Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
North Ferrato Great Forest
"What does it look like to see a reincarnator or something like that now?
I said as my stepfather looked at the lupe borrowed from my attending doctor.
"In fact, don't you understand in one shot?
"Either way, it's gonna be hard not to let the phantoms leave, right?
"Sounds like Yuen Kang could do it. I was just doing it."
"Using the power of a soul vacuum mer, it seems to work in cases like this one, but is the reincarnated body more personable?
"I mean the person's body from birth... maybe I can't..."
That's a difficult issue.
But isn't it a good idea to try it?
And then, by the way, when I pulled my soul out of the Soul Eater Spear and saw the reborn nobleman who had the axe hidden in his name as an experiment, it turned out that the appearance of the soul and the flesh was very different.
To add, it was originally the same for the inhabitants of this world.
"I wonder what would have happened if I'd done this to that princess?
And your father-in-law was squealing.
Well, this is how your father-in-law said you could defeat the maiden gay soul metastasizer, and your attending physician's research could be advanced to improve the rate of enemy discovery.
I can't help feeling like I forgot.
You knocked down a pig who got on a pig yesterday.
If you say so, the wave schedule is empty.
It's Castle Morning.
After breakfast, your father-in-law is checking the schedule of waves happening around the world.
Yuki and the others went out for a walk in the morning.
The competitors are similar.
If there's nothing in particular, you'll be studying with your father-in-law in the castle.
"Shouldn't you say it's empty, not empty? It's a matter of the Queen's jurisdiction, the brave man of Merlomarc's wand."
"Oh, I see. Is there anything you can do in the meantime?
"Father-in-law, it's time to do a massive cultivation of Master Philorial."
"Talk about it again..."
"Well, it was about time we really wanted to increase our personnel, and it's not a bad hand, is it?
Oh! Your father-in-law favored your permission.
You have to do it.
"Sure... I don't know what I would do to a pig king without some more company..."
"Right. We'd like to increase the number of personnel."
"But you want to avoid the outburst of your comrades who come out talking about ex-health."
No smell, no tree. Apparently not the other way around.
Then you can do a great deal of searching for the Firo Tan that was on hold.
"Now it's time for me to find you, Philo. Now you can do it because you have a lot of financial resources."
When I went to Siltvelt, I bought it up with the reward for sending your father-in-law.
When you stayed in Merromark, you took it back from San-Yung Church.
Forbray's next, right?
"Now we'll use Forebray's finances to buy it up."
"I said buy up or something!
"Well... that seems to be all we have, and we have the right amount of money..."
"It's a hassle to nurture."
"Don't worry! Last time..."
I remembered it somewhere.
Blue sea, white clouds, and revitalization.
"It's time for the activation phenomenon on Carmilla Island!
"In a gaming event, is it an EXP Increment event?
"That's it! Some magic on Carmilla Island can only be used by brave men, so I think it's good to go!
"Heh, there's such an event going on?
The smell and the trees are very different. The tension is different now.
The smell and the trees were motivated at the time of the event for whatever reason, but they are now calm.
"The LV limit is generally applied. So, based on our LV, I think we're already hooked on the LV limit."
"Right. Genkang, how far to the LV is the Carmilla Island event?
Mm...... two LV lifting maniacs this reaction.
Those are boring people.
More excitement, yes!
"It's crisp up to 80."
"You know, it's a little uncomfortable for us right now."
"Right. I'm not excited about not joining you."
"It's not that delicious for users with max LV, but it feels like a subsequent LV lift event..."
Your father-in-law was caught by both of you and your tension is slightly lower.
Dear Philo Real, I have a plan as it is...!
"What are you frightened of? It's a glorious event where your father-in-law pulled us out of strength."
Your father-in-law realized the secret of our strength and made a great leap forward in the exchange of views between the brave men that took place at this time.
At the same time, we're on our way to doom.
"It's no exaggeration to say that if we didn't go to Carmilla Island, your father-in-law would never have been stronger than he was."
"I guess so... well, I'll use LV to improve the qualities that are in the enhancement method or something, and if it's a delicious event, why not join me?
"It was a series of fights. Some people want to take a break, right?
Hmm... I don't think you're all in the mood.
Eclair came into the room where she said.
"Excuse me. Hmm? What's going on?
"Ah, Mr. Eckler. Mr. Eckler, is that what happened?
"No, I don't have any particular problems, but I didn't hear about the Brave Men's plans in the near future."
"What shall I do if I hear a request from the King in Forbray? Is that a story? After that, he said he was going to a place called Carmilla Island."
"I see, activation... then it's going to happen around here in a month or so, right?
"It's your first ear."
You have revitalization outside of Carmilla Island.
Well, if you think about it, it's a natural phenomenon, of course.
"They say there will be a similar event in the woods called the Great Forest of North Ferrato. It's a little over the mountains."
"Adventurers around here are already starting to travel to the Great Forest of North Ferrato," he said, "if we don't make it to Carmilla now, we won't be able to make it in time."
"We can go to Merromark neighborhood on the portal. Need to hurry..."
"Either way, it's for LV lifting. From what we have now, it's going to be a bottom-up."
"Isn't that good for increased combat? I want enough power to challenge the waves without a brave man. If that's what you mean, it's an advantage to be able to use both Carmilla Island and the North Ferrato Forest."
That's right, that's right.
I'll side with your stepfather.
"I'll find you, Philo, and I'll show you."
"That's what Yuen Kang said, and shouldn't it be time to cooperate fully with Yuen Kang's wishes?
"I got in trouble scattered..."
"Nevertheless, if it weren't for Yuan Kang, we would have been a clown playing farce, and should we help him for a little while? Was that the cultivation of philoreal?
"No, you're not. The first step is to discover Phyllo Tan. I can't throw it away, even if the philoreal I bought wasn't Phyllo."
"I'll raise you either way, but in the first world, you want to reunite with a kid named Philo, whom I raised."
Oh! Your father-in-law guessed what I was trying to say.
This ex-health, I'm so thrilled, I can't stop crying.
"Sounds like a rough hit. But are we going to talk about finding a needle that fell into a desert like that?
"You're sure we're talking about grabbing the clouds. Genkang, do you have any leads?
"Well... you're unlikely to find it if you buy a Filorial egg for no purpose."
Your father-in-law said something similar last time.
So I told my father-in-law what I had done to borrow his wisdom.
"When the first waves of the first world passed, Sang-wen made him companion named Filo..."
"We don't have the technique to know where we bought it right now."
"Yuen Kang-kun thought it was suspicious around the demon merchant who had made it a guess around that time, so he saw the period around going to Siltvelt and bought it up..."
It won't start without identifying where your stepfather got the filotan.
I've never met Philotane around here before.
You're worried about the neighborhood.
"What kind of guy is that Philo in the first place?
The smell has now been heard.
What do you mean you don't know?
What do you mean, you just explained it to me and you don't remember?