
Shaft the spear and take a slight peek.

"Second Shield"

Your father-in-law will get in the way once in a while!

You won't lose!

"You can't just leave Mr. Sue Wen to me! I use my skills too! Bush camouflage!"

You used skills that trees had never heard of before!

Then the tip of the hedge I was about to see was blocked by mysterious grass trees.

What is it, this?

You have no idea what kind of skill it is right now.

"It's like the skill of putting out bushes to hide, but there are ways to use them."

"Hmmm...... then this is me, sword defense!

Many swords stood before me to reinforce the hedge as the smell protruded the sword to the ground.

"Guardianship skills?

"Sounds like it. It looks like Sang-wen's shield can block the opponent's attack. The difficulty is you have to stick your sword to the ground."

Ku... you possess troublesome skills.

This is not easy to see!


"I have a mission to see everyone naked and enhance their beauty!

"What are you talking about by turning it on!

"I just heard that the adventurers and women staying on the island are basically not coming in at this hour."

"I don't know... even a strange woman would nod if she wanted to see her naked..."

"What's so fun to see a pig naked?

"Is Filo Real Good?

"You can say it. I think you can say it. Do it yourself in the room."

"It makes sense to see it in the bath! A woman's beauty is enhanced by being seen in a bath."

"I think every night, do you really have that element?

"You don't... I don't like it if it does"

Your father-in-law is leaking some kind of sigh.

"You can see how hard it's been around you so far."

"Even if you can figure that out..."

"By the way, your father-in-law is mostly just soaking up hot springs. Let's see it together!

Speaking of which, Sakura once kidnapped me to Woman Yu.

"I'd like to avoid it if I could..."

Your father-in-law answered with some far-sightedness.

"Even in the first world, your stepfather didn't seem very interested in peeking."

"You deserved it because you were a woman and you had terrible eyes!

"Your sister rushed after your father-in-law when she caught us snooping around."

"Didn't you think I was snooping?

"Then I'm impressed that you seemed sorry for a while. So I'm sure he wanted you to see it."

Even before I wake up to true love, I can guess about that.

I'm sure your sister wanted you to see it.

That's what love is.

"Do you connect there..."

"Oh, um..."

"Hmm? What's going on, Imia?"

You can hear the Ecclair and the others talking.

"Well, I think it would be a good idea for the brave shield to see how big we've grown..."

"What are you talking about, Imia?

"Uh... excuse me"


Eclair is in some kind of trouble.

"Imia, you have to take care of yourself more. Even Lord Ivatani. I can tell you're getting older even if you're wearing clothes."


"What! You've got more people! Don't let Samia look at it with you!

"Don't solicit me!

"Poka poker......"

Sakura's picking up time.

I heard zabun and blisters along with the sound of a pong.

Perhaps Sakura lost interest in a peek and started to sleep half in the bath.

"One less obstacle for Mr. Eclair......?

"I hope so. That's Yuen Kang! Come on, man!

Whoa! The tree's shooting at me.

It hits my abdomen softly, but it doesn't hurt or itch.

"Ku...... isn't it enough to hold Mrs Yuen Kang back!

"I can't help it! Magically suppress it!

"Smelting is ice magic, isn't it? Rejected because the hot springs freeze!

"The situation stinks too much! Eclair! Get out of the hot springs now!

"You don't even dip in the hot springs slowly!

Your father-in-law puts out a regular shield of obstruction, so we can't peek into women's water yet tonight.

"Even if we ask the hotel people to take another bath, they want to get close to Mengkang and Phil Real."

"Do you give up already?

"I don't know if that's a hand... but I feel compelled to disagree as to why"

"Because it stinks of crime... If I say it and make it like it, Yuen Kang Kun's side is going to lose interest too... the pattern because I disagree"

"Would you like to try it again?

"So in this hotel, a spear brave man peeks into a woman's water and gives her a scent?

Your father-in-law has a heated argument.

Ku... the obstacles your father-in-law put out are even bigger than you think!

It makes sense to peek at a limited number of hedges in restricted circumstances.

"For now, Mr. Eckler. If you want to come in slowly, please come in later."

"Okay! Guys! You've washed your body thoroughly already, haven't you? It's time to get out!

"I haven't had Yuen Kang look at me yet."

"Hmm... Shh..."

"Gaelion didn't peek into the man's water!

"Take a peek and tell me what to do!

"Ha... noisy"

I'm impressed your assistant sounded weak.

Eventually my voice went far.

Khu... Your father-in-law's skills have been defeated today! You're not gonna lose next time!

"By the way, smell, tree... you notice?

Your father-in-law seems to care about you.

"" Oh, I think I'm leaving now ""

"" I can't seem to see it. ""

"" Go home - ""

Looking over, it looks like the Philorials staying on the ship from the outside are getting off the ship and looking at this one from the far side of the mountain.

You have very good eyes.

I don't know what you're doing right now.

"Oh, keep the philoreals together long enough, will you?

"I know, but... why are you observing the hot springs?

"Do you want me to understand or something?

"Weren't you watching the peep noise? I wonder if it's completely round from the outside..."

"How about peeking like sniping from afar?

"Tree, for once, if you have a child peering from afar, please use a paralytic bullet to snipe."

"Ok...... so why don't you stop by each of your personal baths......"

"Right. Didn't Mr. Eckler and the others go that way?

"Damn it! Every night, every night, there's a nasty battle!

We left the bath behind.

I hear your father-in-law later bathed in a small bath for personal use.

Don't you see how good an open-air bath is?

That's how the days of Carmilla Island went by in no time.

"" "Cacca!

"" "Wow!

There is a heavenly sight unfolding on the beach where the philoreals are enjoying themselves thoughtfully.

Thanks to your father-in-law's administration, there are no restrictions on access to the island like the last one, and all the Philorials have grown up.

I'm very sorry to hear that even with all this Phyllo Real, there was no Phyllo Tan.

"I wonder what it is. When you see so many philological sights on the coast, you feel like you've spoiled them."

"You know what I did, right?

"That's a spectacular thing. I'm glad you're here. So, Mr. Wen Wen, has the study of philoreal progressed?

"I didn't do it myself, but I made an observation on Mame with the breeders, didn't I? It's supposed to be slight or non-existent, but when it comes to filorial queens and kings, it shows up big."

"Then I'll throw it -! Everybody's gonna get it right."

"" "Yes!

I'm obsessed with playing with Master Filorial on the coast.

Oh, it's still heaven here.

Blue sea, white clouds...... all you have to do is stay Phyllo Tan afterwards.