Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Pig King's Pet
"You have a similar story in my world..."
"Is it the same as Namahara... I do think there was a similar subspecies of Santa Claus or something"
"You're the one who's scared to be called Mind Eater or Magic Poisoner. If we get caught, we'll suck our spirits out directly, and we'll pour poison directly into our magic and we won't be able to use magic for a long time... or we'll fail to use it. And my consciousness erodes."
"Dangerous monsters are everywhere."
"Is that it? I heard that the Four Saints Brave came from Siltvert..."
Your father-in-law will see me for what the attending says.
What is it? If they see you that much, they'll light you up, won't they?
Then it looks like you're gradually checking your weapon items.
"There it is! There it is! He's knocking it down without realizing it!
"Danger! There was such a dangerous demon!
"It was just a demon when it was a game, but was it such a dangerous demon!
"You're not very strong."
The attending will snort when I say it.
On the other hand, you feel like your father-in-law is staring at me somehow.
"Well, you don't have a lot of simple combat skills."
"If you lose, you won't be stylish."
"When it was a game, I thought I had a lot of experience for the same LV enemy... did it have this back?"
"Were you hunting, by the way?
"No, there was a more efficient guy"
Smelting is now an honest answer, too.
"Mr. Lato is currently doing research that makes that distinction?
"Yeah. Shall I? I thought so. Fortunately, it seems like another department is ahead and doing a lot of things, but it doesn't seem to be going very well."
"That's gonna take a while."
"Isn't it hard to clean up the mess if you don't see an end in the short term?
"Money is gathering, so I see that with the help of the Four Sacred Braves, it will come to an unexpected end soon."
"Maybe the nobles are helping us or something? May the child of the house not be the invader..."
"Half of it. Seems like the other half is offering money to stop it, but that's reckless before the Four Holy Braves, right?
You have all sorts of forces in the world in the dark.
Let me tell you something, this time the pig should be crisp.
However, it's troubling that you don't even know it considering your father-in-law's attention.
I can't snort when Sakura tells me to kill her because she was attached to an evil spirit, etc.
So, the attending physician and other alchemists are developing tools that make a real distinction between fake and real.
"Well, no. I know we can use some help too... what should we do?
"Right. Do the Four Holy Braves know what I can do?
I'll put my hands up.
I know in the first world why the attending physician is the attending physician.
"Bye, from Spear Brave."
"I can't speak Mandarin. I hear you can talk to Master Phil Real."
"Uh... well, there's no mistake. I can talk to demons to a certain extent, to be exact."
"Windia can do it too, can't she?
"Right. Now, if there's a gaelion, it won't be necessary."
"You don't need three."
"Why am I in a stream like a two-army quote, a retard?
Your doctor will stare at us half-eyed.
"I just said I'm just like Windia."
"Windia just said that if we were to talk to demons regardless, if we had gaelions and philoreals, we wouldn't need them."
"I just pressed just in case I was already there, and my mouth just slipped so temperamentally."
Your attending will open the back door of the room and invite you to smell and tree.
You have a demonic shadow in the back.
Smelt and trees boom their necks.
"Cohon! In the meantime, I can talk to demons to a certain extent. I mean, even demons who instinctively understand about souls."
"The gaelion seemed to know..."
"Didn't I tell you I couldn't tell? Why don't you ask the other kids?
"... you know what?"
"It's just that... when it comes to an order like that, it takes a lot of elements like their intelligence. Soul Vacuums aren't very smart demons, so they're not helpful."
The attending will answer the sigh.
"I mean, what am I supposed to do?
"We need a smart soul vacuummer, whether it's a guiding principle to make tools or whatever...... can you figure it out later? Dear Four Holy Braves, who are raising a special filorial and dragon"
Your father-in-law just noticed the attending's provocation.
"If we raise the Soul Vacuum Mer's abilities with the skill of a brave man and deposit it with Mr. Rato, can we accelerate our research?
I said, "Well, I want you to see it hanging in a castle, but can't you?
"Well, isn't it good? It was like grabbing a cloud."
"Right, I think it's easy to understand and good too"
"That's it!
Your father-in-law was slightly thinking about it, but he nodded.
"I get it. I'll take care of the Soul Vacuum."
"If I could, I'd ask for nurturing from young individuals, and when I grow up, wisdom changes little, so many people are mistaken, but wisdom and intelligence are different, right?
"Copy that. Well... let's try it briefly"
This is how we went back to the castle and ordered our soul vacuum mers.
That's why my father-in-law left my soul vacumer toddler in the castle and we all had a crisp LV lift.
"A blue-white glowing mite...... right. I knew it was huge."
That's a big blemish that's reaching three meters in length.
It's glowing lightly at night.
We honestly follow our competitors when they point to us.
That's very similar to a demon named Dune that your stepfather grew up in the village.
"The Japanese cartoon that I was in seems to be called Nozuchi or something. It seems like a monster boy who jumps his hair or something."
"Is that Windia?
"... why my name?
That's a few days in terms of days.
Thank you. I feel like I've forgotten something lately.
"What demonic girl... pretty different?
"I thought it was from the atmosphere."
Your assistant is staring at the smell, and your stepfather is asking.
"Sounds like it's true to say you eat souls, doesn't it? At all, I don't eat when I feed you. And yet near the demon that knocked him down, it felt like he was smoking something."
"There's nothing to say there's no waste..."
"It's economical."
"If you don't hang the money, are you okay?
"You don't say gaelion eating and living the soul of the demon you defeated, do you?
"Don't do it if you want to! If that bothers you, the gaelion can eat the summers, but it's okay!
"I don't know about that either..."
Your father-in-law is stroking the head of a soul vacuum.
You're still responding well.
Your father-in-law basically doesn't hate you for keeping demons.
Is it because you take care of Mame?
"I've also recently come to grasp a good way to operate Soul Eater Spear!
My God, this spear, if you stick it right, it only pulls through the soul part of the prey.
Well, I need a lot of tricks, so it's hard to pull it off successfully.
You could have said that you would drain your soul and use it as bait without harming your flesh.
The question is, do you have any idea if it fell out of my sight?
I don't have psychosis myself.
It's hard not to be in the Grievance class.
"You've grown somewhat for now. Was it from a toddler body in Mr. Lato's story?
"It's been a little rough."
"You can take a soul vacuum mare raised in a castle... it was amazing."
With that said, you made me look at you when you gave in.
It looks like a big swollen soul vacuum merger reigned as the boss.
Sounds like a queen or something like that.
If you do it badly, it will be where I am crushing a blow.
This is King Pig's pet, by the way.
"Don't get that big when people get it. I just didn't really think about it."
I remember a rival trying to talk to you and giving up.
I don't know what you call a demonic conversation, but it's hard.
In that regard, it's very easy and good to know what Master Philorial is talking about.
It's a fluke.