Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
The ghost the shield brave saw.
"Hey, what's up? Is it hard to talk after a fight between brave men?
Your sister's sister and panda are watching us alternately.
"Can you help me if I talk to you right after I uncover the conspiracy?
"Mm, you can't. It's not the same time they took me away."
"What can you do with caution that your daughter will be taken away by the debt cat?
The trees will shut up.
"If you pay bad attention, you'll be suspicious. There's no evidence of Yuen Kang's story. Do you believe in normal people even when they explain it to you?
"You can't. I wouldn't believe it."
"Lord Amaki... well, so did I. It's a hard story."
"If I said I wanted to solicit you as a brave man, would that Mr. Leesia come? Would you rather devote that much enthusiasm to the tree?
"If you think about it, it might still be better now... He's a man and a brave man who can be nice to you even if you get hurt."
"I see... but if I remember the date they took me away, I'll be able to make my way."
"The trees are going to feel backwards then."
When the smell told him so, the tree leaned back slightly and went into the groove.
"Ok...... it's fine with my loss. But, Motoko, I'm going to give you a proper date, so let me help Mr. Leesia by pushing my back subtly."
"My father-in-law cautioned me. You got it."
"Ha... how did this happen"
"It was actually a difficult problem to make it all the fault of Yuen Kang... In a chronological sense."
"A brave man is a tough topic to talk about."
"Oh yeah. But I'm just curious."
And, well, after we talked about it, we were each supposed to do what we planned for today.
It's after lunch like that.
Your father-in-law came to us looking blue and having lunch.
Beginning with Eclair, each of your sister's sisters and pandas is free to move.
"Guys! I saw a ghost!
You have a very pressing look.
Is it a ghost now?
"What is a ghost... Mr. Sumimoto, don't you remember how many times you've fought ghosts, ghosts, evil spirits before?
"That's not what I'm saying! Here's the thing... someone who talked to me about wanting me to help him disappeared for a second!
"Why don't you just make it Fawbray, make it Merlomarc, and take proper steps?
"Right. Maybe she's a traitorous bitch near a metastasizer, isn't she?
"Sure, she was a woman with some kind of luscious vibe, but she looked different than the type who betrayed her!
That trait will code you as the red pig on the other side of your memory.
But that's what your father-in-law says, so I guess there's a difference.
"How is it different?
"Mm-hmm. It's hard to explain, but you seemed like you were in real trouble. The shield jewel glowed when I said I couldn't do my job or ask for a special favor."
The shield jewels glowed?
You'll see the jeweled part attached to the center of your stepfather's shield.
Maybe there's something about the brave man's weapon reacting.
"Maybe there's something there when the jewels glow."
"It could be an enemy trap, huh? Don't let them touch you cheaply."
"Yes, I am!
Your father-in-law will look at me.
"Is there anything that Yuen Kang knows?
With your father-in-law's questions, I'll take a deep look.
First of all, you don't know anyone like that.
Maybe you'll be my first father-in-law in the world, but I don't know if I'm wrong.
Is there something at this time of year?
Well, it's about the end of the revitalization of Carmilla Island, so it's about time we in the first world started our stupid barbarism.
You have too many incidents and your memory is cloudy these days.
Even the last loop was a troublesome time for smelting and trees to revive spiritual turtles, so you shouldn't have cared if a ghost like that showed up.
"There isn't."
"Look, it must be the first time that Yuen Kang has said that he doesn't know anything about the loop."
"Hmm... was it my fault?
"If you care so much, why don't you rent Mr. Lato a lupe?
"Right. It's too creepy to see ghosts, so I tried not to use them, but let me borrow them."
"If you can successfully use the Soul Eater weapon that Yuan Kang has, don't you see it without a lupe?
"Can you see it?
After that, there was a discovery that I could see my soul after experimenting with all sorts of things I could do at Soul Eater Spear.
I'm sure that's the essence of the exclusive effect of soul eating.
The legendary weapon is deep.
"Are you a soul vacuum merchant from us?
"When was the Soul Eater the demon that emerged from the waves in the first place?
"That's Merlomarc's second wave. Sometimes it was about a month ago."
Your father-in-law will look at me slowly and slightly.
"Um, surely the Queen of Merlomarc let it work out?
"That's what you said. I guess that's when they came out."
"Last time around, I was in. You caught a tree alive."
"I was definitely being used by the princess, wasn't I? You captured me alive... what kind of torture would you have done if Yuen Kang had caught me alive?
Torture is rude.
It's about the point of sprinkling water or forcing your meal to screw into your mouth.
"I caught you so your people wouldn't kill you."
"What did someone who abandoned Mr. Leesia..."
"Trees, I know you have them in your roots, but they're out of line."
"Seems like nobody was busy except Mr. Leesia... well, I know how you feel"
"The tree I caught says your father-in-law's special meal, 'I won't take it from evil,' so I just threw it into your mouth forcefully. The others were loud, so you put them to sleep on Sleepspear."
"Imprisonment torture... you know the pain of the last tree in your hands"
"I'm still suffering enough!
Thanks for the stalking pig.
I don't understand stalkers!
"But Mr. Leesia, you seemed better than I thought. I'm surprised, too."
"I know it's Yuen Kang and I who are at fault... but that's the only salvation"
"I hope you're feeling better like this"
"Back to the story, I hear the tree was used for the good of that princess and king, and the Sanyoshi. It did happen until the revolution."
"That's horrible to think about. On the side of justice, evil deeds are trivial... you no longer know what's right. Among other things, you can save those in need like Mr. Leesia... it's really hard to be just."
The tree has been snorting many times since it looked like it was frightening.
I suppose so.
The last time the tree was worn out.
"In fact, I think Yuen Kang, who caught him alive, had a big problem."
"But Sanyoshi tried to kill his fiancée in front of your stepfather, and raised the suspicion of kidnapping to make him guilty, didn't he? The tree didn't listen to me at all because of justice."
"I know you deserve it... but you want me to listen to them for a little while. Last time I was..."
"Well, because your father-in-law's reputation was too high, the revolution was more difficult than it was before, when the Siltvelt army attacked him."
"So you looped it?
"No, you're not. That's when your father-in-law stood forward and negotiated to protect Merlomarc from the Siltvelt army."
"... if you only look at what you're doing, you're always acting like a hero."
"I'm actually a good looking after geek."
"Hey, why am I being scorned?
"Well, it's Yuen Kang's testimony, and you can't help but hear Mr. Suen shine"
"I must have fled to Zeltbull and triumphed with the Allied forces led by the Queen to face bravery."
I'm probably not wrong, so I'll snort.
Well, I think the smell helped you with the smell, huh?
This smell seems to be low on self-esteem for some reason.
"Looks like you rode a winning horse. The trees must have been miserable."
"I guess."
"When you had something, you were looking for fried legs. It was like I had to be bad."
The tree has a bitter look.
Well, from me, I've seen it, but from the tree, there's no reason.