood, has emerged in mysterious headlines."


Long time no see!

"If you're suspicious, it's annihilation!

"Please! Please don't do that!

Oh? Laurick has begged me.

But I'm not stopping.

"Genkang, relax"

"What shall we do, Mr. Sue Wen? For once, it's an unprecedented pattern consultation, isn't it?

"Hmm... you remember something similar."

"Me, too."

"You've got a lot of stories rolling around in the world of scribbles and trees."

"I'm only too interested in VR games and interpersonal when it comes to smelling subculture. You don't know Yuen Kang."

"That's it!

"Was it in my world, too?

Smelt squeaks and squeaks and feels alienated without being in the circle.

You'll be fine. I don't know either.

Let's just take a gentle look at Nakarma and all.

Oh? You've got the smell and the gaze.

I've been sassy deviated.

What does that mean?

"Don't you remember smelling, too? Battle against the ghost princess of Merlomarc"

"Hmm? What is that princess? He was an unforgettable enemy in many ways..."

"It's a little different, to be exact, but remember how that ghost princess was before she showed up"

"Sure... you were moving on to a royal woman with inheritance rights... no way!?

I see your father-in-law figured out what he was trying to explain to the smelter.

"It's only possible, though. There is, isn't there? There's a story about dying in a pattern of stories that go to different worlds and being possessed by different people."

Your father-in-law's story was that the possessed subject had died, and he had moved on.

They're going to lose their souls and come in and live again instead.

They say there are other variations.

"You're mine, too. to an incompetent ability suspected of being real."

"There are so many different types of metastases..."

"Yeah, I don't know what our enemies are up to, but from previous trends, it's possible enough."

"But in that case..."

I'll swing the spear.

If you hit the entity first and the main body comes out, it's a bombing!

Then we're holding hands like Laurick begging.

"It's easier than ever being manipulated by someone else...... but let's explore another means. I don't think we're right about anything."

"Yeah, but suppose you were guessing, how do you strip the person in possession?

"There's an image of a demon versus a religious system."

"There was a ghost who took over the religion..."

Scenes and silence dominated the neighborhood.

I don't understand the difficult story. Dear Philorials and your assistants are tilting their necks.

Did the rivals understand?

"I wonder what to do..."

"Why don't you ask if there are any departments dealing with that in the country?

"Oh, that might be good. In the first place, I'm taking the liberty of talking, but actually, it could be a delusion due to a cloudy memory."

"Right. Then I did hear this request. I'll deal with it later."

"Mr. Laurick and the other two knights should take care of themselves as usual. If you're wrong, please don't leak this story."

When I told him that, Laurick nodded in relief, saluting him and then leaving.

What a troublesome case.

"So what do you actually do?

"I'm going to talk to the treatment center and the church to see if there are any cases in the past. It could be in the legacy of the brave, right?

"Didn't you already do it? How do we solve this from a legacy like that?

"'Our guarding princess may be being taken over by someone else,' what can we go and talk about? You asked me to keep it a secret."

"Paying in church... if it's done in the pattern we assumed it would only be gagging."

"I've heard it from pigs familiar with occult in the past. They say there are other countries that call evil spirits demons and pay for them. Of course, children who say things they don't care about say they have demons and abuse them."

"There's something wrong with Yuen Kang..."

Oh? Did I make a mistake?

"Is that why it's a brave job?

Smelt makes sense, too.

What about me?

One day, someone who's not herself takes over her body is...

"In that case, once upon a time your father-in-law took over consciousness with a cursed weapon and acted like someone else."

"Yikes... that story coming out again?

Your father-in-law answered like he was stuck in trouble with words.

I don't want you to get me wrong, my father-in-law was a good man then, too.

It turned out to be hostile.

"I don't mean as a help desk, but I think I was gathering information on reincarnators and trippers, and I brought it in as an example. I thought you said you were suspicious.