Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
The creatures of Wowabami.
"But it's fun."
And it looks like your father-in-law is enjoying this hunt.
Well, underwater warfare is rare, and I hear your sister's sister specializes in underwater.
The sea is clear and beautiful.
Problem is, my stepfather and I don't have any experience.
I'll go in with the others.
"Naofumi, if we take a break on a nearby island, why don't we go deep with your sister later? I have a recommendation for your sister, don't I?
"Right... Looks like Larsa still wants to look in the sinking boat earlier, wondering how far she can go... when I think about Sadina's strength or something..."
"I'm all right. Naofumi and the other kids are hanging in there."
"What! Let's go deeper! Yep... to the point where Philo Real can't come!
"Mmm! Sakura, you can't lose."
"It's Shaq who loses to the Dragon!
"Am I supposed to say that? You can't exercise too much to get into a race, can you?
A rival tells Yuki provocatively.
Come on, or I'll stab you to death, okay?
"Ku... I regret it"
Yuki said in remorse.
I know how that feels.
"Why are you so close?"
"What? Philo Real is a rival!
"Oh? I thought you said you didn't like her because you cared about her health.
"Gaelion, was it Tundre..."
"Hey, what!? No, you're not! That's not what Gaelion said!
Your rivals are panicking about your sister's words.
That's right!
There's no way a competitor can be worried about Master Phil!
It's surprisingly bad for your sister.
"Well, maybe we should get out some full-scale underwater gear when we get there. Let's just take a meal break and then we'll decide."
"I get it!
"Then follow me to Mr. Sadina and he'll take you to the boat."
"Yes. Sister, I'll do my best."
That's what I said. Your sister-in-law grabbed you. Your father-in-law moves on.
"Uh, I'm staying!
Your rivals and Sakura will follow.
Then Yuki, let's go.
"I get it!
I'll follow.
Somehow, your sisters seem to be familiar with your father-in-law.
That's as good a delicacy as Phyllo Tan relied on.
So, we took a break on the beach on the nearby island.
Panda seems to be taking care of the salvaged currency.
Again, this kind of place would mean mercenaries.
Speaking of which, he seemed to take care of the money your father-in-law gave you last time around.
Do you like this kind of work?
"What can you do with all this... booze? No, make new gear..."
You also seem to be thinking about sharing.
"Mr. Larsa? Enjoying yourself?
"Oh, I regret it, but I'm enjoying it a lot..."
Panda will answer your father-in-law's question invincibly.
Isn't it gold you enjoy?
"That's more than anything. So, there's something I'd like to ask you to do later, can you consider it positively?
When your father-in-law hears you insignificantly, the panda will look at your father-in-law's face with vicoon and all his hair upside down.
What's your reaction?
"What do you want!?
"You don't have to be so vigilant..."
"Oh? Then we'll have fun and make a scene with your sisters tonight. Sasa and I like our sisters."
"The purpose is to drunk your temper! You walrus monsters!
What are you talking about?
The panda seems to be mistaken.
I'm sure it's because your sister's sister prefers alcohol.
What your father-in-law wants to do is solicit pandas.
"All the creatures of Wowabami are out of their minds..."
Bollybolly and your father-in-law will scratch your cheek.
"I'm not wrong about you!
"Mr. Sadina also creates misunderstandings, so shut up for a second."
Your father-in-law will put his index finger on his mouth and watch out for your sister's sister.
Then I shook it toward the panda.
"I'm asking you, Larsa, to hire you. I want you to be one of us as a mercenary."
Then the panda scratches its head slightly troublesome to see where it was threatened earlier.
"I see. Does that mean you want to solicit your temper as a force of war? Is that why you did so much trouble and mixed it up in a circle and forced him to go hunting?
"Yes, will it? Well, I had a lot of fun talking to Larsa, so that's not everything. I guess I want to be with you in a lot of ways."
"The rhetoric is good. I don't know where you were interested. It's not cheap, is it?
Your father-in-law will play a piece of gold to the panda and give it to you.
"Yeah. We'll do business with a lot of things, including the term of employment, of course. I don't want to make this a bad story."
Panda will receive the gold coin your father-in-law played and laugh invincibly at your father-in-law's face.
Then, as I gave up a little, I answered with a sigh.
"I get it. Totally... sounds like a good break, but it's gonna be a rough job."
"I won't let you lose it. Mercenaries are always next to death, and being with me doesn't change that."
"It's nice to understand. Ma -"
"Sasa's idol plan, right? Naofumi."
A word from your sister's sister is about to make the panda fall.
Do pandas not like your sister's sister?
"Sadina, that's just about it...... well, I agree that Larsa will make you cute as far as she's happy"
"I knew you were going to toy with me!?
"So don't worry, I'm not. I just want to see Mr. Larsa, who's gotten cute too."
The panda doesn't seem to be showing any signs of loosening its guard.
"" "Brother's brought lunchbox Ume!
What a panda subordinate in between, the Beast Man was obsessed with eating lunch made by his stepfather.
By the way, your father-in-law has been behaving like a cook ever since with the monster he hunted.
"Yunkan-kun, it looks like Yuki's exercise is over. What are you going to do?
"That's right. In the meantime, we'll get Yuki back to the building early and we'll have our next meeting with the producers."
Estimate is, I guess I'll run somewhere and grab my senses.
I remember making such plans.
I think they did say something about grabbing the feeling of running the lawn.
"Yeah, I got it."
"Oh? So your sister should send it?
Your sister cares about you.
"It's no problem. I have a portal."
"That's it! So, Yuki, do you want to go home because you're done eating too?
"I get it! Moderate exercise, moderate diet! This is for the race, too."
"Then Yuen Kang, I'll be home in the evening"
"Yes, you are. Portal Spear!"
And I took Yuki back to Zeltbull first.
By the way, that's when Panda, who was surprised that I disappeared in the transfer, came back here to tell me that your stepfather had realized that he was a brave man.
I went to the producer on that foot and asked for instructions.
I still had the practice of reminding Yuki of the feeling of the lawn.
Yuki was also satisfied with the lawn condition, but the problem surfaced when she stepped on it with all her strength, saying the lawn would peel off with Bellon.
For this reason, I was forced to practice running fast without grass.
"Hey, that was fun."
Your father-in-law returned on the portal with some great excitement.
Was there anything good going on after that?
"Oh? Where did the panda go?
Behind your stepfather is only your sister's sister, Sakura, with an assistant and a mole.
Where are the competitors?
"Uh... I don't need to hear that Mr. Larsa is going to row home with a salvaged treasure full of canoes. I said I'd help, but I didn't ask him if he was okay, so I left him."