Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
I'm not gonna explain.
"Well, I've only heard a little, but you say Atla? Doesn't that sound similar because it's a polite way to talk, just like Yuki?
"I guess so. You'll see the difference later."
"So, my queen, is there something for Mr. Fowl and Mr. Atra?
The tree will ask the queen.
Then the queen softened her eyes slightly as she hid her mouth with a fan.
"Right. It'll take a little while to explain that, okay?
"Ha ha..."
The queen who received the acknowledgement closed her fan and began to speak.
"My late husband, Ortoclay, was originally named Rouge-Lancer Rose, a wand brave, and had a distant, blind sister of the year"
"Of the eye... the invisible sister..."
Smelting and trees have shifted her gaze from the Queen to Fowl and her sister, including your stepfather.
What is it? Do scumbags have all sorts of births?
I remember hearing something, but I'm a little forgetful.
"There are a lot of problems with this Rouge's birth, but isn't it okay to save it there?"
"Shall I tell you? The real name for this Rouge is Rouge-Lancers-Fobray. He was the thirtieth son of Faubray to inherit the throne."
"Originally Prince of Forbray? Well, I'm the only one with a royal family, so it's no wonder you said that."
Your father-in-law is nodding like he's convinced.
Well, there was a lot going on in Forbray.
"The last one, but yes. But there was a case where he was stripped of his throne, and that's how Hakuko killed all of his parents and close relatives."
"You're living a turbulent life."
"You were born with some kind of cartoon."
"Fortunately, Rouge and his sister were helped without being on the scene, but Faubrey did not pursue Siltvert for political reasons for the blame for the incident then. That's why Rouge migrated to our country, where he had strong grudges against both Faubray and Siltvert, and where he was hostile to the subpeople."
"Oh, that's why you hated the brave man of the shield."
"The loop so far shows why."
This is the story my fiancée told me about last time or last time.
Siltvelt even killed my son, didn't he?
"No, Yuen Kang said it before."
"So? And what's Mr. Atra got to do with it?
The tree will ask you the core.
"It doesn't hurt to put it in my eyes in such a rouge. A blind sister was left on the spot by Hakuko's hand... so much blood that she would have died. Then Rouge raised more vengeance and, after all these years, defeated Hakuko, who was king of Siltvelt."
"Uh... I see"
I nodded as if the smell had convinced me.
"Yes, as the brave men have guessed, Mr. Atra's face is Lucia and Melon, Rouge's precious sister."
Ooh... so the scumbag settled with your stepfather after Fowl's sister died.
"If so, Mr. Fowl and Mr. Atra may be the children of that king's sister."
"Right. Isn't that probable?
Fowl and his sister have a troubled look here.
"No... even if they say that, I don't know my mother's birth."
"Is that your mother? I'm not sure because I passed away before I even thought about it."
You were a relative of scum. With that said, this was certainly why scumbags cared about Fowl after the war with Faubray.
I remember a foul crying at your father-in-law.
"Yuen Kang, don't look like another human resource person. Remember this well, because if you go well, you can convince that king."
"Is that right?
"Yes, if Ortoclay had seen him... the wind would have softened a little bit."
Oh, that's a good opportunity because the queen and stepfather asked me to do something about the treatment of scum.
"I get it. I'll remember this, too, if anything happens next."
"I don't know what that king would do, but if the child of his destiny had two sister melons... I hope he would act as a wand brave"
"Right. Otherwise, Merlomarc won't have to be harmed like this...?
"I can't even think about it. It's about the princess. How Much You Use Your King… Whether You Can Handle Using Your Future Knowledge"
And smelting and trees have started discussing it.
Well, I guess this is a story to remember too.
Is it a red pig? I'll definitely kill you, so there's no problem.
"What are you going to let Atra do, you guys!
Here your father-in-law took a step back trying to explain the situation.
You must be wary of thinking that if you get too close, you'll be dug.
I won't let your loathsome stepfather imitate you like that!
If you're forcibly targeting your father-in-law, you'll pay for your life.
"It's no problem, Mr. Fowl. Not this time, Mr. Fowl."
Fowl's been leaning his neck with his sister on his back.
Your father-in-law will stop you in the tree trying to open your mouth and whisper in a whisper.
"I think Fowl would be more angry if I explained it in detail. You shouldn't explain."
"I see, that's true"
"It's like telling your sister to look like a stranger. Besides, he's already dead now. I don't think I believe in the situation."
"You can say that, and then I'll show it to your relatives. Right. Yuen Kang."
"You got it."
So you show the scumbag Fowl's sister.
Is that all scumbags reconcile with your father-in-law like in the first world?
I doubt it.
"I missed most of the conversation, but smelling, trees... I have a lot of work to do in Merromark until I go on an expedition to the North Ferrato Forest, so I'd like to ask you to turn up Fowl and his LV."
"Of course it is. Finally, I'll do a request from Fawbray or something."
That's how I continued my search for my sister for a week in parallel with my search for Phyllo Tan eggs.
My father-in-law told me that we would use the North Ferrato Forest to pull it up all at once, so we haven't hatched it yet.
It's the same as it was on Carmilla Island.
So, it's your sister's search, but there's still no tone out after that.
The slaves your father-in-law managed were able to gather only a few, but the discovery rate is still growing because of the Red Pig Grievance case.
Rather, nobles, slaves and civilians are quite a few dead because of the red pigs.
All the causes are red pigs.
Your stepfather is staring at your sister's sister with some serious look on his face.
We are currently staying in a room prepared by the Queen.
"Mr. Sadina, I've been too impotent lately. Be careful!
Your sister's sister has been found looking after the slaves or taking care of them.
Apparently, your sister's sister went hunting lightly with her father-in-law and made an unscrupulous assault.
"Oh, my sister got mad at me. Keho."
It's just that your sister's sister's been having a cold lately, and she's been coughing sometimes.
"Totally... it's good to have more experience with sea demons than you think... because for that matter, I'm strong"
Your father-in-law had a few meetings and all that discussion in the ocean after that.
Your sister's mobility in the sea is eye-catching.
This time, it seems your sister's sister was storming like she was clearing up her depression.
That's where my assistant picked your father-in-law's hem and asked.
"What's going on? Windia."
"We're going away again in a little while, right?
"Right. I'm going to ask Windia and the others to help raise the LV of Sadina's village kids and soldiers from all over the country."
"Yeah, that's good..."
Your assistant is looking out somehow.
"What's going on?